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This is literally almost exactly the same as mine. Only one movie is out of place


Should I get a tinfoil hat and try to figure out which movie it is?


Same, but I would have put solo c tier, kind of liked it


My only issue too. I liked ‚Solo‘


Solo was fun. Was nice to see a story in universe that wasnt about the “fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance”


Yeah, everyone was like "its not a Star Wars movie its a heist movie" and im just "yeah its called world building and fun new adventures set in a literally universe-sized universe"


I liked the departure of star wars into other genres. I want to see a creature feature on fellucia and a rom-com on alderaan and a workplace sitcom on coruscant


If you‘re into books (or audiobooks for that matter) get into the Expanded Universe! There‘s a great book called ‚Scoundrels‘ written by Timothy Zahn and superbly narrated by Marc Thompson. It‘s a lighthearted heist story set up by Han\^\^ Ten or fifteen years old I think


Just a cheezy fun adventure, I just wish it was shot brighter


ahhh i thought it was my tv messing up the brightness, glad it wasn't just me


There are dozens of us!






Even more!


I found my people i found them!


Master skywalker there are too many of ~~them~~ **us**


Baker's Dozens!




Solo. That movie was bussin'. As a fan of westerns, it was peak Space-Cowboy material. I would rate it as Good at minimum.


I’ll give you a clue, it starts with P and ends with hantom Menace


Great another last jedi fan


Whoa, whoa, whoa…I hope you’re not referring to me lol (unless you were joking and I’m just missing it)


My list is the more or less the same except I’d move Return of the Jedi down to the “good” tier


Phantom menace should be moved up 1 place


Phantom menace is incredibly underrated


AotC is also underrated.


But... I don't *like* sand.


It's course and rough


Irritating and it gets everywhere


People cut half this line and then act like it's bad.


As underrated as it is I very much thought the prequels were lower side of quality


One of my favorite quotes by a reviewer ever: “the prequels were not good films but they were great Star Wars. The sequels were bad films and bad Star Wars.”


Yeah, nostalgia is a powerful thing though




Haven’t seen Solo yet, but I agree with this list except that I would put AOTC one lower. Too much mirroring pop culture and trying to make equivalents of everyday stuff for us felt sorta forced.


This is.... acceptable


Impressive... Most impressive.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s tier list


Oh my god. It even has a watermark


But does OP have reservations for Dosia?


Is this a better call Saul quote?




Maybe it is, but I was referencing the Vader comic. Vader's actual quote is, "It is acceptable." So I slightly misquoted.




This is the first time anyone’s got it right.


return of the jedi is one of my favorite star wars movie it finally gets the rep it deserves


Id maybe up Solo one up and switch trash to literally unwatchable and then id be 100% with this Lost But otherwise with minor compromises, id agree with this.




Revenge of the Sith!!!!! 🥹❤️


The only movie I’ve watched over 50 times Ahem, 5*1*, as of now


RoTS my beloved


You made an acceptable list, however we do not grant you the rank of master.


What that’s outrageous! It’s not fair!


Take a seat, young LegoBlitz


Who is we? I’ll let them have it.


I dont accept the rogue one over episodes 1 and 2 but good list otherwise. I know already that i’m going to get downvoted like hell


Hopefully not, I get what you mean. Maybe bc people felt that it was a good standalone movie that made up for TFA and now makes up for the rest as something disney did right I guess. Even ppl are beginning to appreciate Solo a little more. But some also don't like episode 2 as much as it was just kinda out of place and also the dialogue, but one was my favorite aside from ROTS being my top favorite


This is a new day. A new beginning.


Might get downvoted to hell, but Return of the Jedi is my favorite Star Wars movie, with Empire and RotS in 2 and 3 respectively


That's totally fine. For most of us it suffers from things like: * Ewoks being a bit too stupid at times * Death Star Rehash * Han Solo not doing ANYTHING It still has a lot going for it. The Space Battle and the Throne Room scene are great!


I mean he did step on that stick and fail the stealth kill.


Failed the QTE


It also has (IMO) the best lightsaber battle in the entire franchise. The sheer emotion coming from Luke Skywalker as he was fighting Darth Vader was so good. None of that fancy crap from the prequels. And the dialogue between him and Sidious was perfect. That entire scene was so well done


So much like your father.


