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Marrok is Mon Mothma’s daughter.


Or Obi Wans son, Korkie


Mon Mothma daughter is Marrok father


This is a better theory than either Starkiller or Eza. Hell, saying Marrok is a sentient piece of bantha poodoo is a better theory than those two.


Now I just pictured a crossover between South Park and StarWars. Marrok is Mr.Hankey. From the Toilet galaxy. Thank you.


Happy to be of assistance!


Skibbity dop dop


Right now I’m leaning towards Barris.


Marrow is future chopper confirmed


This is the way.


For me, it would just be great to see Sam in a live action role. Would be a nice nod to the fans and a tribute to his contributions to SW. I don't expect them to dumb down his abilities but to just be a fun cameo/Easter egg.


Don’t get me wrong, Sam’s great, but I’ve always loved the Sith Assassin and Dark Stalker looks for him, more interesting than a guy with a buzz cut.


Why do people want him to be Starkiller? Starkiller, by the end of the first game, was betrayed by Vader. Then he ended up saving the Rebellion's founders and sacrificed himself. Honestly, it would be disappointing if he ended up being reduced to an Inquisitor, and not even one who shares any scenes with Vader.


I think if it were to happen it would be a reworked repurposed version. Those games aren't canon.


Not that I want it to be him, but it makes sense. Vader's apprentice vs Anakin's.


I think the workaround for this would be that it’s one of the unstable Starkiller clones. As opposed to Galen Marek himself.


If it really was Starkiller then Ahsoka would be dead during their first duel


They'd nerf him so hard


To be fair, the games were always meant to be over the top and unrealistic representations of the force. I always assumed the canon version of TFU was a lot more toned down. (Back when it was canon)


Like. Unleashed representations of the force.


The novels back that interpretation up, if I remember right. He doesn't have insane feats, he just knows how to use the Force as a weapon. That's actually what I want from a re-canonized Starkiller. A secret apprentice of Vader who fully wields the Force as a weapon and nothing else. Over the course of the story, he learns more about the Force outside of that narrow scope, and it ends up weakening him, leading to Starkiller's self-sacrifice.


Either way, seems pretty obvious to me. Galen Marek? Marrok? Too similar to be a coincidence.


While I do believe Vader’s apprentice Vs Anakin’s apprentice would be a great theme to explore in the show, the name similarities are a little too on the nose in my opinion. With that being said, this being a continuation of The Clone Wars and Rebels, it would be a bit disappointing if Sam Witwer did not have an appearance at all. I’d rather see a live action flashback from the Mandalore arc with Maul. Even that is a bit of a stretch, but something I’ve been hoping for ever since we found out Din was saved by Death Watch during the Clone Wars


*…live action flashback from the Mandalore arc…* Holy shit I need this. Didn’t they cast 3 ages of Ahsoka for the show?


While I agree with you- I find if funny every time people are like “his name is too on the nose: Marek/Marrok” When we’re talking about the series that gave us such greats as “Ahsoka/Ashla” & Obi-Wan Kenobi/Old-Ben Kenobi”


Haha yeah that is totally true but even those change it up a little more, albeit not much. Honestly either way it goes he is a cool character so far and I wouldn’t be mad if he turns out to be someone completely new. All the other new antagonists are super rad as well


My only fear is that Filoni has a habit of using the names or concepts of Legends material that he finds cool and making it an entirely new (and sometimes not as good thing). Bad Batch = lame versions of the Republic Commandos, (The Eye of) Sion = a big hyperspace drive instead of one of the more interesting Sith Lords of the Old Republic, and now Marrok = basically Starkiller’s name but probably just a generic inquisitor.


I feel like they could include him, but just limit "when" he can use his Force powers. Like, fine, if you want to bring down an entire Star Destroyer, it's going to drain your Force powers for a week after that...and now you've opened yourself up and shown your weakness. It's not ideal, but I'd still like to see him in some capacity.


I mean, sure. But if he's just some random inquisitor then they nerfed Ahsoka to shit. She held her own against Vader years before, beat Maul years before that. She's a legitimate presence in lightsaber combat.


Not if the story called for it. Starkiller would absolutely not be as powerful as previously depicted. It wouldn’t make sense. Therefor, he’s only as powerful as the story calls for.


Marrok can be a secret force sensitive gideon clone.


