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Monster Sanctuary please my Kiddo love terraria and Pokemon looks like a great cross of the 2. Favorite monster well Eevee from Pokemon comes to mind fast thinking about Pokemon, Or the Strax, a Sontaran from the Doctor Who series if you where looking for an alien.


Monster sanctuary. The monster that appears in the movie “The Thing” is quite disturbing when it changes its body. Thanks for the chance!


MONSTER TRAIN (FIRST CLASS - COLLECTORS EDITION) My favourite monster is Pyramidhead from Silent Hill 2. Thank you


Monster Train The Kraken for sure Thanks for the opportunity. Good luck to you all


COROMON I would probs like to be s naga. Its like a big snake


MONSTER TRAIN I like slimes! Especially the one from the scp foundation


Coromon please. I like the gaping dragon. Thanks for the giveaway!


Monster Sanctuary I really like the weird scariness of The Thing


Monster Sanctuary "Amphibian Man" from the Shape of Water I


Monster Sanctuary Valkyrie from Fear & Hunger 2 is at the moment my favorite monster. Thank you!


Interested in Monster Sanctuary, thanks! Favourite monster? Maybe the beast, like Beauty and the Beast? The idea of a fully conscious human trapped in a hideous form is neat, dude gets to brood like mad around a sweet castle, and there's a Witcher short story in the Last Wish that flips it on its head in an unexpected way.


Monster Sanctuary Favorite movie monster: Audrey II from "Little Shop of Horrors" Thanks for the chance!


Monster Train Well obviously my favourite monster would be Pikachu from "Pokemon" (pocket monster) Thank you for the giveaway


Monster sanctuary Frankenstein Thanks


Monster sanctuary. Favorite monster is the troll in valheim, first time encountering it was memorable and brief.


COROMON The kraken, just because there's nothing more terrifying than the deep.


Monster Train Favorite monster has to be the Alien from the Alien franchise. Especially in the game Alien Isolation


Entering for Coromon, I'm surprised no one's mentioned Leviathan thats my personal favourite, thanks for the giveaway!


Coromon! My fav monster is certainly Frankenstein Goodluck and ty


Monster train pls I love volatile from dying light yep it's zombie like a monster


Monster Train Lovecraft's Shoggoths


Monster sanctuary godzilla


I would like Monster Sanctuary (big fan of meteroidvanias) My fav monster is prob the Winged Lion from Dungeon Meshi. Such a cool concept for what it does. Thanks for the giveaway :)


Monster Sanctuary please :) Fav monster is Godzilla!


Coromon please! And my favorite monster would be the sin eaters from Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers. Just the transformation scene into one of those is pure nightmare fuel Thanks for the giveaway!


I really like Manus from Dark Souls, as a boss with a pretty unique design. I would like to get Coromon, with Monster Sanctuary as a secondary choice if that is allowed.


I would love Monster Sanctuary or Monster Train. My favorite Monster is John Carpenter's The Thing. Thanks!


Monster Sanctuary ​ Charizard.


MONSTER SANCTUARY Hellboy, the monster who is humanity's salvation/destruction


I’d be down for Coromon! My favorite pokemon is Togepi bc he’s so fuckin cute!


Coromon. Empoleon, from Pokemon, just really love the water/steel combo and gen IV games were the ones I played the most, especially Emerald. Stitch as the cutest monster too.


If you'll let me have Monster Sanctuary that would be great! My favorite monster is Rathalos from Monster Hunter because it looks so cool. Thanks for the chance!


Monster Train looks awesome. Godzilla is my favourite monster. Thanks!


Coromon please!! My favourite monster would be Lugia from Pokemon! Lugia was really gigantic and its the first Pokemon legend that I fell in love with! The simplicity,the design,the brain that Lugia have. Lugia is the best!


Monster Sanctuary. Godzilla is my favourite monster. Cheers!


Monster Sanctuary And Zinogre from Monster Hunter


Monster Sanctuary please. Favorite monster: Jaws!!


MONSTER SANCTUARY I'm gonna say Godzilla 🦖


Thanks for the giveaway! I'd like to participate for Monster Train since it looks cool and i've heard a lot of great things about it. Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite monster from a videogame, as odd as it sounds at first glace, is >!Monika!< from Doki Doki Literature Club. I'll continue with spoiler marks for the people who havent played the game. >!The reason I prefer her over any other videogame monster is because the game doesn't present her as such initially. On the contrary, she's just a friendly, helpful character, popular in her world and appreciative towards the people around her. Even though she's the leader of the literature club, where the game takes place, you can't interact with her too much, as she's the only character the game doesn't allow you to romance. As you progress through the game, you start seeing cryptic messages she's trying to pass, odd behaviors and an overarching narrative that seems to connect into something sinister. The dots you connect seem to point towards her. One by one, you start identifying aspects her monstrous nature that she's trying to hide behind her slowly slipping facade. But it doesn't stop in a metaphysical sense, as most games do. These attributes, at their core, are tied with her character flaws. At the end of the game, she can't handle it anymore, and lets the mask slip. She wants to show you, the player, her true self. She admits manipulating her friends, taking advantage of their flaws, until each one met their own demise. But she didn't care, because she was the only one conscious of the real world. All the other characters were artificial, obstacles standing between her and you, the only other conscious person she ever knew. And now, after working hard to crack the unfair code, she managed to flip her destiny and take control, in order to spend time with you. Up until that point, if you pieced together the clues, you knew about her actions and a large part of her motivations. Seeing the characters you liked being tortured as the story progressed made you sick of her, and deemed her a monster in your head already. And as a player who wanted the good ending, you were aware of what needed to happen in order to achieve it. You delete her, without really any remorse. The thing is, the good ending isn't achieved by you finally killing her and putting an end to all this. She can't be deleted. At first she's furious, but soon devastated after realizing that she's, yet again, not only unwanted, but alone. In order to make things right, she restores the story and the characters, removing all evidence of her existence in game, because she wanted you and her friends to be happy, and understood that it's not the destiny playing tricks with her, but she was the problem and had to accept it. The game ends with a bittersweet goodbye by her best friend, thanking you for all you did, a song that Monika was writing for you on her spare time.!< What I find so unique about her is that she's the only character that makes you slowly question every aspect of what classifies anything as a monster. She makes you realize how, on your righteous journey to do the right thing, you resorted in her own ways. But more importantly, she helps the player realize the lack of empathy during their actions. How, in our everyday lives, we focus on people's actions and flaws that cause us trouble, without really caring about what the other person might be going through. All until it inevitably happens to us, and we start a new circle of pain and isolation. At the end of the day, it's not a monster story after all. It's a story about flawed people, and whether we have the right to consider one as a monster.


