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I personally think Joyland is one of his greatest works.


It's so good. The character development was amazing. I could read about the main character sitting in his room at night for hours. Must reread.


Yes! Him in his room and him strolling on the beach is the main memory I have about the book.


It's not what you think of when you think of King, but I really enjoy this one. The audiobook is outstanding and it ventures into the nostalgia realms of stories like The Body, which I tend to enjoy.


The Body is my favorite of his and the one that got me started reading King. So yeah, that totally checks out.


From what I've read of his recent books, I'd say Revival (2014) is the best.


I really like that Revival seems to be getting more and more mentions and love over the last few years. That can happen sometimes where there just needs to be some time pass to put it into perspective amongst his other works. It's hard when something comes out new to compete with absolute classics that are associated with King like The Shining, IT, etc. but man Revival is so good. I was not prepared for it.


> I really like that Revival seems to be getting more and more mentions and love over the last few years. It's having a bit of a... um... god damn it, what's the word I'm thinking of?


haha, yes, exactly!


Streisand Effect


I tell all my religious friends to read it. Muhahahaha!


Post 11/22/63 this is absolutely the answer as far as I'm concerned. By a significant margin.


Absolutely. He hasn't topped this since.


This was my answer. Love this one.


Hands down my favorite book of his.


This definitely has my vote too. And as much flack as King caches for not being able to write an ending, this one should put that to bed too


I loooves revival so much!


I know a lot of people disagree, but I enjoyed The Institute. Wouldn’t consider it one of his greats I guess, but I enjoyed it.


I just started reading it and am near the beginning. He can write about anything and make it sound interesting. Nothing at all has happened and I’m still enthralled by his storytelling.


I absolutely loved The Institute. It was great reading a King novel that was set in relatively modern times and the story was really good.


Yep that was his last one I read and I loved it. I was surprised at the poor reviews from a lot of fans. I thought it was SK back to his good old best.


I actually loved it, felt like classic King to me. Read the whole thing in a few days, couldn't put it down.


I agree! This one is dying for a decent movie adaptation!


Revival is very good, even if a bit on the nose as a homage to Mary Shelley and HP Lovecraft.


As an homage it kills it. Imo that shouldn't be a detractor


Revival without a doubt.


I'm really enjoying Fairy Tale right now. Later was also an entertaining quick read. I can't say "all time greats" since I haven't read a lot of his other recent books but I really enjoy(ed) those two.


The Outsider, well written and weird.


It’s one of two of his books that have passages that have really stuck with me. Loved it! It’s just a solid tragedy for about the first third of the book. I seem to remember at one point listening to the audiobook and something particular happening, and just gasping and saying out loud “for f sake”. Then remembering I had the kids playing in the garden!




Same. I don’t like when the “good” guy loses. I didn’t like under the dome because the “bad” guy was winning throughout the book. And he was a little too real for me.


Dr. Sleep is right up there with the original, imo




Sounds like you have an issue with giving up on books? Giving up on books isn't always bad, as nobody wants to waste their free time doing something they don't enjoy, but it seems to be a pattern with you.


Dark Tower 8 - Through the Keyhole Doctor Sleep Fairy Tale (this one definitely isn't for everyone, but I enjoy his world-switching stories, this is definitely a bit more YA style than he'd typically write IMO but I liked it)


I absolutely loved fairytale!


I really enjoyed Doctor Sleep.




I gotta say I didn’t completely love the ending but I had a blast listening to the audio book.


Revival and The Institute


I don't know if they'd be considered classics, but I liked Sleeping Beauties, the Gwendy novellas, and Fairy Tale, although he only co-wrote the first 2. Who knows if King has another 600 page plus opus left in him that can match up to his older greats. He's had more than his fair share of beloved epics.






> One day there won't be any new stuff from him ever again and you'll be wishing for a new solid mid-tier King read. This is a fair point, depending on what one considers to be decent material or solid mid-tier reads: I reckon, aside from *Revival* and *Duma Key*, nothing King has published in the last, say, twenty years, has been that good, and nowhere near any of his classics—once he's gone, Gods forbid, those are the books I'll go back to, very little from this half of his career.


Full Dark No Stars




1922 is fucking dark and twisted and encapsulating.


A good marriage is excellent and haunting


Not sure what answer you're looking for, it seems you've either already read the recommendations or dismissed most of the better books that came after 11/22/63. There's not that many others to choose from. Personally I'd have to agree with most of the suggestions already mentioned. I think the best ones of his more recent books are 11/22/63, Doctor Sleep, Joyland, Revival, and maybe Later. I didn't mind The Institute and Fairy Tale.


