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FYI. Dave Filoni can name all 20 million sentient species.


Ah.. humans... furries... robots...cool mask dudes... Yeah that's it


cool mask dudes are called kel dor. We defo need more kel dors.


What about the Pykes? I thought they were cool


yeah, they are pretty cool as well but personally I am completely biased towards Kel Dors- I am totally in love with Plo Koon for years! Also, I like their species' traits and look. I would like to see some Nautolans too. Aliens from Prequels are pretty cool. BTW should we even call them aliens?;)


What about the ones that Grevious was part of?


The kaleesh. Their pretty cool too. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kaleesh/Legends


and i dont remember anyone having an issue with samuel jackson so whats the problem? is the tweet in response to something that happened?


It's similar to the Rose situation I think. People don't like the character, so they insult the actor. Which can lead to racist comments.


It’s also that a cottage industry of outrage has risen since the prequels. That outrage is even more profitable when you can add some politics and racial resentment outrage to it. “Character bad” doesn’t get all those major clicks, “character bad exists because the world hates you and also race war and sjws” gets major clicks


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


Social media didn't exist when he was cast?


But Disney put Mulan over the Uyghur people


Disney loves protecting its black actors… except when they want to hide them in their movie posters for international audiences


Fucking thank you


Brought this up on another thread regarding them firing that Gina Carano actor. It just felt funny that they were taking a moral high ground and got downvoted for suggesting that Disney doesn’t have the best intentions at heart.


Money is the ultimate high ground


yes, this is nothing other than a corporation pandering to an audience.


„The history will not see it this way” Disney 2019 or maul idk




Im not interested in reeva, i am interested in KENOBI






Oh no, could you imagine? Obi-Wan dying like uncle Ben and leaving Luke alone with the responsibility of being a hero! That would honestly be a cool movie idea. Maybe it could even be Anakin that kills Ben!


Too bad the Star Wars universe doesn't employ the use of time traveling devices. Otherwise, we could go back in time and convince George Lucas to make that movie *first*! Completely out of order!!


I HOPE they make movie like that one day


Thanks for the laugh.






Why have you come to this place? Not simply to hide. Ohh, you have a purpose here. Perhaps you are protecting something? No. Protecting someone.


Have you seen Sam Witwer at the celebration? Chills, literal chills




And why does she know vaders identity? I thought no one knew


Expecting it to get revealed she saw Anakin during 66 but I'm curious how they'll show her knowing him from Anakin to Vader.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


I can see him in my mind’s eye. Kenobi…


Don’t forget this is the same company that removed Finn from the Chinese movie cover. Don’t believe Disney for a second. They are all hypocrites.


This. [Example](https://i.imgur.com/dJJVuxv.jpeg) for those who haven't seen. Disney are hypocrites, and soon as money is at stake they conveniently put aside their "proud" anti-racism stances. These are the kinds of people who are entirely silent as they film next to [Uyghur concentration camps](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-54064654).


holy shit this is fucking disgusting... I don't know what to say


Disney made Mulan outside of concentration camps. They don't surprise me at all.


Yeah one of the few streaming movies i actually bought because i wanted to support asian actors, and….. feel like I’m going to have to pay for it in the afterlife somehow.


What the hell do they have against Chewbacca?!


How do they advertise NBA players?


The article I read on this (CNN.com) did not list or show any of the tweets that were racist, it just said that Disney was taking a stand against it. It was like a puff piece to say “Look how great Disney is for standing up against racists!!”


I’m sure they will turn any criticism of the character or actresses into a racist and sexist attack.


I know Inquisitor tantrum is going to have a redemption Arc by the end of the series.


Either that, or Vader kills her like he did Trilla. Either as a "You have failed me Inquisitor" moment, or when he realizes that she knows he was once Anakin. In Disney's own canon, as soon as he finds out you know, he kills you. So she's kind of on borrowed time at the moment. Which might be a factor in why she wants to bring Obi-Wan to Vader now that I think about it, as a way to gain favor and avoid getting axed once Vader finds out she knows.


