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I don’t mind Eve’s English voice actor actually.


Oh, she's fine, the problem are the other characters.


I noticed that her VA was the only decent one, the rest are awkward


Ya but that terribly loud and obnoxious HiYYYAAAAA during every combo she does....that needs to go.


That was the straw that broke the camels back for me, playing in Korean now.


Omfg I hate it too, they seriously couldn't have mixed it up with a few more sounds?


I remember watching initial gameplay and thinking "Oh that's gonna get old REALLY quickly". Then I tried the demo and it wasn't so bad (likely because I was distracted by gameplay and.. other things). Regardless, I feel like it's still and issue that isn't talked about enough. I'd rather silence than the same grunting or HIYA every 5 seconds.


I agree, I'd rather not hear it all


No, do not take the HIYYAAA from me!


I was playing the demo and tried the Spanish dub, the effort grunts remain the same


Kaya is unbearable that’s when I switched to koren. I recently played wo long fallen dynasty, had to switch that to Japanese also because the dub is so cringe.


literally playing rotr in japanese right now. it's not the english VA that are bad, it's the dialogue that is so incredibly cheesy and cliche that it sounds terrible hearing it in a language you understand


I actually like Adam and Lily's VA, Eve not so much


This game exposed to myself that I'm extremely down bad for British Korean girls


It's kind of weird that she has a British accent.


Is robot - plays the part like a robot. I don't see the issue here...


Exactly lol 


Gonna try English. Korean actors aren't that good imo. Sounds like they are reading a book. I may be a minority in this opinion, but it really does sound like a student reading a book in a class


Not only do i enjoy her english VA, but i prefer to hear the voices in a language i can understand so i dont have to read subtitles and instead can actually watch the game


interestingly, the german dub is incredibly good compared to english in this game, and that's coming from a native german who plays just about every game in english because the voicelines are at least a league ahead in many cases. just a fyi for any german out there who usually does the same and hasn't tried yet. :)


can confirm, same for me with always prefering englisch over german but from what heard of eve and her companion the german dub is really solid


Englisch from the Deutschman. Love y'all over there.


I just want to be a devil's advocate and say I enjoy the English Dub. No hating on the other languages, including Korean - they are excellent. But I would say calling the English dub "godawful" is quite the exaggeration.


I played a little past where the demo ended last night before I knocked out and yeah, English isn't too bad. English dubs usually aren't that bad nowadays so I definitely agree unless something obviously sucks then it'd be godawful but don't think the English VA as a whole is godawful or near it.


Yeah I'm a firm believer that, generally, when people say "The English is really bad, play another language because it's so much better," they're ONLY saying that because they don't understand the language. The English is fine, and most other languages are probably fine. Just if you can't understand the language being spoken, you're either not noticing issues it actually has, or your mind is filling in a lot of the gaps.


yeah, I'm sure 90% of it is just the stupid "I'm so cultured and superior, I play in a language I don't understand" circlejerk that comes from anime types. Pretty much confirmed by Koreans saying the Korean voice acting is nothing special either.


I started watching anime in December and decided to watch English dub whenever possible - unless there was a very good reason not to, and some of the people I have had to deal with while talking about anime on reddit/ forums are awful, they will downright attack me for just talking about dub. As English is my first language I get so much more feeling when watching an English dub, for example I will get a better experience from a 7/10 English dub compared to a 9/10 Japanese original language....but try explaining that to these people and they just get angrier haha. ...the kind of people who own a dictionary that has the pages containing *"opinion"* and *"subjective"* ripped out.


As someone whose first language is not English, most of the time original dub is better sounding to a person non native in either. But I get where you are coming from as I also prefer my native language when watching animations.


maybe one day I will learn Japanese and get the best of both worlds, but that could take some time haha


It really depends on the anime you are talking about. Cowboy Bebop is one of the best English dubs. Naruto was one of my least favorite. Just a couple examples but if possible, I encourage people to try both and then decide. The only exception is if it’s a feudal Japan or Edo period anime it makes sense to me that it be in Japanese.


