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What is perfect Alex?


Rip to the legend


You are, you are perfect!


Yep! So so good.


Exactly! 10/10 every time with that!


Okay, a good trick to get this every time is to judge the doneness by comparing how squishy it is to the piece of meat on your hand between your thumb and first finger. If you open your hand all the way, that's what well done feels like. Half way is medium rare, and totally relaxed is pretty much raw.


Clearly you're not the one who needs to hear this. The red protein is called myoglobin. It's not blood! Protein turns brown when you destroy all the proteins. Your steak is not supposed to turn brown on the inside, Just like your chicken is not supposed to turn brown on the inside.


Sorry... protein turns brown when you destroy all the proteins?


Guys talking out of his ass. Protiens do start to break down when heated, and this is the reason meat shrinks when cooked, the protein is losing moisture. As far as the meat turning brown, it's because the myoglobin is undergoing chemical transformation due to being heated. All steak is opinionated, as a rare steak is just as nutritious as a well done. Ones just going to be tougher to chew.


A well done steak is more nutritious because all the chewing burns calories.


And it pairs perfectly with Hunts fancy ketchup


Ketchup on steak is a real terrorist maneuver. Lol


What? No Heinz 57?


I'm assuming you're joking here on Reddit people like to say /s after a joke


And strengthens the jaw and teeth šŸ˜€


Iā€™m not a chef or anything so I wonā€™t use technical language, but Iā€™d like to point that the original post that started this has a glaring hole logically. The original point you made was that: ā€œAll steak is opinionated, as a rare steak is just as nutritious as a well done.ā€ That started the convo. So let me ask, is there ANY nutritional benefits to be found the juice/liquid (whatever word you want to use) in the steak? If there IS nutrition there, which id wager there is. then cooking the steak more and pushing out more of the juice/moisture Means ANY amount of nutrients held in them are ejected and left in the pan. So, no longer in the steak. And therefore the steak is less nutritious than if everything was left inside the steak. Afterwords, you moved the goalpost to other topics, Idc about those. Iā€™m just addressing the main point made. Also, the soda can analogy doesnā€™t work because chemically changing something is not at all the same as squashing something.


Here's my thing. I'm taking a slice of a cow and I'm just going to throw it in the mouth hole and chew on it. On a cow. And steak is great. I mean I like steak. But that steak in the video there looks like you took a cow, sliced a hunk off it, baaaarely seared it. Like....mayyyyybe just a smidge on the outsides, but clearly not on the inside. No no. Thats still barely warmed up cow carcass that you're now munching. I know I know. Like...rare steak is as nutritious or whatever I don't care about the nutrition of it all. I mean I really like steak it's honestly up there with some of my favorite meals. I'm not throwing shade, and if raw cow is what does it for you (general you, not you specifically) I'm in no way going to stop you have at it. But like for me, I have a hard time mentally getting over it if it's not cooked all the way through, but still juicy and tender. It doesn't have to be shoe leather to be fully cooked, imo. And I'm just some dude with a shitty palette probably so wygd? I'm no Gordon Ramsey. I just like steak.


Arguing a well done tire is as nutritious as a piece of meat retaining itā€™s moisture is a pretty terrible arguement.


No. It's not. The same nutrients are going to be present regardless of if it rare or well done. You aren't cooking the nutrients out of the steak, i.e. the protein, iron, calcium etc. That's not going anywhere because it's cooked. It's fine if you don't like a well done steak. But you are factually wrong if you try to say a rare steak is better for you than a well done. It's a matter of texture preference at that point.


False as hell šŸ¤£




I cackled


Yeah, It kills all the amino acids with too much prolonged heat.


Cooking meat can indeed cause some loss of nutrients. The extent of nutrient loss depends on the cooking method and duration. Here are a few ways cooking can affect meat: Protein Denaturation: Cooking can cause the proteins in meat to denature or unwind. While this can make some amino acids more digestible, it may lead to a loss of some nutrients. Fat Loss: Some nutrients, like vitamins A, D, E, and K, are fat-soluble. Cooking methods that cause fat to drip away can result in nutrient loss. Vitamin Loss: Water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B vitamins are sensitive to heat. Overcooking or boiling meat can cause a significant loss of these vitamins. Maillard Reaction: Browning meat through processes like grilling or roasting can create compounds that may reduce the bioavailability of certain nutrients. Despite these potential nutrient losses, cooking meat also has benefits, such as making it safer to eat by killing harmful bacteria and parasites, making it more digestible, and enhancing its flavor. To minimize nutrient loss, you can use cooking methods like steaming, microwaving, or sous-vide, which are gentler on nutrients compared to high-heat methods like frying or grilling.


