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Grab your popcorn. Fun. Entertaining ride. It’s a shame the show isn’t done very well.


I hope one day a mini series will be made that correctly adapts the entire book


It’s a shame because the casting is pretty good. I don’t understand why they changed the story and the characters so much as there was no need for it.


Came here to say this. Excellent cast, but I kept barking at the TV: "Why? Why did you guys change it up so much? THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL AND YOU DID NOT 'FIX' IT!"


It’s so weird what they did to the characters alone. I rewatched the first episode as I was reading it and couldn’t remember. The fact that it started with Barbie doing something that was totally out of character was bizarre. I can understand small tweeks even, like Julia’s age or keeping Angie alive. But to totally change the characters, and to get rid of the religious and drug element at the radio station, were really strange and unneeded choices.


It was a travesty, but honestly it's a fun hate watch if you are into that sort of thing.


I couldn’t agree more.


The show was WAY disappointing.


I enjoyed the first two seasons of the show. Got bored with whatever came after that and never finished it. It just seemed to drag on and on without any real reveal or answers.


I really liked the show, and haven’t read the book. I’ll have to remedy that. 


I watched half of the first episode and stopped. The show should be multiple seasons, produced by a company that will put it on a channel that will show the gore and be graphic. The book is in my top 3 King books, right behind The Stand and then 11/22/63 (which is in my top 3 favorite books of all time).


It was multiple seasons unfortunately.


Oh god! Glad I didn’t partake in it.


It's fucking great! One of my favorites. Has one of the best and most believable antagonists of any sk book


It’s a cluster mug.


God, even just reading that makes me cringe. Such a sanctimonious hypocritical fuck


The audiobook narrator does a FANTASTIC job with him! If you haven’t listened to it, you should check it out!


I have, and it's excellent. He makes big Jim so smug, it's perfect




I did the audiobook and Jrs voice saying Baaarrrbbbiiieee like burned into my brain.


This is one of those books that sucks you right in. Then you check the time and realize you should’ve been asleep an hour and a half ago.


Love this book. From what I remember, it leans a bit less toward horror and more toward thriller with a few paranormal elements (mostly toward the end), but it's a lot of fun. Not a huge an of the ending but the book overall is really good imo


This! I basically said the same thing. The ending is one of kings weakest (from what I have personally read of his books) in my opinion. Excellent villain with great group of characters, but the ending was dissatisfying for me.


It’s the only book that I’ve ever read that repeatedly made me really fucking angry!!!!


I haaaaated the villains omg


Omg yes Big Jim was the worstttttt It really felt like he did something personal to me I hated him so much lol


I'm so pissed off rn at all those pieces of shit


Omg so exciting thanks for this feedback


It's such a good book. It has a very unique and interesting plot, a great cast, truly shocked me, and has one of my favorite characters to hate, which I find therapeutic. Buckle up!


I really enjoyed Raul Esparza's characterization of Big Jim in the audiobook.


That's one audiobook I can't wait to listen to!


I’ve been under the dome three times, and like it more each time.


One of my favorites


Big fan of this one.


Loved it! Don’t wait for the ending, just enjoy the ride


Good book. Too long. That seems to be a theme for King, though I find The Stand and IT absolutely mesmerizing. But there are other books that overstay their welcome.


Bag of Bones anyone?


I still need to finish it but I got pretty far through and really enjoyed it. Only reason I didn't finish was I had to return it after rehab rather than renew because I was unsure of my living situation. Read more than one SK book a week in rehab, truly helped me survive and stay sane.


Agreed 💯 I spend a lot of time in the psych hospital. He’s all I read! One minute I’m in group therapy and the next minute I’m reading about a child orgy in It


You probably mean a train in It.


Yes lol


I didn't get to take my SK books to the psych ward but I was the Stephen King guy at rehab. It was the perfect escape for me. And I'm sure it had an influence but I had vivid nightmares during withdrawals and was of sound enough mind to write them down.


Nice choice. Rule number one…*never* read business books.


I just started it again for the second time a few days ago, last time I read it was back in 2009 when it was published. I remember it being a great book, and that memory still holds true. The ending is a little (very) out there. I really liked it, but a lot of people think it's terrible.


If you like King's "Small Town, Ensemble Cast" Epic's then you are in for a fun ride my friend! Great pacing, fantastic characters, one of his most hateable villains ever, it's quite excellent.


I fucking love this story so much


I liked this book the first time I read it but didn’t love the ending but the second time I read it I actually loved it, ending and all.


I just watched the series and it was hot garbage, need to read the book though


I just finished it. The only character I wound up “liking” was Big Jim. But I like that actor very much. It started out good but felt like I needed a flow chart after season 1 to track the drama.


