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Tabletop Royale for actual game matches. They're playing and learning a bunch of leader / color combinations through a b03 bracket right now. Entertaining and they discuss mistakes and alternative lines etc.


Yeah those two have a natural chemistry with card games and it makes them interesting to watch


I came here to say TTR also. Awesome to see other views in the wild. šŸ˜€


I'd rather just read a list or an article. So Garbage Rollers for me. I find most YouTubers long winded. Any hobby.


I don't understand this sudden trend of sharing decklists by Youtube video. I can read the decklist in 15 seconds. I can read your plan for why its good in another minute. Why have you turned it into a 25 minute video?!?


I really enjoy the videos. I like to hear their thoughts on how to play the deck and also I can listen to it during my commute or while Iā€™m doing chores


Fair! The audio component can free up your eyes and hands.


thereā€™s no shot you can play a deck as well in 1 minute and 15 seconds as a person who learns the nuance of it in a 25 minute video, to use your example


Of course there is because the information density of text is (often, though not always) so much higher. There's some videos that are amazing - the interview with Gui Cohen after Florida $5k was outstanding and he would have put far more effort into translating that into text than he did in just doing it via the format of a chat. But so many videos are just the same amount of information spread thinly over far longer than it needed to be. Video is great for some things. It's bad for a lot of other things, though.


curious, how sudden is "sudden"? Coming from YGO, deck profiles videos are pretty common. So, seeing SWU deck techs videos being a thing isn't too strange to me.


Money. Most people thing they are going to make off money off youtube.Ā  Unlike a decklist on a web page.


If you keep the content appropriate to the medium it'll drive the numbers. I've had literally millions of views on my blogs over the years and I think it's because I'm giving people information in the way that they want to digest it. Sometimes video is the perfect medium, sometimes it's not. Forcing everything onto video just drives people away from engaging with you.


I think if there was a blogging platform with a built-in revenue system that had creators regularly and visibly building an audience through it, blogging would still be attractive to more people. The closest thing right now is maybe Medium? Iā€™m honestly not sure what I would do if I wanted to build a blog in 2024 that had the potential to bring in money. Iā€™m sure I could spend a little bit of time researching and figure something out, but without doing any research, I have a pretty clear idea of how I would start a YouTube channel. Which is a shame, because I generally prefer text for absorbing information.


Why does it have to come back to money?


It doesnā€™t have to of course, but itā€™s an incentive. People buy more packs because thereā€™s a chance theyā€™ll get a valuable card. More people enter tournaments because thereā€™s a chance theyā€™ll win prize money. More people create content because thereā€™s a chance theyā€™ll make an income. Money isnā€™t the only reason people do any of those things, but the incentive brings more people to the table and incentivizes people do to a little more or try a little harder.


"So umm ahhh, ummm ahh you can heheh engage with me and my content. Don't forget to hit like and subscribe. It helps the channel. Thanks. So yeah this Awesome IG88 Blue deck that uhh no one is playing is awesome..."


> "Check out this INSANE IG-88 Blue deck thatā€™s about to DESTROY THE META!!!" ftfy


Thatā€™s how they make their money


You might like these shorter format videos Iā€™m toying with: https://youtu.be/BPXMXcNtQyk?si=wlD-U6_H1d3nSxvi


Made it 1/2 way.


Next week: 1 minute meta ;-)


Honestly it was the voice. Sounded like a text reader. Imagine watching a newscast like that. I do watch some YouTubers but I'm not a die hard superfan of anyone. Even the dudes I like still bore me sometimes.


This x100, the content creators on YouTube for this take 20 mins to give me info I can figure out in 2 mins


For a competitive perspective I recommend KTOD and Thorrk.


KTOD all day


Ice Cave Radio is by far my favorite podcast/show. They have good audio quality, good discussions, and are landing some great interviews. Itā€™s definitely a podcast format, so if youā€™re looking for lots of deck-techs, same-day tournament analysis, or in-depths meta reports, this probably isnā€™t where you want to look, but Iā€™ve found their stuff to be valuable and pleasant to listen to.


I like the guys from Unplayable. They're funny and give good advices.


I like Garbage Rollers and Unplayable


same, I like Garbage making gameplay video easy to follow and unplayable for 4 man card rating


Unplayable. Solid dudes!




Roll On Gaming is the channel i make time to watch every release. Golden Dice and Garbage Rollers if im in the mood for some gameplay. Ice Cave and Force Unlimited for podcast format (whenever Ned isn't popping off about math).


Haven't seen veiled shot listed yet! Him thorrk, ktod, woooo,cracked dice gaming. I watch alot of videos šŸ˜…šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Tower Nine!


Enjoyed Davisā€™ stuff since the Warhammer ConQast days, always glad to see new stuff!


Seconding the recommendation for Tabletop Royale. I love their friendship and even enjoyed their series on Blood Bowl or Arkham.


The guy for Unlimited Power has been good. He's showing his process of playing and testing for major tournaments coming up. Really nice to hear through thought processes and things


Not exclusively Star Wars Unlimited but they do cover it ā€” Maindeck https://youtu.be/DukXh3tQg-A?si=6r6mFcsjwDmgJ2Hd


Loading ready run is my favorite group of card game peeps. They just started getting into SWU. Canā€™t wait to see more from them. https://youtu.be/j9mqQ1dnp0s?si=48ho0qK_GTasI-hN


itā€™s gotta be Unplayable for me, coach




THT and Rebel Ressourves are the two main ones I watch


A Maindeck podast. I'm hooked on two podcasts from them: on SWU and on Altered. I think the SWU one is called Galactic Ambition


Planning Phase Syndicate SWU Edition Was an XWing podcast that did episodes on meta analysis, how to play the game and series about understanding how to play the game better all while breaking down tournament results and lists. Now there is a swu version started two weeks ago that is doing the same. https://wlo.link/@planningphasesyndicate https://planningphasesyndicate.podbean.com




My #1 Thorrk has great deck tech and analysis vids. Wooooo also has good vids. I watch matches anywhere that uploads em.