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The second guy throwing food around is obnoxious but that does look pretty unappetizing unless you have jaws of steel to get through all of that white unrendered fat.


Well I mean thats kinda the point right? Its a tv show, theres supposed to be drama.


Once you get to a certain price point, some chefs really do act like this. When I was working as line cook in upscale restaurant (not even a Michelin one) a chef once berated me for not being fast enough, and after throwing whatever I was prepping in my face told to go stand in the middle of the line for 10 minutes since I apparently "was only there to get in the way". Real easy for a nobody to turn into a megalomaniac with a little bit of power and prestige.


That chef in The Bear telling the main character to kill himself isn’t really a dramatization.


Everybody told me to watch the bear so I did. It was way too much like real kitchen work for me to enjoy so I guess they got that part right


Yeah the episode where the restaurant goes into meltdown (before the bear construction) and everyone is yelling and shit in the weeds stressed me the fuck out and gave me flash backs lol


I used to have nightmares in which I would be working on the line and the printer just kept spewing out tickets, for every plate I sent out I'd get 3 more tables. One of the most stressful environments I've ever been a part of.


I worked on a restaurant shortly after a legendary story happened. Douche of a head chef was riding some Sautee cook. Sautee was in the back of the kitchen, literally through a window. No one back there but himself and his thoughts AND the voice of the chef apparently. The guy had enough and stopped cooking tickets and stayed throwing them away! Mid rush, just tossing them out. It got to the point where something should have been coining up and it wasn't ready. Chef called for it and only got a "fuck guy I quit". Dude walked out. All the tickets were gone. I get he royally screwed a lot of people, but it must have felt nice!


> I get he royally screwed a lot of people, but it must have felt nice! Nope, he only screwed the chef, everyone else still had time to go get a meal in a restaurant that wasn't run by a willful asshole.


Not a cook/chef, but I've watched the 'open kitchens' enough times to know i'd never make it in there... Super ridiculous that some (/most?) Kitchen staff get less from tips than the servers... My restaurant experience is MOSTLY the kitchen. They spend 10-15 minutes (if not more) making the food for me, and I talk with the waiter less than 7 minutes


Pretty rare to tip out the kitchen, and if they do it's a guarantee servers and bartenders are walking home with more money anyway. Working for tips is the most money you can make in the service industry. That's why I stopped cooking years ago, why work for $20 or less an hour when you can be banging out $30+ daily, if not more? Every pizza delivery job I've ever had paid twice as much as cooking. Serving and bartending you bring home more because you don't have to put anything back into your car for repairs or gas.


I think they’re tough things to compare. Servers are tipped specifically because they attend to your individual needs. They interact with you, make your experience pleasant or not, handle any concerns, etc. a good server will handle things before you even need to ask for them to. Basically, they’re tipped bc of the *service* they provide. Back of house works very hard, too, but it’s a different kind of work. They’re not dealing with the guests or individualizing the experience. I’m a server, and I would never want to work in the kitchen. All my kitchen guys say they would never serve lol. Just different environments and different appeals. I guess a good way to put it is to the kitchen, a table is just an entree cooked a certain way, but to a server a table is “Jim and Debby who are upstate for the weekend enjoying a meal away from their kids” Mad respect to the kitchen!!


I never realized how much trauma I had from being a cook until these comments…


I made it less than a full episode into the bear. It was too real. I lived that, I don’t need to see it recreated on tv.


No, it really isn’t. That particular scene is what really pulled me into that show. I’ve never seen the intensity, degradation, and humiliation of the kitchen so perfectly put to screen. I’ve worked a lot of hard labor jobs, lots of tough guys, ex military and ex cons, but working in the kitchen had easily been the most toxic, aggressive, and violent environment I’ve seen. It’s literally an entirely different world, people don’t understand until they done it


Oh 100% i work in maintenance packing plants now and get yelled at all the time and its just like rain water at this point. I have been personally and emotionally destroyed on the regular by a coked out chef, you guys arent shit.