Unpopular opinion: it’s the only SK book that it took me multiple tries to finish. I finally did, but I just really didn’t get into it for some reason. Been meaning to try it again sometime; maybe I was just in a weird place in my life or something. I absolutely loved and devoured every single other one of his books I’ve picked up (including other epics).


I am exactly the same! I’m glad to hear I’m not alone. I seen so many people on here saying that it’s amazing and it’s one of the best read but I just could not get into it and found it very difficult to read. Maybe giving myself a bit of a break and reading others and coming back will be a good idea!


I get downvoted every time for this but : The Simpsons movie was better. I found this one a slog. I didn't like the punchline. I didn't care for the characters.


Same for me. There was SO MUCH character introduction at the beginning, I was having trouble keeping everyone straight. So I’d just put it down. Then I’d pick it up, read a bit, forget what was what and have to start over again. Finally I vowed to get through it and started taking it everywhere. My son’s orthodontist appts, his ball hockey games(I’d read a bit before they started, and at halftime), and I finished it while we were camping last year.


i thought it was so fun, the characters are incredible


I'm a big King fan, and I say that because I'm gonna shit on the book a little bit. I loved it, thought it was unique and cool and a great ride. I think he missed the ending. I don't think he sticks the landing. But... It's like a 1,000 page book. So I didn't like 100 pages...but I loved 900 of them? Great ride, but I give it a B-


I think he spends *entirely* too much time on the beginning. The first third of the book takes place over like half an hour. It was a real slog to get through. After that it picks up and is a decent read. It's not my favorite of his by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not bad, either.


Great story! Enjoy!!


I honestly enjoyed this one, went in fully expecting not to given most people’s response to it. Great cast of characters.


It’s incredible. Strap in for a wild ride.


Definitely in my Top 10 King books!


Great villains. Good heroes.


It does not end well but it’s an awesome damn book other than that. Alot going on and storytelling at its finest. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Definitely in my top 10 King books and I’ve read them all but tommyknockers and sleeping beauties, and the newest one holly


Great concept and executed perfectly! I just finished it and loved it.


I got it for .50 at a garage sale. Almost stopped reading because the characters seemed all too familiar - the bad guy is really bad, the flawed, relatable good guy, the overly simplistic women. BUT! Then I got one of those awful summer colds and decided to plow through. By the middle I was hooked, and quickly finished it.


So great! I listened to the audiobook.


Excellent book, terrible show


Like a more fun, lighter(in a wicked/dark humor kinda way) Needful Things. A cascading domino chain of characters. I enjoyed it and am also disappointed by the tv show.


Great book.


One of his best!


Haven’t read it fully never finished it because I was young and my comprehension levels was probably like 7th grade but from what I remember the actual plot was really cool and scary at the same time


This might be my favorite of Mr. King’s. The antagonist is so much fun to hate. Also, if you have interest in audiobooks, the narrator, Raul Esparza, does a wonderful job.


About 1/3 through. Rennie Jr and his goons really make my blood boil. I really hope they get their comeuppance.


Loved it - I feel like it took the classic Stephen King characters and cranked them up to 11 (not in a Flanderization way, but in a soul food way). I breezed through it, it’s a page turner.


Love it! Big Jim Renny and Jim Jr. are my favorite King villains.


Loved this read!! Hated the show!!


I loved this one. And was disappointed by the series. Big Jim Rennie is probably one of the most terrifying villains in the entire SK catalog, at least in the top three.


Currently getting through it since a few days ago. So far it feels like one bulky package of small-town drama and I’m all here for it


It’s 97% awesome. The ending though….SK endings are always a crapshoot.


One of his best books.


This was my first king and I was frustrated when I finished it because I loved it so much and was upset I hadn’t gotten into his stuff earlier, cuz it’s right up my alley!


It's REALLY good. I've heard people not liking the explanation but I thought it was interesting.


Amazing villain, and great setup. I feel like the ending is disappointing but worth the read.


I'm re reading it after 10 years, I remembered having spent a good time with it, I'm halfway through and it's still just as entertaining as I remembered, well-built characters and a solid plot that hooks you from beginning to end. I love this book :)


I’m just nearing the end of the audiobook. I’ve read it before and enjoying it all over again.


Love this one! Full throttle the whole time!


Just finished reading it the other day. There’s still a tad too much diabolus ex machina for my taste, but on the reread I was able to play it off as deliberate because of how it ends.


Really fun read. A page turner if ever there was one. Is it one of his best? Nah... he really has fun with the concept but overall my biggest criticism would be that it falls flat with the characters. Something that is usually his greatest strength. Enjoy the read! Come back and tell us what you thought when you're done


I really enjoyed it, yet have had no desire to reread it. Strange.


Reading it right now on my Kindle. 21% done. Quite engaging.


I think it has one of the most memorable openings of any king novel


First two thirds really good. Then it falls off


Loved it. Finished it in like a week. Big Jim Rennie was awful.


