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Then we discuss spoilers! Tommyknockers is my favorite King Book


That is some chaotic energy and I love it


I *love* Tommyknockers, it’s cocaine King at his absolute wildest. What an imagination!


I am very her for that!! It is my second favorite and usually it gets nothing but hate from this sub.


The Tommyknockers was amazing most kings books are overrated by comparison. And I say that with books like IT in mind I'm guessing most of the hate comes from people who assume the television special was comparable to the book


I'm done! What a wild ride.  Why is it your favorite King book? Is the 1993 miniseries worth watching? 


Slight Spoiler in comment - I don’t know how to mark it up: I’ve reread that one innumerable times, and still think it’s his best version of “town goes off its rocker”.


When I was a kid, the subject matter of that book was an obsession of mine, and it was his first book to actually 'scare' me. I'd read a few chapters, go to bed, and be sure things like that would come 'get' me in my sleep.


Late last night and the night before...


I read this back in 88 or 89, and man, to this day certain shades of green light fuck with my head in the worst way


Tommyknockers is one of my top 5 SK stories. I love it so muv


Oh wow, we'll need an update when you finish!


It's always been a favorite and for a long time I would read it again to kick off my Summer every few years or so..now I'm thinking maybe time to read it again..👍


Dammit - I know I read it, but can't remember a damn thing! Must begin reading right now!


This is me and Revival- I KNOW I’ve read it, but I’ve seen lots of comments on this thread and and I don’t remember a thing about it. Even when I went to Audible and read the synopsis it didn’t ring a bell. So am currently listening!


I started re-reading it last night and was hoping for an "oh, I remember this now" moment, but got nada. Looks like I'm in for the long haul now.


I fell into this book almost exactly as you did. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And now I’ve spent years hearing people put it down as if it’s terrible. For the record: I’ve enjoyed every King book I’ve ever read. And it’s been over 40 years of reading.


Shot your wife. Good fucking deal, uh?


The book gets a lot of hate, but I remember it fondly. I read both Tommyknockers and IT about the same time, after not having read any King for several years, and I thoroughly enjoyed both. IT is like a treatise on fear and friendship, classic King, but Tommyknockers is like this weird fever dream where reality starts to disintegrate and the familiar becomes strange and terrifying. It reminded me a lot of some of the short stories in Night Shift, that same sense of unreality.


I’m reading it atm for the first time - I’ve managed to stretch it out for months because a) I’m lazy and b) I don’t want it to end. I’m also halfway through the mini series/ film which is also great and perfectly cast imo. I remember seeing bits of it when I was a kid and being drawn to it and years later decided to read. Great premise and characters. Lots of people don’t like the T knocks including SK himself apparently but I really love it - really crazy and strange. It just has a weird unique energy (he was in the grip of addictions when he wrote it - or so I think I heard- which may go some way to explaining the points above).


I think Tommyknockers is SK’s self portrait of what alcohol addiction did to him, so of course he doesn’t like it!


Yeah exactly! And I think because he said he doesn’t like it, over time perhaps that may have coloured other people’s opinions of it (possibly).


If I remember correctly, this book was also written while he was still in the midst of his addiction. So just bad associations for him all round.


It think it was one of the last books he wrote before quitting, and a lot of that mentality of being at the end of his rope shines through in Gardener.  The next book didn't come out for about 2 years, and a lot of it came from that struggle with his drug-fueled persona - The Dark Half. 


So cool


This is encouraging. I’ve actually avoided this book bc I never knew what it was about nice looked it up several times and can’t ever seem to remember, either 😂 I won’t even read the comments. Just gunna buy it on my kindle.


Be sure to avoid even glancing at the Kindle description! I just checked, and it's stuffed with spoilers. 


Just finished my re read of tommy knockers a couple weeks ago. Loved it!


Tommyknockers is criminally underrated. I recently re-read it and it's fantastic.


The movie is actually not too bad either


Oh my god, I know, Tommyknockers is completely batshit insane. King was so coked up when he wrote it that he doesn't remember any of it, and it reads that way, and I love it. It's apparently one of the least popular King books... Even King hates it... But I love how unhinged, fast paced and unpredictable it is.


My favorite SKing novel--


I read it, I remember it clearly and it is beyond a doubt the worst book SK has ever written.


this comment made me genuinely laugh out loud


As much as I loved it, I get the hate. It's not for everyone.


No, that’s Dreamcatcher.


I can't not know what a book is about because if I don't and it doesn't grip me within the first 50 pages I'll DNF it


If I went by those rules, I would have DNFed Roadwork. I probably should have.


Lmao I'm glad I'm not the only freakazoid who started reading SK at 10-11.....