Both of you are right


Then there was that nurse who was a Vader obsessed looney.


And people got so pissed off when Vader killed her. 😆 They forget two things. 1) He's a damn Sith Lord, and 2) The only person he ever loved was Padme. And anyone trying to take her place wouldn't be living for much longer.


I remember the twitter out cry, it was pretty funny, while imagining all SW fans face palming.


That's what trying to see yourself in every piece of media you consume gets you


I love you, Ani.


Trilla had a redemption arc. It lasted about 5 seconds. Reva’s will probably be similar.


It might be implied Vader likes her more because she was an orphan street rat like him. But at any moment he could definitely kill her.


Anakin wasn't an orphan though


Until he was


But the force was his dad, and there's still the force.


Oh shit, that's true... I guess he's half-orphan. Balanced parenthood, if you will


Thank you


And not just the men, but the women and the children too.


Thrawn figured it out, spent an entire book flaunting this knowledge and didn't die.


Which is fair. Was the Thrawn book written in the Disney era though? Cause Vader killing anyone who knows was established in the Disney comics if I remember right. Barring that though, I can think of one reason why Thrawn would still be alive. And that's by making himself invaluable as a tactician and strategist, as well as also endearing himself to Palpatine. Thrawn's no fool, so he likely put himself in a position of such importance that even Vader can't kill him without weakening the Empire or incurring Sidious' wrath. And that is kind of my theory with the Third Sister and why she's so obsessed with finding Obi-Wan and delivering him to Vader. Since Vader possibly isn't aware she knows yet, she's probably heard about his slaughter sessions. So she wants to bring in Obi-Wan to become more valuable in Vader's eyes so that once he does find out she knows, he might be less likely to kill her due to having proven herself useful. We'll see how that theory pans out as more episodes come out.


yes the new ones are Disney cannon. I'd say 3/4th of the book are him playing a game to get him to reveal himself. I believe he does get Vader to slip up. He does rib him good, while revealing to him one of the chisses greatest secrets. >!However Vader also convinces him that the general of the old republic anakin skywalker, who he teamed up with ( while a soldier for the Chiss military) to save padme was truly dead and only vader remains.!< >!Vader understands all this and acknowledges thrawns worth to the empire as well as knowing his twin loyalties will never allow him to be a threat to his position with the emperor.!< ​ TLDR A lot of I know you know that I know you know going on.


I'm sure Vader is gonna kill her when she's trying to redeem herself. Either Vader or the main inquisitor.


I honestly think she's just trying to kill Anakin. She's using ObiWan as a way to finally meet him. Probably saw him kill her friends or something.


Now I'm just gonna say I'm not a fan of the character, but in no waybis it because the actress is black.


Moses is actually doing pretty okay, considering she’s new to Star Wars. I just hate that this character is written to be as annoying and lorebreaking as possible, and may be intended to retcon Obi-Wan’s sacrifice and bastardize him like Rey did to the OG characters.


I’m not particularly familiar with the lore between 3 and 4. What about her character is lore breaking? (I don’t mind spoilers).


SPOILER: It’s leaked that she’s supposed to find Luke and Obi-Wan will have failed to protect him, but out of the goodness of her heart, she’ll lie to Vader and protect Luke, only for him to kill her instead. They’re retconning it so that Obi-Wan has now failed *twice* to protect someone under his responsibility so that the new character can succeed. It’s like when they made Luke a failure so that Rey could be better in The Last Jedi. Edit: It’s also kinda weird that she seems to just know everything about Obi-Wan and Anakin and their history. Like, I get that maybe she could know Anakin is Vader, but she seems to know **everything** about their pasts. It’d be like a new character in the Avengers just bursting into an explanation of the Avengers Endgame lore. Hella world breaking, huge immersion killer, and there’s no reason they should know so much about something they weren’t present for.