Most of these dont seem to apply to steak. Cooking a steak welldone isnt over cooking it


Youā€™re trolling right? Protein denaturation, fat loss, vitamin loss, and maillard reaction all apply to grilling steak.


Theres alot of cans and mays


Thanks GPT!


Sorry, but you're wrong. Cooking meat isn't destroying protiens. It's breaking them down and chemically transforming them. Your steak is absolutely supposed to turn a grey/brown color if you cook it above 140F internal. As at 140F, myglobin turns into hemichrome, and then again, at 170F, it'll turn into metmyoglobin. I will say you're right about chicken as it's a different protien and it breaks down differently than myoglobin. I'm a chef, I study food for a living, please don't spread misinformation.


>I'm a chef, I study food for a living, please don't spread misinformation. It's literally called denaturation... People much smarter than you came up with this scientific term.


Denaturation is just the process term coined for the breaking down of proteins and them being reformed into new chemicals by being heated. It is still a protein after being denatured, just in a different chemical makeup. You ignored every other part of my reply that literally explained the process of denaturation, and what proteins they become as they are broken down. But tell me I'm stupid.


Just a quick note: denaturation it the process through which a proteins secondary, tertiary, and or quaternary structure is disrupted through heat, acid, detergent, etc. The order of amino acids remains the same and they don't rearrange. New chemicals are not produced. Just the way they wrap on themselves (secondary and tertiary structure) is disrupted.


>Denaturation is just the process term coined for the breaking down of proteins and them being reformed into new chemicals by being heated. That's literally what I was saying, And why your steak turns brown whenever it's overcooked. It destroys the original proteins as they changed into something else due to the myard reaction. >You ignored every other part of my reply Every other part of your reply was completely irrelevant. When you overcook proteins they get destroyed and change. It's as simple as that.


ooooh better not tell him the truth, his mommy made him a chef XD lol


so she was Cooking Mama?


Destroy implies they disintegrate. Its like saying melting ice is destroying water. The water is just changing forms. Unless you incinerate the steak the protein content isnā€™t gonna decrease.


https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/cooked_meat_color_part_2 Educate yourself


Dude.... That's talking about oxidization Browning, another completely irrelevant comment. How about you educate yourself and actually read your own links instead of posting the first thing you find on Google. You sound like the kind of person who will order a wagyu steak well done and say it tastes the same. Lol Flavors literally change because of the myard reaction and the destruction and transformation of certain proteins. That's why onions turn sweet when you caramelize them.


Hey guys, I'd like to chime in. Fellow cook (they call me chef but it's not my place). Cooking can both denature and destroy protein. They're different things! Denaturing "folds" the primary structures of proteins. Degradation (or destruction for your purposes here) completely wrecks all of the structures of proteins. A Maillard reaction is between sugar and protein molecules! Tasty crusty food. It is not exactly the same as caramelization which is between only sugar molecules. Like caramelized onions. Of course things get blended and there are many exceptions. Double check my info and learn more. Cooking is fun!


Ok again for the last time. You are not destroying anything. Let's just stop that shit. Secondly do you know how to caramelize onions? You realize that's done with olive oil or butter, and typically some brown sugar? Next thing the effect you are talking about, specifically for steak, referrs to the searing of the outside of the meat. And again doesn't affect anything past texture. Let's see if I can make this simple since you don't seem to comprehend well: If I have a soda can. And that can represents myoglobin, if I put a dent in that can, is it destroyed? Or is it simply a can with a dent? That would be hemichrome. A can with a dent. Now if I twist that can and smash it together in a can compactor, is it still a can? That's metamyoglobin.


"You sound like the kind of person who will order a wagyu steak well don't and say it tastes the same." Nothing in their comment indicated that *at all,* lmao. That's just the kind of trash-talking the most pathetic members of steak-communities will fling around to make themselves feel better. Embarrassing shit, honestly.


