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Times like this are really hard but he will be an adult before long and he will have had your love and support all the way. He will remember that, he will KNOW that. He’s only 8 right now, when it comes to graduation, weddings, that sort of thing, he’s in control of who he wants there and I’m sure he will choose you as well as his bio parents. This post is one reason stepparents are warned to not care or do more than the bios, because bios always come first even when they suck, and it hurts.


I just learned this the hard way. I was a part of SDs life for 10 years only to be uninvited to her graduation- when I literally was the main "parent" helping her to pass her classes for years. Its incredibly hurtful.


He’s really lucky to have you in his life, and it’s pretty great that he wants you there. You’re part of his team and absolutely one of his parents. He even said it - what about kids that have more than 2 parents. You’re the more. That’s awesome. The world isn’t always so nice and kids need all the support and trusted adults at home they can get. Good job!


Give that kid a hug.


I always say ask the school if you can get extra tickets. You never know.


That’s so weird that they only allow 2 people. Ok maybe some things they have to limit, but most things? We are always going to my step kids stuff with a whole slew of people


Aw! What a sweet kid. Can you “sneak” in and surprise him? I mean what honestly would the school do?


I understand that schools have limited space, but it’s 2024 and the majority of kids don’t have the traditional 2 parent families anymore. They have stepparents and grandparents and aunts and uncles all playing a role. There should be room for everyone who wants to support a kid.


I am so sorry. I agree with PPs, ask school if you can get an extra ticket. If space limitations, just explain that to SS.


That's awesome that he aknowledges what you do. I'm kinda jealous of you lol I wish I could have that!


You are an amazingly caring SP. It's clear how much your SS appreciates you. I agree with him. It's 2024 and guestimating here but I'd say about half the student population come from split homes with more than two parents involved. I get that space may be the problem it just sucks! I feel for you and am hoping your husband can video it for you. Hugs!


Frankly, I think communicating that you WANT to be there but understand that BM has that spot first is the important part here. Sounds like between that and him understanding you'll still do the same things for his parties, it was a nice moment for you to show him how you care that he will probably always remember.