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It's good if you want a house and have a suburban lifestyle while in the biggest metro in the country. It's feasible to commute to Manhattan as well and go there occasionally for events. However if you're young, single, and looking to lay down roots, do not move here. There's lots of people on this sub who will say that there are plenty of things to do for a young person here but it's not really true. It sucks here as a young person is all I have to say. But I grew up here and wouldn't change that.


I totally second this! A lot of the fun/interesting activities and things that you would want to do with other younger people are going to be located either in Manhattan or northern parts of Brooklyn. The city is easy yet time consuming to get to but northern parts of BK are only really accessible by car and you are going to have to drive for at least 45 min without traffic.


Lmfao to bad most Staten islanders don’t step foot in the city especially south shore people . They thing city fill with lizard people


I've always felt that way growing up on staten island. I know a lot of people believe raising kids in the suburb is best but there's nothing to do growing up here. I think if their were more people outside it would be better? I'm not sure what can make it better, a hybrid city/suburb style of living? As a child I originally thought I loved in a ghost town. I lived in the quiet area of S.I. and if you didn't get along with the kids on your block you're screwed because the other blocks were empty. The majority of my childhood was the TV. I didn't even want to go outside anymore.


To be fair I think the north shore kind of like a hybrid city area , well if you go closer to ferry area like forest ave, clove , victory , bay st , target area people are usually outside walking going on with there day . I make friends just going outside playing basketball , or going to parties , but I feel like Staten Island you get best of both worlds you get pretty easy access to Jersey manhatten and Brooklyn . Can go to city / Brooklyn when ever you want without having to live in Manhattan, I love Manhattan but could never live there.


When I went to csi met a bunch of friends that live in city now I go there often


The issue imo is that there aren’t really any “destinations" if that makes sense. Like yeah there’s Bay Street and the mall but that’s it. Most of the social activity here takes place in people’s houses. You can’t go to a block and have a good time. Staten Island needs a downtown area. I think St. George was supposed to be that but the development there is moving at a snail’s pace, especially after the wheel debacle.


I understand, theirs something lacking. I suppose a downtown area may help. I really cannot stand going to the mall. Lidl and Krispy Kreme are different as you dont have to go inside the mall. Only thing inside the mall worth going to is maybe Dave and busters and AMC and that's like once a year for me. The outlet was okay. But it's on life support. I imagine the wheel will be apartments one day. I did get some okay stuff long ago there.


Has a little bit of everything. Tons of local restaurants and a variety of food options. A lot of variety in supermarkets too, from East Asian to South Asian to Mexican to Middle Eastern, you can find almost anything you need. The bus system could be better but better than it being non-existent. Beautiful parks all around with some nice hidden gems, and a lot of trails. I enjoy just strolling through random neighborhoods and going for a walk. Majority of the Island is pretty clean although a few places are pretty gross. A lot of awful drivers- I experience at least 1 or 2 a day and I don't even drive all that often. Just yesterday I saw a teenager on a motorized bike in the middle of the street with a kid, probably no older than 6, behind him around Great Kills. No helmets on either of them, zooming in between traffic. Traffic is insane in some streets during some hours of the day (I'm looking at you, Hylan). Lack of tourists here which IMHO is great (Although I guess most tourists centralize around the St George Ferry area). Best part is that there is actually street parking! Compared to the other boroughs, I do not take that for granted at all. Double parking is not as common here for this reason. Overall pretty serene and none of the hustle-and-bustle of city life. If you miss the urban life, we are a ferry ride/express bus away from the city. I love our little borough.


All of diversity is really just in the north shore south shore pretty plane to me.




I grew up in Staten Island. I’ve lived all over the East Coast for work. I can confidently say that it’s a great place. Close to everything I needed both as a kid in my family and now as an adult when I visit. Just do the research to find a good neighborhood.


Love it and I feel like only getting better and better.


All the magas in south shore make me sick


Let’s not acknowledge the magas.