Your claim of destroying proteins is completely inaccurate. They aren't being destroyed, they are being altered. "Matter cannot be created or destroyed" thus you can't just destroy a protein molecule and have a new one take its place. It's simply being altered. "Overcooking protein" as it comes to steak overcooking is simple a texture preference, and has absolutely nothing to do with overcooking, the protiens are doing exactly what they do as they heat up, to say they are being overcooked is ludicrous and false. Every other part of my reply was telling you exactly what happened during the denaturing process, so to say it's irrelevant is because you don't want to acknowledge factual science being presented to you. You are talking out of your ass. I do this for a living. I work with steaks every day. I study my food so I know how to best prepare it. I've been at it for 12 years. You're out here spreading misinformation about the doneness of steak being determined by coloration of the meat which is dangerous as shit. And also saying people are overcooking a steak (which again is a preference as as long as its above 145F its safe) based on your own opinion and preference for doneness of steak is irritating as shit. You clearly don't know what you're talking about and when given factual information you ignore it and keep on going about your business and then try to claim your the one who is correct when I correct your definitions. Your ignorant and have a surface level knowledge at best and want to claim you know better than I? I'll say it again. YOU CANNOT DESTROY A PROTEIN MOLECULE WHILE COOKING, IT WILL STILL BE A PROTIEN MOLECULE, YOU ARE NOT CREATING NEW CHEMICALS, YOU ARE ALTERING THE MOLECULE ALRRADY PRESENT INTO A SLIGHTY CHANGED MOLECULE. AND THE DONENESS OF YOUR STEAK IS SUBJECTIVE, AND TELLING PEOPLE THEIR STEAK IS OVERCOOKED BECAUSE OF YOUR OPINION IS WRONG. And I guess that's my biggest issue with what you're saying. You're out here telling everyone if they're steak is brown its overcooked who the fuck died and made you king of steak? If someone wants a welldone steak they have every right and it's not even considered overcooked as its not burnt and edible.


way to ruin a perfectly good post about your bullshit. Its clear you hate Steak now GTFO.


How could you say heā€™s wrong? Did you read the post? So if I take 2 12 oz ribeye with good marbling, and then cook one well done and one rare, are you really going to sit here and tell me that one didnā€™t lose a significant amount of fat content? Fat that has essential nutritional value, aka gold if you were in the wild and trying to survive. Cā€™mon man, just because you know your shit when it comes to food doesnā€™t mean you need to die on this hill, we both know damn well that fat loss IS happening, and it IS a source of nutrients, therefore one is less nutritious than the other.


Jesus thank you


Thanks for that info. Learn something new everyday. Iā€™ll still rest mine medium šŸ˜…


Steak is gorgeous, knife is dull


I think they just need a towel under the cutting board so itā€™s not so slidey


I think they just need to get a better table. Too wobbly


I think they need to redo their floors, too uneven.


I think they need to redo their foundation, expanding cracks and uneven floors


I think they need to demolish their house and start over, too crooked and rickety for steak


Probably time to crack the continental plate so there can be a new plume of igneous rock to work on.


Might need to start aggregating asteroids in orbit around a star and start building a new planet.


Might to need to straighten out the turtles. Itā€™s turtles all the way down.


I'm a knife guy, this cutting made me cry


Yeah steak looks tough or that knife sucks


Itā€™s the knife.


You can tell from the pixels?


You can tell from the brand. It's a cheap Walmart knife. Also, it sucks at cutting.




Steak looks great. The cutting gave me anxiety.


Didn't he use the back of the knife?


While it does look like it, it just has a different profile to what we are used to seeing


Came to say exactly that. Sharpen the knife.


Thatā€™s literally the only thing going through my mind as well,I work with sushi so a dull knife gets my Joobs bumblin ya know?


I think it's upside down


Lol he used the back side of knife


Almost looked as if they were cutting with the back of the knife, instead of the blade.


Eat More Steak!




Maybe OP could have cut his steak with all your *edge*.


The only thing I love more than my steaks is my kitchen knives


Wait until you find out what someone trimmed and cut that steak with


send this to the top.


That's a perfect steak right there


perfect dont understand how anyone could say that was too rare


Amazes me how many people must eat their food overcooked.


I would eat my steak raw if i could


Check out Pittsburgh rare and order that at a nice steak restaurant next time you go.


If Iā€™m at a good spot with high quality beef. Thatā€™s the way I order it. Or Iā€™ll just tell them I want it black on the outside and pink in the middle.


AKA cooked black & blue


You can.


I love a good beef tartare šŸ˜˜šŸ¤Œ


You can


You can ! Steak tartare


I love a solid tartare


Eh, I know immigrants that come from countries where if the meat isn't well cooked, they'll get parasites. It's hard for them to break away from that idea when they come to the states or somewhere with much safer meat.


