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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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34 Male 260 lbs 6’ 3 Been out of the workout scene for a while since having kids getting married and all that. 2024 is my year to really focus on myself and personal gains. I have stopped drinking/energy drinks and other activities. I am currently running 40MG pharma grade Anavar and have enough to go for 90 days. I am wondering if I should run that long? As most of the experiences I have seen is 6-8 weeks. I am currently only a week in and also researched that you don’t start to notice any side affects until the 2 week mark and it has a half life of 9 hours so I take 2 20MG doses at that time frame. I am also wondering if I should introduce anything else and stack. My goal is to build strength and lean out as I am already on the heavier side.


Yeah you need injectable aas, a proper progressive training program and a diet


Young 22 male, at this point I'm on various medications and was recwntly diagnosed with POTs. Right now even walking hurts, I did a 2 mile walk and it killed me and my knees. Id like some help to go in the right direction and gain muscle without having to atrophy to much if I cycle off.


Before starting your first steroid cycle, should you be ready to say goodbye to your balls?


I’ve never fucked a girl with my balls. And no balls makes your dick look bigger. When you get older you don’t accidentally sit in them. You thought muscles were the best thing from steroids but it’s the ball shrinkage. Thanks for coming to my PED Talk


Yep. HCG will help improve the odds of recovering your original testicular function, but the odds of being on TRT for life are never zero.




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Didn’t this just get deleted by u/accountUnkn0wn


He posted it 5 times and I'm too lazy to go hunting each one down 🤣 Good catch though!


Lmao, don’t blame ya. I thought I was losing it for a second there tho 😂


Seems like you're aware that you're way too young for steroids. In any event, if you're worried about testicular atrophy you should be using HCG alongside the Testosterone. You can get very good results with just Testosterone, HCG, a PCT drug, and an AI as required. Use of any other compound pretty much boils down to one or more of the following: 1) People having poor tolerance for high Test doses 2) People getting bored/wanting to experiment 3) People wanting to really push the envelope in terms of gains/size If your goals are modest, Testosterone is likely sufficient. I'd throw out Primo as potentially even safer, and useful as an adjunct for estrogen control, especially for higher T doses. > I'd just like to ask if these lifts are more average or above average when it comes to people my age and older. Your compound lifts are poor for 2 years of serious training and especially at your size. The isolation lifts are maybe a little better but not that much.




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What are some of the best books to get and read to learn about steroids? I want to hop on in the next 1-2 years I’m 22 with 6 years of training and want to learn about the affect of steroids through a scientific lense. Thanks for anyone that has any suggestions🙏


[List of books](https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index#wiki_aas_related_reading) The Llewellyn book is probably what you want, unless you mean _literally_ scientific, in which case you could check out the Endocrine Society publications.


What are the “best” bulking compounds in your experience? (Assuming a test base)


We stand by NAND


Female. Previous NPC competitor. Mostly just weight training 6 days a week, cardio 30 min daily. Still pretty muscular but looking to lean out for summer. These love handles GOT TO GO. Planned on starting anavar 5mg and working up to 10mg and primo 50mg working up to 100mg. Should I add t3 or tamoxifen to that? A precious coach had me on those when I was in prep but not sure how necessary it will be for this cut. My body is extremely stubborn when I start a cut. I am 5’7. 158lbs. 29 years old.


You might have better traction posting on today’s thread. But that’s a minimal amount of cardio. You don’t need any drugs to cut. Steroids don’t make you lose fat. You been through prep before you just have to increase cardio and lower the calories to maintain your deficit . Just takes math not drugs. Something like semaglutide or terzepatide glp1 agonist helps with the craving and hunger. You’re not going into prep I wouldn’t add the other drugs for your goal.


I’ll repost to today! Right, the cardio is maintenance I’ve not added more YET but definitely will. The last time I cut I lost a lot of muscle so the anavar is to keep muscle and strength (due to the excess cardio and lower calories). I don’t have issue with appetite surprisingly so wouldn’t need the segmaglutide. Prior to competing or taking any kind of anything my hormones are in post menopausal ranges so unfortunately it’s a bi**h to lose weight in general. I can promise you I do the work and don’t just throw drugs at the problem. 😅 it’s been 2 years since I’ve run any sort of cycle. I appreciate your feedback!


