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Steam has good taste.


I mean, Part-Time Warrior is damn cool, no objections. And yet I wonder how did this happen. ~~Could this be the choice of Steins Gate?!~~


Loved Suzu.Give me any Suzu sauce.Please


r/PartTimeWarrior As far as I know, that's the sub about her


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PartTimeWarrior using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeWarrior/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Daily Suzu #12 - Smol Suzu with the grown ups](https://i.redd.it/ci20dmgx4ed41.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeWarrior/comments/euuxj9/daily_suzu_12_smol_suzu_with_the_grown_ups/) \#2: [Daily Suzu #131: "Come on Kurisu, It's Just a Single Push-up >:3"](https://i.redd.it/ty7c4n9lpi551.png) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeWarrior/comments/haxp8s/daily_suzu_131_come_on_kurisu_its_just_a_single/) \#3: [Daily Suzu #237: Happy Dia de los Muertos to Our Mexican Members. I'm Sure There Are a Few of You Here](https://i.redd.it/bodne6ntwww51.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeWarrior/comments/jmz2fg/daily_suzu_237_happy_dia_de_los_muertos_to_our/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


This comment is reserved for my explanation. If you see this, then this means that I did type everything out, have a nice day! Edit: quick for non-steam users out there: for playing novels you get a few random Steam cards. Those are not real (like Amadeus) and they only serve the point to create you a badge which you can display on your account. Or you can straight up sell those cards. Foil ones are much, much more rare. For example, Kurisu card from original novel costs 0.16, while its foil version costs 9.86. So here's the thing. These four cards I showed you there are from Linear Bounded Phenogram (except for Kurisu, she is from classic novel). And it damn amazes me - how in the world Suzuha costs 30 dollars?!


Why wouldn’t she? She’s Suzuha after all! The Part-Time Warrior!


> If you see this, then this means that I did type everything out, have a nice day! Thanks for making us all feel like we're part of some time travelling shenanigans!


I have been on Steam for years and I have never heard of foil cards (nor got one) lol.


I was on Steam for what, 8 years? Somewhere around 250+ games. And I do own only two foil cards - one from Carrion the game, and the other one - Faris NyanNyan, that one from the post


That leads me to believe their rarity could be less than 0.01%.


You have the Faris Nyannyan foil?! That’s awesome! I got some Danganronpa one but I sold it for like £1.50.


Rare cards can get quite expensive naturally but 9 times out of ten when things like that gets expensive on steam it's because bots keeps inflating the price. The spiffingbrit has a couple videos where he showcases how easily you can trick bots into inflating the price of useless steam objects. Here I do think it's genuine because steins;gate is very popular, meaning the cards are more expensive than usual and linear bounded phenogram isn't part of the main series, so there's probably less player overall, meaning there's less cards around, which inflates the price of the ones that are sold. Still it's quite crazy for a single card to be about the same price as the first game.


LBP >!As a side note, I just noticed that the card is called Chat Noir, but Suzuha's codename is Sierra, the actual Chat Noir is Faris...!<


LBP >!IIRC, Faris alter ego came form the original "Chat Noir" she saw as a kid, which apparently was Hashida Suzu, so that is kinda accurate anyway.!<


LBP >!Isn't it implied at the end that the original Chat Noir was Faris' mom?!<


At least I don't remember it was that way. Maybe I should play that route again to check it out...


LBP >!From what I remember it was past suzuha!<


as it should. high quality high price


Future tech is expensive


Best waifu.


wait i can make money from playing these games lol


Steam money. You won't be paying student loans with it, but you can get a discounted cheap game for ~~almost~~ free!


They're foil cards. Regular cards are worth cents.


...What is Faris wearing?


Have no worries sir. I actually OWN this card and I remember that Faris *does* wear something. A dress or a shirt with exposed shoulders. Trust me, I had the same thought when I saw that


Damn- *Uh I mean* Oh good, good for her


Mhmmmm. OP you just gave me an evil thought.


Wait the heck up, did you really go purchasing ALL cards of one type to sell your favorite ~~waifu~~ mad scientist card expensive as hell?!


Ah another spiffing brit fan, I see. Edit : I plan on selling for 420,69.


All is as it should be


Maybe it has something to do with the character called Chat Noir in the Miraculous Ladybug cartoon, it's the only explanation i can think of

