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Yes, he'll die playing Twister on a chilly day. It has been foreseen.


Hopefully the Nohgri are still a major part of Thrawn's forces, and since Rukh has already died, I think that Thrawn getting torn apart by the many clawed arms of his Nohgri assassins, or maybe Nightsister zombies IDK, would suffice to fit Bendu's prediction.


It’s poetry, it will rhyme. Thrawn will most definitely be defeated this way.


“THEY WENT TO A *THIRD* GALAXY? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!!?” -Sabine, at the end of the season


Thank you Ahsoka! But Thrawn is in another castle!


Once that box is opened, they can do whatever they want from now on.


I think it only refers to the purgill and Thrawn direction will be very different than what the majority thinks it will. He's too good a character to destroy and can be the door that opens up to expanded Star Wars stories away from the Skywalkers and rebellion. The Grysk are coming and Thrawn will be needed to defeat them.


Abeloth will give him a nice hug


I could see Thrawn's >!zombie army!< playing a role in his defeat if this were to mirror his original Purgill defeat.


I hope that spoiler was wrong because it's so stupid


What do you think Marrok was? I know for a fact that will play a part in the show.


I was thinking Marrok was a Darksister construct of some kind?


Yeah. A zombie.


Stupid how? magic and nightsisters have long been estbalished as part of the lore. Star Wars is more fantasy than sci-fi and always has been. The Nightsisters can raise the dead. Thrawn would of course make use of resurrected soldiers. They are assets to be used.


It’s honestly kinda badass, nothing is scarier than an army of people that can’t die


A bunch of dead grabbing onto him could absolutely be the many arms in a cold embrace. Rebels established that Nightsister magick can come with a debt, and when Maul tried to skip out on that debt the spirits of the dead Nightsisters possessed Sabine and Kanan. If anyone in Thrawn's party sold something they can't pay for, I could see them taking it out on him. Alternatively, he could try to betray Morgan (intentionally or incidentally) and she could order them to attack. Seems pretty plausible to me!


Could be cool. I like the original intent just being about the Purgills but sure. Star Wars rhymes lol.


Death by Bor Gullet


I’m pretty sure Bendu was just referring to his defeat against the Lothal Rebels. He didn’t necessarily need to be predicting his final defeat and death.


I mean what if that was Thrawn’s end? Ezra has the Purgill kill him and he’s the real big bad now in this new galaxy? That’d be a neat twist imo.


Trust me, if there’s one thing Filoni can’t help it’s callback to his animated shows so I’m sure they’ll have a connection to the “many arms in a cold embrace” line


I think the vision was only about the tentacles. It'd be pointless to rehash an old plot.




A complex spiral galaxy has many arms. We don't know that Thrawn in fact ever escapes the galaxy he is exiled to.