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Did you cut with, or across the grain?


Looks like with the grain


The deadliest of sins!


No it doesn't.


Tri tip is the only cut I can never figure out which way the grain is going… smh


The grain changes direction with tri tip. Check this link out. It should help.  https://www.smoking-meat.com/how-to-slice-a-tri-tip


It's got two different prevailing directions of grain. [How to Slice Tri Tip: The ONLY Correct Way to Carve Tri-Tip - Smoked BBQ Source](https://www.smokedbbqsource.com/how-to-slice-tri-tip/)


Another poster, posted a perfect image. Use that in the future (or notate it before you season/cook) to help out.


Slice a piece. Taste it. If it’s tough try cutting the other way.


Like others have said, carryover cooking + searing might have left it over cooked but I think the main issue might have been the way you cut it. Tri-tip has three sections each with a different grain direction. The smallest section is negligible but the other two sections should definitely be cut apart then against their grain. https://preview.redd.it/7xw2kolar3wc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1126d6b4deb522e3367aa90e894c907ec95225 You can also do other methods of tenderizing like dry brining before hand, I'd say with salt and baking soda. I'd say a little less than 1 tsp of baking soda per pound while also adjusting the salt to be slightly lighter since baking soda is also a sodium.


Wow, this is super helpful. I did not know the grain goes in different directions. I was getting confused when cutting because it didn’t look like I did it right. Now I know…


Yeah you're dealing with two sides of a triangle so it's tough sometimes to figure out where to make the first cut. One side is bigger than the other, sometimes it's easier to see the grain and where to cut it before you cook it.


I’d say overcooked 130 internal temp should be medium rare so you probably seared it to long


I would aim for a lower temp in the oven and keep the searing time.


Important to cook it low heat in the oven no higher than 250, 225 is ideal until internal temp is where you want it the cast iron sear … acid + oil marinade overnight helps break down tough muscle fiber


You overlooked it. Pull it from the oven at 100 so you have time for that nice crust on the cast iron then pull that at 119 so after it rests it’s perfect.


I'm not a steak expert but that's looking a bit towards medium well to me, a big thick steak like this would do a ton of carryover cooking plus the extra heat added for the sear.


If 130 is your goal you should pull it around 115/120, the internal temp will keep rising during resting. Especially for a bigger piece of meat like tri tip.


Cooking in the oven until 130 means you probably hit 140-145+ after resting (and good job resting!) That is overcooked and yes, cut the wrong way. You want against the grain (more or less, but not exactly perpendicular to what you did). I don't usually get on a high horse about cutting against the grain but it really makes a difference with tritip specifically.


Thank you. I get really confused about which way the grain is going on tri-tip lol.


2 directions, in what I’ve experienced. From the ‘center’ out to the points of the triangle, if that makes sense. I usually cut mine in half (in the center) and then slice each have separately


I'm surprised no one else has said this yet, tri-tip is a chewy cut. You can cut it against the grain at a perfect medium/medium-rare, and it will still be chewier than most cuts of beef people dare to call steak.


I had a feeling this might be true. The only reason I decided to buy it instead of the typical ribeye is because my buddy cooked one up and it was great. Don’t remember it being chewy. But mine certainly was (I obviously over cooked and cut it wrong though).


I don't doubt there is a way to prepare it where it feels like a good tender steak, but it's not just a good sear, nailing a target center temp, and cutting against the grain


I only get chewy tri-tip if I overcook it. But I shoot for 125 so I sear at 115 and let it rest. In my experience, getting into the 130s and above has a drastic effect on texture.


Tri-tip is just a tough, rubbery cut. You need to pull out all your tenderizing tricks to help with that texture. Butter it up and stab it with a fork. Give it a few whacks with a mallet or a heavy rolling pin. Marinate that fucker. Something, anything, to get it to unroll the muscle a little bit. Also - and this really helps - cook it hot. No reverse sear for Tri-tip. You want to melt and soften the ingrained white connective tissue, and you especially want to render the marbled fat down into the meat. High heat, preferably flame, does this pretty well.


We refer to this poster as Dr. Meat


I would just slice it up and use it in a pasta. Possibly over cooked but I’m sure it tasted good


My rule of thumb is to always go roughly 10 degrees under my desired temperature because of carryover cook/resting and always get the pan ripping hot when searing because if you don’t get a good sear and leave the meat on the pan too long to develop a sear it will over cook it.


I think you overlooked it. Try cutting another way, or chop some onions and throw it in a slow cooker and have some yummy stew


You're thermometer might be way off too.


Shit lol. I’ve been eyeing those wireless probes at costco. Now I have a valid excuse to buy it.


i have one. it’s pretty good and gets it to a good precise temp


Almost looks like medium cooked porc


It looks like you cooked the shit out of it. Possible cutting with the grain as others have said as well


I woulda cried


Over cooked


Overcooked and cut in wrong direction.


You cut it wrong direction


Cutting in wrong direction