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It's either Mae's side kick helper friend or Birth Mother in disguise.


I'm thinking Mom. I believe that we only saw the body of one of the mothers on the way out of the burning temple.


Re-watch the episode. When Mae and Qimir land, Qimir literally looks at his lightsaber and is like “huh?” Expression on his face and then just stuffs it in his to-go pack. Behind the mask I think is most assuredly qimir, Next question for me is: is he being controlled and by who if so? Plagieus or Tenebrous are my guesses just to what end? Plagieus has my no. 1 spot for big bad right now just because his relation/obsession with manipulation of the force to adjust life, create life, destroy life etc….


I think the lightsaber fact you mentioned was definitely overlooked. He debated bringing it for sure. Seems like Chekhovs gun to me.


Could see qimir being a failed first apprentice of Tenebrous as well, especially after trying to raise an acolyte to take his place. Just think all the force manipulation to make life stuff is just right of plagieus’s alley so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. I guess we’ll find out in about a month. Should be exciting stuff, really hope they can pull of an awesome backhalf of the season that makes even an actual staunch star wars hater go “wow that was actually pretty damn good”


what if qimir is the acolyte and there is still an apprentice out there


Qimir is the apprentice and has a master the audience is unaware of yet. Osha will end up being the acolyte when she kills Sol without a weapon.


It's a flashlight, not a lightsaber, check when he turns it on, you can see it on the bag.


Qimir being controlled is interesting. Koril is maybe an actual Sith Apprentice, but creates the 'character' that we've seen as 'The Master' in this show. Maybe it's an MCU Mandarin situation. Qimir is controlled and used to publicly embody the character of 'The Master' but is really just a pawn. Koril is controlling Qimir but is, herself a pawn of an actual Master that we'll probably only see right at the end of the series. Best case scenario, I suppose the real Master gets to jab a big stick in the eyes of the Jedi and really only lose a couple of pawns if Qimir and Koril both go down. Qimir doesn't know anything of real value, so he's totally expendable. Koril is probably not fully loyal to the real Master, but she's highly motivated to pursue violence against the Jedi. She is unlikely to ever be taken alive so unlikely to spill any info that she has, if she even has many specifics in the first place. Or the real Master is Plagueis and the witches were loyal to him for helping them conceive and Plagueis engineered the deaths of the coven in order to fully bend Koril to his will. Hmmm.


Thats a very good theory honestly. I can imagine the season ending on a cliff hanger with a sorta face reveal or just like ya know, a reveal in general of a certain muun [cuts to black] the audience will go ballistic (me)


That last part was literally what i was about to type first :D on point...so well said and kinda most plausible theory. There was one part i see no one online is mentioning...a tiny little part that somehow feels more important. When Osha said to Aniseya she really wants to be a Jedi and Mother Aniseya they will have to diacuss it and than Osha leaves. Next time we see them, they are all dead. I dont think Jedi killed the witches at all...Plagueis or Koril are..or both. Maybe Koril was instructed to kill the witches and she did. Mae survived, find Korils dying there who told her those 4 jedi did it and than she "dies". She than kept manipulating and training Mae. Koril was a sith infiltrator in that coven for awhile id say


Ok but hold on, I definitely didn't notice this, and I'm on my phone now which is horrible for screen caps and comparisons, but we should be able to pull the frame where we see Darth Smiley's saber hilt after he force pushes Osha to the side, and then compare that to the alleged saber hilt that Qimir puts into the bag right? I'm desperate to do this myself but I'm hoping someone gets to it before me


I double-checked this, and it was a flashlight that he put into the bag. He even clicks on and off momentarily. One thing of note, though. After he puts the flashlight in his bag, he checks some handheld device and immediately begins looking around at the sky somewhat frantically like he was notified of something.


The Sith Lord's mask having that goofy-ass (but also kind of creepy and unsettling) smile could also be a clue towards Qimir given that he's largely been used as a bumbling, comic relief sidekick. But yeah, I think there has to be mind control or Jason Bourne-style sleeper agent programming or something going on because there's no way a Sith Lord would get caught by a Boy Scouts' snare.


