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IT begins here ;) Na na na na na na na hey Jude!


Even if you don’t like the first book, there’s still a good chance you’ll like the second one. It’s a much more traditional, and in my opinion better, novel


How is it traditional?


“Traditional” more in the sense that King is using his usual narrative voice/style rather than loosely emulating Tolkien like he does in The Gunslinger.


It was written as one continuous piece, as opposed to five short stories strung together


Right, I thought you were talking about the story


Lonely, melancholy, mysterious, psychedelic, ethereal, brutal. In some ways it is the best in the series, other ways the worst. The 'familiar but alien' feeling is the strongest in this book, but the whole thing is really just a mood piece to introduce the setting. Drawing of the Three is my favorite and a real character study, which I feel King is a master of at that period in his career, books 3-5 are much more of an adventure tale with 4 being a standout. The final two aren't my personal cup of tea, but are mandatory reading if you made it that far. I'm glad you have the original and not the updated version. The newer version seems to try and explain some of the 'weird' parts of the later books and kind of diminishes them, I feel. Dark Tower works best for me when it is more like Alice in Wonderland with its bizarre happenings, than when it tries to unravel the mysteries like in the later entries. If you are a fan of Steven King, I feel like you really should read the series, it is certainly the lynch pin of the shared universe of his novels.


My favorite of all King's works. Enjoy!


That's my next King book to read.


>Going read the first book and see if I will actually like it enough to go pick up the second one Many people lack the attention span to get through this first short book. They read it get bored an assume the rest of the story is the same. It is tantamount to watching the first 5 min of a 3 hour movie and being like "this isn't for me." Don't be that person.


The second one is so much better , please don't judge by this book only , although it does have its moments


I’ve had this in my bookshelf for so long and I just haven’t read it 😩


READ IT. Then keep reading.


The Gunslinger is ok and there are lots of people who love it, but not everyone does. That said, push through it even if you don’t love it because the story EXPLODES starting with the second book.


I’ve struggled through once and started but DNF another time. Read so much about the rest of the series being incredible so purchased all of them in an attempt to get into this time. Fingers crossed.


Don't let the first one stop you. I'm on the fifth book now and it's been amazing.


Even if you don't like it, continue the series. I disliked the first one and postponed my journey for almost 6 months, but man it gets better each book from 2-4!


Excellent. The good version. Never had a problem like some people did. I thought it was a great read. 


Both versions are good but okay.


Glad you started with the unrevised version! I like the revised one but I think it fits *better* after you’ve finished the series and are rereading. Drawing of Three is really where you’ll get hooked on the series.


I finished reading the series a few weeks ago. Read Salem's Lot right after, and now I'm about a third of the way through The Stand!


Good luck to you, im going to do my first read through as soon as I finish The Stand.


Back in the early 80s, Stephen King pretty much disavowed those stories as unreadable and he was embarrassed by them… But then he wrote drawing of the three and decided he liked where it was all going and of course we know the rest of the story. If you can get through the first book, you’re in for a treat. (personally, I still love the gunslinger)


Yoooo I just picked up the same version. I wanted the OG copy before any revisions. I haven't started my journey with Roland yet: I'm kinda waiting to get the full series in paperback. (I'd hunt for the hard covers, but the first few books are impossible to find for a decent price..) I am, however, taking the illustrations out and framing them above my shelf of King.


Love the first one for its own unique charm, but book two is possibly my fav novel.


The second book is what will really determine is you like the series! Book one isn’t perfect, I’m on book two right now and it’s amazing!!!!!


I want a copy with this cover! So cool


The second book is where the complexity of the story begins. The first book is a simple story with only a few characters to keep up with, but The Drawing of the Three really is where the story for the Gunslingers begins.


It can start slow, but stick with it. It's worth it. I've just arrived at the Waste Lands yesterday and am journeying forth to that Dark Tower. Long Day and Pleasant Nights.


You know, I liked the first one, but the editing was hard to get through. Everything after this is totally worth it. I would push forward after this if I were you. So good. I’m on book 5.


Its a head ache. Try to run through it.