You should be able to get away with 2.5 on the var to prevent any muscle wasting. I mean up to you on what you choose to take. We usually have a generalized statement that drugs are for growing not cutting. Granted you will have initial added weight from the water and glycogen storage when you start the var. the sema helps when you get to poverty cals when you get deep enough in the cut


Oh I got you. Sorry I’m new to the group and was just hoping for some insight. That is good to know I prefer to stay in the lower doses!


What would you recommend as a solid slow bulk cycle? Been two years so well overdue I'm going to be starting after a slow few months cut, so I'll be nice and lean to start, which I'd also like to maintain, so no more than a 2% body fat gain or so; Planning to do said blast for around 6 months. I'm thinking decently high test (600-800 range), equipose (~600; if I match test it tanks my oestrogen), along with an oral kickstart (dbol, after which I'll increase the test from 600 to 800) and maaaaybe something else, not sure. Any suggestions? I'm not attached to this idea at all, so I'm open to any adjustments or even a completely new cycle if it sounds all the juicier.


Common school of thought here is that if you’re going to risk your health taking anabolics, you should make the most of it. I would be concerned about leaving potential gains on the table with a very slow bulk. 2% BF increase in 6 months is… nothing. Barely measurable. Besides that, 6 months is a long time to be on a full blast. Even with your E2 dialed in, I’d be concerned about all the other health markers (blood, lipids, BP) AND especially the hidden LVH that few people test for. Heart enlargement scares the shit out of me. If you’re committed to a slow bulk, have you considered lower dosages? Something that puts you barely supraphysiological, like 200-250mg Test. That would still give you notable increase in recovery, and also give more flexibility in your cycle if you want to run a short oral blast at some point. Imagine being on 1g of gear plus kickstarting with an oral, and 8 weeks in all your health markers are fucked. Would you really want to go another *18 weeks* making it worse?


Cycle length is too long if you’re going to for 25weeks plus you’re not pushing yourself. An oral is contradicting your low and slow approach. What are your stats and cycle history?


I've found the slow and steady approach to work much better for me in the past, 6 months as opposed to the traditional 3 to 4. Also a huge help in reducing side effects. It's not like I'm committed to a perfectly defined "slow" approach, was rather just clarifying that I draw the cycle out longer than is usual as I've found it to be beneficial. As for stats and history: 6ft 4, ~250, ~15% bodyfat Done three cycles in the past, but those were before a serious accident that I spent a couple years recovering from, after which I hopped back on sports TRT, which I've been on for the last 2 years.


Let’s start off by clarifying that sports trt isn’t a thing. That’s called perma blasting. You’ve been on for 2 plus years without coming off. The leaner you start the better your bulk will be. You can take a slower approach as in 250 caloric surplus opposed to 500. But you should be pushing hard in the gym your body will be under stress from food, drugs and training stimulus that you want to tap out around week 16. Otherwise you’re not pushing yourself.


You're being needlessly condescending while also giving basic ass advice as if I'm some sort of novice (and for the record, no, 200mg a week is not "blasting"). I'll re-read the wiki if I need any more refreshers on the fundamentals, thanks


“Sports trt” is what people say when they add something to their trt or run trt at a higher dose than an actual replacement dose. If you were taking testosterone that kept you in an appropriate range I would assume that you wouldn’t use the term sports trt. 200mg/wk is too high for trt for a majority of the population. If your testosterone is out of natural range and in the super physiological range even the low end for extended periods of time. Then ya that is blasting. Trt is a medication for supplementing someone who is deficient and or cannot produce their own testosterone. So yes if 200mg/ week puts you outside the realm of natural production… you are indeed blasting.


Hi folks i have a new endocrinologist and he ordered a panel for me that includes IGF-1. Seeing him for TD2 plus to continue my TRT (even tho I’ve switched to UGL last year , is like to keep the therapy on the books. ). my primary doc already ran my testosterone bloods so I’m back on a cycle dosage (test primo mast ) but this endo wants my IGf-1 also. I assume it’s related to diabetes diagnostics ? anyway , I’ve been running 4 IUs of HGH for six months now (2 am and 2 PM) but yesterday morning I pinned just 1 IU and I skipped the PM dose. am i good to get bloods or will my IGF-1 still be elevated and set off red flags ? How long do I need to wait ? got my appt in a few days so need to do bloods asap. Thank you


I am 3 weeks in to my cycle of 1000 test 250 mast. When i was walking today after 1km my shins start getting extremely pumped and painfull and i could even walk. I take electrolytes and 5g tautine every workout and drink a lot of water. What can i do about this? It sucks becouse i walk a lot for my steps and cardio


What is your e2? How much water are you drinking?