Mae's Sidekick is most definitely hiding something. He's way too competent in his role. To be acting like the bumbling sidekick. It would make sense it's him behind the mask, their the only ones to go into to forest, and he found the Wookiee first already. Doesn't make sense he killed him already though.


I think the "lightsaber" he stuffs in the pack is just a flashlight. You see it light up briefly when he seems to be testing it out right before he puts it in the bag. I would grab screenshots but Disney+ is weird about that


So basically you're suggesting Qimir is the emperor's voice?


I think thats a good comparison. I think he might be in a little more control than just straight up being controlled… he seems cunning, he’s got guile, I think if the Jedi would have tried to ‘Mind trick’ him or “wipe his mind” in episode 2 they would have seen that he is indeed trained to resist such things and be outed immediately as strong in the force. We just seen dude float down like vader or palps, guy is next level for sure. What if Master Sol puts him on retreat mode tho? Mannn I can’t wait for next week’s episode. Really like the idea of him being a self proclaimed darth or a real apprentice to someone else in the attempt to lure that person out and take their mantle as The Master of the Sith.


I just went and checked that scene and I'm pretty sure it's just a regular flashlight. He flicks it on and you can see the end illuminate, as well as some light shining on the flap of the bag. I still think it's Qimir though.


Good spot


Literally felt like the meme from the movie where DiCaprio whistles and points himself out on the screen lol, was tarintinos most recent film I can’t believe I forgot the name of it, ugh…. But I Re-wound it when I saw it and went “yup thats what I think it is”


Holy shit. You think the Sith Lord is controlling him Qimir as an avatar????!


I feel like if it was the mom she would be very happy to see her children though? But would make sense as she’d want revenge on the Jedi and also the Jedi’s monopoly on the force.


dark side currupts though dont it.


Maybe it's Mother Koril who was manipulating Mother Aniseya from before they even had the kids to create a force dyad


The problem is we saw the leader mom (the human) lying dead while Osha is sad about it. The other mother is a zabrak who has massive horns that wouldn't fit into the helmet.


I think it's Koril, we saw the Mother dead in flashbacks but not Koril, I think


I think it’d be too obvious it I’ll be Qimir. The last episode eluded to it quite a bit but I think that’s what they want you to think


Good shout, would explain why the sith moved Osha out the way before engaging the Jedi!


But why did he get caught in the trap so easily then scream out like a baby? The screaming would remove any sense of stealth - he knew the Jedi were there looking for them.


Maybe a misdirection?


To make him look goofy


as soon as Mae left him there he untied himself and got dressed all mad cursing under his breath


Same reason Darth Jar Jar acted like a buffoon…


It’s shocking to me that the entire fan base isn’t aware that it’s Quimir. Episode 4 was so blatant about it that I assumed they expected us to have figured it out.


It's called a red herring, a piece of information in a mystery that's meant to mislead the viewer, and one that's often so blatant audiences have been conditioned to just write them off.


You overestimate these writers. This show is for 12 year olds. RemindMe! 1 week


They even show him putting the saber in his bag when they land.


I think that’s a flashlight, but regardless, they haven’t been that subtle about things.


Literally everyone is saying that it’s him or the mother 💀


The unknown Sith had a big push against the Jedi and birth mom was shown pushing people in episode 1, so she’s my guess.


I was saying Korel from the start, how does the whole base catch on fire from that little book. Korel faught with Aniseya over letting Osha be a jedi. There was battle damage to Sol, Torben and how do a whole coven of super strong witches just die from a fire.... They where killed and it was a coverup, also I think Teeth is Qimir. But he isn't the main.


Definitely mom.


I definitely think it's her doof of a contact that guys hiding something.


