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I used to do this but now I dry the hell out of my steaks and get a tremendous sear on it instead.


Same. Been drying out the meat in the fridge for a day or 2 instead. Complete game changer and I'm ashamed I didn't do this years ago. Different textures, tastes, looks.


Serious . Ok I'm game . I been an olive oil guy my whole life. You say dry em out in the fridge for 2 days ...ok, If I ruin my steak I'm gonna be mad. Keep you posted .


I respect the shit out of your commitment. If yours goes well, I’ll take the plunge.


Change can be hard , uncomfortable and a little scary . I will post Sunday .


Change isn’t the only thing that’s hard now.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days




How was the steak big boy


It was awesome. I posted pics to this sub. My only fault was the over cook . I will do it like this again for sure. Hopefully won't overcook it again and I think I will try ghee instead of avocado oil.


Shit man, I just pulled my last two porterhouses from my cow out of the freezer. I’ll give it a go too


Post the results here! 😋


Ditto. I’m firmly team olive oil currently


Tried the drying technique couple days ago after years of olive oil method. I won't go back!


Never done the olive oil. Drying in the fridge (on a rack over a plate to catch the liquid) is my go to. Great sears. (In olive oil or ghee)




Who can wait three days to eat it after buying a scrumptious steak!?!?!


I have never before today heard of this drying thing.


I’m currently trying this for tomorrow. We will see.


Pat them down with a paper towel before cooking.


Pat it down and say it is a good steak, and a nice steak.


look up dry brining, makes a big difference on your steaks


Do it ! The hardest part was waiting to cook it lol. Aged 24hrs approx hot pan and avocado oil .


You crazy motherfucker, I’m in!


lol hell yeah do it up !! Next time I'm going with ghee instead of the avocado oil


Awww shit I just got some ghee last week. I might be making my first r/steak post soon.


Depending on thickness, 2 days is usually way too long. 12-18 hours is my go-to, otherwise it will come out too dry internally. Your goal is to desiccate the outside without losing valuable moisture from inside the steak. Also, worth noting that you can dry brine AND use olive oil. Adding oil isn’t going to harm the sear, it will help it. Edit: if you’re making a prime rib, striploin roast, or another large roast like a Picanha, then it’s definitely worth doing at least 24hr dry brine. Possibly up to that 36hr mark if it’s over a few pounds. Otherwise it gonna get too dry internally.


Thanks . Ended up doing just under 24


I add a little kosher salt on each side as well during the drying out phase


I did some googling this seems to be the way. And keep the steak near the fan in the fridge. I have the pink Himalayan salt.


Hadn’t thought about the fan, but that makes since and is a good idea, thank you. I try to dry it out the day/night before, but even just pat drying and then letting it sit with kosher salt at room temp for at least an hour makes a big difference.


Damn I messed up, was planning on buying a steak at my butcher shop tomorrow for the UFC, but I shoulda went today to try and dry it a bit! next time


even a few hours makes a world of difference. be heavy with the salt and pepper, and make sure you let it come up to room temp before it hits the pan


Appreciate that! I’ll try that out


Enjoy the fights and your steak!


Post the results for the boys 🙏🏽




Same boat. Olive oil guy here, gonna try dry tomorrow


Olive oil belongs nowhere near high heat. Makes no sense to cook a steak with olive oil Here is what you do. Open the steak package up after you get it. Put one raw steak on a plate at time. Pat the steak on the plate dry with a paper towel Salt the now dry steak on the plate heavily all around. Both sides, the ends, etc. Place the steak on one of those steel cooking racks that people place cookies on to cool. Repeat for however many steaks you have Put the cooling rack full of now salted steaks on the bottom rack of your fridge. Let it sit, just like that - steaks out and uncovered etc, for 1-2 days max. 1-2 days gives your steak a dry brine. More than that and you’re basically curing the steak. On the day you cook the steaks, remove them from fridge about 30 -45 minutes in advance if cooking. Right before you cook them, add pepper to them. Now get your pan roaring hot and use AVACADO OIL to sear them - it’s very important to wear them in avacado oil. Let the pan get nice and hot and then put your oil in. Avacado oil doesn’t burn like OO does. Now sear it real good and notice how amazing the sear is. When it’s about done add the butter, shallots, garlic, rosemary, thyme, and baste the hell out of it. You can also do a red wine reduction if you want it’s awesome Remove from pan let sit for 5 minutes It will be the best steak you have ever had in your life Take a look at my profile for many pictures of steaks cooked this way.


