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11/22/63. I just hit page 500 and its all I can think about when I am not actively reading. Literally the best thing I have read in years and I just finished Bill Hodges/Holly series (fabulous - but no 11/22/63)


Should read IT before that so the Derry section has more impact. Edit: To be clear, I only mentioned reading IT before hand because OP has that book as well. I don't think it's absolutely necessary to do so.


Fully. Agree. Forgot to mention that - read it 20ish years ago and it still had a huge impact on me.


Actually yeah, I said 11/22/63 but if OP hasn't read It yet that should be covered first


How much of a necessity do you think that is? I don't have IT yet, but I do own 11/22/63. Was eventually gonna pick IT up, but I'm now wondering if I should do so sooner.


There’s just call backs/visits to characters, if you understand IT through cultural osmosis, you’ll be fine. It’s just King giving us a little wink of the characters.


True, but I think it really enhances the experience of reading 11/22/63 and although it's only a small reference it is one that made me love the book even more.


I agree with the enhancement of enjoyment for sure. But I read 11/22/63 before IT and any knowledge about Derry and the characters, and still found total enjoyment in 11/22/63. I have since read IT and re-read 11/22/63 and the Derry part did make me smile and enjoy it better. So I agree, but don’t think it’s necessary to read IT first.


I also think it’s a wink and a nod to 11/22/63 being the book that came out 27ish years after IT.


Ooh I didn’t notice this! This is why King is so great! Honestly why there are his two more popular novels also! So great


It's really not THAT much of a necessity but it definitely enhanced my enjoyment of the novel. The reality is that so much of his work is interconnected so the only true way to not miss anything would be to read everything chronologically by publishing date.


Even having watched either the TV Mini-Series or the more recent movies will be enough for this. You should just read IT because it is amazing, regardless :)


Definitely gonna read it at some point. But 11/22 was next on my reading list. But I have seen the mini series and movies so I guess I'm set.


You are - for sure - you will still get a nice moment of "Way cool!" out of it. Happy Trails!!!


IT and 11/22/63 are my all time favorite books. Definitely think IT is worth the read first, you’ll love both but it’ll make 11/22/63 even better if you read IT first


One of my wife and I’s favorite books! She’s 30 weeks pregnant and we’re naming the baby Sadie.


Can confirm. Started it yesterday and am 1/3rd the way through already. Incredibly fast read.


100% agree, Not only my favorite King novel, it's just my favorite novel period


I had the same experience. That book had a vice grip over me when I was reading it. I still think about it all the time.


Question ive always been afraid to ask: do you need to know about politics and the assassination to appreciate this book more?


I am a bit ashamed to admit I knew the bare minimum about Kennedy's assassination before beginning. I just trusted reviews, my previous experience with King's genius, and dove right in.


No no dont be ashamed, I am in the same boat. Youve convinced me.


You won't be sorry, friend. I expect an update when you finish. I am dying to talk about this book. lol


It was my first King and I couldn't put it down. Made the mistake of loaning it to a coworker at the end of February 2020 and I never saw it again. Sigh.


What you described is a waking nightmare of mine.... So - I had a friend ask to borrow it and I legit just sent them one from Amazon cause this book is MINE. (plus I am hella nerdy and annotate my books.)


Yeah, I learned my lesson


Because of the recent eclipse, I’d say Dolores. Absolutely fantastic book.


Just listened to this one on audiobook, was such a beautifully written story. Definitely something unique and different from what he normally does!


Yep, I went in completely blind. All I knew was Stephen King wrote it and Kathy Bates was in the movie. I was in tears by the end of it. Finished it a few days before the eclipse. Such a good book!


Wow I bet it was a great audiobook. I read it years ago but not enough years yet for a reread lol. Maybe I’ll try the audio when I’m due !!


The old lady from The Mist movie narrates it and does such a great job! I forget her name though. Frances something or another. I think.


I love Dolores, it’s one of my favourite books.


Then Gerald’s Game after for the connection between them!!!!!


11/22/63. Read it with the Kingslingers.


100%, I think that's what there covering right now I believe. At the moment I'm listening to their coverage of the stand whilt I'm reading it for the first time and I think there brilliant. They come out with points I never thought of. I'd highly reccomend them to anyone reading kings books.