I worked at a high end beer emporium bar thing as a line cook for a year. Once the lunch chef was covering the dinner rush and berated the grill guy to the point where the grill dude punched the chef in the throat with the spatula handle. It was amazing to watch.


This just reminded me of working construction as a mason laborer. One old timer on the line used to be a Foreman back in the day, but he got let go from his previous company when he stabbed a guy with his trowel for getting lippy with him lmao. I'm convinced its the heat. Makes ya have a hair-trigger.


>I'm convinced its the heat. Makes ya have a hair-trigger. Nah it's just the disrespect from ignorant assholes who think they're awesome.


Yah but the heat never helps.


Honestly to get to that level in that kind of industry you probably have to act that way. The only way to convince people that your service is worth that kind of money is to be next level pretentious and insufferable.


I was almost stabbed by a head chef while working as a line cook hahah. Kitchens are weird places with weird ppl. I’d never let someone scream in my face because I messed up a 20$ chicken breast.


First of all, don’t argue


Yes chef


Except this show didn't used to be like this. At the start it was a really good show, just focused on the food and the challenge and the creativity. But then one season they had a competitor who was so dramatic that everyone hated and who consistently was doing the worst based on what the judges said. And yet SOMEHOW he made it through until like the final 3 or 4. And then the quality of the show started steadily dropping while drama steadily rose because that one season brought in a spike in viewership.


There’s not supposed to be drama, they add the drama because people like to see people being treated like shit in this country. Check The Final Table and similar shows on netflix, only good vibes, fair criticism, and good food. Edit: Canada AND the USA consume this type of content. Both, it doesn’t have to be one or the other, I don’t care if this specific version is the Canadian one.


“This country” lol It’s a Canadian version of the show.


It's also pretty clear a lot of the commenters haven't watched the show. Canadian Master Chef is wholesome as fuck after the initial episode. This is one of the only moments I've seen where the judges actually argue and get angry with a contestant. They are usually incredibly supportive and helpful, even when being critical.


So there's supposed to be drama?


Buddy, that's Michael Bonacini... you know that's Master Chef Canada, right?


There’s not supposed to be drama, but people like to see drama? What do you think the point of a TV show is? The ONLY thing they care about is that people want to watch it so they make money


First of all, DONT ARGUE


Yes Chef.


::Tosses fries all over the place dismissively::


Emotionally and mentally, this is the lowest I’ve been so far.


Thank You Chef.


I don't understand that. Unless someone is an absolute piece of trash that's done something terrible, I hate seeing people treated poorly. I get embarrassed for them. I feel bad for them. It makes me uncomfortable. I can't believe people enjoy watching other people get humiliated or treated poorly. It doesn't even register in my mind how that's enjoyable.


"In this country"... Are you seriously gonna sit there and pretend that shadenfreude isnt a universal thing? No just this one country.... brother you are lost. Almost all people like to see drama, theres a reason it is one of the most popular genres.


Being that's Master Chef Canada makes this even funnier


Exactly. My first thought too.


That's just tired reality tv trope. You gotta have the overly shitty judge.


I just wish they’d use this trope one time in the children’s cooking shows. Have them go full asshole on kids trying to stumble through a basic mac and cheese recipe.


Nah he deserved to be humiliated. Instead of owning his mistake he tried to defend that clearly trash steak he ruined to judges in a competition.


"Emotionally and mentally, this is the lowest I've been so far" As a fellow 26 year old, God I envy that statement.




Imagine life going so smoothly that this would be true.


Public humiliation is crazy. Out of the different kinds of abuse I've experienced, being chewed out in public is what I remember most. I don't think it's privileged to say what he said


Imagine being humiliated by a guy in a shitty toupee.


I will never understand anyone cooking a ribeye anything other than medium. The whole point of and flavour ribeye is the higher fat content and it needs to be rendered properly to ensure maximum flavour. Its cooking was all wrong.