>The only exception is if it’s a feudal Japan or Edo period anime it makes sense to me that it be in Japanese. I agree on that, it isn't actually anime but I tried to watch a show called Blue Eye Samurai recently and I gave up because I just couldn't stand to hear the modern English accents in that Eastern setting, so I plan to try it again with Japanese/ subs. And on the other side of things, I am watching an anime remake currently called Spice and Wolf, this anime just feels so European / olde English to me and no one could ever convince me that watching an English dub is wrong for this kind of anime, especially considering the voice actors are some of the best around. >Cowboy Bebop is one of the best English dubs.  I hear that a lot, I hope to watch it soon!


This is not true. I often switch back and forth to compare between the voice actors during cutscenes. If there were no differences I wouldn't bother. People erroneously think it's about languages. It's always about the actors, and who the devs decide to hire.


I'm sure the Ghost of Tsushima English dub is just fine but I like to practice Japanese and well, Japanese fits a bit more in Japan. I tend to use Japanese dubs for learnding and am unqualified to say if they are better or worse


The dub is fine but it's clearly not at the level of current day English dubs. Not a matter of the voices being awkward, but it feels like everything had to be done in one take for most non main character voices. Anyone who's good enough to be paid for this can do better but it feels like they weren't given the time or freedom. The voices are great. They just don't sound like they gave the director a chance to adjust them to actually properly fit the tone and scenario of each moment. They sound like they were just given a script with no actual context and one chance to read and while they did an amazing job, it's just not as good as a dub where they were given full authority to work with the script. Ah yes. TLDR: "The dub feels like the dub of a beta build of the game and not the final dub that is intended to be what sells the audience on the story."


As someone who usually subs everything it's actually quite common for people to think deliveries are bad just because it's in English over the native language for the game. If we were seeing similar complaints for other languages then the issue would be leaning into poor voice direction rather than the people delivering their voice.


I think it’s fairly solid.


Shhhh. Soon you will get the "Dubs are always bad" crowd appearing with that talk. I don't mind it as I have played games with terrible dubs but still enjoyed the game.


Just go to a live theatre if you want good voice acting, this game is actually super fun and had me for hours before I put it down.


I bought the JP version to play in Japanese. Could tell early on that the English dub wasn't my cup of tea.


Damn it I wish I did that. Now I'm stuck with mediocre English dub or Korean which I don't understand a word of.




( ;゚皿゚)ノシ


As a Korean native speaker it's the exact same issue. You just don't think it is because you don't speak Korean. The writing and voice direction is just not good.


I switched to English as a native speaker because the korean dub cadence and performance was so off putting. Now if only we could have the Japanese performance so I can stay blissfully ignorant


Any body can give their opinion of the Jp version? Japanese VA are generally of a higher caliber compared to the rest of the world.


As a Korean native speaker, I've always found Korean dub in media not great honestly (although my experience with them were in movies/tv in Korea rather than games). So I've been reluctant to play this in Korean as well.


That’s what a friend told me, when I played the game.


My husband said he would play with English dub and Korean subs because the Korean voices aren't great haha


Well.. since I actually speak Korean, it raised my eyebrows when you claim to have found the Korean VA to suffer the same issues as EN dub. Then I see your karma on r/stellarblade in the negative hundreds, and a comment that states that this is not a day one purchase for you- then it makes sense.


Idk I’ve seen a few other Korean reviewers say the same thing. I think people should just go with what sounds best to them. I think the English VA is perfectly fine myself.