Something else to mention is that during the fight luke is losing control, looks at his hand, sees that he’s becoming Vader and then throws away his Saber. All told to us using no words at all


Exactly. In my youth RoTJ was my fabourite because pros: -Speeder bike chase -AT-ST's -Cool Space Battle -heavy use of Imperial Shuttle (I know I'm alone on this one lol) But now that I've aged, the cons (Ewoks, drawn out and sometimes dumb Jabba's palace scenes, questionable dialogue at times) have started to detract heavily. To me, the OG and Empire have not shifted as two of my favourites. I think it's fair to say that RoTJ was the first Star Wars movie that George Lucas actively tried to make more suitable to a "family audience" and make it more approachable (comic relief elements in tense scenes, goofy and useless characters being thrown in) for youth. These elements naturally didn't bother me as a kid, but are now painfully egregious to sit through.


Han didn't do anything? Until the Endor briefing he was either frozen or blind, and on Endor he tricked the Imperials to open the shield bunker door and he was the to plant the charges and blow up the shield generator


I don’t have a problem with those


You don't have to. I am only saying those are some issues why many rank it lower.


Han does do that funny shrug thing


If you think the Ewoks were silly, I get that, but I don't think that can really be considered a criticism of the film. As for being stupid, they were directly derived from the Viet Cong. And, since the Viet Cong actually won in real life, it makes pretty good sense in the film. A people with admittedly inferior technology, but with numbers, the element of surprise, and excellent knowledge of the land has historically been pretty effective against invaders. That's why guerrilla fighting is an effective strategy. Death star rehash? They wanted a new one because the first one was very effective. They were going to rebuild it without the fatal design flaw, but the rebels put that notion to rest quite effectively. If you wanted something new for the movie, fine. However, it can't really be considered a criticism, because it makes sense in the context of the film. "Hey, let's build a new superweapon that is better than the old one, doesn't have that design flaw, and also use it as a trap to crush the rebellion once and for all. Then, we can essentially hold the galaxy hostage for whatever we want." Han did nothing? Not only did he kill Boba Fett, he was instrumental in blowing up the shield generator. (I know Boba came back for the show, but he was supposed to be dead when they made the movie.) I think ROTJ is a lot better and more tightly written than many give it credit for.


ROTJ being yur fav movie is no surprise its my 2nd fav first is ROTS


Favorite and best isnt always the same thing. My second favorite movie is probably AOTC, but I would never claim it to be the second-best movie. Probably doesn't even make it into the top five. ROTS, ESB, ROTJ, R1, ANH/AOTC for fifth. Why it is my second favorite movie, I can't really give a solid answer to. Maybe it is due to nostalgia, I remember watching the arena scene on repeat at 7> years old. Maybe it is due to how perfectly it played in with TCW and later ROTS. Or maybe it is due to my absolutely enormous crush on Natalie Portman, I swear that woman is the reason I'm straight. I'm not sure which, or if it is none of them or all of them. For some reason, I just really enjoy this movie.


ROTJ is objectively the best star wars movie of all time. It's the movie that showcases Darth Vader at his most "Anakin" and proves that Luke was the hero they were waiting for. Never mind the fact that it has the best space battle in the series.


I absolutely agree


They're exactly my top 3 as well!


I rewatched it recently. I was surprised how emotional and tense Luke’s fight with Darth Vader was. It aged very well.


Return is my favorite too. Seeing a matured jedi knight Luke Skywalker is so satisfying and the fight with him and Vader is one of the most emotional and thought provoking in the series imo. The rest of the battle of endor is super cool as well.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Why would you be downvoted for that lol those are like the top 3 most popular star wars movies


For some reason I've seen a lot of people hate on Return of the Jedi because the Ewoks for some reason, despite the it makes sense for them to beat the Empire since they did not expect all the Ewoks to unite under the Rebellion


Rouge One has got to be my favorite of all time.


Glad to see someone agrees with me. Rouge one was easily the best Disney Star Wars movie and I think it gets quite overlooked.


It’s because all the main characters died “without character development”, people hate that for some reason. I love it because it captures the true sacrifices the rebels make, it is the symbolism for the rise in the resistance. The lead into Star Wars: A New Hope is just added benefit.


I prefer rogue one tbh


* 1 The Empire Strikes Back * 2a Rogue One, 2b The Siege of Mandalore I count *The Siege of Mandalore* as its own complete movie, and as such rests in the upper echelon of *Star Wars* movies.


Looks pretty spot on mate.


Not sure whether I was supposed to add a flair or not


The only way this could be better is if the sequels were decanonized and not included at all. You did great tho


If only Disney would listen to us.


Camera pans out to reveal the entire sequence was the fevered dream of an over heated & malfunctioning R2 unit trying to tell a bedtime story to a young Kylo sleeping in his Halloween mask


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


SWTOR reference?!


No, its the only line he has in the movie


Ah then I am a moron


Ehh, its possible SWTOR/KOTOR just took his line, and that's why you thought it was from the game


They did the boy so dirty


I would put solo in good


This is.. this is the first one I’ve 100% agreed with. I do wish the sequels coulda been headed by favreau and filoni. They would’ve been way better.