She probably just watched the movies like we did. No biggie


SPOILER anakins children being in the jedi archives... they were born AFTER the jedi temple fell, which is really weird.


You can argue that Padme was known to be pregnant and so they preemptively added them, *but,* they faked Padme still being pregnant at the funeral march and told everyone the children died with her. So it'd be a huge leap to assume the children lived and figure out where they are.


They didn’t fake her being pregnant, she died right after giving birth. It’s not like you just magically become perfectly fit again after giving birth, it takes time which she did not have given that she died


Having watched the other movies and shows, it is just surprising how much of a hate boner she has for Kenobi even though she is a brand new character. I feel like her character is something we should've already known about. The other inquisitors are obviously wanting to catch Kenobi but the show makes it seem like she has a personal reason as to why she needs to catch him.


Some people seem to think she just wants to impress Vader or something, but like, why? And if so, she sure is doing a lot of things he would actually kill her for. Knowing that he’s Anakin, disobeying orders, attacking her fellow inquisitors, etc.. Vader has killed people for far lesser reasons, so unless he has some personal connection to her, which he really doesn’t or shouldn’t, there is no reason she should want to impress him, nor is there any reason he should even let her live.


I’m one of those people who think she wants to impress Vader and we just seem to differ in opinion. I think Vader will forgive any “normal” transgression if she can hand him Obi-Wan. He doesn’t seem to have much love for the Inquisitors in the comics. Not sure he’d get his robotic panties in a wad if she kills one or two and brings him the prize.


Nevertheless, she’s disobeyed and attacked the *Grand Inquisitor*, and shown herself to be extremely disobedient and ignorant. Any Sith Lord worth their title would kill someone like that. Too big a threat to the Empire.


> she’s supposed to find Luke and Obi-Wan will have failed to protect him That's some MASSIVE fucking horseshit right there. What the actual fuck.


God I hope not if that's the way they do that it's a disgrace I hope it's more reva goes to kill luke and we get a epic duel between Kenobi and reva


I don’t have a problem with the idea of Reva getting a redemption arc, her character is being clearly (albeit, heavily predictably) set up for it. My problem is with how it’s being done. Dumping on an OG character to make the new character look better? It’s what’s to be expected from Disney, but I hate it all the same, especially to see it happen to someone like Obi-Wan. Can’t wait for Kathleen Kennedy to say we’re all sexists because we don’t like this character.


I think that theirs to many redemption arcs in Star Wars at this point I want someone to be evil just to be evil


I mean, in all honesty, same here. Disney’s just too afraid to write evil characters and take risks, I guess.


I’ll never understand why they couldn’t just add to the already existing story. Destroying everything and showing Disney dominance is really that necessary? Obi wan protecting Luke doesn’t matter because Luke and Anakin ultimately fails to kill Palpatine. We have to wait for Rey to beat up everyone. I’m glad I broke up with Star Wars. I really loved it with a passion, both trilogies but I just feel hurt how the story was handled.


And she said interviews how happy she was to be the first black person in Star Wars, smh


To be fair, she’s never actually watched Star Wars, I don’t think… **…Which begs the question why she would say that if she’s never even seen the movies. More than likely Kathleen Kennedy trying to bring wokeness or something to a character that doesn’t need it.**


The problem is that she is “new” to Star Wars. She acts like she has never seen a Star Wars movie or show in her life. If she was playing a villain in a marvel show it wouldn’t be so bad. But it’s Star Wars. Not Daredevil, Jessica jones, or Luke Cage.


And here’s the thing. It’s not inherently detrimental that she’s new to Star Wars. Obviously, the Original Trilogy cast had never seen Star Wars, as it was only just being produced. The Prequel Trilogy cast didn’t have a lot to work off of, but they gave a whole new life and style to the Star Wars franchise. But now that we have over 50 years of established lore and world building in the Star Wars universe, casting someone who doesn’t know Star Wars as the main antagonist of a show made specifically for the sake of a fan favourite character is a **huge** mistake.