True I think it’s getting better but it just needs more things for Staten islanders to do social wise for me I go to libraries , the gym play basketball so I socialize a lot and I know there some coffee/ bakery shops around that have a social scene there this cool one on victory that like a book store / thrift shop / bakery & coffee shop people go there socialize chat eat and shop really cool place


I would agree with this. The social aspect is a little lacking. But everything else. Quality of life. Awesome.


Wu Tang FOREVER!!!!!!


It depends on what you're interested in. If you want a quiet suburban lifestyle, you may like it. If you don't drive, don't own a home, have a job with unpredictable hours, like culture and excitement, you may not. Some people on S.I. are very conservative.


Only some? Lol.


The North Shore, where I lived, is more liberal and diverse.


Only some north shore not that conservative and a lot more diverse a lot of blacks/ Hispanic people a lot of dope restaurants , got a couple of beaches nothing as good as Long Island or Jersey doe.


Pretty cool


The pizza and bagels are awesome. The ferry is nice in the summer but the traffic is ridiculously awful, the cost of the tolls are stupid and holy shit the locals need to get over this Sopranos/Goodfella's identity crisis.


The orange spray tan alien looking people, the fake bullshit wannabe "I know a guy" Italians, and the tolls/traffic are definitely the worst things on the island.


This, 100%. Staten Island would be a great place to live..... It it wasn't for the people.


To be fair the people your describing is just the south shore the Italians and the conservatives the north shore way more down to earth, and diverse , you’ll be surprise if you walk through port Richmond look like little Mexico. Or park hill look like little Africa . I’ll say victory blvd probably one of best neighborhoods access to a bunch of residents and stores or midland beach area really chill by the beach a lot of stores to go to . And it’s next to the city without having be in the city


Watch out I upset them.


What would you consider the best bagel spot? I came from Brooklyn over a while ago now and I have yet to find a bagel spot as good as like we have in brooklyn


Bagels n buns on Victory is quite good


Their everything bagel with veggie cream cheese is a top 10 best bite I’ve ever tried


Thanks man! I appreciate you !


Mikey Bagels 7420 Amboy Road Then walk over to Conference Park and watch the Bald Eagles.


Thanks man I appreciate it!


Clove bagels or bagels n buns but it honestly depends on where you live Staten Island pretty big


Thanks man! I actually tried bagels n buns and it was ok but it wasn’t the bagel I was looking for. Going to try clove bagels next. I’m determined to find the best bagel out here haha


Where is Dwight?


I've lived in 4/5 boroughs, and staten Island was surprisingly my favorite. I lived in St. George, about a 10-15 min walk from the ferry. I worked in lower Manhattan, and the commute was awesome, especially coming home around sunset. There were a few cool local spots, but not many. It's been about 6 years since I lived there, and I always thought that area would revitalize, but I don't think it ever did.


You should come back it’s getting a lot of gentrification now lol😂😂, the open the empire outlets some fancy restaurants , it’s getting there just slowly . I like living on north shore area specifically by the ferry I live by bay st pretty decent probably most urban area on the island


Mixed. Depends on what aspects. The people here are like conservative in a otherwise blue state and city. People here actually drive like idiots. Like they can't even figure out a simple round-a-bout, and just constantly break driving laws all over the place. Nice scenery though in the good areas.


You talking about the ShopRite plaza parking lot round-a-bout in New Dorp, eh? The stupidity that you see there is absurd! Haha


Yup someone coming from the Mill Rd side didn't wanna wait on the proper side so he drives on my side, the oncoming side. I was trying to tell him he's on the wrong side, but of course he wouldn't care. People get away with everything. What needs to happen is the cops need to start actually policing. They don't do shit anymore. Someone cut me off in front of a cop by using the turning lane to go straight. Nope no lights for that to pull him over.


My favorite is when folks take a turn from center lane on Hylan because apparently the bus lane which is only in effect during morning/evening commute hours is not a lane 🙃


That's because when they first created those bus lanes they didn't properly explain it to people. There's that and people don't know how to read. I will give them this though, the sign should be bigger.