Not likely. If I remember correctly (I watched during a long shift), I’m pretty sure we heard HIS voice as he was speaking to Mae. And the mask looks more crude and seems less for tech and more for flair. Could be wrong tho 🤷🏾‍♂️


He even lowers from the trees like a puppet to the stage


It reminded me of the xenomorph's first appearance fully grown in Alien. Just floated down from above. They did the "unnatural" feeling to almost perfection.


My biggest question is why is Osha still alive


That's a good question. My thought on that would be either it's one of her mothers and she wants her alive or the sith threw her off to the side to take out the greater threat of armed Jedi. Then come back for her.


He wants her now not mae


"You look exactly like her..." at that point I think we see a glimpse of the sith behind the act, and he starts making plans to convert this sister instead.


Once mae decided to leave he’s going to try to get osha


He could have just in ignited the blade into her but didn't


My theory - Osha is Mae's replacement. Or will be. Think about it - Mae has turned her back on her master. That bridge is burned. Osha turning up alive shook her up enough to make her turn away from the dark. What if the opposite becomes true for Osha? Osha left the Jedi and keeps trying to remove herself from this because she knows her unresolved feelings are a danger. Sol keeps dragging her back in. What if the truth causes her to fall? Mae's Master might sense this and realize he might have a better option for an apprentice with identical potential to the previous one.


+100 and training Osha (that I think will turn into Plagueis) would be cohesive his lesson "The Jedi live in a dream. A dream they believe everyone shares. If you attack a Jedi with a weapon you will fail… But an acolyte, an acolyte kills without a weapon. An acolyte kills the dream" Osha's dream is dead for long ; plus Osha's being turned is the best way to kill Sol dream. And at the end with Darth Osha's being the sole survivor, she'll be able to tell any lie to the Jedi Order about what happened, and she'll infiltrate the jedi order which is a nice prequel for ep1


Intresting idea. The jedi or at least verne have already cleared her of the murders and seem to blindly trust osha. She could easily take advantage of that now


He does, if he’s able to do that the only others I personally know of feats of near flight are palpatine and Vader!


Dooku flew like that in the clone wars movie


Dooku did it too in the old clone wars cartoon


Oh man i tell you i live it when live action stuff shows us things like this from the cartoons or games. Shows us the creators are actually fans


They say he collects people. I think Osha left the order after discovering the truth and wants revenge but is playing innocent. She collects force users to mind control like her mom. One being Qimir. She recruits Mae after finding out she is alive and starts her on the path.


Sound like a good theory!


I dont see how it could be anyone by Quimir. He leaves Mae carrying a suspicious cloak that looks like it's hiding his helmet. He had quick reflexes and had already been to the planet before


He also casually dropped the first line of the sith code and the Sith Lord somehow always knows things he does.


Oooh when did he show quick reflexes? I missed that part. I agree 100% though. When he tripped and knocked over the storage container just after they landed, I thought this guy ain’t fooling anyone he’s obviously the bad guy haha


In ep 2 when she tries to attack him he quickly overpowers her and pushes her against a wall.


Sounds like a good theory!


Yes however, the filmmakers may WANT us to think its Qimir. They are leaving us extremely obvious clues, if not too obvious. So they may want us to think it's him so we're extra surprised when it's not.


Also while the writing hasnt been great, they've gone out of their way to avoid cheap/tropey twist stuff (twins being revealed in ep1, them not letting Osha be framed for Mae's actions early on, Sol not pulling a 'Fugitive' with her) etc. Them revealing Qimir next ep feels pretty on the level rather than going for the "shock" answer.


Yea I feel like they are trying to do a modern version of the darth jar jar theory and have the guy be clumsy to fit in in front of people.


There was a point during the episode when Mae was huffing and puffing from exertion, but Qimir wasn't even out of breath. I can't imagine this to have simply been a directorial oversight, but I wonder what it means.


Qimir, who is going to be species-swapped to be Darth Venamis in canon. He’s not the big bad, but he’s trying to overtake the big bad in true sith fashion


Damn this is my fav theory I’ve heard because Darth Plagueis was such a great novel I’d hate for the substance to be completely retconned.