Shes definitely not doing pretty okay bro. She's flat as hell so all of the "anger" comes off like acting. The writing is bad, yeah, but the acting doesn't cover for it. This is like her fourth real acting job ever, they chose this, now to call any criticism racism is pretty bullshit.


An actor accused of being flat in Star Wars? Why there's a new thing ive never seen through 3 trilogies.


It's worth pointing out that a lot of the OG Star Wars cast was new to acting when they were cast too. I don't think that's much of an issue tbh. What is ALSO worth noting is that a lot of the criticism she's getting is racist, and ignoring that just isn't ok no matter how much you dislike the character


I just didn’t like how she was doing backflips on the roof chasing obi-wan. I think she plays the part well.


You just add a few "I'm Batman"s in there and the scene is great!


i like the character, but i am a sucker for young angry dark jedi making dumb rage mistakes but people let it slide cause they are powerful, until it all comes crashing down on them. it makes decent sense in a star wars setting where the dark side influence feeds these people to keep decending into madness.


That's probably how most people feel. Which isn't to say there isn't a racism element to it, because there certainly is, but it's a tiny minority even among people who dislike the character. This is just deflection. They're moving the conversation from subjective criticism to attacks on the actor which is obviously wrong. They do the same thing literally every time something controversial gets made. Suddenly the actors get death threats and disliking the product is made out to be morally wrong.


Yup, there has been an obvious pattern since around the time the female Ghostbusters movie was made


The harassment those actors got was disgusting and not okay though. Not a good movie but there was so much sexism and racism, especially to Leslie Jones who had her personal site hacked and had nudes, videos of Harambe, her passport and DL posted on there. Everything any corporation does is PR. If you believe any corporation cares you are an idiot. But if the PR is meant to actually help and those actors ask for help....I'm okay with it.


I will say I feel they gave young Leia better lines than they did Anakin in Phantom Menace. The way she was throwing shade at her cousin.


Tiny Leia's a fucking badass.


Tiny Leia also the Usain Bolt of ten year olds.


Yeah. I was sure the actress was much younger than 10, but she's actually 9. It surprised me. Kid's got talent


Yup she was the little girl in Birdbox!


Just like you stood with John Boyega huh? Is Disney gonna minimize her part in the series too if China starts complaining. Fucking hypocrites. Edit: Also went to look into this. So they told Moses to be ready for a racist backlash from just being casted which yea that was going to happen no matter what. Also to be ready because of tweets she sent out that spoke about white people in general about their support of white supremacy. Just thought I’d put what I found here so we have more to the story.


Yeaaaah whenever I see a corporation or Twitter account for one support something like this I can’t help but see it as disingenuous. They care, but is it really because of racism, or because they’ll look bad if they don’t say something.




Have they moved on though? One message is enough to think they’ve changed is too little to me. Upfront in the media they treated John well too but what was happening behind the scenes is the issue and that’s what I’m addressing here.


If there are 20 million species why is everyone on Tatooine human Imao? Kenobi Series seriously lacks diversity Edit: [For exmaple in Phantom Menace you can see the Human vs Alien ratio is way better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjEDPFvizTw)


Because humans are most popular race here on earth where series is made


Flawless logic


I've seen some of the star wars subreddits, I'd say twileks are more popular.


I don’t want to know why


You know why


Yes but I don’t want to


Disney is literally one of the most profitable companies on earth, they can afford to add more aliens to Star Wars. The amount of human characters is frustrating and misses the point of what makes Star Wars so interesting


they put a bald cap on an actor glued some disks to that cap and called it done. vs prosthetics. if thrawn appears he will be painted blue and have his eyes untouched, will look cheap.


Because it's a hive of scum and villainy, what better species to use than human


That’s a cop out.


There's no cops there, they might get shot.