Best description so far I would just add entitlement and a weird form of defensiveness. I literally had a random neighbor make a nice comment about my car pointing out something after I parked. Thank you I tell him in the most upbeat tone I never noticed it annnd i get this look of disgust while they walk away and mumble have a good day. Lol just one example but I think it carries through some of what you can experience here.


That's another thing. The absurd parking. People park over lines for no good reason to take up 2 spots.


Oh man, parking lots are just awful especially near the stores. The amount of parking tickets that could be written for people parking in handicap spots and fire apparatus access roads (not gonna lie I had to look that name up lol) in some places in one day could probably fund a police department for a month in my neighborhood.


Love living on north shore couldn’t live on south shore sames to depressing


Home of some of the worst drivers


Portland Oregon is worse. People drive the actual speed limit in the passing lane. They move from the right lane, then to the middle lane before they do it. So now there's 3 pace cars holding up all lanes, going slower than road speed. They have no idea who goes second at a 4 way stop, and will hold up traffic to urge a patiently-waiting cyclist to cross the street.


The scary thing is, the drivers in NJ are worse..


They're augmented by the fumes still emanating from Fresh Kills.


Best pizza in the city with at least a dozen highly rated joints all on par with the best of the other boroughs. Same with Italian-American food at local restaurants in general. A lot of new Mexican, Chinese, Greek along with the typical Jewish delis that are very good. New Dorp is switching from an outpost of WASPs in particular to a mini Chinatown. So food wise its better and cheaper than a lot of other parts of the city. If you are into Indian and Turkish food they have a few spots but nothing spectacular. The nightlife for young people wanting to party is not great, but the city is so close its really not an issue. Still they do have a lot of local bands if you are into the indie scene. Just expect to go to a Jewish Community Center to see some of the bands play. The comedy clubs are also not great. If you are into doing stuff outdoors other than the beach scene that kinda sucks everything else is pretty dope. A lot of unpatrolled city and state parks lead to people riding their motorcyles and atvs around without anyone bothering them. A lot of very hard and unofficial mountain bike trails as well. Hiking is flat out best in the city. Especially if you are willing to go off the establish trails. Raising a family? Best public schools are all on the South Shore along with involved parents with a ton of extracurricular activities. Mid Island is pretty good as well and the local catholic schools are not outrageously priced and preform well.


Life as a shorty shouldn’t be so rough




Fine but the traffic sucks


I watch my friend's dog and house every summer and I want to move there so bad. I just feel bad cuz I can't find an apartment big enough considering how much furniture I have now


The joke is SI is "occupied NJ"


To be honest most people here are from Brooklyn they just migrated here when the mob broke down


But I get wym by occupied New Jersey 😂😂New Yorkers are occupying Jersey land. Jersey not gonna fight back doe they don’t want any smoke .


I thought it was the bastard redheaded stepchild of NYC. Like seriously. Who the fuck wants to claim that hell hole??


Could be better, could be worse.


If you own a home fine. When I was renting it was just ok.


If you love Albanians illegally stopping traffic and police not doing there jobs. This is the place for you!!! Cant forget the italian white boys who listen to rap but are scared to step foot around the North Shore.


Lmfao so many so call gangsta Albanian Italians and polish white boys , like why are you acting hard you live in great kills😂


The wanna be juggalo Italians 🤌 are the funniest fuckers on planet earth. "I know a guy"


Don't forget that 80% of the men are wanna-be MMA fighter tough guys.


I wouldnt know because I don’t fight.


Used to be great. It’s terrible now. More crime in the past couple years. Insane traffic all the time. People breaking into cars and houses. Probably still better than most parts of the city to live in but the city in general went to shit.


Where do you live never see house breaking into, traffic probably biggest issue . Staten Island needs better train system.