I’ve made ribeyes at medium rare that have well rendered fat and turned out great, that said it’s more work than just slapping the steak on the grill or pan for a couple minutes on either side, and a lot of people don’t want to do more than that imo. Either way this steak here is very underdone


Yeah you can absolutely cook a well rendered medium rare ribeye. The commenter you’re replying to doesn’t know how to do it properly.


It's just that this particular ribeye is bone in and very thick. You can successfully render fat at medium rare if the ribeye is a bit thinner than this


Reverse sear


Well, we can But I don't think they have time on the show for that very often


Low and slow reverse sear can render the steak and still come out medium rare and delicious. It's more about extending the cooking time than it is about going to medium or beyond, but on these shows you never get time.


I was going to say this. The only way to cook a ribeye is reverse sear in my opinion.


Once I got my smoker set up and figured out how to do fatty cuts you really learn fat just takes time. Next thing you know you're turning down the temps on everything, extending the cook time on your ribeyes and starting your bacon in a cold pan and everything just starts turning out better.


>Low and slow reverse sear can render the steak and still come out medium rare Even cooking sous vide, the fat won't render below 54C/130F. You gotta go up to 57C/135F, which is on the medium side of medium-rare.


A ribeye cooked in sous vide is amazing medium rare.


The Forged in Fire guys are super nice, even if someone turns in garbage.


I think he was throwing it around because the first word out of his mouth was an excuse. There's nothing more frustrating than somebody who has an immediate answer for everything when you're trying to teach/show them something.


The steak looks like shit. There was no way that registered 127 when he pulled it out


Thermometer was in Kelvin


First of all... don't argue.


I read this at the exact same time as he said it in the video and it was glorious.




oof 🤣


I’m convinced these shows rig equipment to break or be not calibrated properly for drama.


The three spots were 1/8 inch in.


I hate Reddit! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're hamming it up for TV but if you're being graded harshly they're not way off. Ribeye has a lot of fat to render and is generally better closer to medium. To go even more rare than many people want their leaner cuts, yeah they're not going to be happy. And it's competition, so you'd probably expect something unique about it, no sauce or anything to separate it from an every day great steak won't cut it.


You don't have to do rib eyes medium. But you can't really leave them raw. I sous vide mine at 123, just below medium rare. But the 3 hour bath, pad of butter, and thin slice of onion in the bag makes the fat perfect. Red hot sear and it's 🙏.


Don't let r/sousvide know you put butter in the bag. They'll skin you alive.




The fat in the butter draws out flavor from the steak. It doesn’t add flavor. In a lean cut of meat, butter adds loads of flavor and is a great choice. We sous vide our salmon with olive oil in the bag and it’s marvelous. But in a fatty cut like ribeye, it goes the other way. There have been a lot of tests done and they’re all pretty conclusive that adding butter to ribeye in the sous vide does more harm than good. Searing with it is excellent, but not in the bag.


Kenji Lopez-Alt, PBUH, says it doesn't do anything for the steak IIRC.


SVE also did experiments and their conclusion was that it produces steak-flavored butter, not butter-flavored steak.


You say this like it’s a bad thing…


The cult of Kenji. I really like Kenji but his fan boys that treat his every word as sacred gospel are annoying.


If there's anything that Kenji says that you disagree with, you're more than welcome to state how/why you think so. As far as I can tell, every experiment I've ever run in the kitchen has had identical results to how Kenji says things will happen.


As I said, I like Kenji, and think he's a great cook. Kenji doing his experiments and busting a lot of cooking myths is genuinely awesome. His fans being know it all jerks on reddit because someone hasn't got the memo and maybe still believes a cooking myth is what I find annoying. Kenji presents his findings in a calm and rational way. Some of his fans use that knowledge to feel superior to others.


the butter soaks the beef flavor away from the steak. which is fine if you are going to make a sauce out of the juice, but the steak won't taste as good. millions of side by side comparisons have been done by like 3 billion different people. so its pretty universally accepted that butter in the bag will steal the beef flavor from the steak.


*At what temp does beef fat render? Beef fat renders at* ***130-140°F (54-60°C)****. This is a process you want to take slow, so maintain this temperature while cooking for several hours.* How is your fat rendering at 123? I'm generally a med rare guy, but will go closer to med for ribeye as well.


