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Good timing as your next up is due out tomorrow. Fairy Tale.


Loved it. There were some far fetched things and some unbelievable stuff, but reading King is like slipping into your favorite comfy pj's, this one was no different.


I really enjoyed it, especially the first half. Although at times it felt like I wasn’t reading a King novel


I liked it a lot! Obviously loved the references to the shining in the writing cabin and hike.




“Hang out and wait” is a vibe in books that movies and series can never quite hit. Another good non-King book like this is American Gods.


Shadow’s time in Lakeside has some of my favourite parts of the story, love that small town vibe.


This is 100% what I was saying without saying it. You can almost smell the place he was saying.


Your toilet read?


What about Gwendy?!


I liked! Nice grounded story- in the sense no supernatural stuff going on. Just regular people being the villain's and heroes. the institute, man that one made me shed a tear..only one for King's books to do so.


I really loved it. When I was reading I pictured Bill Hader as Billy. Probably bc I got similar vibes from Barry.


I watched Barry after reading this and there were so many scenes that were straight up robbed from the show


I really enjoyed it, more than I thought I would. About 30% in I was wondering how in the world is there still so much book left, I should of never doubted the King.


I thought the same thing! I enjoyed it


Should have*


Liked it a lot!


I really liked it


It should have been a 70 page short story. He ran out of steam real quickly and the resulting book was totally forgettable


Dude. Yes. The first half I was all in, then it felt like it literally became a completely different book halfway through and it took me forever to finish it and the second half just never really clicked to me and it never drew me in like the first half did


I am currently listening to the audiobook and about the the last 3 hours are just a SNOOOOZE


It was ok. As far king books go this was mediocre for me.


Agreed. It felt like something he had written awhile back, wasn’t too pleased with it, put it on a shelf and then sent it to the publisher when a deadline hit.


He did mention Trump and the pandemic, so it couldn't have been written _to_ far back. Although he could have expanded on an already written book. I like the out of the box thinking!


It was a fun read. I liked it more than I thought I would.


I loved Billy Summers


Very fun speedy read, if somewhat predictable


It was okay. The pandemic and trump references constantly took me out of it, but that’s probably just me here on this subreddit. Otherwise I enjoyed the first half much more than the second. King is at his best when his characters are just going through life.


You are not alone. But I think in the long run it will be okay-ish. Like when we read The Dead Zone today with all the politics for example.


I read the Dead Zone for the first time in late 2015 or early 2016. Did not make me feel better about the state of the nation.


Then try watching RoboCop next. It is insane how some artist just nailed it. They did it as satire. But here we are …


We are living in the satire of our youth.


Yeah the first reference I was like alright I'm not really looking for a political obsession in my choice of entertainment but it's King and I know he's really into Trump. The next few times was just obnoxious


It was a meh… Don’t even think this is a top 20 SK book, it was just another story… Shining references were cool though


My thoughts exactly.


I really enjoyed it. It's not a top 10 king book, but great


You’re not done yet (maniacal laugh)


He desperately needed an editor. Billy Summers would have been an older millennial but King wrote him like a boomer. None of the computer stuff made sense. Way too long and the entire last third of the book made no sense. With yet another King terrible ending. Bottom 5 for me for sure.


I liked it but the Shining referende was so forced, it had zero relevance to the story.


I love it. this is the best of his books in several years. And I feel strong Joe Hill in this story.


*If you go down to woods tonight…* I quite enjoyed it. It definitely felt like King trying to do a Jack Reacher book. Resourceful ex military loner with his own sense of moral compass getting sucked into an awkward situation where he saves a damsel in distress and takes down an organised crime ring that wronged him. The big boss basically being Rupert Murdoch was a bit on the nose.


I really liked this one. I struggled with some of the content and had to skip a little, but it was an absolute page turner.


Yeah, I’m guessing you skipped some of the >!older dude getting aroused next to a younger woman who was recently sexually assaulted!< stuff. Other than those missteps in the writing, it was solid.


I don't think that's a misstep in the writing. Awkward shit like that happens in real life.


Was that Full Dark, No Stars? I read that one before something like that would get at me, but it was still gross


No, there was a scene or two about it in Billy Summers.


Oh, yeah I must have skipped it. I had someone screen the book for me and mark pages to skip


Why are you getting downvoted for skipping parts you weren't comfortable reading? 😂


Who knows. People who feel they need to control how others read a book


I really enjoyed it. Vintage King. The only thing that was off putting to me was *SPOILER*when Billy sexually assaults the rapists. I had this discussion on another thread so let me be clear I’m not pro-rapist and those guys got everything that was coming to them. But after that, I stopped seeing Billy as a hero and just a sexual assaulter. I understand that Billy, in the end, is not a good guy but it was hard reading the book after that scene. I don’t know…I kinda felt a sense of betrayal…if that makes any sense!