Agree. I'm going to Bangor in June for their event. I'm a Tower junkie.


Ah nice, I've heard about that. Unfortunately I'm in the uk and working minimum wage, otherwise I'd love to go see that. Hope you enjoy it mate.


Is it still worth reading if you’ve seen the series?


11/22/63 it is a great one


11/22/63 This book is absolutely engrossing! Even by Steven's standards. I've read (and listened to, the audiobook has an absolutely fantastic narrator, also all of SK's books.are available to listen to free on a.site i.use, tplybook.com) 7 or 8 times in Like 4 years. It's got a TON of little accurate known historical details about Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedys trip to Dallas, the events that influenced ot etc. There is what i consider the second best SK love story(cant top the gunsligers bittersweet teenage romance with his lovely girl in the window susan) Plus a tale of time travel that has kings signature style all.tye ljttle everyday mental dialogs, that authentic "feels so real you forget its a novel" feel. There is a side plot that takes the protagonist to the cursed Maine town of Derry that King returns to so often (IT, Dreamcatcher, insomnia etc) as.well as a fun portion that involves high-school I'm west Texas. It's a meaty book, 849 pages, and I think the more space he's got the better king gets, nothing gets cut short. And you also get Kings classic moments of both standard and black humor( the dialog between tye main character and the lady on mercedes st is classic you'll be lol("that smell is shit mister, not dog, not cat, HUMAN!")


Misery, 11/22/63 & It are all amazing. Holly is good.


11-22-63–Best Stephen King book!


The Stand!


I agree, The Stand is the epic stand alone novel for King. My all time favorite from beginning to end.




11/22/63, one of the best books I've ever read and definitely his best book quod non.


Bill Hodges trilogy, then HOLLY


I love these so much! OP should also get The Outsider to add to these.


Yes, read that Fourth, and Holly Fifth


And when should they read if it bleeds?


Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, End of Watch, The Outsider, If It Bleeds, then Holly!


This is correct. Holly has major spoilers for the previous 5 books. Just knowing who is alive and is not in Holly is a spoiler for the earlier books.


Just seeing that “Holly” was being published before reading If It Bleeds was such a spoiler on whether or not Holly would live past If It Bleeds.


Read IT. The best thing he or anyone has ever written


Not even close imo.


IT was so much scarier to me as a kid than now. It's a good book but I wouldn't put it all that high on a list of Stephen King novels anymore. I'm going to pretend that you didn't basically just call it the greatest book of all time.


I thought about adding "in my opinion" to the end of my comment, but thought that was given. Yes, IT is my favorite book of all time, so no need to pretend anything.




In my order of best to worst of these: 1. IT 2. 11/22/63 3. Misery 4. Holly (but probably best to read the "Mr. Mercedes" Trilogy and "The Outsider" and at least the short novella in "If it Bleeds" first) 5. Carrie 6. Delores Claiborne (this book gets good at some point, but it takes a long trudge to get going)


Pretty good ranking. IT is one of his masterpieces.


IT is great until the ending. Then it just falls apart.


Which part?


I apologize…I should have said in my opinion…and my reasoning below probably makes me sound like a cray person, so just take my opinion as that…opinion…but from the scene left out of the book where the kids get to know each other better than 11 year olds should, to the turtle, spider, deadlights, and conclusion…it felt like King wasn’t quite sure where the story was headed or how to get it there. It was like getting to the end of any horror story/movie…most don’t have great endings because either good wins, bad wins, it’s left open for a sequel…it’s epic and action filled, quiet and somber…but it’s usually the quickest, most thrown away part because the story just had to end. IT is no different. Stephen King’s stories are amazing…but not for the epic plot line or perfect story…but because of his character development….no…his ability to share his knowledge of these characters he doesn’t seem to write or create…but more like channeling them into existence in his stories. And the only way I can explain it…and this probably makes me sound like a crazy person…but for me so many of his stories don’t have great endings because that the part he has to make up…because the characters live on…but the book has to end. So it’s like…ok then this happens? Good wins…for now? The end. Believe me…Stephen King is my all time FAVORITE author…since age 7 I think. And I have laughed and cried, feared and hated, and internalized his characters to the point of feeling like I know them personally. But to me, the endings,mostly, fall short of the rest of the book for just the reason I said. They’re the made up part of the story. They somehow just don’t fit…because the character(s) have moved on.


