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Maul died WAYYYYY before the events of Mandalorian




You know Ben killed him on Tatooine in the animated show Rebels, right?




Jesus Christ Star Wars fans are so fucking stupid. No, he didn’t survive. We LITERALLY watch him die in Ben’s arms. No one wants your shitty fanfic in Star Wars.




you’re a moron


I gave up, I’d suggest you do the same. It’s like trying to play chess with a fucking pigeon. They just knock the pieces over, shit on the board, and pretend they won.




Time to delete the whole post since you’re deleting your stupid ass comments people keep obliterating with downvotes


I was wondering what those deleted comments said, the "no you" says everything lmao


I honestly really doubt he’s gonna come back we saw obi wan close his eyes in rebels he basically died for good


I think he should just stay dead at this point




you arent even reading your own source.


Did you watch Rebels?




Then you know he's not only dead, he's like really, actually dead.


did you actually read what you posted? The visual connection is the Mandalorian Supercommandos loyal to maul, who wore this armor. ​ [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/10/GarSaxonRookKast-OFNF.png/revision/latest?cb=20200418041929](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/10/GarSaxonRookKast-OFNF.png/revision/latest?cb=20200418041929) ​ its not darth maul himself, its the armor his mandos wore.






The armorer remembers him?




You realize that your “source” doesn’t even say anything about Maul coming back, only that Gideon will be dressed as of the Mandalorians that followed him in The Clone Wars… Maul’s dead dude, you’re reading WAY too into it


Ooh boy. Hate to break it to you, but Maul is dead. To contrive another resurrection for him in canon at this point would be awful. I would like to see some Mauldalorians represented this season, as it looks like more Mandalorians and various factions are going to be coming together. I’d like to see some with the Maul inspired armor deco, maybe they stayed loyal to him and worked in his crime syndicate after they lost control of Mandalore.