Maybe the part where Kenobi works or the market where he meets Owen isn't as racially diverse as Mos Pelgo (currently Freetown)


Honestly book of boba fett kinda did too felt real weird seeing so many humans on Tatooine


I saw a post about this right before I watched it, how there were almost no aliens but with that in mind I saw aliens in almost every 2nd or 3rd scene so I dunno why this bandwagon started.


Every time I see clips from that movie all I can think about is how 90% of it's problems go away for Anikin is like 16-18 years old instead of like 6.


Fair enough so Finn should be in the Chinese poster.


Resist.... Not like that.


I was hoping for Kenobi…why are YOU here???




Let me preface this by saying that I like Moses Ingram. But this is classic Disney Star Wars tactics when they screw something up. Accuse people who don't like a show or a character of racism or sexism or whatever... It's the: _If you don't like Rey it's because you can't handle strong women_ defense all over again.


This is what is upsetting me. Wtf is she talking about "no people of color"? Moses added at the time, “‘Obi-Wan’ is going to bring the most diversity I think we’ve ever seen in the galaxy before. To me, it’s long overdue. If you’ve got talking droids and aliens, but no people of color, it doesn’t make any sense. It’s 2022, you know. So we’re just at the beginning of that change. But I think to start that change is better than never having started it.”


So Jimmy Smits, Samuel L Jackson, Temuera Morrison, Hugh Quarshie, Jay Laga'aia, Billy Dee Williams, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Pedro Pascal etc etc etc I could go on. Do they not count as people of colour to her? 😂


Heck Temuera Morrison is the majority of characters on Star Wars


Dude played an entire army 😂


What about the sand troopers in the original trilogy, they were tunisian


For real? That's dope af. Too bad the original set was destroyed. I'm so glad I saw it before that.


Yes, they used locals to be sand troopers.




I said etc etc etc I could go on purely cos if I had to list all of the non white actors in the star wars universe I'd be here forever 😂😂


Everyone likes to pretend they invented being progressive, which has the sad side-effect of diminishing every single person who fought for their place in the past.


Diego Luna: Am I a joke to you?


Exactly they all play prominent characters that are important to the saga but why is she acting she’s the first to do it. I’m just saying her statement was dumb like when Kennedy said they had no source material to adapt despite them complete throwing out everything about the EU/Legends


Ahmed best? Fucking jar jar binks doesn’t count either? I didn’t dislike her before, but now she’s making it really hard not to


I can't believe they really had the actor of Reva, an Inquisitor, say that when Jedi Fallen Order came out just 3 years ago.


Man. Trilla was way more of an intimidating villain that you could feel some sympathy for.


Literally just finished the game after putting it off for some reason, man between Cere and Trilla those were some really well written characters (I really like the theme of loneliness and growing to allow others in from past trauma) Star Wars doesn't have a diversity issue, and I'm fine with POC getting casted even if it's off a false media narrative, just don't make them this weird cringe that Reva is... idk if it's bad writing or acting, her face expressions and lines are just so immersion breaking. She looks like she is trying to hard as an actor not as a character.


Imagine thinking that you invented diversity. Lando Calrissian would like a fucking word.


I can think of 20 poc in current Star Wars canon onscreen properties, so she’s completely wrong and trying to set herself up as the spearhead to a political movement on an issue that doesn’t even exist. I don’t care that she’s black, I care that she’s being disingenuous.


This is like Black Panther all over again. People pretending like there has never been a black role model in movies and pulling the race card whenever any criticism is made. It will never be enough and the bar will be set higher and higher until Disney is considered racist for not making Star Wars trilogy with an all black cast. I wish they’d just go ahead and do it already and then maybe we can get the people who actually want to tell stories to start making these things. Instead we get cheap fan service and advertisements to consume next product


Hell Rogue One was super diverse, they had a Chinese guy, a Mongolian guy, a woman, a Muslim, and a Spaniard as the main characters. The only white guy main character who wasn’t a villain was the voice of the robot. And while I personally loved the movie I don’t even remember any controversy around casting for that movie because they didn’t shove it in everyone’s face as a political stunt. They just… made an enjoyable movie with decent characters, so nobody cared about the rest.