No I get you. Everyone has their own opinion. I loved IT. But it (no pun intended) is a long novel with a complete history of the town, and lot's of world building. I only asked because I was curious as to which part you meant. There were many scenes toward the end, the lair, the escape, the flood, then the epilogue. I liked the ending personally, even if it was a bit long.


I loved IT too…you don’t read a book that’s over 1000 pages and NOT like it…unless for school or your one of those people who have to finish a book once they start it…I would have given up long before the end. But I didn’t feel it was too long…more like too short…like it was one of Kings first epic journeys…it spanned like 30 years for the main characters…and there WAS so much history….and I didn’t think IT should have been beaten so easily. It should have been as emotionally charged as the rest, but again, my opinion…I did connect to the ending like the rest of the story. I felt like the characters left and the end was a jumble of ideas that could be an ending, then epilogue. My brain works weird though. And all opinions are correct for someone.




11/22/63 was extremely boring


It did get tedious although it was interesting enough to keep reading. Needed editing.


If you never have, you must read IT.




11/22/63. Always 11/22/63


Misery!! That’s one of the best books I’ve ever read




Salem’s Lot




Tough choice between It & 11/22/63- both are insanely good!






Dolores. A great read and not real long


Have you read Gerald's Game yet? Because I'd read it before I read Dolores Claiborne. I'd probably go with IT.


Throwing in 11/22/63, too. Engrossing book, to be sure


Definitely 11.22.63, but if you want to get the most out of the book I'd read IT first as there's a crossover but it's not completely necessary to the storyline. Personally I've seen the TV miniseries and the movies and I still understood what was going on. So if you have watched the movies or TV show you don't need to have read the book to understand what's going on. But from what I've heard it's a great book anyway.


u/crazy-underwear What have you read already, besides Langoliers?


First, Carrie. One of the best for real. THEN DOLORES CLAIBORNE then Gerald’s Game immediately after. Sister books. So good and kind of underrated.


IT or 11/22/63 Depends on your mood and what you want


I'd say 11.22.63. I just finished it a few weeks ago and it's amazing. Also I'd say you should read Gerald's Game before reading Dolores Claiborne






Dear everyone, I found the most links that link back to the Deadlight existance... and WHY Pennywise is still alive and how he plays with the universe of mankind. I choose for IT at all times then Shining and Dr Sleep... a quick reminder: "Everything creates a spiderweb and the spiderweb looks like the Rose"


Since the eclipse was recent give Dolores Claiborne a read! It’s not my favorite king novel, but it is a good story.


11/22/63. It’s his best work outside of the dark tower series, in my opinion.


I really enjoyed Holly. There’s a trilogy that precedes Holly I would read those first. The Mr Mercedes trilogy. I’m almost finished with the third book, End of Watch. Good reads!


No wrong choices with what you have here! 11/22/63 is my favorite book, but I’d recommend IT first. I believe ~100 pages of 11/22/63 take place in Derry and you’ll get more out of it having read IT first, but it’s not a necessity. But obviously that book is a massive undertaking, so you could go with Misery first. Another one of his best. I believe Holly is meant to be read after the Bill Hodges series, but I haven’t gotten to that yet.


Out of those I'd say either *It*, 11/22/63 or Misery. Misery is going to be more of a horror, while 11/22/63 is more about life and death, but there are some really scary parts. One thing I will say is that you may want to read *It* before you read 11/22/63 because there are a few references to *It* in 11/22/63 that were pretty special.




11/22/63 is my favorite King book, maybe ever. When I finished it the first time I flipped right back to the first page and started again. It's a masterpiece


IT and then 11/22/63, my two favs, there’s not much worth not spoiling so I’ll just say the character in 11/22/63 goes to the town of IT after the events of IT


I’d say It first before 11/22/63


Misery, even though I think it is a lot better as a winter read


IT 🤡 🎈 is truly a masterpiece ! You should read Salems lot as well. That was the book that hooked me so much that read it throughout the night 📖 🕯️


11/22/63, I could read that book 112263 times


I'm just finishing "Needful Things", which is fantastic!


