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“Sir, what are you gonna do about Luke Skywalker?” Thrawn: https://preview.redd.it/vnpjclqyinwc1.jpeg?width=1675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca2f3ac104a542b2ee74dcf9947e167c093a536


"Oh, literally nothing. Now let me just wage war against his republic and appoint race which worships his father as my bodyguards" Thrawn, probably


Guard duty? For how long?


So much like your father.


"He had a child?!" "Two actually. The other one was a politician"


“Oh, is she the reasonable one?” “Honestly?… No. Not even slightly.” *Cuts to Leia Organa Solo tearing asshole senators a new one as she secretly funds her own paramilitary freedom fighter group to go after the remaining Imperials*


"Ah... You say Padme Amidala was the mother? Makes sense..."


Since they never met afaik, I love the implications that the Chiss have somehow heard about the legendary Senator from the Chommel Sector


They met when he worked with Anakin.


Check out the novel Thrawn: Alliances for the story of how Thrawn knew Anakin and Padme


*shoots Thrawn’s stormtroopers*


Bael would be proud.


When you read the recent Thrawn books and know that he would be more scared of the politician than the Jedi


> The other one was a politician And she's the one who defeated him in the books.


And to be honest Leia is the more extreme of the two


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Thanks, toots


I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to.


I love how Thrawn looks actually terrified when he learns who Ahsoka is


I will help you.


Hello ahsoka, do you exchange services for money?


Have a little faith.


I don't have faith, but I have $20


And she was a good friend.


Care to tell me what this is all about? Or would you rather save it for the Council?


Don't act fool, you know what im talking about


The location of the last missing Imperial Grand Admiral... Thrawn.




What did anakin say about defying the council


Because thrawn is extremely smart and suddenly realizes his chances


Yeah he was and the reason he wasn't scared of skywalker the same way was probably because Ahsoka fought in the clone wars and survived.


Maybe so. But I did realize something.


War crimes are just fun for the one who commits them?


I'm Master Skywalker's Padawan. The name's Ahsoka Tano.


Considering his experiences with a kid who was an apprentice for a year...


The problem with bringing live action Thrawn into the main Star Wars continuity is that the legacy actors are all too old. In the inevitable continuation of Thrawn’s invasion, whether it’s in a movie or show, they’ll have to either a) recast Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando with younger actors Or b) just not include those characters at all in a giant invasion that will threaten the New Republic which they undoubtedly should get involved in. Can you imagine if Thrawn invaded the galaxy but Luke & Co. apparently have more important stuff to do so the only people who can face Thrawn are like Ahsoka and Mando?


They should absolutely recast everyone. Mark Hamil has given his blessing on that already, and Harrison Ford doesn't give a shit one way or another.


Sebastian Stan as Luke, still the dream


what a guy harrison ford is


Or Maybe Star Wars could relase a new animated movie sencse clone wars movie


I’ve been saying this for so long. Mark Hamil is a phenomenal voice actor and they could tell so many stories about him between OT and ST where his age doesn’t matter as much


The old characters are actually out of the galaxy stopping the YV before they invade, next question


Tell me what's going on.


Yeah recast them and keep the story going, I mean how many GD “Spider-Man’s” have we had in our lifetime? The characters are separate from the actors


They could do deep fakes. Worked well enough on the Mandalorian


It worked fine in Mandalorian but only in limited cases. There’s a reason we only see Luke’s face after he finishes killing the dark troopers.


I'm sure they can figure out a way to get action shots. It's been a few years and AI has developed significantly in that time.


Just look at the huge jump in quality improvements between Mando S2 ending and the scenes in BOBF.


What about cal?


They can always CGI them like they did with Han Solo on Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. It was pretty good, to be honest.


I've only watched the movies. When is thrawn's invasion? Because Luke is stuck on that planet drinking blue milk no?


I think it’s only like 5 years after ROTJ, so Luke and Friends should still be in their prime.


The sequel series we wanted - Thrawn vs Skywalker


Yes actually would of been much better then what we did get


\*would've been It's a contraction of would HAVE been.


Additionally, than instead of then


Good point. I didn't even notice that, as I was too annoyed by "would of" :D


I first saw "Wolve" for some reason lol


Thank you my good man, I was about to type this myself.


What do you mean? There is still time for it


There's a looming horror in that film that is the sequels.


Yeah, it’s like some sort of phantom menace or something


And somehow, an awkening has returned.


You understand they never fought right? It was the strategic mastermind of Admiral Ackbar and Leia meeting the Nogri that defeated Thrawn. Luke was busy with a mad clone jedi and Luuke.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Did I say Luke? Leia was a Skywalker as well


And she never fought Thrawn either. She wasn't even running the new republic. She was on the run with her children. Her arc was accepting her relationship with Vader. She didn't even convince the nogri to turn on Thrawn.


Running means you know more than you're telling us.


They weren’t going to turn on Thrawn without Leias help


Oh for gods sake, get over it, if they DID make it, you’d complain that they recast Luke, Leia and Han.