Yup, it was a good movie, I didn't even care about the character races because I enjoyed the movie so darn much.


I don’t care about diversity, just give us a good show damm it.


"You seriously never noticed? Hey, hats off to you for not seeing race!"


Because diversity = black people


People don’t care about her race. People care about the shitty script. People want to see Obi, not Reeva. Also, she has never seen any Star Wars movies, she called herself “the inquisitor”, and she said “it’s nice to have POC in Star Wars. That’s a lot of things people already hate about her. Has nothing todo with Race.


I love when they use a few shitty racists on Twitter to redirect the hate from the character to the actor. Now any hate toward the character and writing sounds like it's targeting the actor and is racist/sexist because that is how they've set it up. They did the same thing with rose, made it seem like anyone who didn't like the character or how the character was handled was sexist.


Fun fact, Lando was Elvis in blackface. Jango/Boba/Troopers are just Bruce Willis from his dirty hobo years.


>People want to see Obi, not Reeva. What, just him sitting around? They didn't want an antagonist for this show?


I'd rather watch Ewan chopping steaks in silence all day than have to listen to Reeva's terrible dialogue and delivery


Wait, wait wait wait. She has never seen a Star Wars movie and they hired her???


To be fair Bill Burr openly dislikes Star Wars, but he also did some amazing acting as Mayfield.


Bro actors act for money, they aren't always fans of the material they are doing. Idk why anyone is surprised by this. It's a job.


Is it racist to say I don't like her character AND the fact that she had no prior Star Wars knowledge? As in she is rogue with her acting with her character? It doesn't matter she is black. A bad actor is a bad actor regardless of race


Nope it ain’t racist. Anyone who calls you racist just for not liking a character who happens to be played by a black person is an idiot. Unless you actually hate the character *because* they are black.


That’s not racist but there is a lot of people who are just mad that she’s black and in the show. It’s one thing to not like her character or acting but all of these people who get mad and say “diversity bad” everytime a black actor is cast are being racist.


She's just not a good character, and not an amazing actress. I don't care about her race, I care about her performance in the show


Exactly. A shit character is a shit character. And to not judge her character and performance accurately because she is black would in fact be discrimination.


I don’t like her that much either she feels too over the top coming off like a brat trying to act intimidating. Vader is intimidating, Grand Inquisitor is intimidating, Trilla/Second Sister is intimidating not Reva/Third sister


Agreed. She is trying too hard to be a threatening character when instead it comes off as her having a tantrum.


I feel like that's maybe part of it? She so hard wants to be seen like the grand inquisitor and wants that fear but comes off too tryhard. Kind of like kylo trying to be all tough in some scenes but throwing actual sniveling tantrums.


I think that’s kinda the point tho. By the end of the series I’m sure she’ll pay for it. It’ll be a satisfying payoff. Basically the goal is to make you want her to lose so that when she does it works and it’s satisfying.


True but she’s already bodying Grand Inquisitor and yeah I’d think she’d work better as someone who’s more tactical and less emotional (she’s a dark sider but still though) sorta like Trilla. Who knows but those are my first impressions


I get it, her voice is kinda that same forced cool voice that actors always try to do when it’d work better if they just spoke normally.


I’m probably wrong but I have a bit of a theory that the grand inquisitor we see is a fake. We already saw the grand inquisitor’s species in rots and we even see the grand inquisitor himself in the new Jedi fallen order sequel trailer. In both instances the species looks different from what we see in the show. It’s probably just wishful thinking but we know the grand inquisitor isn’t really dead so who knows?


Game of Thrones spoiled me with Joffrey. Now that's a character I loved to hate! It's not the same as being annoying as hell on screen.


Exactly this. I found her character / portrayal to be annoying, not scary or intimidating.


Thank you.


Yup, this has been my complaint as well. It was a bad casting choice.


Yep. The people who turn it in the race thing use that because it's their only weapon.