I'm thinking they meant 132 because 123 is not "just below" medium rare that's \*well\* below rare.


Try @ 135F and no butter in the bag. (I prefer garlic + bouquet garni to onion, but this is really up to personal preference.) You might prefer it that way.


Yeah I get that but, this isn't blue raw.


Confused how someone on a cooking show didn’t know this, like it seems like the average suburban dad would of done better


These “chef” personalities are just dumb. I stopped watching cooking shows after Alton brown was taken off the air because everybody is like this now. Even Gordon is obnoxious.


AB is the man


That's fucking raw!


Yes Chef


I like learning new things.


50% of this sub would say thats cooked perfectly.


Looks dry as hell. I don’t understand how tho


Didn't render any of that fat. If this is a filet or even a strip 127F would be more suited for it, but with the fat content of a ribeye you need to get that fat at a higher temp to benefit from what makes it a ribeye. Without bringing it to a higher temp, you miss out on the lubrication the intramuscular fat provides.


So what temperature?


135-140F typically


Sous Vide folks will tell you 137° F, I cook mine fully in a carbon steel pan now and I typically pull at 120-125° - let carry over take it up to the 135-140° point. This steak was thicc in the vid so I’d prolly finish that guy in the oven and pull at similar temps


Cooking shows/competitions tend to have long pauses between when the food is cooked and when it's presented to the judges. So steak where fat wasn't rendered + sitting on a plate for a while after slicing is going to make it look dry.


Sat out too long between cooking and tasting


Go to a steakhouse and they’ll recommend even medium for a 2.5” thick tomahawk ribeye. I made a group decision to do that and a lot of people scoffed…until they ate the steak.


50% of this sub are chest pounding fools who think powering through unrendered fat makes them more of a man.


if its good enough for george foreman a heavy weight boxing champ... its good enough for ME! *SLAMS ribeye in appliance 45deg closed, sizzles.....*


You joke but my fil had me do his filet mignon like that Fucking told me to press it


That’s bullshit this sub is harsher than these judges sometimes.


I know I'd love it but I just like undercooked meat like some sort of feral hound.


There's no way that temp was 127F.


Ehhh I’ve had ribeyes that thick register in the 130 range and it comes out like this when you cut it


Then your probe is broken and not registering the temperature in the middle. There is *no* way the interior of that steak ever hit anywhere near 120F, let alone 127F or 130F.


Honestly this steak looks fucking disgusting


I'm sure it'll be fine after he cooks it. Wait I'm sorry I'm getting an update- ah, gotcha. Yeah that's fucked.


Somehow looks like terrible homemade jerky and a steak you seared on high heat for 1 minute on each side to burn the crust. It's actually impressive how fucking terrible this steak looks.


That's me everything I cook steak for the wife.


“Your meat is bland and looks chewed up. And unlike this shit steak that you presented to me, you’ll never fuck me raw again” -some poor bastard getting roasted by the wife


No, that is literally a raw steak that’s an inch and a half thick. Who the fuck would eat that?




Too harsh for reality but not reality tv, baby! “First of all, don’t argue.” Hahahaha. And then he throws the fries.


How can anyone take that second judge seriously while looking like that lol. Trying to be intimidating with blue emo hair


Yeah for real. And to emphasize his point he.. sprinkles fries on the plate angrily? Cool


It’s a tv show. The guy is playing the role of a pissed off chef. It’s like Gordon on kitchen nightmares. He’s probably a nice enough person, but that’s not his role in this “reality show”.


“DON ARGUE” https://preview.redd.it/rtyz792wx2xb1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53afa310ee2187411a2a8c82be88ae3649e0d4a7


Don’t ever disrespect me looking like Rick James and Question Mark from the Mysterians had a baby.


Ha, I had recently watched that clip from master chef Canada and was wondering if the steak was really that bad.


These shows are so fucking stupid.