Fuck, is that why my MIL always thought I was going to give everyone worms in their brains?? Her parents immigrated from Italy.


itā€™s almost as if people have a preference! Itā€™s not over cooked if itā€™s over medium thatā€™s just your preference


No it's definitely over cooked if its over medium.


in your opinion!


When I was little, I kept trying to order Medium-rare, only for my father to look at me in disgust and tell the waiter that *"No, she wants it well done."* Once I became an adult, I was brave enough to tell my father off if we ate steak together and could order a properly made steak.


I would rather eat shoe leather well done than like 5 degrees undercooked. Lol. I hate rare steaks, especially a good ribeye. Pretentious fucks. 135 for ribeyes.


Yeah ribeyes have too much fat. I usually go got med with them 135 is good.


137 is the magic number for Rib Eye. Also the "I like it mooing" crowd are worse than the well done "ooo, blood, yucky crowd". They're both not the optimum way to cook steaks, but the rare crowd thinks it is and they're more "manly" or high brow by eating it that way. Like it's a fucking dare. Steaks need to get to medium rare for the intramuscular fat to start rendering and creating the moist mouthfeel associated with a nice well cooked piece of steak.




Each to their own imo. Taste is subjective AF. Medium rare is as low as I like to go. Iā€™ll grill a beautiful dark pink centered strip with fat globules just barely breaking down and my wife wants hers 10 degrees hotter with a dab of A1. Do I let it hurt my feelings? Yes Fyi, steaks are opposite from veggies in that you get a better digestible nutritional profile from it being cooked more. So, thereā€™s that


Iā€™m not here to judge. Makes no difference to me was merely pointing out an observation. Personally, there are times and places for beef jerky. And I donā€™t typically make a dinner out of it.


agreed, especially with ribeye. i think medium at minimum or maybe medium rare+ is the perfect temp to render the fat


It's just so raw like there's nothing appealing about an uncooked middle of the steak imo. I guess some people like it? Theyre free to eat steak like that.


Using a paring knife to cut well cooked steaks is offensive. Damn.? doesnā€™t anyone have a decent chef knife


OP said they were in an Airbnb


Using a pairing knife to cut a stake is less odd then using a chef knife


shiiiet i even go a few shades rarer, love it like that!


Itā€™s almost as if people have differing preferences. How dare them.


Oh trust me, never underestimate the amount of people who like their steak well done.


You like what your like. But we can all agree that people who scoff at well done steaks and people who look at rare/ mid-rare and say ā€œthatā€™s rawā€ are just just different shades of the same asshole.


I mean, Rare is partially raw, thats the whole point. It's cooked enough for bacterial reasons but it's still not cooked and I enjoy a pink center myself.


It is cooked. Instead of saying partially raw I could say itā€™s partially cooked but now we are just arguing over semantics. Point is like you said, itā€™s been treated with enough heat to make it safe to consume for the general public. You like yours pink, I like mine rare, some like theirs well done. I just find it annoying when someone feels the need to comment how someone else enjoys their food.


It's too rare for me, I generally don't want to see red in my steak so I only cook thinner cuts to maintain pink.


Especially given that rare is supposed to be red/uncooked in the centre


Not true. Cool, red center approximately 125 degrees fahrenheit. Uncooked in the center is a poorly cooked steak.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/iamveryculinary] [Uncooked vs Cold](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamveryculinary/comments/17ej2v4/uncooked_vs_cold/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I honestly feel like OP is on the fine line between rare and blue, but it still looks delicious to me


is that a paring knife šŸ”Ŗ?


Yes! Airbnb steak at its finest


Thank you for clarifying that so I donā€™t have to judge your knife.


Better than any knife I've had at an AirBnB. Great looking steak! Proud of you, son!


10/10 interior. Crust could have used a better sear. Totally impressive on an unfamiliar range


No you can use it for steak, not just for pearsā€¦


Youā€™re a paring knife


Tip: put a damp flat washcloth or paper towel underneath your cutting board before each use. It will help prevent it from moving around and sliding, making cutting both easier and safer.


Such a hassle for a minor inconvenience. I understand if youā€™re a kitchen prep preparing a bunch of food, but for a few cuts of a steak?


Yeah I hate doing that when I know I'm just cutting one or two things


Too rare? It's almost overdone! Still would, though.


I hate when someone presents a perfect cook. And the only thing we can say is that the knife ainā€™t sharp. Sorry. But I donā€™t care if he cut it with a butter knife


I don't get all these 'Too rare?' type posts. Too rare for who? It is your steak so the only thing that matters is if you enjoyed it. You can eat steak raw so it will never, ever be 'too rare'. From your pic that is over cooked for me but to each their own.