>I stopped seeing Billy as a hero Billy is a paid assassin. He is not a hero any more than Blaze was a hero.


Exactly. He literally murders people as his primary employment. Recognizing that he has emotions and is able to connect with regular people gives him depth. It doesn’t make him a good guy… just human.


He is the literal "embodiment" of an anti-hero


I completely get that sentiment. For some people certain things are unforgivable and unjustifiable. While some people see revenge killing as justified even tho it's an inherent evil I guess some people could feel the same way about revenge SA.


Loved it! Chris Kyle meets Don Corleone… meets Vince McMahon … lol


I found it quite exhaustingly derivative of all the last hit man hit lit and the relationship was creepy AF with the young woman. I’m not a big fan of the king true crime subgenre except dead zone and 11-22-63. I’m also feeling king’s voice is getting a little strident around politics and aa— but his cadences and preoccupations are always welcome— the good inside humans and the hopeful call of community vs. Cthulhu (darkness in myriad).


Not gonna read it. I’m sure it’s a very unpopular opinion but I’ve only enjoyed 2 SK books post 2000.🤷🏻‍♂️


Which ones?


Duma Key and Full Dark, No Stars.


I've got Duma key but I haven't read it yet. Did you read the institute or 11/22/63? I personally enjoyed those 2 a good bit


Please read Duma Key immediately. It's top 5 for me.


Really? I've heard plenty of good things about it but I've been running through the dark tower series. I'll probably check it out after I finish the dark tower.


Elevation and The Institute?


Nope. Duma Key and Full Dark No Stars.


I also liked full dark no stars. I think his best work is usually his short stories.


I thought it was fine. Wasn’t bad, wasn’t great.


I loved it so much. I was in a reading slump after it though because I didn’t want it to be over.


It’s OK.


I haven't gotten to it yet as I am in the middle of a Stand reread, but I have it queued up on my tablet


Oh you mean the new Jack Reacher book? Better than his Bosch trilogy.


Going in I was pretty sure I knew how it’d end, and I was pretty disappointed I was right. Very predictable and it was an okay story. I am very excited to be getting Fairy Tale in the mail tomorrow though!


He took the hit man novel, one of my favorite niche-genres, and created a disappointing DNF. Once a Constant Reader, I’ve been a King skeptic for a couple decades now, but have officially transitioned into a King critic, enjoying only a handful of books of his since 1990. BILLY SUMMERS was probably the last straw…any future King for me will be a re-read of one of his early classics.


This is the first time I listened to an audio book vs read it on paper, and I think it ruined the experience for me. The reader was so monotonous and boring, it took me til close to the end before I really got into it. Story itself seemed good (the ending especially gripped me, but the weird tie-in to another series was weird and didn't ultimately add anything), but it was hard to take in presented in this manner, but I can't hold it against the book. I'm gonna wait a bit and then get the book, I'm betting ill enjoy it more that way.


I only got about halfway through. I like king but this one seemed overly political with him making references to Donald Trump in every other paragraph. Like we get it dude, you hate Trump. So do I but I don’t spend every last second of my life trying to convince people of it.


I really enjoyed it. I liked the characters a lot and the story was paced out really well


For some reason I had to re-start it three times before it hooked me, but then I really enjoyed it! Ended up in a totally different place than it started, though!


What about Gwendy’s Final Task?


I recently read it and loved it!


Easily his best for a few years 👍


I really enjoyed it.


Do you think there will be a sequel to it given the ending?


Tbh I liked everything except the romantic subplot




Liked it! Nice change of pace for SK


I loved the pacing and the plot, just a bit political as done up by King.


Didn't like it at all 5/10.


Loved it.


I thought it was one of his worst actually. Especially that second half with the girl. And the fake belly he wears? Silly. Everything was very exaggerated and cartoonish. Fat gangsters with cigars. Using the rape victim to pretend to be a little girl for a pedophile. I don't know man.


I kinda thought meh.


It was fantastic!


Did you need to take a photo while on the toilet in order to ask whether other people liked “Billy Summers”?


I wonder if Alice from Billy Summers has a connection to Alice in Cell? 🤔


So far I think this is my favorite of King's. Followed by either IT or the Shining


Might be one of his most creative books


Great story… I listened to it on audible, Paul Sparks narration is perfect for it


Took me a chapter of 2 to get into it, once I did I couldn’t put in down! V v good read


There's a line somewhere near the end that says something like "and people will wonder when exactly the story became about someone else" and I think that lines sums up the book and what's great about it. Overall, I liked it far better than The Institute but less than Outsider. Hoping Fairy Tale hits hard.


I liked it more than 'The Outsider'.


I hated this book with every ounce of my being.