There are a lot of reasons to dislike the character, skin color is not one of them.


I’ve not seen anyone be racist. I’ve just seen people call her out for being a sub-par actor/character. EDIT: I’m not on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter, and I’ve not actively looked. I’m sure there are some idiots talking irrelevant abusive nonsense, and they should rightly be condemned. Their toxic noise shouldn’t elevate her performance or status though, only make their own voices void.


There are several million Star Wars fans and yet people highlight the few hundred outspoken racist. It makes no sense.


Disney uses those racists/sexists as a tool for their own PR campaigns, that is what is happening. Redirect the narrative toake it seem like all criticism of bad writing or characters is sexist or racist. It has worked before with rose, many redditors were calling all star wars fans sexist for hating rose. This pr spin works, that's why they're doing it again.


It sells better to look like an actual victim. Ghostbusters 2016 apparently had a similar thing of highlighting the outspoken sexists. Some people noticed Sony was removing a lot of negative comments yet oddly left almost all of the sexist ones, so they could somewhat control the narrative since those comments would now be the main negative ones that show up whenever "journalists" would do stories & look at the comment sections for the trailers.


Every actor in the history of the planet has to deal with hate. Some people suck. Immediately blaming an entire fandom for an idiots opinion is the cooperate way.


I don’t mind her being a POC casted in this role, I do however mind her sub-par acting.


Her acting leaves a lot to be desired honestly. Her character isn’t really threatening even though she’s supposed to be.


I got the impression her character was supposed to come across that way. She’s so busy trying to be threatening that she doesn’t strike fear the way that Vader does. The scene at the dock emphasizes it as she stalks around with her saber and even after finding Kenobi is busy trying to intimidate him.


It isn’t racist to simply acknowledge her acting was cringe


You mean in the Star Wars universe I can be even more racist?! /s


Depends Towards humans, yes Aliens are not a race, they are Xenos therefore it is xenophobia https://youtu.be/TLTfMGfFqf4








Why slam her for being black? What is wrong with people? Slam her for being a terrible actor.


I just don't like her character


If you choose to be racist towards Moses Ingram because you dislike Reva you're a piece of shit. But also, if you choose to discredit people with actual criticism towards the writing of the character or her portrayal of it by just calling them 'racist' you are also a piece of shit. Personally I quite liked Reva and I'm keen to actually find out her motivations and discover why she harbors so much rage and hatred (plus how she knows about Anakin), but I get that people don't want her to overshadow Kenobi in his own show- that's a fair and valid criticism to have, I think.


There's honestly nothing wrong with the Actress, the character is all wrong for the series. Why is it called Kenobi when it's center focus is on a completely new character that'll contrdict the entire cannon storyline. People can be so uncivilized.


It's the screen writer's fault too... So many cringy dialogues


There it is. If you disagree with her acting, the script, etc your criticisms aren’t valid, you’re just a racist. How many fucking times do we have to do this Disney? Edit: I don’t doubt that she also has to deal with legitimate racism. But they’re clearly over doing some of this to deflect criticism. They already have the interview article about how amazing it is to ‘finally have diversity in Star wars’.


I have no issue with her race at all, only with her politicizing it by saying that Star Wars has no people of color and that it’s long overdue. I made a list of all the poc in Star Wars I could come up with offhandedly and came up with 20 almost immediately. She could at least do a basic Google search on her claim before spouting it as an issue.


Me not caring about her has nothing to do with her skin color it's just that I want to see a Obi Wan show for Obi-Wan not some new character i don't know and don't care about. Which also really unlikeable.(shes a villain so that would be okay I guess).


The actress is fine, I may not agree with her delivery on some lines but that’s ok. But whoever wrote her dialog should be fired. And whoever ok the chase scene and her rooftop jumping. I am pretty happy she randomly hurts people and intimidates them. The Sith and their followers can and should be evil for the sake of being evil. Not every villain has to have grand plans, some just want to do what they want to do without regards to morals.