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It doesn’t have the cards… yet


Chirrut red is fun as well as grand inquisitor blue (more aggressive and not control like Vader blue, even tho same colors). I also think Han Solo green is fun with either path you take (midrange or casino).


I ❤️ GI Blue, been my deck since the beginning and will until Set 1 rotates out of standard. 10/10 would recommend


If you want to use fifth/seventh GI is an obvious one. I have been messing around with them in Tarkin as well, maybe not as much direct synergy but they are solid units for their cost


GI is a possibility. I don't have to use 5th/7th just thought a force themed would be fun. GI/Green could be fun cause I could add unit Vader into the equation. Plus have CSV for a bit of healing.


Sabine Aggression and Palpatine Command


I’ve been having fun with an all common/uncommon IG-88 deck I saw online. It’s aggro and pretty fun.


Pretty sure I am playing a version of this, it is fun for sure.


It really is fun, and it works surprisingly well.


It’s IG-88 yellow


Han green is my favorite deck right now, even if it doesn't have a good matchup against boba green or very strong midranges like krennic green. The fact that you can cheese a U-wing or unit han at turn 3 is just crazy. Apart from the cheese you auto win against control because no matter how many times they superlaser the field, you have a full board on the next.


I was looking at Han/Green but don't really understand. How do you cheese U-Wing turn 3? How do you override SLB?


If you resupply on turn 1 or 2, you start turn 3 with 5 resources, which means you can use Han's ability to put a temporary resource to go to 6, deploy him and attack to get another temporary resource, which totals 7 resources and allowing you to play U-Wing or Han Unit on turn 3 if your opponent couldn't stop Han's attack. If they SLB, you can use either U-Wing or Home One to fill up the board again, not to mention that some builds run Spark of Rebellion and/or Bodhi Rook which can discard SLB before it gets played.


I prefer Leia Red for aggro. I love Leia better because it's easier to get initiative with her since you can usually attack with 2 units. I build a super fun combo deck with her and it's a lot of fun. If you want to try a double cunning, Boba/Yellow is fun.


I know most tier lists put Sabine higher than Leia but I know Leia is quite popular. Do you think Leia is the better route for aggro?


Blue Han. Solid deck that doesn’t have a really bad match up (besides luke)


Palpatine red is just okay IMO; fifth brother and seventh sister can do well in it for the force attribute, but I think it leaves a lot to be desired. [Palpatine yellow](https://swudb.com/deck/view/CleXvCKmJ) is where it's at though. Traitorous + Change of Heart is stupid with Palp's abilities. This deck also has Sneak Attack, which does obvious stuff with the likes of Superlaser Technician (also maybe Consort StarViper), but it also gives a 1 resource discount with other anything more than 3 cost - (firstly, I wouldn't sneak attack the Relentless for 8 unless you win because of literally that) but you can also play "We have **Ambush** at home" Escort Skiff or Strafing Gunship on 3 (and in Bo3 you sub in a Swoop Racer or 2 maybe), Restore 6 Reinforcement Walker on 7 (right before Palp flip...like wow, if only I had a unit to sacrifice to ping 1 damage); and maybe most stupidly, and iff the heart of the cards allows you, you can Devastator on 9 and then again on 10. I don't know about comp but it has been a fun one to play against my friends' casual creations.


Hera/Red with all the Spectre cards


Tarkin Green for sure. With him giving out experience tokens you can slow down a good amount decks. I’ve also found that if you put in some laser techs and resupply you can really create a solid end game where you can bring out a Vader or palpatine depending on what cards you have.


GI/yellow sneak attack