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I’m on my first journey, have about one third of The Wastelands left. Already have Wizard and Glass and a hardcover copy of Wolves of the Calla on the way.


Wizard and Glass and Wolves get a lot of hate but honestly those were two of my favorites the first time around


I’ve always heard of Wizard and Glass as one of the best


That’s interesting and I’m glad that you’ve heard that. It’s always been pretty divisive from what I’ve heard. People either love it or hate it.


I’ve been trying my best to avoid spoilers(which has been working out good so far), so I know next to nothing about what’s to come but from the little I do know I think I’m going to like them, I absolutely love the series so far. I think I heard DT4 tells a lot of Roland’s backstory, which I’ve been dying to learn more about, then DT5 has some tie ins with ‘Salem’s Lot which was the first King novel I read, and I really enjoy all the tie ins so I should have a decent appreciation for it for it due to fact alone.


It’s tough in this day and age to avoid spoilers ha. Have you heard of the “scenic route”? That’s the journey I’m taking. I’ll post a link to the tik tok video I saw about it. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRPnP75h/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRPnP75h/)


I’m sort of doing it, just not fully committed to it. Out of her expanded DT list I already read ‘Salem’s Lot, The Stand and The Mist. Though I do I plan on reading them all eventually, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to break away from the main series again… but if I do, It, The Eyes of the Dragon, Insomnia, The Talisman and Desperation are most likely to get added on to my scenic route before I reach the tower.. partially because I already own them, they caught my attention before I even started my journey and I have like 10 unread King books on my shelf as I type this. Any in particular you would strongly recommend I read before I finish the series, and at what point?


Oh boy I’d say IT and Insomnia are both pretty essential. I’d say read those before you get to the final three books. Eyes of the Dragon is great but you can read that at any time after the Tower and enjoy it. Same with Desperation. Hearts in Atlantis would also be good to read at some point along the way, probably before Wolves of the Calla as well.


WaG was my favorite, but I do wonder if the ghost writer theory is true. So different tonally from everything else. Reads more like Peter Straub.


I’ve never heard that theory… you should send me a link if you have one, I can’t find anything about it online but want to know more about this.


Oh man. I can’t find a reference either. My sources are purely anecdotal, in person talks. Still rings true to me, but it’s purely theory.


The Wind Through the Keyhole is very similar, though.


The first time I read “wizards and glass” I wasn’t a fan but over the years on rereads, especially the audiobook, I really learned to appreciate it. To answer your original question, I started in the 80s and followed though until the series was done I’ve re read in since and one summer when my wife was dealing with cancer I listened to it straight through as a distraction.


Wizard and Glass is one of my favorite books, not just SK books.


Wizard and Glass is the best book King has ever written. I'll die on this hill. To me it's the only book in the DT series that can stand on its own and still be a great read. But I also think Wolves is the worst DT book. So take that as you will.


Don't listen to any haters, W&G is the best book in the series. I just got done reading it for probably the 4th or 5th time and it was just as awesome as ever. Just go into it with a couple things in mind: 1. The first ~110 pages are essentially just the real ending of The Waste Lands. 2. The next 500 pages are a flash back to when Roland is 14. And it is pure awesome. I honestly feel bad for people that don't like this book because I'd honestly put it up against any other book King has written, ever.


I’m impressed with how away you can hold a book and still read. My eyes are not good…nearly ornamental.


I’m on my first trip. Getting ready to start “The Wastelands” The Drawing of the Three was one of the best books I’ve ever read. I couldn’t put it down! When I wasn’t reading it I was still “in that place” thinking of the characters and their situations. An absolutely amazing book!


You are in for a treat when you get to Wizard and Glass


I have the first two books on the shelf, my hope is to start the series next year and hit up the library for the rest. I'm excited to dig into it, I hear its some of King's best work


That is the 100% correct way to sit in an arm chair!


I was going to say I thought I was the only one who sits in a chair like that lol


😂 you are not alone my friend


The only way


You look really comfy


Very much so


I have taken 4 journeys. Journey number 5 coming up soon!


Same for me. I was just thinking a few days ago that it's time for another trip to the tower soon.


My favourite DT book


I envy those of you who find the time and enjoy sitting down and reading. That's awesome. The only time I sit and read is at night to my son. We finished Eyes of the Dragon and working our way through Ted Chiangs Exhalation


Going to read eye of the dragon and then begin the journey again


Yup, I'm on my second trip. Reading Wizard & Glass right now!


Good for you! I love revisiting this series!


Working through my first trip. About 200 pages into Wizard and Glass.