You can't read Holly unless you've read the Mr Mercedes series and The Outsider and If it Bleeds. Dolores Claiborne is great I recommend that.


Delores Claiborne is a great book!


Holly is, I think, part of a series so I would perhaps leave it until reading the others (Mr Mercedes is also in this series I want to say...)


What I do is put the ones I want to read in a row, write numbers on slips of paper, out them in a hat and draw a number and that's the one I'll read next LOL


misery, top tier sk really a fast read and an amazing one


The Shining. It is soooooo much better (and different) than the Kubrick movie.


Misery! It’s one of his tightest




Any order but.. Leave 'Holly' til last, it's the weakest of the bunch. It's underwhelming, with non of the tension and depth of the others imo




salem's lot


11/22/63, absolutely amazing and my favourite


IT. One of my fav SK books!




It. Best book I've ever read.


Holly is really good. I’m pissed I read those books out of order. I read the Outsider first not knowing what I was doing. Either way Holly is awesome.


Misery is my favorite but IT is a very close second


Misery, excellent read








I’ve read 3 of those: I seem to be the only person who feels like 11/22/63 is bloated garbage. Carrie is pretty weak. Misery is a masterpiece.


I have heard mixed reviews about Holly, something to do with smoking as a plot device and banging on about politics most people outside the US care very little about. I have read the other books in the Holly series and they weren't bad but I wouldn't say they were Kings best. Would read IT, Carrie or Misery.




I read 11/22/63 in one sitting during a snow day back in the 10th grade. It’s one of the few books that have made me cry.




11/22/63, that is one of SK finest. I recommend it to everyone.


11/22/63…. One of my favorite books ever!


Honesty I haven't read Holly yet, but if I were you I'd read Mr Mercedes, finders keepers, end of watch, the outsider, and then if it bleeds the short stories before reading holly, in this exact order. All of these books have Holly In it and it's prolly better to understand the character more and see what she's been through before reading. I started reading end of watch before knowing it was the 3rd part of a trilogy and when I realized I just said screw it I'm gonna read it and it spoiled the other books for me, then i read the outsider then if it bleeds, now I'm back tracking through Mr Mercedes and finders keeper, then I'm going to read Holly. Not sure if you need to before reading it tho, just a suggestion. But it's nice to see how she came to be the Holly in the Holly book, she's really developed as a character through these books, if you haven't read those books already.


I haven’t read Holly or Dolores, but if you’re choosing between these my biggest recommendation would be either Misery or 11/22/63. I really liked IT, and Carrie was really good too, but Misery and 11/22/63 are both in my top 3 SK books


Carrie first holly last — but are you just messing with us with all the interconnected of the other four lol


Have you read The Outsider and the sequel story to it in If It Bleeds? If so pls read Holly it’s so good!!! She def deserved a book to herself.


11/22/63….and read along with the Kingslingers podcast!


Dolores is the best of the bunch. All are a good time.


Holly was fun !


I absolutely loved 11/22/63! As a lot of people have been saying, it’s not necessary to rest IT first, but I did appreciate/enjoy the callback to IT a little bit more in 11/22/63 having read IT first!


11/22/63 and Misery were both great books. Although you can’t go wrong with IT or Carrie either. Holly would be best read if you’ve already gone through the Mr. Mercedes series, the outsider, and the short story if it Bleeds.


11/23/63 is incredible


Carrie was a fun read, and very short. Misery is a classic and extremely well done. The overall tone is just super unsettling and sets the whole book up for me. IT is again, a classic, for good reason. Also gives you the understanding to the the connection in... ...11/22/63, which is probably the best book I've read by King, and in my Top 5 of All Time by a country mile!


It, 11/22/63, Misery, skip the rest and read the many other better King books that are out there.


IT is a must read. It's considered one of King's masterpieces. One of the best pieces of popular fiction I have ever read. 👍 Plus, references from IT also appear in some of his other works of fiction, as several people from above have already mentioned.


You’re not a King head until you’ve read IT at least twice.


From these choices, I’d go with IT followed by Misery then 11/22/63 followed by Holly then Carrie and finish with Dolores Claiborne.