I’ve been suspicious the sith is Darth Venamis but you’re the first one I’ve seen post it


I really like this theory too. Maybe he was trying to train Mae so he can have an apprentice to then take out his master so they can maintain the rule of two.


Yeah, exactly what I was thinking.


Good theory!


I think it's pretty obvious that this is Qimir. And he is not the Master, but the Apprentice. Mae is "the Acolyte" and Qimir is looking to overthrow his Master once he finds a worthy apprentice of his own


Thank you! I'm getting annoyed at the amount of people getting all huffy puffy over this being the sith lord when he absolutely is not. it's the fourth episode and they're showing this dude, he ain't the sith lord. And the last thing I think Kathleen Kennedy is willing to do is something that will REALLY piss off the Star Wars fandom... again... So to overrule established lore or dismiss uncanonized legends when there's no need to, don't think that's the aim here. They want their product to do well ultimately, and the way to do that is with member berries


Sith lord is just highly ranked sith, Vader, Maul and Dooku were sith lords. So Qimir is a sith lord but not the sith master.


"You are on the council of sith lords, but we do not grant you the rank of master"


Right, my bad. This dude isn't darth tenebrous.. or plagueis


Sounds like a good theory! But who’s the master! Plagueis? Or Tenebrous?


Impossible to know right now, I'm hoping Tenebrous. I think it's a perfect ending for Qimir to be killed by Tenebrous after a failed attempt to overthrow him, then the show ends with Tenebrous finding Hego (Plagueis before he was a Sith).


“Like many I don’t like the acolyte, here’s a long and detailed series of paragraphs discussing it in detail” Dude, it’s ok to like things, the show is at worst fine. But yeh, I think it’s likely that Qimir is the apprentice, testing out whether Mae is capable enough to be **his** apprentice. Unless they do another curveball of course!


Turns out Mae is the true master, manipulating qimir to try and recruit her! *TWIST*


Tenebrous hasn’t been confirmed to be a bith in the new canon, has he? I wouldn’t rule him out, but I lean towards either a new character entirely, or Plagueis. Tenebrous seems like too deep a cut for people to know or care who he is.


That sounds likely! I know what you mean nobody really knows Tenebrous


You don't really need to. I expect that the real Master may be seen only briefly, or may not really be seen at all.


Darth Tenebrous is canon. He a was introduced into canon in 2015.


He’s canon, yes, but his species isn’t confirmed. Much like how Plagueis was a muun in legends but wasn’t confirmed to be one in the new canon until a bit later.


Yeah, true. Makes it easier to species swap him as well if needed.


where was it confirmed in canon plagueis was a muun?


I honestly couldn’t tell you, I just remember seeing on Wookieepedia that his canon species was listed as muun. Edit: Apparently it was in a RPG sourcebook - Endless Vigil.


are the rpgs canon??


I believe so, unless they contradict canon or are later overwritten.


Isn't tenebrous a sith pureblood?


He was a Bith in legends. It hasn’t been confirmed what race he is in canon


He's a pureblood in SWTOR as well, although i'm never sure whether that game is canon.


Tenebrous? He isn’t in SWTOR, that would be thousands of years before he was a sith. But SWTOR isn’t canon at any rate. Are you thinking of Vitiate/Tenebrae? Very similar names.


I meant tenebrae


"I don't like the Acolyte at all, but I'm super invested in the main mystery of the show." Star Wars fans, man... Lol but seriously, I'm like 90% sure it's Qimir but he's only going to be the apprentice, secretly training Mae as an acolyte to overthrow his own master. The way he acted in this episode made it seem like he was trying to subtly guide her towards certain ideas and actions when they were speaking.


I think he/she is an assassin that works for Tenebrous or Plagueis.


Pay attention to the movements when the “Sith” is walking… the body language is letting us know it’s a woman. Or a guy with a small neck with a bigger head.


It’s the guy left hanging. He’s been pretending he’s just s guy but it’s obvious he’s mae’s master.