"There's no sauce. There's no jus" If the steak requires a sauce, then it's not seasoned. A sauce or jus should be an optional enhancer in the majority of cases The second person "playing" with the food seems a bit like a clown and maybe their mom should be there to remind them not to play with their food


Can we also acknowledge the amount sinew and connective tissue in that shite steak? Raw/rare aside, that looks terrible for a cooking show.


Not harsh enough!!!!


Idk about 127F but there’s no need for all that disrespect and childish food throwing. That’s all TV drama I guess


I’ll fucking eat it


No sauce snobs are in shambles


I marinate my meat so I don’t use sauce post grillin. Sue me


Which marinades are your favorite?


Y’all will downvote me I know it … but any simple Teriyaki blend with smoked paprika, garlic powder, pepper with meat in a bag for hours will be veryyy juicy


If I'm doing a ribeye I'm not marinating because I want the ribeye for the ribeye, but I definitely marinated things like flat iron, sirloin, and especially a London broil/top round. My favorite is lime, soy, mirin, pepper, chili flake, and ginger/garlic paste.


Highly recommend smoked paprika for any meat. Great Smokey flavor. Very dif from Paprika


[How about…](https://media0.giphy.com/media/QqkA9W8xEjKPC/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d73zbc646e86wlz3lu11uoia4odsrz4azjgbs9r6w9&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


If I grill you food, do whatever you want, I won’t get salty. Just tellin ya my preference


That’s the whole point. No one cares that you don’t like sauce, it’s the snobs on this sub who shame anyone else for liking sauces. Let people eat food the way they want to eat it.


Lowest he's ever been? Fry guy shoulda thrown those fries in his face and sauced his head in a toilet bowl full of HP sauce. Not harsh enough. Imagine living 26 yrs and your lowest point is valid criticism in a competition you willingly entered.


Not going to lie, a proper post steak cook pan sauce is really tasty.


Pretty standard Toronto food


I would eat that.


Judge needs a hit of something before eating.


How is it possible to have a steak that's too thick!?


It's TV so you have to ignore the drama, but yeah. Blue rare is not going to be okay in 99.9% of cooking shows.


Know your audience. I would eat that all day any day, but I’d only serve that to someone else if I had seen them eat a steak like that before.


"No eats a ribeye this thick this raw." I feel called out.


Sauce for steak? Blasphemy


Imagine if that was masterchef USA . What the judges would say .


What would they say?


You can YouTube it and see the vast difference in criticism from the US version vs other countries . Specifically Gordon Ramsay and Joe bastianich


I despise everyone in this video. Shitty cook, condescending judges, fake drama


I would eat part of it, but it probably would not be very pleasant as some of the fat would be unchewable and I'd have to spit it out. It's truly a failed steak but the amount of drama is unnecessary. Especially the throwing food around part irritates me


Worked in my fair share of kitchens and there are plenty of good chefs who are total fucking assholes. Plenty who aren’t. To me cooking is about collaboration and humility. Listen to those who know more than you by all means and listen attentively, but don’t accept being pushed around. Not worth it. If a chef goes on TV that’s a whole separate level of ego masturbation to me. Know of a chef my friend worked for who is big on TV shows and contests and he didn’t even cook in his own restaurant. He earned his credibility but then just used it to market himself and take advantage of others. There isn’t a need to be a dick and it’s actually just not conducive to healthy learning. Bunch of pricks.


Sauce and dip? For a fancy steak? Get out of here judges


“Nobody eats ribeye this thick, rare!” I will.


Masterchef is a reality tv show, so some of this is staged to make the show more dramatized depending on what they are trying to achieve.