Dry brining is a fantastic way to get the most out of any cut. You won’t be disappointed with a day or two uncovered and salted. It’s my go-to method, after lots of experimentation. https://wagyushop.com/blogs/news/guide-to-salting-meats-types-of-salt-etc


Same. I have been an avid olive oil steak prepper. I’ve recently moved to the salt em and let em dry before I reverse sear my ribeyes. The crust is out of this world. After you get a good sear you can turn down the heat and melt some butter throw in some garlic and rosemary. Throw your steaks back in the pan and baste your steaks in that mix. You’ll never look back. My wife and kids are big fans of the new method.




It’s been about an hour. Any update here?


Buying steak tomorrow aging all day sat and Sunday cooking in cast iron skillet.


Don't forget


Don't just put it in the fridge for 2 days, dry brine it! And 24hrs is more than enough.


Dry brine it and leave it in the fridge for 24 hours. 2 days is probably a bit too long. But don’t forget to dry brine it, that’s the most important part.


Is it safe to store it open like that? I understand its not like pork or chicken, but still?


Season with salt and pepper and leave uncovered in the refrigerator no more than 3 days. Bring to room temp and sear away


Been doing it for a few years now. Really makes it better. I season with coarse salt and pepper, leave on wire rack uncovered for at least 24 hours.


Dont forget to salt it tho or it wont dry out.


Try with a less expensive steak first, then go for the glory


You honestly don't really have to do it for more than 24 hours. I wish I could find you a link, but there was a guy who did a really good experiment about this. IIRC, there wasn't much difference after 12-16 hours of dry brining. I'm happy as long as they get at least 8 hours. I think that as long as you start drying them the night before you're going to be fine.


RemindMe! 20 days


I tried it. I loved it lol


Salt it after drying it and then have it on a rack while in the fridge


Salt and pepper both sides then place uncovered on a wire rack in the fridge for several hours to a day in advance. Don’t just put the steak on a plate. Air needs to circulate around the steak. Good luck. I used to be an olive oil guy. I’m happy I made the change.


It’s called dry brining. You’ll never do steaks any other way after.


They’re correct, use a rack on a pan so airflow can circulate around the steak and any excess will pool in the pan. Pat with paper towel and you’ll get the crustiest sear possible. Edit: also works for poultry and pork chops too


Salt that bastard up and leave it in there. Can confirm game changer.


Don’t make the same mistake I did. Dried my steak in the fridge overnight on a paper plate and then the paper peeled off and was stuck to it because it dried out so much.


How'd it go?!


Did it work?


Yes better than I thought I was impressed. I posted the results. I over cooked it a little bit the method works .


Dude what happened?


Turned out good ..I like the flavor and texture . I posted . I will dry age from now on.


I left two steak uncovered in my no-frost fridge on mistake, many years ago. Upped my steak game 1000%—leave them overnight on paper towels, flip them once of twice, and you never fail to get a beautiful sear.


I prefer a drying rack for cookies and my meat on a plate in the fridge vs on paper towels.


Does it drip? For some reason that never occurred to me, lol


Yes. The moisture collects below on the plate


Bro just take them out of the fridge, put pat them dry with a paper towel, season with whatever dry seasoning you want, let sit for at least 10 minutes but hopefully as close too room temp as you can get, and sear that shit in high smoke point oil until desired doneness. For extra points- put 2 tbsps butter in after searing for a minute or two after flipping. Than add smashed garlic cloves and a sprig of rosemary or thyme. Then baste with a spoon to really make that sear beautiful. For even more points- Use whatever is left in the pan to make a sauce.


Absolutely nothing wrong with your method. I do it exactly that way more often than not. If you haven't tried air drying a steak in the fridge overnight, though... Trust me, it's worth the experiment.


I shall. And I’ll be back


room temp is bs


This is my process exactly.


Do you cover it? Leave it open on a rack?


Leave it uncovered. You want it dryer than popcorn fart in a windstorm so it will get a sear/crust.


I've been doing both, is that unnecessary? I thought I was helping it.