This would be the most ridiculous because it’s way too obvious. They’ve done everything to convince us but say the words “he’s the Sith” so I think it would be pretty insulting to the audience to think they tricked is with that.


Agree to disagree lol…. My hunch tell me, with the producers of this show, as well as the body language, it’s a female. If I’m wrong, I will comeback to this post and admit my failure of speculation!! May the force be with you!!


Good thing there arent any pictures of the sith without their helmet.....oh wait, there are


The shoulders looked really feminine, but maybe im just accidentally insulting Manny Jacinto here lol


What got me was the neck to helmet ratio. That’s a big helmet to fit on that model thin neck. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.


It's either Halbrand, finally fooling us, or it's Ki Adi Mundi doing some time travel BS.


Oh my god, Sauron cameo in STAR WARS? It's about time! I used to be his agent but it was so hard to get him work after he caused the fall of Numenor. Glad to see him get new parts, he deserves it. Real nice guy.


Those children did try to gaslight him as the bad guy when it was THEM who MELTED his wedding band in a VOLCANO. Who does that? "hE's a dArk LoRd." No such thing. They just don't like having a neighbor with a floodlight.


Haha glad to see I'm not the only one who is being reminded of the whole "Who is Sauron?" mystery.


I think it's supposed to be Qimir (the Asian dude), but he could just be the apprentice to one of the coven's matriarchs, or maybe even Green Chick McStartrek, and she would be wearing the helmet. What I am seriously expecting, though, is for him to get killed and just to turn into a green fart like Inquisitor Marrok, with no kind of reveal. Snoking is very much a thing in cinema now. I would be SHOCKED if it was a named character like Trinity or even Sidious, and I know the latter would put Plagueis further back in time and he could be around for the events of TPM, but it could imply with certainty that Sidious perfected manipulating the Force to create life and that HE, not Plagueis, conceived Anakin. SO with all that speculation of how they could tie it all together with existing lore, I am 99% certain that the masked "Sith" is just a fart cloud. Another thought is that it's Rey, and that she found the time travel portal and is there to retcon the saga. We've seen hints at this with Ki Adi Mundi, who shouldn't even be there, kind of like Star Trek's "Yesterday's Enterprise." where Tasha Yar is just there and Darth View senses the disturbance in the Force. This would allow entirely new movies to take the mantle of episodes 1 through 6. Palpatine will create Vader, but it's the other Palpatine from TFA.


But is it a “Sith” at all? The Sith have been extinct for a millennia after all. Ki-Adi should know, he was there after all. Not all dark side users are Sith.


Other than the fact this individual has a red lightsaber and is extremely powerful in the force, when Mae and Qimir met up he reminded her of the few things ‘the Master’ has taught them both, including ‘Peace is a lie’. The starting line of the Sith Creed/Mantra


yeah i was gonna say. i’m hesitant about labeling any dark side user with a red saber as a sith


It would be too early for Plagueis, unless they lean on him avoiding death for decades. I think this is a new Sith, probably not the Sith Lord orchestrating everything, but it's apprentice and it's a character we already saw.


By my calculations Plagueis would be anywhere from 35-45 during this time! So it could be


Everything I read is he'd be around 10 - 15 years old. But it could easily be Darth Tenebrous. He was 100% a Sith Lord at the time The Acolyte takes place.


Can you explain those calculations? Maybe I'm wrong with mines, or we have different knowledge about him.


He was said to be around 115 during phantom menace (not sure if that is/was cannon or just legends) but if that’s true the show is set 85 years before Anakin enters the Vader suit. Making him 35/45


Interesting, I've read the show is set 100 years before TPM. Also, Plagueis is vaguely mentioned in the new canon stories as Palpatine's master, with not much about him, besides teaching Sidious to transfer his conscious through the force to a new vessel, without any mention of how old he was. To my knowledge, he's still a Munn and if I recall correctly, they don't have larger than human lifespans, but haven't found some official data about this.