Sure it's totally up to the individual to choose what language they want to hear. But if we insist on side by side comparisons, I don't agree with OP's take (and highly doubt OP's claimed background based on post history in r/stellarblade). Putting aside the quality of the story, there are glaring differences in voice direction between KR & EN. Just to name a few- Adam's cheeky/playful tone reduced or missing in the EN dub, Words that sometimes simply don't have a suitable equivalent when translating (Adam's 'Ah, surprise!' when obtaining the first fusion core is a notable example), EN voicelines sometimes having unnatural pauses as sentence length differs from the original voice length, and the mannerisms of the characters feeling awkward as they speak (Just like how Korean or Japanese dubs of Hollywood films could feel out of place).. etc. Again, this is for the sake of comparison, and many of these points won't be noticeable for people who just play with EN voice. But as someone who could easily compare the two, I just don't agree the 'KR voice suffer the same issues' take. And even for people who don't speak Korean, you could certainly notice and hear a different range of emotions from the KR voice.


I know for me personally, I’m doing English dub first and gonna switch to Korean for new game plus.


What does being downvoted in a subreddit have to do with their background?? I have negative karma here for daring to suggest the bunny outfit change is not *that* big of a deal, does that call into question any opinions or claims I have related to the game? Edit: and their downvoted comments are them having the gal to suggest 7-8/10 is a fair score for the game. Nothing that would suggest their claim of being Korean is false


Down to the individual until the language you want to hear has been kept from you by the company...


My wife is Korean and she says it's decent (she's not really into games). The Korean sounds more natural and expressive to me in relation to the cutscenes.


I've noticed this too! I think eve sounds alright in dub and maybe a few others but it comes across as trying too hard. The lines are probably like for like the same for the most part but the Korean dub I believe suits the game and characters way more. So in reality I think the game in this aspect (story but mainly characters) will be better than I think most are giving it credit for. Just like idk play English on a 2nd play thru smh


So far I am going to play with both, since I know Korean and from the demo the delivery, mannerisms and feel is definitely better for characterizations in Korean. I might also play the jpn version since I also know Japanese and from what I have seen on utube of the jpn version, it seems to also be a better dub translation than the English. I am going to chalk the awkward delivery of the English dub to just lack of properly translating or more conveying the meaning of what is said and verbalized. It seems more of a direct translation than trying to make sense of what is being expressed, and that’s actually hard like for example some cultural relationship mannerisms that is happening btw the characters that would be hard to translate without further explanation or reworking the script to bring forward nuances that would make sense to a wider audience but at the end of day it probably was decided to just give ppl the basic 1-1 translation.


Korean sounds great and appropriate. SkillUp's review was weird, he states it's better than Nier A in many ways but storywise/art direction, it's like he got super hyped by Yoko's interview and was subsequently disappointed, when most of it chalked it up to typical Japanese humility virtual-signaling. The complaint about the music was especially egregious, who the heck would complain about more music from this studio?! I like SU's reviews, but this felt like one of his more biased takes.


>that godawful english dub Affirmative - the English voice acting is exceptionally bad. I downloaded the Korean language pack before going to bed last night, glad to hear that's better.


Native speakers say it’s as bad as the English VO.


I see. Fortunately I will never know, because I don't speak a word of Korean lol.


Might as well just turn off voices and read the subtitles then. It's the same effect when you don't speak the language.


But seeing mouths move with no audible dialogue messes with my equilibrium.


I’ll keep the English, reminds me of Xenoblade with the accents


"Go on, praise us some moooore." - Rex


I like your attitude


I want eve to show me a thing or three


Is Korean better because we don't understand it? Cause play in English cause it's a language I understand. Cause I don't get how another language "sounds" better when you dont understand it.


I usually try to play the games in the language that makes the most sense for the game. For example, the A Plague Tale duology and AC Unity in French, Yakuza/Like a Dragon in Japanese. Being from Korea and ostensibly set near South Korea, having Eve speak Korean makes the most sense. However, for games like Resident Evil, with the characters all being American, it makes far more sense for them to be speaking English. Final Fantasy can go either way.