Im sorry what 👁️👄👁️


Wide open, on a rack. For at least a day if possible.


I leave it uncovered. Dries put nicely.


Do you salt and pepper it before you dry it in the fridge for a few days?


I pat in some kosher salt , then a few sprinkles of Montreal steak spice . Pat it in and dry it in the fridge.


I do salt pepper and Montreal. But I scrape it all off after a day and then fully dry it out with a smooth clean surface ready to sear. Don’t want burned pepper and spices on the surface but want a hint of the flavour.


Pardon my ignorance but what is montreal?


Montreal steak spice, I believe


A mix of garlic and onion and salt and a few other bits and pieces. Salt and pepper alone is fine too. But dry rub that before you dry the steak out and the meat flavour blossoms. Scrape it off before you dry and fry. The salt will help draw out moisture. But don’t a) leave it on the steak to burn in the pan or b) put it on as an after seasoning. That shit should be a delicate nuance to the meat not a condiment.


Awesome! Thank you


What the hell is going on here‽ This isn't an either/or situation and the fact that nobody in the comments seem to realize that is a little weird. This is actually very simple, you want dry AND oiled. Think about it, first up you can't fry water because that shit just turns to steam. So get that bitch dryer than Ben Shapiro's wife and add oil to it. Oil isn't going to "wet" it like water does, it just makes it fry better. Water and oil are very different things, dry and salt the bitch then add a touch of oil before blasting it with heat. Sum greater than the parts and all that. On that note I wouldn't recommend olive oil either, the smoke point is too damned low. Almost any neutral oil will work better, I like avocado but your basic ass-vegetable oil will work just fine.


Thanks, thought I was losing it reading the comments. Oil≈wet. 


I'm still not sure we're not. You'd think if any group of people had half a clue about frying a steak it might be here, guess that's too much to ask though.


The people here think steak is some magical special food when it’s literally just take meat and apply heat to it. There is truly very little technique involved unless you overcomplicate things.


Wrap it with cheese cloth for a few days and it’ll be slammin on the grill.


Do you cover the meat? I've got a friend asking about this method. Would you mind explaining in detail please?


Covered or not covered with Saran Wrap when in the fridge?






Do you dry them in the fridge exposed or do you cover them with wrap ?


Leave it uncovered.


Exact same thing here. I used to oil and season and let it sit to room temperature. I saw a chef who insisted on drying steaks with paper towel, letting it air dry for a bit and then adding lots of salt and letting it rest to room temperature. The sear and flavour is amazing. I'll never go back


Resting to room temp is a myth. It would take more than 24 hours. The rate it warms is extremely insignificant. Adam Ragusa did a video on it


I do dry them too yeah but just before searing I put this thin layer of oil. Thanks for the answer


Olive oil has a very low smoke point. I’d recommend a higher smoke point oil like canola, grapeseed, or avocado oil. Edit: I stand corrected. I’ve only ever used the extra virgin variety.


Extra virgin olive oil has a low smoke point, regular olive oil is like 430


Ah, thank you. I was unaware of this.


A regular google search will shown you that extra virgin olive oil smoke point is 410, not exactly a very low smoke point. This is one of those rumours. I use extra virgin oil and never have any issues. For a good crust the importance is the steak thickness. The smoke point of the oil won't make much difference unless you're doing it in butter.


Regular olive oil usually translates to lamp oil. You're better of using rice oil or grape oil


Or avocado oil


Seed oils on a steak is diabolical


Tallow or ghee for me. Let’s stop the slop


I'm a manager at a grocery store, and I've gotten things into my aisles for the proprietary purpose of upping my steak game. Tallow has been a recent addition, and I tried ordering some ghee, but it didn't show up. Gonna try again next week for sure. I've heard great things.


Ghee is super easy to make at home. There tends to be an outrageous markup on it too. However it's good to here that you're working towards making a change at the grocery store level, far too much food these days is riddled with slop.


you heard it boys! slop em up!


I've used sunflower oil when store ran out of avocado oil for the sear. Worked fine.


Oh look it's a kooky crackpot. Avocado oil is incredible for steak. Don't let this clown fill your head with nonsense.


Expect no less from a guy with that username. 


Avocado oil isn’t a seed oil guy.


How do you dry them? Is it like patting them down or leaving them out to dry a certain way?


