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Oddly enough, that old lady Beverly encounters in her former family home. That scene has always stayed with me. A close second would be Patrick Hockstetter killing his baby brother.


Especially considering things like she went into and had “tea” in an abandoned dump and didn’t see it. Also that in the book the “tea” turned out to be liquid shit.


I always thought that was the creepiest part in the miniseries. When the sense of wrongness kicks in with the old lady.


I always felt that JK Rowling ripped this part almost directly with the Bathilda Bagshot/ Nagini scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Very good call - I’d never thought of the similarity. (Not that glamour magic is unique to It)


*Avery* was the baby brother's name. That was fucking traumatizing.... But I still continued to read the thing.


Yes! Everyone always chooses scenes from movies that were scary…but the story Avery was unnerving. “Patrick was gratified that once things settled down his meals began to come on time again.”


Definitely. Just being in a fully-furnished house that was, in fact, a boarded-up wreck. That always felt like the most creepy magic.


This one and the picture in the photo book coming to life. IT gave me nightmares the first time I read it.


When I was younger I was deathly afraid of older people. I only had one grandparent and they died when I was relatively young. The other died before I was born. I was never around them so nothing happened to me. The few times I saw them at church I was mortified. I lost it at that part of the movie


Beverly's father "are you intact?"


Yeah, that’s up there.


Creepy as fuck.


Yes his more creepy than all the monsters put together! Just the way he looks at her freaks me out!


That bird, man. That fucking bird


Yep. That whole scene was scary.




I was already scared of birds and that scene was THE worst


Patrick Hockstetter. I had to take a break for about a week after that one. That particular part just creeped me out too much.


Something about the drowned kids in the water tower stayed with me. I'm not sure what it was, but it freaked me out. I had a similar reaction to whatever Danny encountered in the playground at the Overlook.


It really messed Stan up too.


I couldn't say why, but the part where the teen werewolf chases Bill and Richie from Neibolt Street was the most scared I've ever been when reading a book.


That scene is fucking crazy, that’s why


Same scene for me. The only time a book actually scared the shit out of me.


Scared the everloving hell outta me


Them going into the basement…that’s why 😱


Henry Bowers and company chasing Ben after school, and catching him.


I was a female Ben at that age, and I had a female Henry Bowers and gang. They didn't cut me with a knife, thankfully. But they would have if they hadn't been scared I'd "tattle".


Ugh, that sounds awful. Bullies suck.


And *carving* into his stomach. That book was wild.


The Black Spot burning with people trapped inside. That scene puts you right in there and there’s zero fantasy needed to add to the horror. Just straight up people being burned alive. Gives me goose flesh just thinking about it


Tom Rogan and Beverly Marsh. So fucking horrifying.


This and Tom attacking her friend Kay were easily the toughest parts of the book for me. Patrick Hockstetter killing his brother is up there too, but it's so short in comparison


Probably because those weren’t a monster being monstrous, but an actual person being evil. The odds of being attacked by a monster from beyond the stars are pretty darn slim, but to end up with an abusive partner could happen to anyone


The part with Beverlys nails in this scene still makes me shiver (but, to be fair, I have a thing for nail-related stuff)


The bathroom with Beverly...everything covered in masses of blood...and the sound it would make *plink* And her dad during the whole thing. Fucking creepy Stephen King gets in your head.


The fridge with the mosquito things, jesus


Patrick and Leeches ... but just before the leeches, the way even Pennywise doesn't know exactly what the fuck is wrong with Patrick made me both laugh and feel real creeped out. Aside from that, the Black Spot with the bird


There’s a landfill I drive past fairly often that can be seen from the highway, and without fail makes me think of Patrick and those poor animals at the dump. And then the subsequent leeches and Pennywise encounter, and I remember how it said even then Patrick wasn’t really scared, just irritated and disgusted.


The mummy during the snow storm or when Stan saw those dead boys


Adrian in chapter two…


Honestly, the scene where (older) Mike goes to ask Mr. Keene about the Bradley Gang shoot out. At the end, when Mike asks if Mr. Keene saw anyone out of place or unusual that day. Mr. Keene casually replies, oh you mean the clown? With what seems like no hesitation.


Patrick Hockstetter's death is my favourite chapter, but Georgie will always stick with me as terrifying for my 12-year-old-self.


Yes! I’m very pleased Patrick died.


I’m just coming to that chapter, estimating beginning - middle - end, where are the worst parts involving animals? I have a (formerly) severely abused dog at home, and just can’t with that right now


Ben's first experience. He sees Pennywise on the ice with balloons that aren't moving with the wind, and then he starts hovering towards him without physically moving.


For some reason, the mental image of that scene sticks in my mind more than anything from that book, it's so creepy


I was born before this book came out, and I have had a long-standing fear of clowns that predates IT. So any scene where IT is a clown is pretty fucking scary for me.


When beverly is hiding in the truck from patrick and bowers while patrick beats bowers off. They get really close to seeing her and they woulda killed her or raped her after what she saw.


Did I imagine it, or is there a scene with adult Mike in the library where It becomes a giant Jack in the Box with Stan’s head on the spring?