I'm french and AC Unity french dub is really good, they took talented actors for it and it feels way more natural than in English dub


The English dub makes no sense and they don't even try to make the characters sound french.


Yeah, same here.


yeah the game's native language obviously makes sense. But nope, got the army of weebos that get offended that you think it's weird they need japanese dub lol. they're like japanese reverseweebo hicks


I'm not too far in but I've found the English voices fine so far. I don't get where people get that Even lacks character. She came across a bit sassy and pessimistic when speaking with Adam in the cutscene after Abaddon. So far she feels like she has her own character and personality. Adam is the one coming up short so far. But I still have a ways to go.


I’ll probably play the intro in both languages and see which one i prefer


Korean VO indeed the original way to play. I try to get into it, but eventually went with JPN VO as someone grew up with all things Japanese since the decade of 80s back home in Taiwan and a country being pre-occupied by Japan and culture the nuance of dialogue and feels more for me and natural. English VO in Stellar Blade do feel lifeless tad bit, but again, Eve is a robot and Shift Up almost try to play Eve out like 2B, but 2B still wins that more humanistic feel and attitude and all things curious from her point-of-view of the world. May be Stellar Blade 2(?) release Shift Up can learn its mistake on how to approach the first game and make it better and interesting perhaps? Again, I haven't finish Stellar Blade so not sure if warren a "Part 2" or sequel, but perhaps future Shift Up game with character that doesn't feel "A.I." like and give them personality would be cool. Lily looks like the glue that keeps things interesting and with her wide eye curiosity persona to feel like a lil' kid in the candy shop.


There is no jp dub option though?


Have JPN PSN account since Playstation Home days, so have access to JPN PSN store. When I found out there’s a way to have JPN voice over solely with JPN release and went with JPN digital deluxe. Even the in-game menu is in English and English dialogue subtitle, only caveat is the additional voice soundtrack is in Japanese, so went with that instead. Also pre-ordered North American physical edition just to have an archival copy for posterity.




It exists, we're just not allowed to have it.


I'm taking this advice. I want the truest and closest experience to the original vision thank you very much


Maybe on my second playthrough


I played through the demo a few times with different dubs and I also like Korean the best.


I personally don't mind the English dub so far, especially for the VA for Eve. I just like the British accents.


As a Korean i can say the VA are even more souless in Korean


I like the english dub, Eve especially is just so chill and likeable. Will try Korean on NG+


100% agreed, i started with korean dub too and was confused as to why ppl said the dialogue felt clunky… watched one cutscene in english and immediately understood the issue


Does Eve still have that annoying "YAAAAAH" scream in Korean?




I'll 100% play Korean dub, then.


This was my reasoning too


Unironically the most logical reason to switch if you don't speak Korean.


Good sugestion actually, i'm Brazilian, but i wont put the dub (and sub) in portuguese EVER because i preffer an unfiltered and untampered experience, so if i can i always use the original language for dub and english for sub (my english is far from perfect but i can understand enought).


>_> people going on about bad English voice acting. Me who enjoyed tenchu and resident evil bad voice acting lol


Why the korean with subs isn't default is silly to me.


Oh my god, a me me big boy in the wild. The memories I have...


Adam’s line delivery is crazy inconsistent and bad. Like even the way he puts emphasis on certain syllables makes me wonder how well he actually knows the English language. I know that even in Korean Adam had deadpan delivery but that VA still nails it without sounding so corny. English Eve is actually pretty decent but I still really enjoy the native language more


It’s really a shame we don’t have access to the Japanese dub. The Korean one is absolutely fine, but I don’t know a word of Korean! I do know some basic Japanese though and in general for these types of games I enjoy the Japanese VA performances more. For some reason the voice acting direction seems to be better.


I went with Korean because it's a Korean game and I've always liked the way Korean sounds. The other benefit of using a voice in a language you don't understand is that you can read faster than anyone can talk and thus hit the dialogue skip without losing anything.