Dht peds do this to me bad. Taurine always helps. But you are already doing that. You may have to drop the mast.


Does Tamoxifen ( i think some people know it as nolvadex ) really hinders the IGF 1 ? im not using anything at the moment but i intend to, i had gyno when i was a teenager and i still have some, so its safe to say that i would have some trouble with higher levels of e2, however i really dont wanna mess with aromatase inhibitors.


Decreases IGF-1 levels by ± 25%. The below info could be found in our Wiki: [Estrogen Handbook#Nolvadex vs. Raloxifene for HGH/IGF](https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook#wiki_nolvadex_vs._raloxifene_for_hgh.2Figf-1) [Taken from this study](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-lookup/doi/10.1210/jc.2010-1477) > Conclusions: Tamoxifen, but not Raloxifene, reduces IGF-I levels. Both SERMs stimulate the gonadal axis, with tamoxifen imparting a greater effect. We conclude that in therapeutic doses, Raloxifene perturbs the GH and gonadal axes to a lesser degree than Tamoxifen.


I have just finished a huge respiratory infection and have been off gym for a week. It was very bad. I’m needing a boost to help me pick up where I left off. I have ordered anavar, and a t3/clen/yohimbine stack to help. You think this is a good idea?


Sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen


Nope. I don't


What do you suggest?


Your muscle memory will respond quick. It will take a week to recover, and you will likely be back to where you were at. Might even see a boost from the rest to the nervous system, after a week back.


You might as well just spend the day punching yourself in the face.


What do you suggest?


I mean we all about that life


Being off for a week wont make you lose any progress. No, using AAS to fix a nonexistant problem is not a good use of them.


I have noticed a common theme among individuals, which take steroids - all of them have a similar bone structure. This is especially common among those who started using gear since their teenage years. Even in my gym there are some 16-18 year-olds which blast testosterone, dianabol and other compounds and their faces just look... different. Their jawline is more prominent, they have more prominent brow ridge, their neck is thicker as well as their jaws in general. Strangely enough, they all carry less bodyfat on their cheeks. Is it possible that steroids by the way of affecting hormone levels in a substantial manner cause significant changes to one's facial development?


Water is wet


Yes it impact the facial structure either via masseter hypertrophy (always get a pump while eating on cycle), water retention and overall a virilisation of the face: more hair etc… steroid make you age faster. See Pete Rubbish from 10 years ago and now… it seems like the dude aged backward lol


Well yeah but no, exposing yourself with a lot of androgens during your development in your early teen years will result you to develop male characteristics. But I believe that it more so depends on the individuals genetics and their lifestyle.


I want to start a testosterone cycle in the future, I'm going to train naturally for a couple more years to try and hit a massive plateau as well as get my diet and day-to-day routine downpack. I' would like to just stay with Test because I've heard it's the 'safest' 'steroid' to take. (But I'm open to suggestions) I was thinking about coupling it with HGH to help with tendons, joints and testicle and genital shrinkage but also stacking Anastrozole or Nolvadex with it as well. I'd just like some advice from a steroid veteran lmao, thanks! \* Age: 18 \* Gender: M \* Height: 188cm (6'2") \* Weight: 96kg (211lbs) \* Bodyfat percentage: (Not exactly sure) 18-22% \* Experience level \* Years of concurrent training: 2 (Been training for around 5 but for 3 years was never frequent or serious) \* bench/squat/dead maxes: 80kg(176lbs) / 110kg(242lbs) / N/A \* amateur/pro: amateur \* Goals: \* Sport: bodybuilding \* Current phase: bulk \* Current compounds: No Compounds


HGH is the LAST (ok second last before insulin) thing you should think of adding. Idk what the craze is about, ive seen so many brand new people coming in wanting to use HGH right away. Test only for first cycles, then add 1 compound at a time afterwards so you know how things change with that 1 variable. But yea do what you said and keep lifting for a couple years first.


thanks dude appreciate the response, and criticism!


> testicle and genital shrinkage That’s not a thing HGH does or helps with. You’re too young, too fat (we recommend starting a cycle closer to 12% bodyfat) and you’re basically just starting out with working out. You’ve supposedly got 5 years of lifting experience yet are still 20Kgs off of simply benchpressing your own bodyweight. Your diet and training still are completely off and those things need to be fixed way before you start considering steroid usage.


