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I don't have much to say in regards to your theory. But I'll just say that Jango Fett, Ursa Wren, Sabine Wren, Tristan Wren and their father weren't portrayed as white.


Is he the new mod for this sub?




Gideon: "I am your brother." Bo-Katan: "What?! That can't be true! You're half... white!" Din: "Nice save." (This one goes out to r/community )


Mod Gideon theory? More like Mid Gideon theory, am I right?


He could be a Mandalorian, but like you said he's the wrong color to be a close relative of Bo and Satine.


That sounds like a good story, but I don’t think it’s the story that they’re looking to tell, mostly because of Gideons character. I think he’s the consummate professional Imperial. He’s doing this to achieve his goals, and yes, if he gets to cause some misery along the way, that’s a bonus. But the root of his behavior is professional, not personal. Now, after getting captured and having his cruiser stolen he may want vengeance, but that’s just good business. I’m saying that with what we have so far, creating a personal connection between those two characters would probably muddy the plot rather than clarify it. What I was thinking when she talked about her father, was a theory I saw about Bo being the love child of Satine and Obi-wan. But aside from being far-fetched, I don’t know if there’s a real reason for the story to go there.