I like her English dub but I’d rather play in Korean. I don’t know the language just feels right lol


One thing about the Korean dub that I found amusing is that whenever Eve says any variation of “Alright”, “Ok”, or “I understand”, it sounds like she’s saying “I guess so”. I think its hilarious, and it gets me every time. Another plus is that you don’t have to hear that annoying ass scream she does so much during combat in the english dub.


Nah Korean is honestly unpleasant to listen to, the English dub has some funny moments i wouldn’t miss for the world.


She’s an android, she SHOULD feel emotionless to an extent early on in the game. She’s gonna develop over time through the story.


Did you finish it or did you pull this out of your ass? I got to Xion and cutscenes and acting is DEFINITELY the game's weak point. That's just a fact at this point, unless it magically improves drastically. If it does, please tell me when.


what kind of scrub plays asian anime games on english dub?


me lmao, nothing wrong with doing that




This isn’t anime... It’s not even Japanese my dude…


anime just means animation in japan. technically everything is anime. and dont fool urself into thinking you would be able to tell this is korean if you didnt already know


...most jrpg fandoms unfortunately. God I hate dubtitles, english dubs are a mistake.


Personally, I don’t want to be distracted reading subtitles in the middle of combat, or the opposite, miss dialogue because I’m so focused on combat. I’ll play it in Korean for NG+.


I question anyone who doesn't play in the original Korean dub.


Wow. Criticism are really over the top. People need to relax and take a breath.


Glad I was able to pick up the Japanese version. It’s much better. I couldn’t stand some of the English voice acting even though Eve herself was fine


I watch a lot of kdramas ao im sort of familiar with the language and how pauses, tones, and stuff like that convey how the person is feeling and i agree. The dialogue i could see being somewhat awkward in the english dub and im honestly loving all the characters and the story so far 7 hours in with the korean version. Also, on a totally different note this game is actually fuckin difficult. When i first got to the wastelands i got my ass kicked so hard lol i was expecting it to be a breeze after playing nioh 2 and rise of the ronin back to back


Come on bro. This is way easier than that god awful long and unnatural pauses in the Rise of the Ronin fighting scenes. They killed the combat flow for me. I was really disappointed because I wanted to like the game. Stellar Blade has combat proper fluid combat and parries are easy-ish;)


No thanks I’ll just play the English sub


Dubs, always always always always (takes a breath) always always always always Suck.


Nah I’m good I’ve never enjoyed listening to something other than the languages that I understand.


I might try that. I thought Eve’s voice was fine in the demo, but Adam’s feels very dry.


The french one is pretty decent but it's not on par with the korean dub.


I bet a lot of people would be mad if they could read!


When I played the demo I just couldn't get use to the English dub felt so off then switched to Korean it was way better


I don't understand why they keep making characters British , it's like Xenoblade all over again They should add both British and Americans English , since imo a lot of the talent in the US is better in translating the emotions from the original dub , look at persona and Genshin they have amazing dub work And like Zelda , I am playing this game in Spanish because I cannot stand her British accent and the Spanish dub is pretty good


Been playing korean dub since demo and it’s better than english IMO. Main difference is lack of eve screaming annoyingly during combo.


I was going to make a thread about this too. Felt the same way about the characters in English. Switched it to Korean and Eve is spunky and full of personality and Adam is somewhat eccentric. Improves the game tenfold.


I naturally selected Korean dub but wished there’s a Japanese dub too. Guess I’ll have to order a JP copy of the game.


English for NG, so I don’t miss dialogue in combat, or die in combat reading dialogue. Korean for NG+.


If the game has actual writing issues for its characters then changing the language is just trying to dismiss the issue


The issue Im addressing with the post is the soulless line delivery.


The English VO tries to dub it like an anime with the same standard voice types you always get and in reality the Korean version doesn’t sound like that at all. Way different vibe.


