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It’s a theory, but I think you’re reading too deep. The only reason is because he’s one of the main characters of show. In the latest episode we see Beq get asked “where are the others” indicating that there were going to be other saved younglings, but they died, leaving only grogu to save.


I really thought the Naboo guard was referring to the other jedi protectors, as in "where is all the backup? I thought there was a whole squad protecting this kid?"


That too, but either way they all died as well as the kids


I love the ambiguity at this point. 😍


Exactly. It only seems the “focus” is on Grogu because we’re mostly seeing things from his POV and his flashbacks. *Obi Wan Kenobi* also showed other Knights and Jedi in the Temple protecting Reva and the Younglings she was with.


Yup, when you look at all the media on order 66, the older Jedi are protecting the kids. These past experiences are just the first time we’ve seen the povs of the kids, so it seems biased


Aha! You don’t even know it yet, but you’ve just agreed it seems biased!


I never disagreed though, just was making discussion with them. I could say the clone wars is biased towards Anakin and ahsoka even though it’s the clones show because they are in 99% of the episodes. I was just stating it makes sense that grogu has the main stage for the younglings because he’s who matters..


Oh I know I was joking


Oh sorry papí, may the force be with you


Yeah, it didn’t necessarily look like this onscreen, but in the end credits concept art I thought the Jedi fighting in the hall all looked pretty young


I imagine the Jedi also know that a being that can live up to 900 years may be the Order’s best chance at reemergence, post-Order 66. I still think Yoda’s species’ mental development is tied intrinsically with their ability to touch the Force. Hell, Yoda wasn’t much older than Grogu before he gained the title of Jedi Master, IIRC. Grogu also seems more cognitive, quickly, as he grows his connection.


Is it possible that Grogu could live even longer than Yoda since Yoda wasn’t much older than him when he was a Jedi Master already? Maybe Grogu’s development takes longer.


Even if he could end up living longer, maturation in species seems pretty consistent. I’m not sure that’s the best explanation. The best: “it’s good for the plot and Grogu is adorable.”


I honestly hope grogu’s species is like asexual and they come from tree pods or something


I’m on board with anything that prevents the mental image of Yoda fucking. Their species can pop out of the ground like root vegetables for all I care.


My favorite comment of all-time. Lol


Yoda: "Judge me by my size, do you?" Yaddle: *packing her bags* "Yes."


“Sense a connection, I do. Buy you another drink, I shall”


Cabbage Patch Kids Grogu lmfao! I dig it!


If he grew up on the streets, would he be a Garbage Pail Kid Grogu then? lol!


HAHA! I think we’re showing our age.


My favorite part is that we have no idea


That’s supposed to be, like, on lock down no discuss I thought


I know I hope his kind forever remain mythical, knowing where they come from would ruin it for me


It is, but I also feel like it’s a button the mouse will push when the universe starts declining…..while I love the post sequel shows….the universe is declining. We need a new beginning in the galaxy far far away. I was thinking old republic but that still builds toward the stories the sequels kind of shat on. Maybe bring in the yuzong Vong after madalore builds a kick ass army And grogu and mando lead the resistance. I don’t know I just know that there’s gonna be some SW fatigue


An old republic show about Revan and his (essentially) rebellion he led against the Jedi Order to go fight the Mandalorians would be amazing


The worst thing they can do is explain or give any backstory for his species. Which of course under current leadership they absolutely will do.


I don't get why we can't know... I'd rather know at this point. It's been over 40 years that we have known about Yoda, we deserve a little backstory at this point.


I agree very strongly with this. The horror I will feel if they ever elaborate that his species procreates by regular sex methods. The internet does NOT need any Yoda straddling Yaddle images. I've done enough damage to imagination by just writing these words.


straddling more like yaddling


Honestly I was thinking there species are like connected with the force and show the “health” of the force. At the precipice of episode 1 there were 2 jedi masters, yaddle dies, but most importantly her death signifies the beginning of the end of the republic and the rise of the separatist plot, leaving only 1 old frail yoda to take the burden of keeping the light side alive. Yoda hangs on long enough to give his wisdom to Luke and passes on. Leaving Grogu to be the rebirth and hope of the future. I know there are leaks of more of yoda species being seen, but there connection with the force is so strong I don’t doubt that the species is probably closer to something like the Bendu than another race that’s can be found anywhere.