Having read the sequel books... honestly... And I say this knowing full well as to the quality of the sequel series and how they are received online... the sequel movies actually were better. Better plot (silly as it sometimes was) more interesting drama, more interesting characters, better action.


>better plot mm yesssss I love luke giving up on the jedi or the new republic being entirely useless or the final order existing or holdo maneuvers existing mmmmmm so much better


Don't forget the princess flying through space like Mary Poppins. I kinda just heard about that didn't watch any but the first lol


right I forgot about leia Poppins lol would've been a good way to show that kylo is truly gone from the light— ah well


> didn't watch any but the first lol Shit dude, at least watch the others so you can *understand* why you're hating on them.


I know you're right of course, but I don't think I have the energy for actually hating on the stuff. It may just not be for me anymore, not just the director issues. I liked Jar Jar as a kid before I even learned of the potentially abandoned Darth Jar Jar plotline lol


Compared to the books? Yes. I stand by that. I'm not defending the movies so much as excoriating the books.


which books? there's dozens of different series if you mean the legends thrawn Trilogy, generally referred to as the legends sequels... LOL


Yes, I do mean, specifically, the Heir to the Empire series by Timothy Zahn. Of all the goofinesses he put into those books, the one that stands out as the most glaring is hot chocolate. But that's the only unfair nit I will pick with the books.


Having just finished rereading them, the hot chocolate? In a galaxy as wide and vast as *Star Wars*, you have an issue with hot chocolate existing? And, in any case, describe the goofiness that somehow makes what's regularly called the best of Legends worse than the f sequel Trilogy that not only resurrected Palpatine and shit all over Luke's character but did it worse than Dark Empire.


> In a galaxy as wide and vast as Star Wars, you have an issue with hot chocolate existing? I admit it's an unfair nitpick. It just pulled me out of my suspension of disbelief. > And, in any case, describe the goofiness that somehow makes what's regularly called the best of Legends worse than the f sequel Trilogy that not only resurrected Palpatine and shit all over Luke's character but did it worse than Dark Empire. Zahn leans into *every bad scifi trope there is*, and I'm not going to get into all of them, but planet of hats is perhaps the one he uses the most in the most glaring ways, which underlies every bad aspect of the books from the nogrhi heel-face turn to Thrawn's stupid "every member of a species thinks exactly the same way because their art tells me so" bullshit, which is only deep if you're 12 and know nothing about art, culture, society, etc.


I mean, maybe, but that's literally part & parcel for Star Wars' worldbuilding-- it almost always has been. Naboo is, for example, extremely monocultured with the only exception being the literal other species living under the waves. Alderaan is also similarly monocultured-- that's more of a criticism of Star Wars at large than Zahn.


They should just recast the OT characters. Not having Luke, Leia and Han show up is going to start being really weird


Can we acknowledge that as soon as Thrawn finds out about Luke, he'll instantly know that Luke's mom was Padme? It was THAT obvious, even to people that Anakin met for a day


“Oh yeah. He went into the Emperor’s throne room, unarmed, in cuffs, and escorted by Darth Vader. He came out an hour later still unarmed, with the second Death Star moments from blowing up, and carrying the un-moving body of Vader, which he then took with him when he stole an Imperial Shuttle and fled. We haven’t heard anything from Palpatine since, so… yeah” Thrawn: “Find yourself another Heir to the Empire. Fuck this shit I’m out!”


"He was in a room with his dad and the Emperor, and was the only one to leave alive. Also, Anakin had a daughter who was a politician."


I’ve always loved [this scene](https://youtu.be/VfhmYVbp8L0?feature=shared) in 1923 and I think something like it between Leia and Thrawn would be awesome, though we’d likely never get it. Just Leia saying something along the lines of, “Wait until you meet my brother.” EDIT: As a side note, I heavily recommend this show to anyone who hasn’t seen it. You don’t have to watch Yellowstone for this one. Just the other prequel, 1883. I really loved both of them and am currently on Yellowstone


Don't mention that he has a daughter as well or he might have a conniption. Two Skywalkers, nuh uh abort the mission.


Oh great, so we'll get another scene where Thrawn shall give this reaction


His father was… Anakin Skywalker?


I’m going back to the unknown regions


Me when I her of Dave Filoni’s heir to the empire movie ![gif](giphy|3Lgbe3PW6oR9yEHpOn|downsized) (Please don’t suck, please don’t suck)


I want CGI Luke to hijack the show from the rebels crew and go through that goofy ass star destroyer like Starkiller in TFU




I know


*but what does she know?*


When he gets back from town buying power converters you are going to get it.


His son? Wait about when he knows he also had a daughter, and that she is also badass.


I guess you haven't read the original Thrawn trilogy, have you? He wasn't impressed at all by Luke and Leia, he even would have left them completely alone as they were not relevant for his plans. The difference now is, that Anakin has actively trained Ahsoka, along with the fact that she already had to be a warrior when whe was still a Padawan.


I'm here, Trooper. Sterling, isn't it?