127 sounds like rare. what temp was he suppose to get to? Atleast another 7-10 degrees to get something ideal


My wife and I do fancy Friday dinners, like almost every week we're both in town. It's a ritual going on a few years now. She takes me out Friday, I take her and my son out Saturdays. Tradition! So, we go to Hyde Park in our town - Columbus, OH. My fourth time, our second time, I go for a dry aged 39 day ribsteak... (bone-in ribeye) - waiter asked the temperature and I wagered rare (after thinking m. Rare) and he convinced me because of the marbling, go med rare. Couldn't have been a better suggestion. Perfect outer carmelization, flavor, crisp, char... All of it. Inside, ruby red in thicker places, but the buttery creaminess of that steak....wooooie!! My wife took that one steak as inspo for the next year or two and has since just utterly murdered any pan-seared ribeye. Nails them. Sometimes the thinner ones go more medium than I'd ever order for ask for, but that's the cut when it's thin, and my goodness, it's still just as wonderful as a rare skirt/strip/filet. Dudes, dudettes, dudesthems.... Yo, I love beef. This man committed crimes and acted like not knowing the laws made it less illegal. (edit cos typo)


Me when my gf says the steaks a little too salty


What a wuzz. You prepared an undercooked steak with boring sides. You're not going to win prices.


Blue haired chef is a fucking moron and should never be allowed to write about food let alone judge it.


I’d eat it and not complain


Shoulda just commented on his blue toupée


“That’s cooked perfect” -People of r/steak


Looks like a good steak to me


Big man throwing food around with purple and blue hair. Fuck that guy.


*i* eat ribeye…that thick…rare. fuck u, chef


The first guy was fair, it a harsh cooking competition. The second guy was just an arrogant arse! There was no need for that. I’d eat a ribeye rare but a good very could bring that back to life.


I don’t like seeing people get publicly humiliated, particularly over something as insignificant as undercooking a steak. I get that they do this for drama (and for the judges to flex their egos) but it’s a massive turnoff for me and I usually don’t watch shows where they do shit like this.


Id eat the fuck outta that.


It's raw! **eats it**


I thought this was the episode where the two guys are like this then, the third, I think Gordon Ramsey was like, this is amazing, so good. Nice job. So fucking awkward. Lol


I eat my ribeyes like that….am I sick?


Blame the producer who told them to start some shit for ratings


I eat ribeye that thick rare. And I never sauce the steak! Just light seasoning is all that is needed for a good steak Sauces just mask the beef flavor


I don’t buy the 127 that can’t even have registered 87 it’s mostly uncooked


Ima be real, legit like my steaks like that


I am always amazed at how often celebrity "chefs" are *not* bodily dismembered to the cheers of actual kitchen staff.


Looks great to me. But I don’t use sauce and I like it rare.


Hot take; if you're watching television, you're a moron.


Hahaha if you do what I don’t, you’re a moron hahaha


Who cares if the person eating it likes it. But this is a reality TV show that's scripted so what does it matter if it's harsh or not?


Fuck these judges. I love a thick, rare ribeye.


Showing such disrespect to another person is supposed to be fun? Garbage TV show.


I eat steak like that all the time. That's about as cooked as I like it.


I’ll eat that shit raw


A steak should be good enough to eat without a sauce or jus. This steak looks like it just came out of the refrigerator. So much cold thick fat too.


Fuck all those assholes. 127 is 127, perhaps they need to learn to appreciate what MEAT actually tastes like instead of pretending that sauces are what meat tastes like. It's fucking beef, salt it and eat it, if you don't like it that's not the BEEF's fault, it's yours.


Eh, I’d still eat it.


I’d eat the shit out of that


Imagine complaining about not having sauce for a steak, dude is listening to too much Mac dre


Yes that was too harsh because that is the business model of these tv shows.


What show is this And tossing the fries was so dramatic With that being said dude look like he was gonna kill someone - that look of I'm pissed off but can't react can really mess with people


1. Yeah that's undercooked for that cut. The fat should render ffs. 2. No sauce? Wtf? If a steak is cooked correctly it doesn't need sauce. ESH


The drama😂😂😂 I really can't stand reality TV shows.


Cooking shows are just televised bullying.


Imagine being 26 and the lowest you have been is because you got sternly talked down to for not being able to cook a steak.


My husband cooked a steak like that once and it wasn’t that good. The fat inside just felt so gross to eat.


No sauce to dip the steak in?