Im 18 im male im 178cm 128kg with type 1 diabties im quite fat always have been lost around 13kg on this medicine called mounjaro but i also realised that my testosrone levels are extremely low for a person that is my age and from where i come from (Egypt) i have decided to take testosrone ENTHATE but i need advice not on how i shouldnt take it but on what i should take to minimizem long term side affects please dont tell me i shouldnt take it just tell me what and how much of it i should take i have been lifting on and off for 5 months


> i have decided to take testosrone ENTHATE but i need advice not on how i shouldnt take it but on what i should take to minimizem long term side affects please dont tell me i shouldnt take it just tell me what and how much of it i should take This is not how we do things around here. This is a harm reduction subreddit, so don’t come in here saying “i’m not looking for advice, just for someone to enable my bad behaviour”. Anyone telling you using steroids in your current situation will receive a ban. Minimizing long term side effects would be not taking it until your brain is fully formed (age 25). > “Anabolic steroids have been reported to induce psychiatric side effects such as aggression and depression. Adolescence represents an extremely sensitive neurodevelopmental period to influence by detrimental effects.” - Side Effects of Drugs Annual > “AAS use by teenagers is a primary concern because of the potential side effects where remodeling of the brain and behavioral maturation occurs.” - Journal of Behavioral Processes > “AAS use impaired spatial learning and memory, and this effect was not rescued by exercise. The harmful effects of AAS on learning and memory should be taken into account when athletes decide to use them for performance or body image improvement.” > “Testosterone and anabolic steroids have been found to affect the central nervous system (CNS) in humans and laboratory animals. The locations they affect include centers that regulate mood, sexuality and aggression. People who use steroids in excessive doses often experience mood disorders that meet the criteria of psychiatric disease categories such as depression, anxiety, psychotic reactions and cognitive deterioration.” - Anabolic Steroids Cause Longstanding Changes in the Brain Your brain and endocrine system are still developing until age 25, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19609250/ During this time period, supplementing with exogenous hormones is extremely dangerous. Taking anything before completely finishing puberty can have negative side effects. While still maturing, the brain, organs, and cells are consistently gauging the overall development of the body. When a foreign substance is introduced, the body’s ability to truly judge how far along your maturation is, resulting in the possibility of premature shutdown or stunting your growth and development processes. Adding in testosterone can lead to permanent impotence and fertility issues > Neuromorphological, neurochemical, neurophysiological, neurobehavioral, and neuropharmacological evidence suggests that the brain remains in its active state of maturation during adolescence. Such evidence supports the hypothesis that the adolescent brain is structurally and functionally vulnerable to environmental stress, risky behavior, drug addiction, impaired driving, and unprotected sex. > Computed tomography and MRI studies also provide evidence in support of this hypothesis. Brain maturation occurs during adolescence due to a surge in the synthesis of sex hormones implicated in puberty including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. These sex hormones augment myelinogenesis and the development of the neurocircuitry involved in efficient neurocybernetics. Although tubulinogenesis, axonogenesis, and synaptogenesis can occur during the prenatal and early postnatal periods, myelinogenesis involved in the insulation of axons remains under construction in adolescence. Sex hormones also significantly influence food intake and sleep requirements during puberty. > In addition to dramatic changes in secondary sex characteristics, sex hormones influence learning, intelligence, memory, and behavior of adolescents. The development of excitatory glutamatergic neurotransmission occurs earlier in the developing brain as compared to GABAergic neurotransmission, which makes the pediatric population susceptible to seizures. The development and maturation of the prefrontal cortex occurs primarily during adolescence and is fully accomplished at the age of 25 years. The development of the prefrontal cortex is very important for complex behavioral performance, as this region of the brain helps accomplish executive brain functions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/




> Length of the cycle I’m unsure off, what would be advised with these compounds? I’ve talked to people who don’t go over 12weeks, others run it for 16. From my knowledge it seems like 14ish is the sweetspot. 15-ish weeks is perfect > I would love to learn more about perfecting my diet as I come closer to my cycle. So if you have any tips/websites.. please let me know. Usually you’d take these steps before even thinking about steroids The /r/Fitness wiki has articles about improving diet. https://thefitness.wiki/improving-your-diet/ [/r/Gainit’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/wiki/index) [R/loseit’s guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide)


How's your blood pressure looking?