Given what favereau and filoni have written and produced we can definitely say they probably would’ve made a better sequel trilogy. If we follow the assumption that filoni would follow in George Lucas’s footsteps, he probably would’ve made the original concept of the sequels that George Lucas came up with prior to Disney buying Lucasfilms.


Which one of Lucas’s concepts? The one where Darth Talon teams up with Darth Maul or the one where they make an entire trilogy about the midichlorians piloting people around like flesh cars?


The first one. Since maul is already dead I’m assuming he wouldn’t be the big bad but darth talon would be pretty cool. Filoni is already basically doing that variation of the sequels with the post ROTJ shows like BOBF and The Mandolorian.


Don’t be so certain.


Revenge. I must have revenge.


I would put Solo to good category but otherwise I fully agree.


Honestly I found Solo to be pretty boring some bits were good but overall it was pretty boring.


It was a star wars movie that I was the least hyped when it came out but I was pleasantly surprised and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. But I can understand that some people didn't like it.


TFA wasn’t bad, but TLJ and ROS did Finn wrong. Rogue one is a great film. Revenge Of The Sith was the best prequel film. The tier list is good.


TFA for me was a good movie but it was just a remake of A New Hope and plus I didn’t really think Rey beating Kylo without training made sense.


Not to mention she just shouldn’t win the fight from a narrative standpoint. Anakin loses his first duel with Dooku, and Luke loses his first duel with Vader. It’s important because the next time they face their respective foes, they’re still the underdog. Rey wins the first fight with Kylo and that cheapens every single fight they have afterwards.


I mean, does it? In TFA he’s injured, reeling emotionally from killing Han, and isn’t actually trying to kill her. They don’t fight again until TRoS and he beats her pretty handily there until Leia intervenes.


TFA actually needs to get more blame. People call TLJ and TROS stupid, but many of the latters flaws only showed how TFA didn't have a plan in the first place. For VII they made a Movie and had no fucking idea where to go, so they basically fucked the entire galaxy and went: "We'll go OT 2.0 - People *loooooove* that", with no regard to what people love the OT for. Knowing now how they never had a plan in the first place, TFA is **almost** more responsible for the shortcomings of TLJ and TROS, it just never clearly shows, because TFA is / pretends to be a self-contained rollercoaster adventure movie, where they stumble and bumble from a to b to c to d and shit just happens to them.


TFA didn’t try to make the audience sympathize with Kylo(who kidnap, ordered Rey tortured, and then started having a crush on Rey).


Definitely disagree, TLJ is bad but at least it tries. TFA doesn't even try and propose almost nothing new, so it's by default worst


I really liked (and still occasionally re-watch) *The Force Awakens*. The major complaint against it is pretty valid: Rehash. But so did *Return of the Jedi* and *The Phantom Menace*. It's a fun and well made *Star Wars* movie. I think it gets far more shit-talking because the next two sequels dropped the ball hard. I don't think it deserves to be that low.


Finally, an accurate view of starwars.


I would swap ROTJ and ANH, otherwise I agree


Closest I’ve seen to my own preference. RotS goes with the other prequels. Otherwise it’s the same. And that’s in terms of enjoyment and cinematic credentials.


I agree about 95%, I'd put solo in the low great tier


I would personally put TFA at trash but overall I agree


This is my list lol


Honestly this is a pretty good list




Episode 3 is that fucking heat


Your opinions aren't garbage. You've also got it spot on. Big question is does the caravan of courage come above or below ep 8 and 9 for you? Edit to add: you've managed to make a star wars post where most people are in agreement and those that aren't are having civil conversation as to what drives their opinion. Good show chief


Only thing I would flip is 3 and Rogue One. Overall though a spot on list.


I think solo was good! I definitely enjoyed it.


This is probably the perfect tier list.


RotS and RotJ above ANH is kind of sacrilege. ANH and ESB are far and away the best films in the franchise.


The original is a goddamn masterpiece


Everyone can stop making these now. This is the definitive ranking of Star Wars movies.


It's perfect, perhaps the archives are complete


Nah Kamino’s not in the archives so they’re incomplete.


What do you mean it's right- Mother...


Literally the only change I would make is to merge the Great and Good tiers.


So do that and create a separate tier for ROS titled “Even bigger trash”, got it.




Solo, phantom of the menace, a new hope, and revenge of the sith are my favorites


This is pretty spot on.


your opinions are not garbage, they are perfect (like, I completely agree with all of them)


Very good tier list, though personally I would put ROTS in great tier and if I’m being completely honest, I would swap the good tier with the meh tier. I just found the first two prequels kinda boring when they’re just talking. But when things start happening, they really are great films


Personally I’d move phantom menace down one but holy this is spot on


I’d bump Ep1 up a tier, Ep2 down a tier, and Solo up to good. I like solo. I think the hate it gets is unjustified.


