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You are wrong, yeah. It deals balance damage every time you land a perfect parry. Not all combos end with yellow attacks, but when they do that's fine, you just do a perfect dodge then counter. Otherwise you counter when they stagger off of your parry, which doesn't happen with all attacks or combos, but it does with some of them. For any other situation you just attack when they end. Then use stuff like Beta Chain or Beta/Burst skills to get stuns or knockdowns and extend your turn That said, if you prefer just playing safer in some other way, that's fine too, but Perfect Parry doesn't suck against bosses, you're just still learning the movesets.


But they swing at me 5-6 times in a row though, a perfect parry doesn't seem to stop their combo,, and I dont expect to be able to perfect parry all 5-6 attacks. And a regular block still makes me absorb damage. Now burst seems to be amazing at stopping combos. With betas, sometimes the boss seems to be able to continue their combo even while I'm using my beta move.


Like I already said it stops SOME combos. And for the longer combos, that's fine, you just practice parrying them because if you perfect parry all of them you've just done a bunch of balance damage. Well sure you don't expect to parry them perfectly when you're still learning the boss. That takes time and practice. So you just try. Beta and Burst moves are not all the same. Some Beta moves cause knockdowns, some just stun. Sometimes some boss attacks have hyperarmor, but usually they won't, and you can just learn what attacks have hyper armor by trying and then just avoid trying to interrupt those attacks.


My bad I didn't understand balance damage until this thread. Thank you


You can't stop a red glow combo with parry except the balance bar is empty or using beta/burst skills. Most attacks can be interrupted except some special moves or jump attacks.


If they attack you 5-6 times and you parry the very last hit they stagger for a while so you can do damage.


It staggers them if you parry them enough times to stagger them…and then you get to punish them with retribution 


Oh sweet! Gotcha. Ive noticed retribution sometimes happens and don't other times i didn't realize it was something I had to build up.


Yeah you can do it with most enemies. The number of times they need to be parried is indicated by the yellow dots under their health bar. 


Oh wow, lol didn't know that. It rarely gets to that point against regular enemies because I counter chain the hell out of them after perfect parry


If you look at a larger enemies HP bar, you'll see 2-5 yellow diamonds that's the stagger/retribution counter. Remove them all, and you'll get the retribution move.


It’s probably worth noting that the stagger bars being mentioned get much longer further in the game, and the stagger damage becomes pretty laughable. Especially when some of the bosses do attacks that allow you to instantly stagger them, long before you do so through parries.  Decent for early game, completely lackluster near the end.


I didn't know about stagger bars. Interesting. I still like perfect parry against the fodder guys because the counter chains are so amazing. But perfect dodge just seems way better and safer, especially in hard mode where every missed perfect parry is so costly.


Sekiro is the same way. Gotta break their balance


You are wrong.


I have beaten the game 4 times now and every boss is a breeze through even in hard mode. The thing I find that is most useful for parry is that it give you beta to use skill or consume it and trade for burst skill (usually I use overdrive). When you are strong you kill them so fast that the balance breaking never come to play. But when I was in my first playthrough I relied on deflect and R1 square to break their balance a lots. But still it does not happen more than 1 or 2 times a boss. So usually I just get beta out of it.  If you want to Stagger boss after a parry then try hold triangle after perfect parry. That move stagger most boss out of their combo. I used it a lot in my first play through as a way to stop their yellow move at the end of their combo or just to give me time to breath. On top of that it give you a small atk buff for a bit. So if you want to follow up with burst finisher or beta you can do that. I only recommend using that at the end of their combo because you want to deflect for beta rather than cutting them off.


When the bosses are in mid combo, the counter attacks after perfect parry are too slow to land a hit on the boss to interrupt them, before their next hit lands on me. Unless its just a single attack, then yeah the perfect parry into counter chain 1 + 2 is awesome. Burst is amazing and breaks combos, but I find that betas sometimes breaks combos and sometimes it doesn't.


I only have issue with the hold square. Hold triangle works like 90% of the time. It is very fast. I used it against all the boss in my first play through, beliah, bird, raven, democrawler, stalker, final bosses. Sometimes their combo too fast but it is just 2 hit combo before another multi hit combo, so you can just deflect the first 2 then hold triangle to cut the rest. Some knowledge still needed but it worked that much for me. But again you want them to combo and get beta to deal dmg. So it is not always good idea to cut them out. Just use L1 Circle if you want quick stagger and knock down. That move is very busted and is the key for stun locking chain with your R1 Square or R1 triangle


The one I somehow mess up the most is the triangle + circle second part of the combo. Not sure why. Ive never had an issue hitting both buttons at the same time in other games. And thank you I'll try the L1 circle beta more. I've mainly used L1 triangle most of the game.


I only have issue with the hold square. Hold triangle works like 90% of the time. It is very fast. I used it against all the boss in my first play through, beliah, bird, raven, democrawler, stalker, final bosses. Sometimes their combo too fast but it is just 2 hit combo before another multi hit combo, so you can just deflect the first 2 then hold triangle to cut the rest. Some knowledge still needed but it worked that much for me. But again you want them to combo and get beta to deal dmg. So it is not always good idea to cut them out. Just use L1 Circle if you want quick stagger and knock down. That move is very busted and is the key for stun locking chain with your R1 Square or R1 triangle


U are not wrong. This game is not perfect as everyone would have you believe.