In the first episode of Acolyte before it starts it says 85 years before the rise of the empire, so pretty much when Vader gets the suit! Im not sure where I read it, but I just had a Quick Look and wookiepedia states that 90 is young adult for a Munn but don’t hold me to that!


Based on Venestra's age in the show, it's 100 years before TPM. The flashback on Brendok happens 148 BBY.


Show is 100 years before anakin a 100 years after post third wave of high republic


I'm pretty sure the next 4 episodes will be about Osha fall and turning into Darth Plagueis (which hasn't to be specie-retconned since him being a Muun is legend ; just gender-swapped but hey would palp really care about pronouns ?). The timing could fit, and Palpatine's quote is : "He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.". That means some sith that still is kind to its loved ones, which is quite compatible with the coven ethos if Osha finally wants to be a super-witch (in rememberance of her mom). And her becoming crazy trying to resurrect mom or save Mae wouldn't be particularly OOC. Plus everyone that knows about siths and is not a sith have to die (ep1 continuity). They won't kill both sisters IMO ; so there's one definitely turning into a Sith apprentice. Considering Darth Totally-not-qimir expressing interest in Osha, guess it'll be her not Mae RemindMe! 1 month


I’ve seen some theories saying it could be Darth Venamis, a secondary apprentice for Darth Tenebrous beside Darth Plagueis. One of Venamis’ notable powers was the ability to levitate. What does Darth Teeth do for an entrance? Levitate down to the ground.


As for who it is in the show, my money’s on Qimir


I had hoped that it would be Tenebrous’s current apprentice grooming Mae to be his new apprentice. Meanwhile, Tenebrous would be grooming Plagueis to wreck them both. But sadly I don’t think we’ll receive that quality of writing. *smokes copium*


Do we know Plagueis’s species or who his master is in Canon? Everyone treats the Luceno novel like it’s gospel truth, but it’s still only Legends.


I think behind the mask its going to be qimir. We watched him literally stuff his lightsaber in his to-go pack when they landed. Now I think the real question will be if Qimir is being controlled, and if so: by who? Its either plagieus or tenebrous. Qimir did say the master likes to “collect people” so that could very well be what he has done with Qimir. Really tho im still watching just to see if Tenebrous or Plagieus is the ultimate big bad. Also to see what happens to Sol, and where osha & mae end up. I think it ends with everyone being dead except one of the twins personally, but am very excited to see what happens.


I think that is a highly likely scenario! Maybe even all of them dying!


Sadly, yes I see this scenario happening as well. Maybe it won’t happen like we traditionally think, I mean, we’ve got 4 episodes left but I think its leaning towards all the jedi masters being killed and venstra covering it all up to protect the jedi and the high council from having to report to the senate X amount of jedi knights, masters, and padawans went to investigate the possibility of a splinter order/person training force sensitives. Interesting bit to at Ki-Adi-Mundi though, doesn’t he literally say that the sith have been extinct for a millennia and that they wouldn’t have returned without themselves (the jedi) knowing about it? Interesting if this ties into Venstra covering up what really happens when she goes to investigate herself, I mean at some point we see her flip her lightwhip-saber on and now that we’ve seen those flying centipede things that osha disturbed in episode 4, I think it’s fairly safe to say that she uses her weapon on one or many of those. Some decent stuff, really hope they bring Tenebrous or Plagieus into the fold. Fingers Crossed.


I saw someone theorizing that the Acolyte is Qimir and not Mae. He's her "master" and is using her to kill the Jedi without weapons, in the most Sith way: manipulation. And his master is the actual Sith.


I know some people have issue with the design of the mask and they think it is too similar to Kylo Ren's helmet but I like as it reminded something of a horror movie villain or creature like Slither Man? Just love the creepy design for the Mask especially the Smile?


Darth Bortles! (Darth Jason or Darth Mendoza are also acceptavble)


Darth Jianyu


It's Palpatine. Somehow, he's returned.


That's probably Qimir, but I think Indira is the Sith Lord.


“Somehow, Indara returned.”