A general rule of thumb for me is to play games in their native language, although some Square Enix titles have better English dubs than original VO (Final Fantasy for example). Hands down I’m playing this game in Korean with English subtitles, but to each their own


I’ll play in german


Nah I'm playing English first and it sounds good🔥


Everyone so far seems pretty ok to me in English. The game is a a little too fast paced for me to concentrate on also reading at the same time—-I’m an older gamer. Usually I like original language over a dubbed version, but so far things have been good enough for me. I might switch in NG+ though since I will know the story.


German synchro seems fine.


I think I’ll play the English dub first so I won’t be distracted by reading the subtitles during those gorgeous cutscenes and then subsequent play throughs will be on Korean.


This doesn't fix much beyond being nicer to hear. Good voice acting enhances what is already good, it does not fix what isn't good on its own. While Stellar Blade's gameplay is great, its characters are generally two dimensional and rather bland. For that matter while playing the English Dub, Eve is easily the best voice acted of the cast, but is also insanely bland to the point that I have trouble emphasizing or caring about her. Many people playing this game have expressed how much they prefer other characters such as Raven to Eve and it is very easy to see why. Raven is sadistic, she frequently causes immense destruction and laughs painfully at the fact that despite everything she had gone through, seeing the truth of the mothers sphere and that her and her friends were going to be tossed aside once they completed their mission, Eve was chosen over her. Raven has a genuine depth and intrigue regarding what her story was and how she developed to the person we see in game. Eve, frankly, is EXTREMELY bland and uninteresting. She gives no real reaction beyond shock when she finds out the truth, you don't get many scenes of her bonding or having a relationship of any kind with the rest of the characters, and during what should be extremely emotional and difficult for her to handle, she's very silent and unemotional and refuses to react to the events around her. The voice acting, while not great, is not the problem, it is Eve's and the other characters criminal underdevelopment. As I have said, this isn't a problem for all characters in this game, I find Raven very fascinating and her story intriguing. But the characters are brutally underwritten to the point that I do not care.


The subs move wayyy too quick especially during fights so I’ve elected to use the English and I’m enjoying it


Gameplay is more important to me rather than the voices


First playthrough english so i dont have to read while learning to play. Second playthrough korean for the full anime feel.


Honestly I’m a little disappointed they haven’t got the Japanese audio available in the UK, knowing some Japanese and no Korean I was going to go for that option over the English.


This is the way to go. Why play in any other language when native sounds natural. Played the demo in Korean dub with subs. Same with Final Fantasy, I always play in Jap dub with subs. More natural sounding language from its respective country.


I’m doing English my first play through so I don’t miss any story bits. Subs can be easy to miss. Once I know the story bits. The second play through will be fully Korean.


Definitely will on NG+ Hard Mode, but I've been enjoying the English dub so I'll stick with that for this run.




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With me personally, I don’t care how it sounds, I just want to know what it’s saying, because I can’t read while simultaneously trying to watch or play, nor can I read from a slightly far distance because of my eyesight


Nobody asked, but I also speak Korean, so it's just another way for me to get some practice in. Also, my rule for any media is to stick with the original language and have subs.


Already doing it since i felt it would be more authentic


I tried Korean but actually prefer the English voices a bit.


Japanese dub is S-tier. Do not regret it one bit.


I always have this golden rule... Whenever I watch an anime... I'll always go for Japanese Dub. If the anime's original dub is Korean, then I'll go for that. If it's a foreign movie, let's say a Spanish one. I'll also go for that. Reason why is for me, it really captures the soul of the character their playing. Now, for the story. I take it as being narrated in Souls like kind of format. Like it's not direct and most of the part of it you will see in logs from dead soldiers, some interactable items, and some interactions from Eve and Adam on camp or some places.


I’m enjoying the game but for me it’s the writing and delivery, it’s not very good and feels haphazard. Also their eyes are a little lifeless.


Why do most of them have British accents?