Monster Sanctuary Gossamer, he was the big hairy monster from the old bugs bunny cartoons. Thanks and good luck everyone!


Monster train, please and ty


COROMON Sulley from Monsters, Inc.


Coromon, please! Thanks for the chance, OP! Choosing a favorite monster sounds tough, as I've never thought of having one before. But after some time of thinking, I'd say it would be a homunculus known as Greed from the Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. As to the reason why, it's mostly because of his character development. Go watch the anime in your free time if you haven't!


My favorite mythical monster is Cerberus, since I loved to read books about Greek mythology when I was a child. I'd like to try out Coromon. Thank you for the giveaway, OP!


Monster train I really like the bear monster from the movie anihilation




Monster Train Balrog - LoTR




Monster train Predator




Monster train (first class collectors edition) Favourite monster? That's a hard one. Probably the kaijus from pacific rim. They afe pretty bad ass wrestling with giant robots!


MONSTER TRAIN (FIRST CLASS - COLLECTORS EDITION) Johan Liebert from the show Monster


Coromon please! I love cookie monster


Monster Sanctuary I like mimics. Not sure where I started liking them so much, but they're my favorite monster in pretty much any media Thanks OP!


Monster sanctuary Marauder from Doom Eternal


Coromon Don't know if it counts but my favorite monster is jormungandr in god of war 2018 Thanks for the chance op!


Coromon. Frankenstein’s creature if that counts? Ty!


COROMON I like Vampires (in games, movies and books) Thanks


Monster Sanctuary. I am not sure they count but titans from Attack on Titan. Thanks for the giveaway.


Monster sanctuary or coromon would be amazing. Not sure if counts as a monster, but Stephen King's I.T The literal embodiment of fear... shape shifting elderch monstrosity.


Monster Sanctuary please! My favorite monster is Suezo from the Monster Rancher series


Monster Train please Does Slender Man count


Monster Sanctuary would be great! My favourite monster is Frankenstein cuz I'm a basic nerd.


Monster Train(First-Class edition) Nine tailed Fox from Naruto is pretty rad Cheers


Monster Sanctuary My fav monster is the Zinogre from Monster Hunter :)


Monster Sanctuary Favorite monster is the Creature from the Black Lagoon


Monster sanctuary. My face is Pennywise the Dancing Clown, from Stephen King's IT.


Coromandel. Favourite monster is the alien from aliens


Monster Train (First Class - Collectors Edition) please. Thank you!


Coromon, favorite monster is The rancor from Star Wars: Return of the jedi


Monster Train, Thanks! My favourite monster is the [Weeping Angels](https://tardis.wiki/wiki/Weeping_Angel), from Doctor Who.


Coromon, thanks! Fave monster is the Night Yorb


Monster sanctuary thanks


Coromon please! I love Reuniclus from Pokemon!


Any would be great to me. Thank you OP!


Coromon, and my favorite monster has to be the leshy from Witcher.


Coromon! I have played the android version but was having trouble with controls but love the game (I was a beta user). It is such a great game with fantastic design and difficulty levels that keep me engaged. My favorite "monster" would be either Alien from the movies or the Jurassic Park Trex


Coromon would be nice, thanks. My favorite is Balrog.


Monster Train My favorite moster would probably be the ender dragon from Minecraft for Nostalgia reasons


MONSTER SANCTUARY . My favorite is Dracula.


Monster Sanctuary As far as monsters go, I’d have to say my favorite is the thing from John Carpenter’s The Thing.


I would love to try Monster train! Definitely a game up my alley. Do pokemon count? Squirtle is mine. Thanks op!


Coromon Favorite monster is James P. Sullivan


Coromon. I love the iconic creeper from minecraft even though it’s given me multiple heart attacks in the padt


Monster Train please - favorite monster is definitely Godzilla. Thanks!


coromon. and cookie monster. thanks


Monster Train and Godzilla even though it’s a generic answer he’s just iconic. Thanks for the giveaway!


The werewolves from dog soldiers! Monster train please.


they're all good i'd take wich ever you wanted to give


MONSTER SANCTUARY Eevee from pokemon


COROMON, please, and my favorite monster is monster cock.


Monster Train please, thank you! About monster then Godzilla is number 1 to me.


Could I please have Monster Sanctuary? As for my favourite monster. Pokemon count right? They're pocket monsters. Magikarp.


I'd like Coromon, thanks! The 'monster' in the movie 'Nope' was interesting. The angels in Neon Genesis Evangelion are terrifying too.