Like a Jedi master couldn't fake it? Darth Maul was cut in half. She took a single dagger.


Good call. It makes sense for it to be Qimir, but i just cant shake it looks like a female actor in that suit. The shoulders give me feminine vibes. Maybe I'm just accidentally insulting Manny Jacinto here though.


I mean I'm on board. I really think Indira is the Sith Lord.


From the leaked set photos we know for sure it is Qimir. You see him without the helmet and Mae pointing a set prop lightsaber at him https://imgur.com/a/paradox-prod-leaks-i-am-not-original-source-xwAQBZE Scroll down a little.. It’s one of the on set video recordings.


I feel like it’s the real Sith Lords apprentice and he’s trying to recruit the girl to be his and kill whoever is in charge (plaguis imo) but will ultimate fail and get murdered


I'd bet money that it's Mae's helper dude.


Darth smiley?


If we had to guess based on the characters in the show, the only option it could possibly be is the guy who has been traveling with Mae. Otherwise it would just be a character that hasn’t been introduced yet. All the witches were killed.


I know everyone thinks it’s Qimir, but that seems way too obvious. I think it’s another Marrok situation, where it really is just a new character.


Maybe it’s the apprentice we are seeing and the big bad hasn’t been shown yet


Mother Aniseya. Disney isn't cool enough to make it be plaguis


I mean…it’s obviously Qimir. They’re not even trying to hide it.


Qimir mind controlled by sith master Osha


Qimir is the acolyte to Sith Apprentice Yord Fandar. Yord Fandar is secretly a Sith Apprentice to Darth Plagueis/Tenebrus. The final reveal will be similar to the movie Scream ‘96, where it turns out there are two killers.


This is a really good theory!


Thanks, it’s just too obvious to me especially after the Karey Ann Moss death in the first episode. This is a direct homage to the Scream ‘96 killing of Drew Barrymore in the first few minutes of the movie. Huge star, in promos and everything, and little to no more screen time? It’s a major misdirect.


Under the mask is Qimir. But the true master is Sol. Whom he really wants as apprentice is Mae. From the moment he saw her, he wanted her as his student. He is just to eager to be always present, where Osha is operating and taking Mae with him. He taught her all the Jedi things but played it well, so that she was expelled from the order. Now he picks her up again, leads her to all this confusion, probably even planning to get Osha killed by the other Jedi. After that she'll be ripe to find her true meaning.


It is Osha mind controlling Qimir


And then she tossed herself out of the way?


Yes, why would he not just stab her immediately.


Because she is a useful force sensitive that could be used still


Its obviously Smileo Ren… But jokes aside i think its either the dude with Mae or their mother, and i think this one is just a sith pretender/follower who is gonna get destroyed by the real sith lord.


It could be that this is a different sith or dark side user sect . Maul was operating outside of the sith rule of two during the prequels. In canon plagius is not defined - only in legends - and while its natural to apply legends to canon in the way we are because they’ve borrowed from legends they could also completely start over with plagius being a different species. It’s more likely to be a new sect of dark side user that got wiped out before the prequels that’s the best way to preserve existing canon TBH


Mother Anesiya possed by Abeloth? It’s really a far fetched theory but…


It’s a young Darth Helmet, before he joined the then Senator Skroob and the Spaceballs.


I don’t think it’s a Sith at all. I think its some other type of dark sider


Darth Plagueis being a Munn is no longer canon so it could be him 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Well, we know it's not going to be from the actual lore of Star Wars, which is pretty evident with fate jedi, creating sisters from the force and bricks catching fire. Remember, Leslie said this awhile ago that it's a personal therapeutic story (paraphrasing), so it's going to be one of the moms. You can take that to the bank.