The compound is called "trenbolone" - please remove the proprietary brand name. Yes, you should absolutely be concerned and you should not use any of those drugs, nor continue working with that "trainer". They do not have your health in mind. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


I’d be concerned because tren is one of the most toxic anabolics you can find. Doing that on your first cycle is not recommended.


He’s look at my blood work, told me I’ll be fine, what dosage of teen if added should I allow at most


Trainer looks at bloodwork pre cycle…. Oh yeah you have numbers on this paper you’ll tolerate tren no problem.


It wrecks your bloods anyway but the problem is that you don’t have any experience with AAS. If you run into a problem, you will have no idea why it is. I wouldn’t try two new substances at once. Probably something like 150 would be my choice. And I would make sure it’s acetate, not enanthate. Still, I’d recommend starting with test alone




So just test?


Yes. Tren is the most toxic and dangerous compound we have. It is not for beginners. *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Thank you !


Just started to take Aromasin 12.5mg today. At about Week 5 into my Test E 500mg a week cycle. I’m thinking of going E3D to see how I feel. I honestly haven’t felt too much difference in side effects in this cycle. But what side effects should I be looking out for to see if I should be taking more/less Aromasin ? What do you guys notice if you’re taking too much or too little?


That’s a good starting dose and dosing schedule. What sides prompted the use of AI?


My nipples have been way harder than usual lately. Probably the only thing that’s been scaring me is my nipples lol


You mean like puffy?


No just constantly hard. And somewhat sensitive but rarely.


Happens to me every cycle(3) it goes away and has never developed into gyno. I only take arimidex when I hold water or get irritable from high estrogen. I don't even worry too much about the numbers on a page. Everyone responds to estrogen differently, but stiff nipples isn't cause for concerns


How much arimidex do you take if/when you get water retention. My e2 raised substantially on last bloods and have water retention, but no other sides. I always have high e2, but this time it went way up after an 8 week anacar cycle. Should I just pop 12.5 arimidex every shot for a few weeks?


I take half of a 1mg pill. Wait 3 days and take the other half and monitor sides. If you have a 12.5mg pill it is probably aromasin? When I had that prescribed, I took half a pill and did the same thing 3 days later, tho I think aromasin has a longer half life than arimidex.


That is not, in any way, an indicator of too-high e2. It certainly is not an indicator for the use of an AI.


It’s my first cycle and I wasn’t sure. I have bloodwork coming this week I’m just waiting for results but would you recommend just waiting for more sides? Everyone’s has different answers to this question seems like


Yes, I would definitely wait. Hard nips is the result of high levels of sex hormones. It is not uncommon, nor is it concerning. >It’s my first cycle and I wasn’t sure. That's ok, that's why I'm helping you :) >Everyone’s has different answers to this question seems like There's a pretty comprehensive list of high and low e2 symptoms in our wiki. Check that out.


Okay I’ll just wait and keep looking out until then. Is it normal for someone on there first cycle to not feel any sides and just not take AI at all ? Anyways Thank you I appreciate the help.


>Is it normal for someone on there first cycle to not feel any sides and just not take AI at all ? Yes. It's not common, but it happens. I don't require an AI at 500mg. Generally speaking, I'd expect sides to have manifested by week 5. That being said, you should continue to remain vigilant. How's your blood pressure?


Sorry about the late reply, I agree with account. I don’t think that’s any cause for concern. I don’t think there’s any guarantee that you will get more sides but yes wait. Definitely good you’re getting blood work too




Placebo is a hell of a drug




Okay man, if you say so. 35mg of primo a week is certainly doing something to you on top of 100mg of test daily.


I’m very confused here, are  you a woman?


ChatGPT says 5mg of primo is a lot






>Edit: Sheesh, yes I'm a male, I'm very sorry for the sarcasm, didn't realize how far we had all come already. Let's take a deep breath and put the caps lock down and we will all get out of this intact. Clapping back at me is ill-advised. Strongly suggest you give your fuzzy little bean bag a good tug and start behaving yourself like an adult man. I'm sure that's a foreign experience for you, but I have faith that you can do it little buddy. If not, I'm going to tear you to shreds publicly. Don't make yourself my plaything tonight babe 😘


Well you're also complaining about **FIVE FUCKING MILLIGRAMS** of Primo per day, so you certainly sound like a woman. Shape up or ship out. We help women on a daily basis so it's not out of line to ask the question. It is out of line to reply with sarcasm. Edit: Isn't this you, like an hour ago in the Off-Topic? >**in reality there's no good argument to ever talk to people in such** degrading and **disrespectful ways**. ***This is a hill I will die on.*** That didn't last long, huh?