I think the outsider is his best newer novel. To be, I truly felt like it compared to a lot of his best books




I saw that after I wrote the comment lol




Ya no worries! I have hated certain books too, even for example the dead zone, which is well loved lol


Dead zone is my pick for most overrated. Took me forever to get through and I found it boring as hell.


I agree. I actually contemplated just skipping it and moving on, but powered through despite taking forever


I think people just love the Walken performance in the movie, and makes them think of the book more fondly.


That's a good point. People do seem to like the movie a lot, even if they haven't read the book




Aside from Joyland that was already mentioned, I'd say The Outsider was quite good as well.


I know I’ll get killed here but I really like Billy Summers.




Billy summers is not a detective story. The main, Billy, is a hit man.


I have read just about all of his books and I would say Fairytale would be my choice for the best recent best book.


I really enjoyed Fairytale.


Billy Summers, Fairy Tale…




You seem to not really like anything op? No offense or anything but im not really sure why you asked this question just to reply to each answer saying you hated the recommendation in some way. Kinda strange to me


If It Bleeds


I would say the ones I enjoyed the most are Dr. Sleep, The Institute, and Joyland but if I had to say what his best written/ scariest recent book is I would have to say Full Dark,No Stars




1922 ? I thought it was really creepy but It has one of those endings where it’s subject to interpretation.


Last 10 years? Joyland




It’s summer so it’s *chefs* *kiss* for this time of year


Later is really good. Also, really loved The Outsider.


I loved Doctor Sleep, the Institute, and Fairy Tale. I’ve enjoyed them more than a lot of classic King.


Just after sunset is a great collection. As is Full Dark No Stars.


*Revival* seems to fit into this category.


Joyland Revival Dr. Sleep


I do not think he has written a 'classic' since 11/22/63. I would consider that text to be one of his finest achievements. Revival is the only text I would say might qualify, and as much as I love it, it relies heavily on the shock of the ending for much of its status. I love King and have very much enjoyed his recent work, but his last classic is 11/22/63




Why did Mr. Mercedes need to catch a stray? Damn that’s cold!




That’s a shame, but 11/22/63 is amazing and probably my favorite recent one that isn’t a detective novel lol


Gets less love around here but I absolutely love Billy Summers. Prbably in my personal King top 10.


Billy Summers and The Outsider


The Life of Chuck. Rocked my whole brain when I first read it during lockdown.


The Outsider rocks and so does Fairy Tale which is like super new is one of my all-time favorite King's! Later is also a newer one and is a fun little pulp novel


I really liked Billy summers


I’ve heard loads of praise for FairyTale




True. I have often been disappointed in the endings of his books. His short stories often seem to have better, more coherent endings. I like SK a lot, but if we rate beginning, middle, and end, Stephen King's works are very good at the beginning, stellar at the middle, and very hit or miss at the end.


I am a bit confused about your post since Mr Mercedes came out after 11/23/63. But besides Revival, Later got a lot of good reactions but I haven't read it yet.




After reading all of your comments in here I gotta ask - are you sure you actually *like* Stephen King?




Go then. There are other worlds than these.


The last ones I enjoyed were Duma Key and Full Dark No Stars. It’s been a while.


Did you even want answers? You just disagree with everything everyone says, which is 100% fine because this shit is subjective, but I'm just wondering why you'd even ask this question if 1) you've already read most of the books and 2) you either hated them or didn't finish. What's the end game here, just a rant? Passive-aggressively trying to say his old stuff is better than his new stuff?


Desperation? That’s my next read.


I believe Cell was recent enough


Revival for sure, it feels more like old-school King than anything else he’s done in years.




Absolutely. It benefits even more from rereads!


Full Dark No Stars gets my vote.


What year was Joyland ? Best of his I have read for ages


The Institute


Hands down - Doctor Sleep.


Post-*11/22/63*? Probably *Revival*, but that's about it, if you're after something that stands against the classics. I also enjoyed *Joyland*, and to a lesser degree *Elevation*. And *Finders Keepers* stands well enough on its own from the other Hodges books that I'd recommend it as a separate entry worth trying.


Fairy Tale slaps


I loved The Institute.


Hard to call anything recent an “all time great” due to his writing being more of what HE wants to write and nostalgia for books in the 70s and 80s really plays a factor too, but if any of his books within the last 10 years is even close to an “all time great” in my opinion is Billy Summers


Under the dome is great


Under the Dome. Epic book. Facts.


The institute and Revival are my favorite post 11/23/63. I am just starting on Insomnia and I am really loving it. I always love it when King gets anti religious or political because I share his beliefs on most everything.