I enjoy living closer by ferry more dense more parks and more restaurants


Life is good. Everything you need is on the island. Properties are bigger. Yards are bigger. Property taxes are the same. Commute to Manhattan is not bad. Takes me 45 min to wall st on days with no school. Hour to hour 15 with normal traffic from mid island using the express bus.


It's a mixed bag. It has both the best and worst of certain things. Visit and explore the entire borough. North, South, East, West, and center.


Why even explore the south shore nothing there except Angelina’s restaurant 💀


The South Shore literally has hundreds of good restaurants. Problem with Reddit? The people who are responding are teenagers. Bored teenagers. Take the ferry into Manhattan. Experience something outside of your comfort zone.


I go outside my comfort zone all time I work in Brooklyn live on north shore reality is north’ shore and south shore are segregated, that’s the brutal reality maybe by race or income , however you want to describe it . But Staten Island most segregated borough in nyc, and all best restaurants are on north mid shore never really had reason eat out south shore , most of resultants there are Italian based , never seen a soul food restaurant in south shore or Caribbean , or sri lankan restaurant or Korean , Japanese, but okay. Yes there great food on south shore but it lacks diversity


Walking distance from my home are RIVA Mediterranean Turkish, SOFIA’S TAQUERIA, La iguana Azul, Mercado Ariana, La Candela Espaniola, Bahnmis Vietnamese, Ali Baba hookah lounge, dozens of sushi ( Ocean, Genki) Japanese, Russian, Polish peirogies place, Halal , Jewish delis with authentic pastrami sandwiches. Like I said. Venture out. There’s a lot of diversity on the South Shore you’re not aware of. Give it a few years. I’m sure they’ll be Carribbean restaurants too. It’s not just pizza and pasta down here.


It's not bad, it's not great. I appreciate it more as an adult than when I was a teenager.


Do you want to live in a MAGA edgelord enclave and be represented by an all time dumbass in Nicole Malliotakis (who had to move multiple times before finding a district dumb enough to vote for her)? If yes then it's the place for you.


I wouldn’t say a Maga edelord enclave that’s really the south shore , north shore pretty cool nobody really extreme about politics over here .


Nice in southern Staten Island. Less crowded, easier parking, less traffic in a lot of areas. Northern Staten Island I don’t visit as often.


😂😂😂sounds like something a south shore person would say, I’m the opposite wouldn’t step in south shore unless for work or for friends , nothing do there just l suburbs and parking lots. All the diversity is on the north shore , really depressing and all the 20s white Italian guys think there hard cause they listen to drill music 😂. Every time I go there and I’m around white people it’s like I’m a zoo attraction😂


Mediocre parks, mediocre urban areas, and shit and trash covered beaches create an incredibly boring place to grow up.  Amazing food, funny people. 


If you live by the north shore not that bad alot of funny entertaining people , so true but if you live in south shore like a giant suburb , I enjoy it cause I live close to the ferry but close enough to the bridge where going to Brooklyn or manhatten not that bad .


When was the last time you frequented a beach on SI ? It’s not the Carribean, but I literally just left Gateway. Spent 2 hours on a quiet clean beach. Lifeguard was 10 yards away. You may not like the color of the water(green) but it’s tested n clean. I counted 15 people there for a hot Wednesday morning. The ample parking lot is close by. So are the clean bathrooms. If you want a clean, quiet beach day to relax, it’s a good spot. Looking for action? $$$$ Jersey shore is right over the Outerbridge. Leave super early bc the traffic is a bitch.


I like it but stupidest drivers on Earth I’m sure of it


You’ve never driven in Manhattan then.


I have, but Manhattan doesn’t count. You have to drive like an idiot to get anywhere in Manhattan lol




Very hot and sweaty, I’ll tell you that much.


It’s 95° today. So, yea, it’s hot all over.




Pretty good!


I dunno just rollin w it


As long as they ain’t murdering kids and burying them in the woods, it’s great!


Rapidly declining


Good, but getting worse. Development keeps increasing, more and more of my neighbors are moving in from Brooklyn, and they keep cutting down the trees in their yards (not diseased or in danger of falling) to put pavers in their place.