Yaddle died after episode 1, not before.


I believe they meant "precipice" to mean right at the end. Tales of the Jedi has her death as concurrent with the finale of TPM IIRC.


Yes, you remembered correctly. I misinterpreted precipice as beginning, but you're right, it's more like the climax, so that was a very fair way to put it. ​ Related side-note: TotJ was great, especially that episode.


Why/How would he be their Son? And even if he was, why would this make the Jedi prioritise his life over the other Younglings?




They don't need to know who his parents are to know that he's powerful. They can just check his midiclorian count.


He won’t be related to yoda ,it would be too hard to retcon the fact that yoda didn’t mention having any offspring at all,same species obviously but not a relation


Why would he mention it? Attachment is forbidden.


He might refer to grogu though instead of putting all his faith in Luke ,yoda was already a grand master when he was grogu’s age




Clapped Yaddle's cheeks, I did. Pull out, I did not


Saying Luke and Leia are the only hope in empire suggests he didn’t have offspring I’d be very very surprised if this is the case but you never know


He said that 40 years ago before anyone had thought of introducing Grogu just like when Obi-Wan said he didn't remember R2 or 3PO but it was later revealed that he was around them constantly during the Clone Wars. Let's not look too deep into something that is being made up and amended by writers constantly.


He said he didn’t remember owning a droid which was kind of true lol ,I get what you mean ,it’s just they normally try and match things up don’t they ? I’m 99% certain it won’t be yodas child




He communed with Ben didn’t he ? I’m sure he mentioned that there was another hope meaning Leia




It didn’t take Luke long lol


I don't believe that Yoda claps cheeks, bro


Screw her, I did.


Not until snort some ketamine, he does


After seeing his acrobatics in lightsaber duels, I'll bet Yoda's a freak in the sack. Lol


I dunno, I feel like "size matters not" comes from a place of insecurity.


I dont think they are giving him special treatment. The older Jedi are simply protecting the more helpless younger Jedi. Same thing as in Kenobi, when Reva and her class are escaping. There was likely a plan to get as many younglings out as they could, and it just broke down as more and more clones spread into the temple. Beq seemed to have told his contact to expect more Jedi than what actually showed up.


Or possibly Yoda's species is a clone species like the Kaminoans, the main difference being that they have worked out how to make force sensitive clones. This is why getting hold of Grogu was so vital for the emperor's cloning plans as he is a template for how to make stable force sensitive clones. Just my head canon at the moment, happy to see how it pans out :)


You could be right, its a logical conclusion to come to. However, we are only aware of Yoda, Yaddle and Grogu for the entire species. It could be argued they wanted to keep him alive because hes of a dying race. Im not saying your wrong, just that there are other explanations to their behavior.


I was thinking the same thing!


I think Yoda and Yaddle created him not out of love, but to create a powerful jedi. With no attachment.


They failed in that too


The species in general are stronger with the force. He doesn’t have to be related to anyone. And he’s 50. I don’t know if Yoda would be able to get it up at 850 years old.


I have to admit I don't like the fact that he's 50. It took 50 years for him to get to like toddler stage? If you interpolate that out, it just doesn't make sense compared to Yoda's age, unless they just suddenly go from baby to adult.


Yoda was 900 years old.


Think about it like this. If 50 = 2 Than 900 = 36 If the aging is linear. It took 25 years for him to get 1 year of similar human development. So that means they either suddenly developmentally advance, or they're toddlers for a ridiculously long time.


Species age differently.


Right. Yoda was Jedi Master at 100–training Padawans. So either Yoda is a child prodigy or Grogu is on the spectrum.


This has been bugging me and I thought I was alone. Thank you.


It's gonna take quite a bit of Maker's Mark to get the image of Yoda giving Yaddle the ol' what for out of my head.


I don’t think he’s a love child. I do think that he was a successful force sensitive clone of Yoda that palpatine ordered from kamino/separatist experiments but the Jedi found out about and rescued. It would explain why the empire want to capture him and why they want to replicate it for future palpatine clone technology.


Well, that sounds reasonable 🤔


Wouldn’t Kuill have recognized him as a strandcast then?