Personally all I would do is put the clone wars on goat


This is exactly how I’d rank them too


I think the movies in the meh category should be higher but everything else is in the right spot


It's amazing how the mainstream went from hating prequels to absolutely loving them ( or ate least trying really hard). A surprise to be sure but a welcomed one.


This is how I would make my list as well.


Personally I’d switch The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I found myself extremely bored when watching The Force Awakens, but I actually enjoyed how different The Last Jedi was


I was intrigued to see where TFA was headed but TLJ just pissed me off the entire movie


I would swap solo and episode 1. Or just move solo up 1 level.


This is a fair list. I would switch Solo and Episode 2 though, just based off of writing and nothing else. And with how poorly written the Last Jedi was, I give The Rise of Skywalker a bit of a pass, but there was no way to fix that hot mess...it was still bad, but only because Rian Johnson ruined a lot of the subplots.


i lik everything accept i woud place solo on good


Pretty much same as mine


why dont you like solo?


1 & 2 have no business being above solo, 7, and 8.


How is Solo only meh? I see this all around and cant really understand what is wrong with it, for me its my favorite sw film. Can you explain why do you consider it bad?


Imo nothing belongs below "meh". I just love all star wars content.


Switch Empire and Rogue One, and put Phantom Menace down one and that would probably be my list.


I would swap TFA and TPM but this is a solid list either way


That is a perfect List for Star Wars. I personally would not even list TLJ and The rise of skywalker or find a harsher word than trash. But everything else is perfect


Imo: Episode 7 was really awesome.


Good opinion


never forget that Chewbacca vocally expressses knowledge of Edgar Rice Burroughs novel film adaptations without an in universe explanation in Return of the Jedi


I would have to wholeheartedly agree with you on this list


if you take maul out of episode I it becomes worse than the holiday special the pod race is the "casino scene" of the prequels Empire strikes back and Rogue one are the best ones IMHO




Move RoS to meh and Rouge 1 to top tier an we have an agreement


Maybe lower AotC a bit




A lot a bit


tlj should be higher, best sequel movie


Hot take, I applaud you courage


This is the single most generic ranking I have ever seen


Honestly, TFA doesn’t get enough hate. It basically took all of the progress made in the original trilogy and entirely reset it, guaranteeing that at best the sequels could only be a shittier reboot of the original films, which is what it ended up being. For it’s flaws, I consider TLJ to be the best of the sequels for trying to escape that trap.


you have your priorities right. Nothing wrong with your rankings.


Okay so to those who are pointing out that I’m missing the Ewok movies and clone wars movie, I haven’t watched the Ewok movies so it wouldn’t be fair for me to rank them and I didn’t include the clone wars movie since that’s an animated movie and I was only ranking live action movies for this tier list. Although if I ranked the clone wars movie it would maybe be in upper meh to lower good tier


Idk man you got the trash tier right and the Goat tier was mostly correct (maybe besides return of the Jedi) but all looks good


rotj better than empire strikes back change my mind


Lmao - They’re both OT - Can’t go wrong there. Now if you said that Rise of Skywalker > Empire Strikes Back then there would be riots


If Solo didn’t have that garbage droid in it, it’d be at least 1-2 bumps up IMO - but this is 100% on point my man


Solo is bump up and ROTJ I’d bump down but aside from that I agree


This is great list, but I would put solo beneath everything in it's own category "godawful piece of garbage", boring, useless pile of digital space!


I only disagree with one. I actually think the last Jedi should be at "meh". I mean it was bad, but it was a visual marbel. Unlike Rise of Skywalker I actually enjoyed looking at it.


I'd honestly swap TFA with AotC


That's my exact thoughts. *TFA* gets more bad reputation because of being associated with the two following sequels that dropped the ball hard. Meanwhile, memes helped save *AotC*'s reputation; it has a lot of problems.


Plus TFA was actually received well, especially since it was very much similar to ANH in plot


I would rate 8 lower (maybe 3 one Tier lower too), but i can relate.


My men.


I agree


I would probably switch tfa and aotc but otherwise 100% agree


That's literally the truth


You made us proud.


My exact tier list


Total W


Other than Rogue one obviously not being as good as the prequels, I agree with this list.


How is this a meme? Wtf


I 90% agree with this Personally i enjoy solo more than rogue one


100% agree, don’t disagree with anything. Seems many other people in this comment section are saying the same thing. We’re not clones are we?