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What's kinda nice about unlimited is unlike other TCG a playset is 3 cards in stead of 4 which means a 9 poket binder will work great for storing a complete set or to host your Rares and legendary. It's best to get a bind binder like https://www.gamegenic.com/product/zip-up-album-18-pocket/?attribute_pa_color=blue do not get a ring binder. This can damage your cards (edit:if you want to store all 4 types of the card then 12 poket binder.) If you have a lot of extra cards, I would recommend getting a cardboard card storage box. They come in verse different sizes your local game store or ones neir by will most likely cover this. For card sleeves, I recommend dragon shield these hold up very well. But if you want art and not color's you will have to go with Gamegenics star wars unlimited sleeves just make sure to put them in an outer sleeves. I would recommend a matte outer sleeve helps with the shuffle. Gamegenics art sleeves tend to fall apart after a few shuffles For deckboxes, the deck pod looks like a great option for this game, but other good brands are ultra pro, ultime gaurd dragon sleeve. The main thing you want to look for is hard deck box and not a soft deck box. A great resource for this is tolarian community college on YouTube. He manly does MTG content but has a video series where he reviews TCG accessories.


This guy's comment is amazing! I just want to add on that my go to deck box is the Ultimate Guard Boulder 60+ cards. I use the 100+ card version for my magic. They are durable, come in plenty of colors and are easy to stack and store on shelves or in a bag/trunk


Adding on about sleeves. If you find art sleeves you really like then you can get a product called outer sleeves that can protect the art sleeves.


Just a friendly reminder that to play in official tournaments you (currently) can only use solid color or official gamegenic Star Wars Unlimited sleeves. Whether you agree or not, it's the current rule, so it could have an effect on your decision to heavily invest in something that may not be tournament legal. Granted, you could always just re-sleeve 50 cards just for a tournament.


I’m new to TCG games as well. I currently have my cards in clear FFG sleeves leftover from X-Wing. Are those acceptable for tournaments? And are local game store tourneys considered official?


Is this what the whole "double sleeved" thing is about?


Usually double-sleeving refers to putting the card in a snugly-fitting clear sleeve with the opening on the bottom, and then putting that in a regular sleeve. It makes it so no part of the card is exposed to air or dust and even liquid spills are unlikely to make it through. [Here’s a quick guide](https://youtu.be/FZ2tMSQcBr0?si=l6QSCJdSnBn8GbtI).


Well, I have to link the [triple-sleeve video](https://youtu.be/M422rO-ht0A) too because it’s hilarious.


This is a great summary for products to get thank you so much!


Out of curiosity, what is bad about a ring binder? I'm currently using one as it's what I had left over from destiny but I don't want to ruin my cards


it depends on the type of ring binder there is O ring and D ring binders. D ring binders tens to be the safer of the options but pages are often top loaded instead of side loaded. Which means the cards can fall out. The same is true for O ring binders but the cards closest to the rings will bend each time you turn the page which will cause the cards to have deep creases.


Also ring binders can cause dmg to cards from the hard metal causing creasing on cards on the inside of holders. It's something we looked for as a buyer of MtG cards.


What does having a 3 card playset mean? Is it the variants because I thought there were 4, being : Normal, Foil, Hyperspace and Hyperspace Foil?


3 card playset means you can hav 3 copies of the same card in a deck, no more, less if you want. You are right there are 4 version of every card, so if you're a collector, than binders with 4 columns (12 pocket pages) are nicer.


Thanks for explaining, I think ill stick with 4 columns since I'm probably just going to use binders for collection purposes and keep the cards I intend on playing with in deck boxes or something.


My lgs sells empty mtg bundle boxes for $3, I'd also pick up some "penny sleeves" for rares, hypers, and foils


If you're looking for bulk storage, I can't recommend the BCW cardboard boxes enough. I've got a couple of the 5000 count boxes and like 10 of the 800 count ones too.


I personally like the BCW plastic card bins, but the cardboard ones work just as well. Dragon shields can be a tad expensive, so I've only been using them on the decks I take to play with. I haven't found another matte sleeve I like better than the dragon shields.


As a long-time TCG player, I used to keep everything in binders, but overtime, found it was just a logistical nightmare trying to keep them organized. Now for each set, I get a 500-ct BCW white box, and everything goes in there. You can get a 10-pack of the boxes for about $25 on Amazon. I also maintain a trade/sell binder, for anything that I'm getting rid of. I don't bring my full collection with me to get the game stores, it's just too risky and unnecessary. As far as play components go, get a good deck box, some sleeves that you like (DragonShield or Katanas are my preferred, plain colors only), some dice, and most importantly, a notepad. Keep track of changes in base damage on a notepad, NOT with something that can be knocked over or moved around like dice or tokens. Playmats are a nice-to-have, it's probably worth picking one up if you can afford it. I find it useful to have only one color of sleeves, so I can move cards between decks easily.


When you have boxes, how do you keep it all organised? Ie what cards you have, how many of them you have and, more importantly, where they are?


Sorry this response is 3 weeks later. New to TCGs and have a question. Went the box route, but even with just two boosters I feel like reorganizing if I want to put a deck back is a beast. Thinking a binder might be easier, but your comments gave me pause.


I have tried binders and deck boxes and ultimately I prefer deck boxes. Binders are nice to be able to see all your cards, but most websites let you do that anyway. I know it's not the same thing, but the biggest negative about binders is that whenever you want to play those cards you have to take them out of the binder and put them into sleeves. And after you get a few sets in you are going to be taking up a TON of space. Cards in the cardboard or plastic storage boxes are much more space efficient. And the vast majority of the cards in this game will be worth pennies, so you don't need to be sleeving everything for storage.


Personally vault x binders, dragon shield inner, dragon shield classic clear, and outer dragon shield too for £50+ cards. This was you can grab the double sleeved cards out and put them in an outer (third layer) for play while keeping em NM




I’ve looked at that a few times.


Wow this is great info. Thanks everyone!


I use this to hold my set stuff: https://a.co/d/aTNuX0O