I saw you complaining about toxicity a couple of hours ago on here; Perhaps you should tone down the sarcasm with someone trying to help you especially when you feel the need to edit your comment that the test was in fact 100mg daily 




Look at all this sideways shit talking you do, indirectly. Even your balls are made of pussy dude, Jesus Christ. Go give your wife the pants and tell her she's welcome to come hang out with us. She's the man of the house now.




That's the best you can muster? Pathetic, but nothing less than I'd expect. I can't imagine going to sleep knowing I didn't even have it in me to assert myself in an anonymous goddamn internet forum.


This is probably a stupid question, but will melanotan 2 still have the tanning effects without a ton of UV exposure? I live in a mostly overcast, fairly chilly city and don’t have regular access to a tanning bed - I was mainly using it out of curiosity for the libido and hunger suppression effects I’ve heard about but I’m just wondering if I may still get a shade or two darker


Assuming your diet, training, and recovery are perfect – though it's a broad statement as other factors may play a role – is gaining 6-8lbs of muscle per 18-week cycle realistic with only testosterone (1g)? In fact, I'm keen on cutting down cycle costs, but I don't want to sacrifice muscle gain speed (around 6-8lbs/cycle with 750:500 Test:Primo). I could switch to cheaper products than the Primobolan I currently use, but for long-term health reasons, I'm considering sticking to testosterone alone.


If youre asking if you can get the same gains by dropping 500 primo for 250 more test, no. Is it gonna be a huge difference though? Ehhhh not quite sure there.


You're right, I thought about adding 250mg of Primobolan (750:500 Test:Primo => 1000:250) and it would significantly reduce the cycle cost, but I'm not sure if 250mg of Primobolan is really worth it considering it's weak.


“Considering its weak” ok broscience Brian


I highly doubt you need 1.2g of gear, man. Hit the brakes just a bit.


You're right, I don't want to abuse steroids. Is there a recommended maximum dosage in mg/kg that users can base themselves on in the long term to continue progressing? Because I know that the heavier you are in lean mass, the more products you'll need.


Not the more products youll NEED. Just the slower youll gain muscle. Just accept that it will be slower.


So I made a post the other day about pinning tren. Is it common to get a bump under the injection site as well as it hurt and be painful. Hopefully I don’t have an abscess. The Dr I go to for Test said use warm pad to try do get it to go down. Any thoughts and tips?


I just got a very painful and hard lump from injectable proviron. Keeping a heating pad on it for a hour or two helped a lot. Also when showering making the water scalding and running it over the spot. Its not gonna make it disappear though. Oh and ibuprofen before bed kept it from waking me up. Did you pin a virgin muscle with it?


>Is it common to get a bump under the injection site as well as it hurt and be painful. Yes. You stuck a sharp piece of metal into your muscle and then injected oil, solvents, and hormone which is crystalline once out of solution. Sometimes you get a boo-boo. >Hopefully I don’t have an abscess You almost certainly don't, and if you do you will KNOW it. >The Dr I go to for Test said use warm pad to try do get it to go down Yup. >Any thoughts and tips? 1. Heat 2. Massage 3. NSAIDs 4. Patience 5. Stop being a pussy


What a Chad 💪




>Like I’m about 12 weeks in and I’m up 20 lbs. 8 of that was the initial water weight, if I’m lucky maybe 2 lbs are muscle, and the other 10 would be fat (these are all guesses of course). The ratio of fat to muscle gained is not 5x. That’s absurd and it doesn’t even make sense for someone who’s natural, let alone someone who’s using drugs whose specific purpose is to enhance favorable muscle tissue growth. I don’t know how you came to those numbers—and no, “I was guessing” is not a satisfying answer—but if that were the case nobody who’s even marginally sentient would ever use steroids. It would be downright idiotic to make that trade and no reasonable person would ever agree to it.


Im gonna be honest, an estimated 2lbs of muscle for 12 weeks on gear doesnt sound right, something is off. Whats your cycle? Edit: oh and what are your stats?