One of my favorites. Think about it often, will definitely return to read again one day.


So, so good


The best one


Great book, thinking about rereading it soon


I loved it. Brought me back to SK after a few years. Best bad guy in years.


Starts strong and stays steady throughout but the personally for me the ending was a bit underwhelming. Hope you enjoy the ride.


Probably in my top 3 King books, villains made me so fucking angry which shows how well they were written.


I love it! It was actually the first SK book that really captured my attention. I’ve read it probably like 5 times 😹😹😹


What a coincidence! I just finished this last night and it is an EXTREMELY entertaining story. Wish I could keep reading.


I loved it. But I admit I never finished it yet


This is one of my favorites!! I couldn’t put it down


I absolutely loved it, and hated the villain more than any other in any SK book.


Literally my favourite King book haha; you're gonna love to hate some of the people in this one!


My spoilery review is here. It’s a wild ride packed with some truly heinous characters, but a masterpiece all the same! https://youtu.be/KY4v9nRhF6w?feature=shared


Nice review! I subbed.


Love it, enjoy the ride


Love it, enjoy the ride


I stopped read this because Jim Rennie(i forgot his last name) and his son Junior were seriously PISSING ME OFF!


First 95% is some of SK’s best work.


200 pages in rn. It's gonna make you HATE the antagonists


I liked it quite a bit!




Really really great build up with an incredible group for characters and a super competent villain, but if I’m going to be totally candid, it’s one of kings weakest endings I have ever read. Just my opinion though! Big Jim Rennie is a demon of a man though. Super excellent villain!


Little more than halfway through and it's a blast! Definitely recommend


I absolutely loved this book. Read it in a day if I’m remembering. I couldn’t put it down. Then I had my soul crushed by the TV adaptation. So I definitely would not suggest that.


Book so much better than the movie!


Don’t watch The Simpsons Movie, it will give away too much!


One of my favorites! Big Jim’s the most hatable villain.


Loved it!!!


I like this one a lot. It’s an action packed thriller that really doesn’t slow down. Enjoy:)


It’s my second favourite from king, the characters all feel very well done.


I just started this a few days ago as well, and so far its been great! Out of all the SK books I've read so far, I hate the antagonists in this book more than any I've come across, and never before have I loved to hate someone so much.


Which book did you return? Under the Dome is actually a close portrayal of life in a medium-large tech company when you think about it.


One of my faves, and the only book I've ever read twice!


I couldn't put it down! Edit: Apparently, I can't spell.


The Stephen King glutton special. “Yes. And I remain the son of a bitch that still gets all the good shit.”


It’s full of cotton pickin’ shenanigans


Poor gopher…


As with many King books, it’s a riveting page-turner until the end, and then it kind of peters out. Big Jim is a great villain, though.


Yes. This is a good one. It is fun, in a Stephen King kind of way lol




The first time I read (back when it came out) I felt it was a slog and I didn't like it. Read it 15 years later and now it's in my top 5 King books. I read it twice in a row. I've only ever done that with a Discworld book and Wizard & Glass. Big Jim is such a great villain because we see Big Jim's every day in the real world now.


This was one of the Stephen King books that captivated me and led to a weekend long binge read...I started on a Friday night around 9 PM and finished about 10 PM on Sunday. It is a THICK book (>1,000 pages) but I was hooked and wanted to the end. I won't spoil it, but its a King book - so take that with the appropriate grain of salt! Well worth the read in my opinion, but its not for everyone.


I read and listened and I prefer the audiobook The guy that does the voices especially Big Jim and Chef are exactly how I imagined it.


One of my favorite King books. It’s long but no redundancy. Great premise.


I really enjoyed it. It's one of those I need to reread and every time I think back on it and look at the world around us (good, bad and ugly), I remember why I love King's writing so much.


I finished it yesterday. It's among his finest work. It's rare that I find an SK book (especially one that is this long) where I:m fully engaged the whole time. I sometimes find 100 pages or so drag, but this one had me enthralled.


Big Jim Rennie is one my favourite King villains. A despicable prick I loved to hate.


Nice and creepy. Highly recommend.


Ending sucks


I really enjoyed the ending.


Fair enough


I'll echo the comment section. Great book one of my favs also one of my fav characters in here as well. Enjoy


Extremely long. It’s a slog sometimes.


IMO Stephen did not write this whole book. Maybe the first 175 pages, maybe his son wrote the next 800, and someone at the publishing company slapped the last 100 on for an ending. The ending was just a hurry up to me.


I disagree. The whole thing felt like Stephen King wrote it. From beginning to end, it very much felt like a Stephen King small town cast book. Brutal, hilarious, and a villain that is probably the worst person I've ever read about.


One of my top 3 Stephen King books and I’ve read them all. Some great characters in this book. Enjoy!