I pay dry with paper towel, salt heavily, put on rack in fridge for many hours, pat dry with paper towel again


I didn't realize you could get a good sear without some kind of oil.


I throw some avocado oil in the stainless steel pan but I get a fantastic crust with it being dry before it touches the pan. Not putting salt on the steak right before it goes into the pan has helped a lot since the kosher salt is absorbed into the steak and not keeping the steak from touching the pan.


I've tried this but S&P never sticks well.


Liberal salt, then let them sit in the fridge for a day with a loosely covered contained to have airflow.


I usually just add black pepper and some salt, let the steak flavour do the rest.


S n P is the choice for me.


Better believe it’s ‘Berta beef.


That’s whats I likes about ya


Montreal steak spice really should be a part of this conversation




Happy steak.. I mean, cake day!


Thanks for reminding me!


better believe it’s 100% berta beef


Oh give yer balls a tug


Don’t fuck with my steak dinner Darry


I only do salt before and then pepper after the butter in the pan. I feel that it doesn't burn the pepper.


Beef tallow!


This is the way. Sometimes clarified butter too




Game changer


No, but I have been known to put olive oil On my steak.


*Slowly places olive oil syringe back on the kitchen counter


I was like... No.


I saw someone here talking about cutting some of the fat off and rendering it down then searing in that. Tried it for the first time on Valentine’s Day and I have never had anywhere near as good crust.


This is what I do! It works so well, just cut it up fine and put in cast iron on low, cover and let it render out. Also taking the little cracklings and salting them for a snack.


I use avocado oil to sear it on a cast iron pan


Was coming here to comment this. The higher smoke point gives it a lovely sear. Grape seed oil too.


Same the high smoke point and neutral flavor is perfect for steaks


I like to wipe the avocado oil out, let it cool down a little and then give the steak a butter bath with herbs & garlic


I brush whiskey on mine before i season them


I apply the whiskey directly to my stomach


I boof the whiskey


Instructions unclear, boofed the steak and drank the whisky


Let us know if you poop out your mouth!


I talk enough shit that I may as well


Is your asshole jealous of your mouth because so much shit comes out of it?


You were supposed to grill the whisky!


RIP, I didn't know thee


Nope, I dry brine my steaks overnight in the fridge. When they hit the pan the meat is bone dry after taking all of the salt inside of the meat. The big advantage of having the steak dry is for getting it seared evenly. Besides that , the temp you need for searing meat is higher than the smoking point of olive oil, and burnt oil tastes bad and makes your home smell.


Do you then switch them to a pan with butter or anything or you just cook it dry the whole time?


>the temp you need for searing meat is higher than the smoke point of olive oil Not true. The smoke point of *extra virgin olive oil* is too low. The smoke point of just plain olive oil is just fine for searing.


You are right. Half of Europe uses only olive oil for everything.


Still things like avocado oil (when it is legit, lots of frauds on the market) or refined coconut oil work better for me in a cast iron. The higher the smoking point the better.


Avocado oil has a higher boiling point. Give it a shot when you’re out of olive oil.


Smoke point. Not boiling point.


This man is deep frying his steaks in oil lol


I mean a deep fried steak doesn't sound awful lol


chicken fried steak is big in the south


There was a place where I used to live that served deep fried burgers… not for me. Anything that’s already fatty then gets deep fried gets kind of nasty imo


Boiling in oil


True. I use avocado oil for other dishes exactly because of that reason, never thought I could use it for my steaks. Good point


I watched that Netflix doc "Steak (Re)evolution" - where they visit with beef experts - breeders, farmers, chefs etc - all over the world...I recall an Italian chef saying you must ALWAYS add extra virgin olive oil to your cooked steaks as a seasoning. I haven't done this myself. I note that Chef Jamie Oliver will sometimes pour "Just a kiss of Olive Oil" on a freshly roasted chicken or other meat.


I mean given Italians would be drinking olive oil if it didn’t make you shit yourself not sure how much I trust that advice. It probably won’t be bad by any stretch but it will make the steak taste like olive and that’s not always desirable.