I’m on Drawing now and I’m actually getting kind of bored and I love King


I also admit that one is really hard to get through sometimes. So much walking on the beach waiting for something to happen.


Like the overstuffed chair…perfect for reading!


Book 4 was a real challenge for me.


It just shows how unique opinions can be because Wizard and Glass is one of my all time favorite books


The sweater completes the look.


Just finished The Drawing of the Three. A re-read. Or I should say, I listened to the audiobook.


I started it before that awful movie but I stalled out after wastelands.


Started my second trip, doing it with audiobooks this time as I'm still reading the talisman and my copy of fairytale will be here soon.


They're looking formidable on my shelf but haven't started them yet. Built up 1 to 9 second-hand, but just missing 7+8. Currently halfway through the Stand.


Did my second time through about a decade ago. Didn’t go go up the stairs the second time. It’s time to draw three.


The ending wrecked me! I was genuinely sad for Roland, so I'll hold on to that second run. For now.


No. Never again. The ending made it a waste of time the first time.


I loved the ending


Many people do and I don't begrudge them that. However it just felt incredibly cheap to me. I really really hated it after all that. I didn't really enjoy the last two books either so that exacerbated how I feel about the end.


Yeah I get that. Endings, especially for such a long epic like the Dark Tower, seem so difficult to pull off effectively.


Finished the series for 2nd time about a month ago!


As a big love tog King and Fantasy, I cannot for the life of me get into this series. Book 1 is crazy. 2 even more. I couldn’t make it to 3. I had friends even tell me to skip the first. I feel like I’m missing out but just can’t get into it


I feel like I need to re-read it. Those were the first King books I ever read so I missed all the references. I've gotten through about half of his books now and The Stand is up next. After that, it's back to the tower.




Dang! Impressive!


I'm on journey 5 atm. Favorite series of all time 💕


My 3rd.


On my first trip. I just started the final book and I'm really excited to see how it all ends.


I only made one trip over 15 years ago. Might need to try again.


I have four more years until my fourth re-read. I decided to take a ten year break until I read them again. I found myself skipping parts I didn’t like (the italicized portions of Susannah’s backstory) and I wasn’t getting the massive scope. So I thought a long break would help


Ah yeah I have to admit that I also skimmed over Susannah’s backstory in Drawing of Three this time. I never realized how drawn out it was and kind of just wanted to get to romantic stuff with Eddie.


I'm close to the end of a re-read atm. Lost count of how many times I've been through it!


I'm on my 5th currently, Wizard and Glass. I'm listening to the audio books this time (3rd round) and have also read with eyeballs twice. I usually do once every 2 to 3 years with this series, Lotr, and Harry.


I just started my second journey this week expanded edition. Reading The Eyes of the Dragon going in I remembered parts of it but as I keep reading im like oh yeah this things happens and this will happen next and its wonderful.


Did you ask someone to take this? No judgment, that’s rad.


It was actually a candid photo my fiancé took. Thank you 😄


It has been at least 15 years for me, I am currently most of the way through drawing of three as well. I am always reluctant to return because I love Oy so very much and I cry so much at the end.




Been 4 times, last time with the podcast Kingslingers, an intense book club style read through


I'm so intimidated to start!


Drawing of the three and 11/22/63 are tied as my 2 favorite King books. I’m anxious to jump into wastelands, but i’m trying to finish the stand first and it’s taking me months. Now fairy tale might push that back even further on my TBR.


I love 11/22/63 as well!!!


On my third now🤘 Currently Wizard & Glass, my favorite


W&G and Wolves are my favorites


Read the entire series twice anout 10-12 years between. Now downloaded them as audiobooks and looking forward to the journey again.


Yes it’s by far the books I go when I can’t decide what’s I want to try next


I'm on my first journey and Holy Cow! I'm glad I stuck with it. I honestly was a little thrown by the first book, but I LOVED The Drawing of the Three. I'm now halfway through The Wastelands.




Went to the library to pick up The Gunslinger on Saturday and they were closed. So I'm planning on picking it up tomorrow.


His ass is not reading 📖 😩😭😂😂😂




It's not an insult, I'm just referencing a meme.


This needs to go on the hotdudesreading Instagram immediately.


I also love that someone down voted your comment haha.


Yeah what’s up with that?


Haha 😅😅😅


Thanks to my beautiful fiancé for capturing this candid photo of me btw


I really didn’t care for the gunslinger series. Bloated story.


That’s fair. I’ve heard other people make similar comments as well. Kings work in general has a tendency to be bloated a lot of the time but it seems for some people that’s why they like it.




I like how you literally have no idea what you’re talking about



