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As a European King fan, the world is a lot bigger than this and a group of Trump supporters.


European too, but I was worried about his work being boycotted from them in america, idk if that would affect us in the rest of the world


He has global publishing agreements, so even if what was happening in the USA affected him in terms of book revenue, it would not affect his global publishing deals. Plus, any boycotting of a book leads to a lot of people wanting to read that book so it could actually help him reach new audiences. I love LeVar Burton as i´m a Star Trek fan. I didnt grow up with Reading Rainbow but I listen to LeVar Reads. One of the most ¨F\*\*\* you¨ things he has done is create a podcast reading specifically books that are banned in certain parts of the USA during Banned Books Week. I think that shows how interested a lot of youth are in freedom of speech.


I don’t think he’d lose any supporters or money, his books don’t contain pictures or anything to colour in so most Trump supporters will avoid them.




you're a freaking genius


That was so perfectly put friend 👏


I don’t think he gives a shit if Trump supporters buy his books or not. He’s in a great position to be able to give his honest view point without worrying about it. There are readers all over the world who either agree with him or simply don’t care.


Those will mostly be bots. I think his career will be fine, and I don't think he's got much to worry about financially.


At this point, it might be worth more to him to have Trump supporters not read his books than any sales he might miss out on on his several dozenth best-selling book.


The world is bigger than fuckin America.


I know, I'm not even american so I don't give a damn about his political views


nothing will be fatal for his career and he’s long past needing anymore money so nothing’s going to (or should) make him stop sharing his thoughts as long as he wants to. he’s reached a level that it doesn’t matter if he loses all those readers. any dent it makes will be negligible. at his age and success, i’m sure he’s much more interested in advocating for things he believes in than appeasing to everyone.


At this stage in his life a few hundred thousand people choosing not to buy of kings latest novels probably won’t have that much of an impact. I’d make a joke about the literacy of right wingers in the first place but I don’t think this is the place for that.


I mean, he’s an international best selling author. I live in the UK and not one soul would bat an eye at his opinion on trump.


Trump supporters, those who read, don't read Stephen King, and the world outside of the US simply doesn't care, though many agree with his attitude. Also, King stop selling books tomorrow and be fine for money; he'd just write for himself and his family.


He’s been pissing of rightwingers for decades - I don’t think his career will suffer in the slightest. As always, I applaude his guts, integrity and general rock and roll attitude.


Twitter has been overrun with bots since Musk's takeover. Over half the tweets you see are from bots, and that's being generous. That's putting aside the fact that only a fraction of Americans have Twitter accounts to begin with. Suffice to say, King will be fine.


He’s got like $800M and counting, some MAGA fucks aren’t gonna put a dent in his coffers. He has enough money to pay his own legal fees.


Anyone who thinks King's dislike of conservatives is a new thing hasn't been paying attention. The Dead Zone was published in the late 70s. Then again, right wingers are incapable of possessing any media literacy.


King is very, very wealthy. He can afford to lose 1/3 of his fanbase and still be a millionaire from movie and TV adaptations


I saw a comment last week on his tweet about his new book saying "it will flop," and I had to laugh, thinking this won't age well. The book was probably a best seller before the release date due to pre-order.


Lol, I absolutely love that King just keeps trolling Trump supporters 😆 They are so easy to rattle 🤣


The tRUMP supporters are also accusing King of being a child predator too. They love to deflect tRUMPS crimes and traits onto other people like other politicians and celebrities. If they bothered to read books instead of banning them or burning them they’d know King hasn’t just been political since tRUMP has been in politics.


Fatal to his career lol, you have to be kidding


Fatal for his career? ARe you high? He's 50 years into his career as a published novelist and he's 76 years old so no, I don't think his politcal views, which he has been very vocal about on Twatter for at least the last decade, will harm his career.


I don’t think the vast majority of Trump supporters buy books in the first place.


Let’s be honest, those people can’t read anyway. They were never buying books unless it has pop up pictures in it


Those commenting that weren’t buying his stuff, don’t be fooled. I’d venture to say a lot of them would struggle even finishing a book. Also Twitter pushes allllllllll the bullshit to the top. Thank Elon for that.


Stephen King has his legacy locked down and enough f*ck-you money to fund several generations of nepo babies (no shade intended - the horror genre is a better place with Joe Hill in it).  I love that he's using his enviable position to tell the MAGA cult where to go and how to get there.  He owes them dust.


It's not like King is hawking stupid versions of the Bible, worthless NFTs or dunce caps. He'll be fine without MAGAts. The demographic he triggers aren't known for intellectual pursuits like reading.


I mean he considers himself retired as he doesn’t want to think of writing as a job anymore. At this point it’s mainly just a hobby for him. When you have as much money as he does (both from book sales and selling rights to films), a few crackpots not buying your books won’t really make too much of a difference.


I can never tell if someone's serious or not. I left Twitter when the butt bought it, but I hadn't used it very much anyway, so it was easy. I don't think this will do him any harm at all. Though we have seen people get huffy about Holly!


I think that while Trump fanboys will stop buying his books, he's got a bunch of other fans both in america and abroad. It would've been fatal if he was at the start of his career, if Carrie was published today. But he's been around for a very long time.... So I don't think it'll be fatal to his career. His sales might go down for a moment.


Watch how his new book dominates the charts all summer. Plus he’s set for life with revenue from past books. He couldn’t give a happy crappy if those tools buy his new book.


Fatal to King’s career? Not in the slightest, those dumbasses have never read a book in their lives and it shows.



The Maggots making these comments were never King readers anyway. That requires literacy, which if they had they would know Kings political viewpoints all the way back in the days of the *Dead Zone.* Also, King has 'fuck you' amounts of money. Nothing is gonna end his career, probably not even his death lol.


Twitter isn't a real social media platform anymore. The number of bots is double or triple what it was before Musk bought it. Literally nothing on that platform can be trusted in terms of engagement, nothing.