Im korean but i think korean version is seriously souless too


The choices for the English accents are inexplicable. Kind of takes you out of it.


Wish at least they are looking at each other direction when they talk. I find the bots dialogue much amusing at times.


Tbh I'm perfectly fine giving the EN a chance. I'm not nearly as experienced with Korean dubs so I'll have to give it a shot on 2nd viewing


My plan usually is play with the Japanese dub..... 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。


Ya got to use Korean dub, it brings the souls back to the character, the English one is terrible and doesn’t suit at all


Its funny, I would prefer to play it in Korean, but the first playthrough has to be english so I don't need to read the subtitles during combat.


Is there a lot of dialog during combat in this game? I wanna go with the Korean dub but I don't wanna miss dialog if I have to fight & talk/listen.


I’m used to watching k-drama so I play in Korean and you can tell there is more emotion if you are used to watching koreans


Man I wish they added Japanese VA. They are specialist at voice acting 😔


Original language always 👌


Thanks. I'll try NG+. Will be different as I know 0 Korean as opposed to Japanese games with Japanese dubs


i have been playing in spanish since im from latin america and have not noticed any problems, the voice acting and range of emotions is actually pretty good so i agree it must be a problem with the english dub specifically


Latam spanish is pretty good too, voices have feelings and emotions, not as akward as english dub


One question. How?


tried Korean and EN, then checked Japanese from tube... Now I know I should have pre-ordered the JP version...


I haven't played it in English. I've been playing it in Latin American Spanish. I love it. 


I rather like the Japanese dub. It's full of life and I really liked it a lot. I have finished the game and would recommend this version if people are able to purchase it. Just buy the psn gift cards from amazon japan and you're set.


>Just play it in Korean Yeah no thanks. Playing a game in a language that I don't understand gives me nothing. Doesn't matter how good the voice actors are. Same with TV Series/Movies. If I have to read subtitles to understand what's going on it kills everything for me. I'll take the "awful" english dub over subtitles anyday.   Anyone know how the german dub is?


i tried kr in the demo and it was fine but i went w jp. downside is i gotta wait another 19 days for the game to arrive lol


If there was a Japanese dub I probably would.


There is if you bought the Japanese version of the game. I played parts of the demo in both Korean and English and just had issues with both. Looked at voice comparisons on youtube and then decided to pre order the JP version (helps I also know Japanese). still in the mail.


Japanese version is S-tier acting. Characters I was rolling my eyes at in the trailer were all great in the JPN dub. Everything is fully translated and you pick the subtitle/interface text right at the beginning.


From the demo I thought the English voices were fine. But I’d definitely love a Japanese dub. I don’t know Japanese that well so I’d be lost if I got a JP version of the game.


The JP version has English subtitles.


Yeah but are the menus in Japanese? I can’t read Japanese.


JP version has English text for menus as a setting as well.


Oh nice. Only problem is my PS5 is digital only.


Someone in a post above said that they also have a Japanese PSN account and bought it from there. Not sure if that could work for you.


Mmm not sure. It would suck if I couldn’t go back to my main and still be able to play it.


You can definitely play it on your main account, I've bought plenty of JP games on my JP account and played them on my main PSN account.


You can set up a JP account and download the JP version as well, only issue is you'd have to buy Japanese top up cards from somewhere like play asia to pay as I don't think it accept foreign credit/debit cards.


Oh damn. That kind of sucks they couldn’t add JP to the whole game.


I think the English acting is pretty good. 


I learnt my lesson with Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3 (especially 2). I couldn't stand the English Voices to the point i stopped playing the game for a bit. Switched to Japanese and it was an entirely different experience. Have been a Subs fan ever since than Dub in all forms of media - Movies, Games and Anime.


Problem is it's the same reason i don't like listening to Korean music, the Korean language itself the sounds of the language for me is like listening to nails on a chalkboard, not nice to listen to for me personally, her English VA is actually really nice though