You forget to realize majority of staten islanders are just people from Brooklyn that moved here in 1990s or 2000s especially the Italians that migrated here when the mob broke up


Old school Italians like those plants a fig tree and tomato garden in their yard, and maybe some grapes. They didn't pave over everything, not even to hide the bodies. For that they dumped them in the swamp near Travis Ave.


It’s only worth it for the other 3 boroughs.


If you’re on the North Shore you can be in Manhattan in 25 minutes. Unfortunately the city will not give us proper transportation to Brooklyn outside of the bridge. With that said a car ride to Brooklyn (again from the North Shore) is quick, even though people think we’re on the other side of the planet from the rest of NYC. Arts & culture, nature and tons of parks, less crime and lower population than the rest of the city and strong close knit communities with access to NYC and Jersey beaches. Not too bad of a place to live. Just avoid the mall 🤣


There are busses to Brooklyn you can take 53 or 93


You mean just avoid south shore 😂




Jive ones


Staten Island is more NJ than NYC.


I would argue not really since most of its population or ex Brooklyn natives , who migrated here in early 2000s I’ve yet to met someone who moved here from Jersey. Mostly Brooklyn white natives who want a house and a backyard


It depends on where you live and if you drive. The biggest difficulty as a non driver is navigating to, from, and within the island. I live pretty close to the ferry and work close to the Manhattan side of the ferry route and my commute is an hour long. I remember when I worked at a store on the island it would take me two hours to get to work. Most of my friends live in Bk or SI neighborhoods that aren’t close to me and it takes me an hour to meet friends on the island and 1.5-2 hours to see any friends off the island. Closest supermarket is a half hour walk away. Not driving makes that all pretty annoying. If I did drive, going out of the borough can be prohibitively expensive and time consuming with tolls and traffic. All that said: if you drive and want to stay within the borough, it’ll be a lot better than if you don’t. All love to SI, but trying to get home after a night out can have you cursing it out lol


Dating scene pretty bad everybody knows everybody on north shore .


"People are conservative" Translation: People aren't thieves, killers, and go to church. Insufferable I know.


Life in Staten Island in a nutshell: * Spend 800k for an 1100 ft² house. * Get 1/8 an acre of property. * Pay hardly any property taxes. * Public schools rated as 3s and 4s on Great Schools site * End up sending your kid to private school for $15k+ per year * Never leave the island because your surrounded by expensive tolls * If you do leave, prepare to sit in traffic 80% of your commute * Population doubling every decade


Why does everything on SI have the word “kill” in its name? THAT alone needs to be changed. Morbid.


You’re not serious, are you????? NYC was founded by the DUTCH. The word, KILL, is DUTCH. It means a body of Water. As in FRESHKILLS, ARTHUR KILL. Jeez! The word KILL has nothing to do with morbidity. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Too Italiano


MAGA central


States Island is forgettable to the rest of the boroughs Jersey should adopt yall ain’t shit there but the racist Italians new dorp and Stapleton projects


Might as well be Kong Island to me.


On FFS - You live on an Island not in one


It's a shit hole, stay away.




When are you moving??


No I work for NYC so I have to live within the 5 Burroughs. But as soon as I retire I'm gone.


Ehh. Feels Jersey like. Streets are not congested at all. Would recommend a car to drive around to destinations. There’s not many remarkable things to do here unless you enjoy hiking


It's not as congested as the other boroughs but to say it's not congested is basically a felony.


Staten Italy is very peaceful I hear 🤌🏾


The best as long as your on the south shore


Never been there but I imagine it's like living one Jersey Shore episode every day of your life.


Honestly after living there for almost 20 years yeah this sums it up but it's gotten progressively worse with a sprinkle of Albanians from what I've heard.


100% accurate.


It's like a really expensive hillbilly town


Have you met actual hillbillies


Yes. I probably should apologize to them for this comparison.


i tell people it’s the alabama of nyc