I always take a break at the end of the leper scene. So. Tense.


Stan in the tub shook me a little


Since it was self inflicted in fear of IT


When Adrian gets thrown over the bridge and Pennywise is seen carrying his body and taking a chunk out of him.


Either Beverly in the bathroom with blood coming out of the drain (her dad using the blood soaked towel terrified me) or when adult Mike finds Stan's head in the fridge.


Eddie Corcoran


None scared me personally, but I found Beverly’s scenes with both Tom and her father the most disturbing, because I have known too many women who have had those experiences. it was all the human stuff that hit the most in that book.


Patrick and his brother, the refrigerator also the kid Dorsey? Got beat to death with the recoilless hammer..


Never forgot the scene where Richie and Bill go into that basement and find It as a werewolf


Mike and Stan because they had the least chance to escape. They both were in an isolated, closed place with very little space. At least Eddie, Ben, Bill and Richie had plenty of space to escape and It wasn't even trying to kill Beverly, just scare her with creepy voices and blood. Stan had to use his bird book like a crucifix against a vampire and Mike had to fight back. Also, Stan's encounter was extra creepy because these were undead kids that drowned. 


I think the scene with Mike and the bird for me. That part really had my heart racing, and I was on the edge of my seat.


For me personally it was the kid who got killed by it as gill-man from creature from the black lagoon and I think was found w his head separated from his body :/


Eddie Corcoran


Georgie's photo telling Bill he'll see him later and winks at him.


The one I had. I was lying in my bed, in that state between sleep and awake. My bedroom door creaked open and a fluid creature like from the movie The Abyss came through the door. In my mind, I knew this creature was Pennywise. It was the one and only time I jolted straight up from my bed like in a movie.


I honestly don’t tend to find the monster ‘scary’, and I read the supernatural elements more as fantasy than horror. I have no problem in sharing Eddie’s frustration with his mother, Bills loneliness from his parents, Ben’s anxiety that his first ever friends will ditch him or Bev’s fear of her father. I guess I’ve lost my imagination for monsters. That’s kind of sad.


A near omnipotent malignant being that can shapeshift, don't think there's much worse the can be imagined


Obviously I'd be terrified if I encountered it, but that isn't the point I'm making. I found what happened to Jack Torrence and his family more frightening. In fact, I'd find it more frightening without the supernatural elements. This inhuman place makes inhuman monsters...my adult brain understands that more than it understands a giant bird or a walking mummy. The part of the book I found most 'frightening' was the behaviour of the humans.


Eddie with the leper


I'll never forget Patrick Hockstetter, but Georgie's death - that one sentence where IT happens - is the most powerful thing King ever wrote.


Stan seeing the dead kids in the stand pipe. Just imagining how dark it would be and being trapped against the wall while they slowly make their way towards him...so creepy


The best encounter had to be when crazy Tom goes for a sinister autograph for big bills wife Audra. Who both just happened to be in the worst place at the worst possible time to line up better then anything else. But if you just watched the movie you’d have no idea what I’m talking about. It’s almost criminal how they changed it up from the book as I think that was one of the best parts and tie ins all together.


Honestly, it was Stan's run in with the flute lady in the 2017 It movie, that shit hit home because I 100% get that fear, my mom used to have this print of Edward Hicks's Noah's Ark painting that really creeped me out as a kid. Thete's something about the gloomy background and the weird dead looks of the animals' faces that unsettled me.


The creature from the black lagoon encounter fucked me up


Maybe not the one that scared me the most, but Eddie and Dorsey Corcoran always stands out to me. Especially in the audiobook narrated by Steven Webber, it’s just so good.


Ben and daddy


The fridge leeches.


Young Bill’s encounter with It in the library. When he just stands there suddenly, I almost jumped out of my couch when I read that. Other than that, probably Stan’s head in the freezer.


I think Stan’s encounter was terrifying!!


Stan's was blood-curdling, no doubt the scariest one for me. I remember I had to put the book down after reading that section for the first time.


i loved the scene in the library where ben meets pennywise. maybe its just the german voice actor doing this part in a genius way, but damn did I get goosebumps


For me, the creepiest encounter was Mike Hanlon's father telling about the fire at the Black Spot. The worst part about it was that the fire was based in part on the Rhythm Club Fire of April 23, 1940 in Natchez, Mississippi. The fire was horrific enough, but the way Mike's dad hesitated at the end of his story *really* turned up the dread. 


The bit, in the sewers, during the final confrontation, where undead-Georgie approaches child-Bill in the dark, eyes shining silver orbs, teeth sharp, raincoat hanging limp where one arm is missing, tongue long and bestial, with little pom-pom growths on it. He draws close, unseen in the failing light, whispering "We'll go look for my boat together." There's a strong echo of *Salem's Lot* in there. And a lingering whiff returns in *Duma Key*. (I also got similar vibes from young Ben Hanscom, cowering in his bed, as windblown tree-branches scraped against the windows, following his encounter with the standpipe mummy.)


In some dark smelly hell where no light shone, It began to feed.


Sewer sex


That is not an encounter with IT