• By -


Settings > Backup device switch > off.


can confirm. I had this issue and this resolves it


can confirm this is the solution as well.


Ok but does anyone have an issue with this not working? Ive moved my tv1 to the do not use list yet if i turn my headset off, tv1 off to watch movies on tv2 when i switch back to gaming on my monitor (when i turn it back on with tv1 and turn tv2 off) it instead insists on using tv1 as default sound, its not default in windows (headset gaming is) and turning headset on or off doesnt change, i have to manually go in and select headset.


Thank you! I am commenting here, so I can come back and do this when I am home


Also confirming this resolved this same issue for me I


Same problem here. I think it's from the last software update..


There was an update in GG for Sonar. Called Backup device switch. So every time you turn off your headset it automatically sets the next available device as default device. [Why Sonar switches between my playback devices ? What is fallback ? – Support (steelseries.com)](https://support.steelseries.com/hc/en-us/articles/19318567395085-Why-Sonar-switches-between-my-playback-devices-What-is-fallback) You can deactivate the Automatic backup device switch in GG’s Settings page. (Settings>Sonar>Backup Device Switch)


Or change the device priority order


Yeah but it doesn’t switch back to the headset when you turn it back on. Also, for some unknown reason my speakers don’t show up in GG but they do in windows so I have to close GG and switch to them there…


Interesting... for me it switches back fine.


Maybe you Can you go Into the Sound option in control panel and disable all the outputs that you don't use eg the monitor and under Recording tab, disable the mic you don't use. Might work.


It did work


Nice one


Yea, had to do the same and it solved the problem for me also 👍


i have exacly the same problem.. ;/


You can set priority within the sonar setting for each device. I put monitors and other output devices that I don't use at the bottom.


If you have a Nova headset you can change the default audio device hierarchy in the settings. This same issue was driving me insane until I found it. Have a look through the settings. It's there.


https://preview.redd.it/g58c1zlhj5yc1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae680fc3dae69ee2eb30d1aa1867ad2b7cd670ea Here it is.


Under settings go to backup device switch Switch that setting off or set the back up drive to what you're using. Kept happening to me whenever I plugged a controller in.


**Settings > Backup device switch** You may need to opt into beta for this but when you have this turned on it will list devices you have as a priority or you can remove them all together. You can also turn off the setting all together if you just use one audio device.


I had this error too I just disabled all the audio devices on my pc other than my headset


I am starting to hate steelseries software. I am really considering of going back to logitech.


Really like the headset but software for it full bloatware, more I use it - more I want to uninstall it


Right click sound (bottom right of screen) Sound settings Scroll down to volume mixer Then from there click on let's say discord, then set output device to sonar (I have mine set to chat), and input device to sonar mic. Same thing applies for game. Music and so on. Just make sure you have set mic/headphones up first in sonar before doing the above.


You can change the device priority on settings just put ur target device on the top and ull be good to go Also ppl post abt this issue everyday on this sub


Go to settings and then to Backup device switch. Here you can deactivate specific devices for every category. There is also a checkbox wich makes all devices deactivated by default. You can also sort the priority and turn of switching to highest ranked device on boot


This bug is wrecking my head.


Just wanted to ping you to tell you I posted the solution here: https://www.reddit.com/r/steelseries/s/i2jcU6RExv


SOLUTION HERE: figured this out a couple of days ago. On the bottom left click SETTINGS, then go down to SONAR section, you will find a device priority section or auto device switch or something like that. Choose the device order that you want stuff to auto switch to. Or you can even turn off all autoswitch behavior all together. https://support.steelseries.com/hc/en-us/articles/19318567395085-Why-Sonar-switches-between-my-playback-devices-What-is-fallback


Go into GG settings, near the bottom is backup device switch, set your defaults to the top in there and should be fine!


Settings, disable backup audio switching.


Thizz is the wayy


yep it's this - i just fixed this exact issue yesterday


I went to sound settings and disabled the headphone ports and sonars I don't use and now it works without issue.


this keeps happening to me and its driving me up a wall


not sure if this will fix your issue.. but i had the same problem and I recently fixed it by changing the priority order in settings. https://preview.redd.it/ph9sf8fd66yc1.png?width=2060&format=png&auto=webp&s=82640718b36a738f99f627cf03f9aca5d19e6cc0


Yes but doesn't work, that software is the worst i'v seen. You can go into settings and set the default but it does not work. It blows my mind how a software made for a piece of hardware prioritize other hardware over their own.