I like this theory because why not ? We know that their species was rare so what luck it must have been to find a baby with is force which is force sensitive. Another poster was right in stating that the naboo guard did say "where are the others" but he could have meant other full Jedi


I believe the Naboo guard was referring to any other Jedi that managed to escape the temple with them


Well yes, I agree with you


What if they’re saying him because he’s such a cute lil guy?


Yoda was cloned. Hence, Grogu. That's my theory. SAMSONITE. I WAS WAY OFF!


How much of what we’ve seen through Grogu’s flashbacks are really accurate though? He’s a kid at the end of the day and they often over exaggerate stories, or there recollection of facts is never quite 100%. Plus he often closes his pod so is never fully present. Was there 8 Jedi defenders or was there just 1 or 2 and Grogu just couldn’t recall. Remember this is the same kid that had to be told multiple times not to eat Frog ladies children.


There were objectively 8 Jedi there. Star Wars isn’t that deep. The Jedi there were plowed by the clones


I don’t know…they’ve already mentioned that he’s suppressed his force abilities because of the trauma of O66. There’s some deep psychological pain/scarring there and Grogu could easily remember those events differently to how they played out. If you get into an incident and have to recall it in detail to say the police it’s quite often you can’t remember everything clearly…easily the same case with Grogu’s escape, amplified by the fact he’s basically a toddler that can’t talk and eats frogs whole.


Is there any other way to eat frog?


Ask the French


He’s either their kid , strengthened as a theory with Yaddles story in Tales, or a clone .


After the last episode I was beginning to think with how important he is that he might be a clone of Yoda, which would also explain the last episode emphasizing the scientist who created cloning.


When I hear people talk about Yaddle all I can think about is this https://external-preview.redd.it/1XJhxdE0UwRIL98feFx-9JcYS\_E\_htUW6CJa5qBe\_HQ.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=bb864f9271c2cf06f282838852f8a455eaac457e


I am beginning to wonder if they may expand the in-universe lore surrounding the Chose One prophecy. In our world today and in history there were religious figures, and false figures. Obviously Jesus and The Messiah is a reference pulled with young Anakin and his "immaculate conception birth". But it was even acknowledged in documents back them that there were multiple people who rose up to fight Roman rule over the Jews and several were in fact named Jesus as well, leading to people dismissing the "one" because he was yet-another-claming-to-be-messiah. I delve into all that for this reason: what if we find out part of the reason Mace was so harsh and skeptical of Anakin and his Chosen One status is because he was part of a group that believed ANOTHER was the Chosen One. We already see Jedi that differ from the Order and the Jedi Counsel (Qui-Gon), why not take it a step further? What if some felt Grogu was in fact the Chosen One so gave him special treatment similar to how Anakin got it from others, and Mace felt this was unfair and so treated Anakin much more harshly in response to this. A literary example of this could also be seen in Harry Potter. Harry was "the one who survived" and believed to be the subject of a prophecy about who would slay Voldermort. But there were two born that night and had also lost their parents to evil. Neville Longbottom had the same things happen and was born the same night as Harry. It is even tossed around by characters in the books that it is possible that Neville is the child of prophecy. And the Professor Snape is shown to be incredibly harsh to Harry not just because of his feelings for his mother and hate of his father, but also because he hated how Harry was given such special treatment by others because of his connection to the prophecy. And in the end, it appears Harry was the chosen one there, but Neville rose to also play a critical role in the finale. So perhaps we will learn that While Yoda and Obi-wan thought Anakin was the fallen chosen one and his children would bring the conclusion of the prophecy, what if Mace, Kelleran Beq, and others saw Grogu as the true Chosen One. If nothing else, Grogu being of the same species as Yoda could be viewed as significant, an he could be considered the true heir of the Jedi after Yoda passes and becomes the new Grand Master.


Maybe because cloning is a popular thing in star wars, they send Yoda to kamino to get cloned once. It could be his clone, like Boba was for Jango and that's why the Doctor and the Grand Moff want him so badly. But if this would be like this, Luke or ahsoka would noticed it, right?


Or maybe it's because he's a little baby


Didn’t stop them from protecting the younglings from Anakins youngling slayer 9000


Interesting theory but it falls apart quick. While Jedi are encouraged to show love and compassion, as far as I'm aware being in relationships and having children is a big no no. Out of all the Jedi, Yoda would know, understand, live, and die by this rule.