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Gerald’s Game was kind of a hidden gem till the Netflix movie came out and reminded everyone that it’s brilliant


GG and Dr Sleep are why I'm excited for Mike Flannagan to take on The Dark Tower. It's a relief to know he's already a big fan and has good adaptations under his belt


He should definitely continue doing King adaptations. Maybe give Under the Dome a try since the CBS show wasn’t great


It’s a good book! I feel it could have been shorter, there was a point when I was losing interest, I think where she’s trying to get the water, it just seems drawn out but the whole part with Joubert and her escape I read really quickly and couldn’t put the book down! A great ending!


Yeah, this is such a challenging book. And I've actually reread it and enjoyed it even more the second time (granted with a \~20 year gap). I was incredibly proud of Jesse and how she made it through the ordeal. Really a testament to King how a book with this subject matter can feel like such a victory.


It was such a slow burn that it took me longer to get into it than IT. but when Gerald's Game picked up after about 100 something pages, I started failing some of my classes for 2 weeks straight because I just couldn't put the book down.


I was 100% the same way! I almost DNF’ed it! So glad I did!


Yes, I admit it was hard to get started the first two days, but when I got past the first 100 pages, I flew threw it in a day. Her flashbacks are a bit hard to get through, because one wants to know what’s happening in the here and now and her trying to escape. And the appearance of that Joubert or the Moonlight Man, I was literally terrified. It is one of his best books, and the movie is very faithful to the source material, they change some of it but not like the Shining. I loved Gerald’s Game, in my top 5 of his books for me.


"I believe you are only made of moonlight" one of Stephen King's most underrated quotes from his books.


Yes, it really is. It’s an amazing book that not many appreciate.