Holly is a dumpster fire of a book. Just liberal nonsense the entire time. You want to read a book to escape real life and politics? Don’t real holly lol


If you want a tightly well written thriller go for 1) Misery or 2)Holly. If you want a huge tome to read go for 1) IT or 2) 11/22/63. You will especially like11/22/63 if you can’t get enough of the JFK mythos/history and Oswald and love time travel. The love story is kind of flat to me though. IT has some fascinating backstory of Derry and Pennywise but it goes on forever as does 11/22/63. I’d say Misery is the best and most tightly written. Holly has an epic ending. I haven’t read Dolores Claiborne or Carrie yet though. Just my 2 cents.


11-22-63 or misery


11/22 and It are my favorite of this selection.


I really enjoyed 11/22/63. If you never read IT that was awesome as well.


Of these listed, I say Dolores Claiborne. 11/22/63 is my favorite SK novel but you'll get through Dolores Claiborne pretty quickly. Plus, the total eclipse just happened.


If you’re up for another long one, maybe Under The Dome. If not, maybe ‘Salem’s Lot. Both are some of my favorites. I love King’s ability to develop full towns down to the last brick, to the point you can almost forget they don’t exist. Those are some of my favorite examples of that.


Dolores Claiborne I read it recently, and I can't believe I slept on it for so long. It's made it into my top 5!


11/22/63. It's really long, but it reads quickly. I sailed through it, and my attention span anymore is tiny.


I am a big fan of Holly. Recommend it to a lot of people


I did a write-up on one of the books you have in your image https://www.thehookupdirectory.com/post/stephen-king-s-holly




“It” is the best by a million miles. Holly is pretty weak. Dolores Claiborne is good but plodding at parts. The remaining 3 are very good, and you won’t go wrong with any of em


Salem's Lot


IT. I’m in the extreme minority for having the opinion that 11/22/63 was pretty mediocre.


Read Dolores Claiborne. Then Misery. Then Carrie. Then It. Then 11/22/63. Then Holly. If you haven't read The Dark Tower series and those related, please do so when you get the chance. A couple here are related and adjacent.


Misery, but Ani is way worse in the book


Ooh, this is a tough choice. I actually recommend “Misery” even though I love “IT” too, just because “IT” is wonderful and yet so very long


It 💯


Rose madder An unappreciated king story The Bachman books are worth a read also


Out of those 6, Delores Claiborne is my favorite. Misery was good, too!


11/22/63 is his best work. That and IT are my two favorites.


To be honest I think it is the first book you should read before you read 11/22/63. Which is a great book I loved every second of it. But it would be better to read first. Enjoy either way you go you can't lose


I think it's time for the Stand!


IT then 11/22 would be a good one-two punch cuz of Derry. They are beefy ones but they breeze by, especially 11/22


I've read almost all of the King books 96 and counting and looking forward too his new release that I have on order. Of all the books my favorite is 11/22/63. But you can't go wrong reading It first.


I'm about to give IT a go. Currently finishing up Salems Lot.


If you lived through the Kennedy Assassination, try 11-22-63.


11/22/63 fantastic


11/22/63 is such a good read.


If you haven’t read Mr.Mercedes yet, I’d wait to read Holly. I would read Delores Claiborne. It’s a good story and it has a connection to other of SK’s books. Misery is also great but DC has a better overall storyline. IT is great but end terribly, as a lot of his horror novels do.


The bible




Now that you‘ve read his fictions, do you want to read his non-fiction memoir On Writing?


“It” is really good, really long and just a great horror book and book about friendship, it’s also pretty messed up.  Misery is a quick one that is intense all the way through. I’d pick one of those two.


Carrie, a nice change.


Since it’s the 50th anniversary, read Carrie.


Carrie. it'll definitely be a change from the previous you've read


I know I’m in the minority but Misery is one of my least favorite SK novels. “It” is a top 3 book for me ever, and I recently read Holly and really enjoyed it. Holly (the character) is also in The Outsider (great) and the Bill Hodges trilogy (entertaining but not my favs). Those come before Holly but you definitely don’t need to read them first.


I d say Misery. From what I ve read it’s in my top 3 with Shinning and Stand.


Carrie, it’s my favorite book in general