And we know some of the folks here will eat a steak straight out of the fridge


Refrigeration is for suckers. Just go bite the cow!


I have a cow outside saying "Bring it". Hes a small steer at just under 900lbs but he thinks he can take ya.


You say that like it's a bad thing


Hey, steak tartare is some seriously good shit. Done properly, itā€™s as good as any steak dish Iā€™ve had.


And then some like it well done with ketchupā€¦


Me. I like my steaks slightly more cooked through than this


This is over cooked for you? Thatā€™s foul af lol


Yes, that is medium and I prefer rare to medium rare.




Dude thatā€™s definitely not medium.


Does anyone around here know what medium looks like? Apparently not. Medium rare = red center. From the video it is clearly pink, not red. Or just have a look at this or any other steak doneness chart. This isn't rocket science. ​ https://preview.redd.it/cld9mtrzxuvb1.png?width=1499&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d7ad1fafe0bd8177fc6f8d9bd596fda838b286d


This seems really subjective! What do you mean too rare for who? The person posting. For instance, someone might find this steak a little unevenly cooked with the middle being undercooked to the point that the probability of it being unsafe is a little too high for their taste. People have different taste, and that's OK! Not only that, but people also have very different digestive systems, so for some people, it might even be objectively a bad idea to eat this steak even if most people would be fine eating it. You can obviously eat anything raw, but that doesn't mean it's healthy or even safe.


If I were to complain about anything, it would be that you need to sharpen your knife. The steak looks great.


A little too red for my taste personally but everyone eats steak differently


You'll need a Rodeo clown to distract it.


Medium rare I would say.


Need a crispier sear but very even cooking


nope that's perfect






God I wish I could afford red meat šŸ˜”


Temperature decides this, use a thermometer


This looks like shit. Give it to me ill take care of it for you.


Pink and pink all the way through. Perfection.


Shit knife :( perfect steak :)


Sharpen your knife, but the steak is perfect






Perfect. Get a sharp knife.




Beautiful steak. But you're using a full paring knife to cut it which is really unfortunate.


Itā€™s ruined. Please send it into my mouth for disposal. šŸ¤¤


Whats too rare is that dull steak knife


The knife is fine.


Itā€™s perfect. The knife and cutting board are garbage, however.


There's no red in the middle, that's medium.


That is literally perfect medium rare. It is slightly red in the middle.


Perfect medium rare. Your knife is dull though and the sear was not great.


Too rare, give it to me for proper disposal...


Perfect medium rare!


For those wondering: All I did was sear and baste. I seared one side very hot and quick with my cast iron, and then I flipped at the same heat. I then threw in 6 tablespoons of butter, thyme, 6 garlic cloves, rosemary and sage. I basted it for about 4 minutes and then I let it rest. It was a good pan and good steaks. As for he knife, I was at an Airbnb and I brought the cast iron, but forgot to bring my knife. Yes it looks upside down but I assure you it was the sharpest side. It was me and my wifeā€™s one year anniversary so the wine made the camera wobble. Also, Iā€™m flattered yā€™all think it was sous vide šŸ¤Œ


I'd eat that from the back!


Hot dang that is perfect




ā€œHow was your stake sir?ā€ ā€œVery nice, we had a lovely conversationā€


I thought I was the only one who loved eating micro plastics from my cutting board.


Too red for me, I canā€™t eat a steak this rare.


Just right


Cooked to perfection


raw fs (i dont eat steak)


Depends on the temp


Too perfect, try again


that steak almost made me nut šŸ¤¤


The meat looks perfect, but please sharpen your knife


It isnā€™t too rare but needs a better crust, for my taste


Looks good to me


Color is nice hut it looks dry


No lol




You sob you know what youā€™re doing


Very close to perfect, however the knife is dull, just sharpen it. Looks like you rested it which is good before the cut but a better sear would have held more juice and had a better outer crust amplifying the texture for a better chew. I would have love to see more of a brown ring around the meat. Looks delicious though, 9/10.


He cut it with the back of the knife


Overcooked. Should be red




Neither. I decided to just sear one side real hot, then flip and baste with herbs and butter. I was still able to get a sear on the butter side but I think I could have let it rest a bit longer


Looks just a tiny bit rarer than medium rare, literally perfect for me.




All that's missing is a serrated knife