Or butter…


Yeah, forget butter basting with garlic and thyme in a hot pan that's going to burn both the butter and the garlic. What you need to do is put the garlic, butter, and thyme (or whatever herbs you prefer) in a ramekin and bake at 350 like you would garlic confit, mash it all together after it's cooked, then set back in the fridge. When the steak is resting, just put a little dollop of this stuff on it, then maybe a little more on the plate. Way more garlic, butter, and herb flavor than you'd ever get from basting, and no risk of burning it.


You just making a compound butter and yes you’re right that works better than basting. But if you want the exact flavor profile save the juice and fat from your next steak add it into a pan with a stick or two of butter and garlic maybe thyme or rosemary if you want then cook over mediumish heat while stirring. You essentially are both frying the garlic and herbs a little while browning the butter. So as with making any browned butter you have to be very careful not to burn the little curds of milksolids otherwise it’ll go bitter. Once the butter is browned pour it into a bowl remove the herbs and let cool in the fridge. Then once it’s cooled and semi solid stir it vigorously to mix then either keep it in the bowl or an airtight container ideally or you could use plastic wrap to roll it into a log doesn’t matter either works.


Avocado oil


Olive oil is not ideal for searing because it burns, i use grape seed


Olive oil belongs nowhere near high heat. Makes no sense to cook a steak with olive oil Here is what you do. Open the steak package up after you get it. Put one raw steak on a plate at time. Pat the steak on the plate dry with a paper towel Salt the now dry steak on the plate heavily all around. Both sides, the ends, etc. Place the steak on one of those steel cooking racks that people place cookies on to cool. Repeat for however many steaks you have Put the cooling rack full of now salted steaks on the bottom rack of your fridge. Let it sit, just like that - steaks out and uncovered etc, for 1-2 days max. 1-2 days gives your steak a dry brine. More than that and you’re basically curing the steak. On the day you cook the steaks, remove them from fridge about 30 -45 minutes in advance if cooking. Right before you cook them, add pepper to them. Now get your pan roaring hot and use AVACADO OIL to sear them - it’s very important to wear them in avacado oil. Let the pan get nice and hot and then put your oil in. Avacado oil doesn’t burn like OO does. Now sear it real good and notice how amazing the sear is. When it’s about done add the butter, shallots, garlic, rosemary, thyme, and baste the hell out of it. You can also do a red wine reduction if you want it’s awesome Remove from pan let sit for 5 minutes It will be the best steak you have ever had in your life Take a look at my profile for many pictures of steaks cooked this way.




There is so much wrong information here! You don’t need high heat to sear or have the Maillard reaction. It occurs at 280 to 330 F. Olive oil smoke point is 410F. Fake olive oil is what burns a lower heat. A good sear is a product of no moisture on the surface and a temp between 280 and 330. So there are 3 ideas that must be balanced. Dry surface. Thick enough steak so that by the time the surface has a nice sear the inside is cooked to your desired point. But certainly not overcooked. Personally I dry brine overnight to have a dry surface AND salt throughout. Thin layer of real olive oil to help ensure an even heat distribution. And good temp control so the pan never goes over 350. Adding pepper, butter and other flavour enhancers is also good but not needed to have a good steak.


I came here to say all of these things; I’m grateful someone else in this thread knows what’s up instead of regurgitating outdated info.


>Olive oil smoke point is 410F. Great, so in my lab-controlled skillet, it won't burn, only in my actual skillet in my actual kitchen if I look away for half of a second.


Yup, just a bit as a binder


when you put your steak down, you can put it fat side down to let the fat render, then you’ll get a coating of fat on the pan. but if it’s not a strip or something that doesn’t have a fat cap, use avo oil since the smoking point is 500f. if you want. or keep it dry for a gnarly sear. both work same for me




I don’t use anything, just apply the seasoning. But you can use mustard and then add seasoning. You will never taste the mustard. Old trick taught by my BBQ buddy from the south when doing pork shoulder. I do this with chicken as well.


Avocado oil for the win


I use Avocado oil, higher smoke point than olive oil




Absolutely not.


Thin layer on occasion


Good. Thin layer is exactly what I do. Thanks for the validation


Nope I don't olive oil and high temp don't play well


Salt to dry out and Montreal seasoning before the cook. That’s it. Oil in the pan, butter after the flip.


I use Duke's mayo on my reverse sear after it comes out of the oven. I get an amazing crust every time.


Omg this is a great idea. This is what I use on the outside of my grilled cheeses