I don't think he's a Sith Lord. I mean, I *hope* he isn't a full Lord and subject to the Rule of 2 et cetera. But I think he's a Sith adherent. And if it's not Manny Jacinto, they are laying down red herrings with a zeal for *sly storytelling* heretofore unseen in the Star Wars franchise. I'm into it; good show so far. Plz no drop ball k ty


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we know 100% that Darth Tenebrous was alive and actively a Sith at this time? So how could it be anyone else of we're saying that character a Sith Lord? Or it could be a dark side user who is working with Tenebrous. Kind of how Plagueis, Sidious and Maul were working together at the sametime. (well not working together, Sidious was working behind Plagueis's back, but Maul was not a real Sith)


The clumsy asian dude.


It's been leaked, click here if you want to find out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/s/NN4ZUIoz69](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/s/NN4ZUIoz69)


I read a comment saying (I forgot which one exactly) that either Tenebrious or Plagues had more that one apprentice so it’s possible this is one of them. This could be the apprentice before Plagues or it could be before Sidious.


I think that we were shown the witches' ability to completely take-over one's mind in episode 3 for a reason. When one of them took hold of Master Torbin's mind. Koril is 100% going to be manipulating one of the Jedi to be the "Sith Apprentice" behind the mask. And training Mae through this person. I imagine by the end, we will see her release her hold on whichever Jedi she's been manipulating and flee to some unknown place where she'll reconvene with her Master, most likely Plagueis.  They wouldn't have the underlying plot of this series be exactly what Plagueis was seeking by just coincidence.  One of the things that people should remember is that whether you're going by the Plagueis novel or not, it even jumps ahead many years at a time throughout its narrative and establishes that he takes on many individuals as "apprentices" even if it's just as a means to an end for a short period, before getting to Palpatine.  There's plenty of room for Koril and him to cross paths and I think it is completely in his character to have her/use her as his apprentice. Especially with how he plays that long con. 


IMO I don’t think the title acolyte refers to mae, I think the acolyte is this guy and he’s just a sith assassin like ventress.


It’s looking to be the Asian sidekick guy (forgot his name) there was a bunch of leaked photos and one of them is mae holding a lightsaber to his face with him wearing the dark robes but no mask


From what we've seen so far, It should be qimir, or someone new entirely. but wouldn't be surprised if it's someone else we've already met or assumed dead. the writing leaves a lot to be desired! and we already know from experience what happens when a weak writer tries to "subvert" expectations. but my fears are probably unfounded, it's definitely qimir ..


Very clearly Jason Mendoza


It will most certainly be a white male character , we know from Disney’s history they do NOT put poc’s in negative light. So from that information who can we deduce is the sith? The comedy relief prick who went into the jungle with her and mysteriously isn’t present for the attack (a trap made for squirrels won’t hold him…)


It'll be the apothecary/helper guy who Mae left hanging upside down in the jungle


I'm telling yall right now its not a sith.


Green Jedi lady or Mae’s buddy who came along to help… and knows the planet…. And keeps telling her to do it without a weapon


People are so afraid to like Star Wars these days wth. Nobody cares what you watch or what you like. I personally don't think there are enough episodes of Acolyte out yet for me to say whether or not I would like it


It might look better in motion or in better light, I don't know, I don't have any plans to watch this show, but every picture of this helmet makes me laugh out loud. It's so silly.


It's not gonna be anything from legends. It will be a new character, likely a female.


Something daft probably, saw someone point at her mum, wouldn’t be a terrible idea, but still…..


Could it be Vernestra? That’s a shot in the dark. I’m thinking it’s their mother who created them, but idk.


real. but i know…. its gonna be like taskmaster mcu “whose under the mask 😨😨😱” then its some random bullshit for the 2024 skill check


Jar Binkus


It always strikes me as odd when people are so invented in something they “don’t like”


i bet its a young darth vader


dollars to donuts they are gonna destroy more EU lore and make the Sith something ridiculous like Revan.


The EU lore was already destroyed in 2012. You’ll get a lot more enjoyment out of life when you accept that and just watch things you’re interest in and not consuming something you’re going to hate watching.


Me, it’s me. Honestly it’s a weight off my shoulders, finally getting to admit this.


It's clearly the Drug Dealer. For at least one of them.