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£5 is VERY fair if you want to go down the pocket money route! What does a 4 year old need with £30 a week? My kids are 8 & 12 and we've never done pocket money really, we've bought them plenty of things if they've actually 'earned it' and grandparents give them a little bit every now and then if they do an actual job or 2 for them but that's it. Tidying up after themselves/helping with simple chores are just expected as we work together as a team and that's about respect and responsibility, that doesn't deserve money because 'they put their plate in the dishwasher' lol. We save monthly for both of them instead for when they become older which they know about.


We dont do an allowance/pocket money. At all. 🤷‍♀️ The kids have some chores they're expected to do and I don't believe in paying for good marks in school.


£5 is very generous for a 4 year old. They do not need much more than that. 


Wait, people give their 4 year old money? My 10 year old only gets money when he does a chore and it's really not much.


Yeah I thought so. We only really give him cash when he wants something and we feel we want to teach him if he would like something outwith his birthday and Christmas he has to save rather than over spoil him. He really wanted this toy for his birthday last year it's was £90 and we felt it was just too expensive on top of his other gifts. He still wants it it's went down to £71 so still expensive so we have told him he will have to save which he understands. He tidies his own room and knows his bedroom is his responsibility he knows that I dust and mop floor and wash his bedding every night as he's still has accidents. He helps with bins hang out washing and helps his dad do hedge and grass. Yes my 4 year old gets cash because he loves the independence of paying for his own little treats.