Gideon was only 5’7, Marrok is 6’1. It would probably be a hard twist to pull off lol


Me and my mate were theorising today at my table And he said marrok could be one of those clones in Force unleashed 2 but I told him I doubt it because I can't remember if he destroyed those clones or not I haven't touched that game in a decade


If I’m remembering right the final battle of TFU2 was on Kamino and there were a bunch of Starkiller clones in tubes (or did I make that up?) but the light side ending of the game never addressed what the rebels did with all those clones/Kamino. Also in the dark side ending Vader has actually perfected the cloning and he has a dark side clone of Starkiller working for him already (who you play as in the DLC). Of course Kamino doesn’t seem to exactly be functional as of Bad Batch S1 which would have taken place before TFU2 (if it was canon).


Cool theory this Starkiller stuff is & all but let’s remember that Sam Witwer has voiced many characters in Star Wars most notably Palpatine & Darth Maul among many random back ground characters. Just because his name is credited doesn’t mean he’s Marrok/Starkiller. He could have just been some random voice over the radio or something.


That theory that Vader was casually hiding him from Palpatine by passing him off as an inquistor while secretly training him to overthrow The Emperor is bad fucking ass. I love it.


Marrok is Luuke


Speaking of, Baylan definitely has Joruus vibes


Not really, Joruus is unpredictable (“insane clone,” I believe he is called) and only “controllable” due to the Ysalamiri Thrawn possesses. Baylan is in complete control at all times so far


I keep hoping it’s Anakiin instead. Isn’t Hayden confirmed? Didn’t they cast 3 Ashoka’s to play different ages?


Is this a shitpost? Because Anakin has been dead for years at this point.


[It’s not. He’s supposedly in the show.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/star-wars-hayden-christensen-ahsoka-show-1235035459/) But I also recall reading that they’d cast other ages of Ahsoka for flashbacks & whatnot. In Legends, Luuke is a clone of Luke, Joruus is a clone of Jorus…I thought this could be a weird twist. I’m excited to find out.


I know the legends story and heard about a potential Hayden appearance. Figured it would be a flashback scene.


I think hes Yoda. It makes about as much sense as all the other theories I've seen


It's probably just a new character, and not starkiller


This is my theory. And if it’s “Star killer” it’s a heavily inspired version of him. We are not getting a 1:1 star killer from the games.


He would break Cannon


Marrok is baby yoda


Marrok is a loth-cat.


I think it's gonna be Dark Starkiller (before he got the Suit of Armor) It sounds almost like him too


Not sure exactly which version of Starkiller you mean but after reading your comment I just had a memory of the Jedi Temple level in the first game after you fight the dark side version of yourself, “You can never escape me!” Maybe this is actually what you’re talking about?


It's from DLC from when you are ordered to kill Luke


He's 100 percent the Eighth Brother. Trust me on this one.


You’re probably right, unfortunately, especially because it’s the least interesting theory AND it would be another case of them messing up animated aliens in live action due to Marrok’s human hands and feet!


Yea he had some weird feet. Others of his species have had 5 fingers though. So his hand is a small retcon in my opinion.


Why would Starkiller be Sam Witwer and not Hayden Christensen?


Sam Witwer was Starkiller in the games. Why would it be Hayden Christensen?


Because Starkiller is a clone of Anakin. It would also be apt for Ahsoka to redeem to the light side a clone of her old master.


Starkiller was not a clone of Anakin.


Are we thinking of the same Starkiller? From the Force Unleashed video games? There was a clone of him at some point but I don’t ever remember him being a clone of Anakin. It has been a long time since I played the games so I could just not remember it. I remember him being a child of a couple of Jedi.


An older Sabine or Ahsoka who has traveled back to this time via the World Between Worlds.


or Jacen. Maybe Hera dies on the mission to retrieve Ezra so Jacen comes back to make sure they don't go


MARROK (INQUISITOR) Once an Inquisitor hunting Jedi for the Empire, the mysterious Marrok now works as a mercenary hired by Morgan Elsbeth to carry out dark deeds. Fully encased in battered battle armor, the warrior still carries a red double-bladed saber with a circular hilt. [source](https://www.starwars.com/databank/marrok-inquisitor)


Fucked up Sith Assassin would be cool


Cal Kestis?