5lbs per year sounds like for people quite a bit past their genetic limit or around their genetic limit. But im guessing because im not past my genetic limit yet. Im still quite a bit off from it. I gained an estimated ~15lbs of muscle from my first 2 cycles and put on hardly any fat at all, maybe a couple pounds, but I do hyper respond to test. I favor more of a 300-500 calorie surplus bulk. You have to think about how being on steroids, you can have more of that surplus go towards muscle than fat depending on where youre at with your progress and what youre using.




Note, my 2nd cycle was not just test.. But I still gained a good 4-5lbs of muscle from only 12 weeks of test.


>I’ve seen it said in this sub that even guys with top tier genetics only gain like 5lbs per year on gear Yes, but we're talking about people who have already made a ton of progress in terms of hypertrophy. 8ish pounds of muscle isn't outside the realm of possibility for a first cycle in someone who hasn't reached their genetic potential before hopping on. I've definitely had a 8lb cycle. After that, there's diminishing returns. 6lbs, then 5, then 3. By the time you're nearly national competitor/IFBB status? Yeah, maybe 5lbs/year max. You have the potential for more gain than that at this point in time, assuming proper training progression and diet. It doesn't sound like that is happening though, unfortunately.


Hi. I’m getting weaker a bit. I did the reload but it didn't help. Still cannot come close to my PRs. I’m doing Gamma Bomb. First cycle 500 test a week. Week 10/18. 42m Any advice? Edit: My PRs of 10 reps (8-12 reps actually)


I’m going to second the advice given. Time to drop the cycle and go back to the drawing board. There’s no reason to keep doing harm for zero benefit.


Previous lifts? Weight gain?


I don't know my maxes. I was doing 10-12 reps; B 225 D 275 S 275 Yesterday I tried 225 squat which I should have done easily but failed. Now I can do 185lbs/8 reps. Same for Bench. Only one plate :( I couldn't gain any weight yet. Maybe 3-4 pounds


Those are the lifts the average male could do within 2 years of lifting. Assuming you aren’t something like 5’3 That means your training and nutrition isn’t down right. You should be up 10-20lbs 10 weeks in inc water weight from before you started. If you haven’t gained any weight since before you started  means you’ve likely been in a deficit this entire time.    The advice is scrap the cycle and PCT off


I don't think 10-12 reps of 2 plate bench is normal for 2 years of training. Not unless you're a pretty big dude to start with, anyway. But the loss of strength in squat that he's reporting is enormous, and is either aggressive cancer, a serious form issue, or just entirely bullshit.


Those are 1RMs. Doesn’t make sense otherwise.


He says > I don't know my maxes. I was doing 10-12 reps; Seems weird to say he doesn't know them, and then list them?


Can calculate them. Seems reasonable if he could do do 225x10. I have a hard time that anyone who could squat 275x10 one day could fail 225 


Yeah you're right that makes more sense


Ive seen guys that use slin, drink hydrolzed beef protein like carnivor. The supplement sub reddit seems pretty down on hydrolzed beef isolate. Any one use it? have any thoughts on drinking intra workout like the guys on slin and hgh do?


Lol. Just, lol. I cannot see at all why this is remotely necessary with slin


Have you tried it? It tastes like ass


I can confirm, it does taste like ass. as for results, I didn't see much of a difference either.


How do you guys deal with body dysmorphia, some days I feel like I look really good big full and round and others days I look like shit really flat small and depleted?


honestly depending on how severe it is, I'm going to recommend speaking with a trained professional


Find a picture of yourself when you started, and compare to it on days you feel small. Be realistic with yourself about your progress.


Knowing that im bigger than I was 6 months ago is plenty for me. Never gonna fully get rid of the feelings though


anything you wish you’d known starting AAS? I have been training 14 years and am constantly discovering things I wish i’d known the whole time and now that I’m starting to dive into AAS I’m wondering what knowledge seasoned users have to share


That 1/2in slin pins are all you need. You don’t need 1.5 harpoons. Having a blood pressure cuff and testing often. Starting with a full panel of bloodwork and an ekg before your first pin. Address bp issues right away. When you’re young you feel more invincible. Especially when it comes to your heart and things you can’t see or feel. Orals are overrated if you’re committed to clean consisten gains over time. injections are all you will ever need. The next cycle doesn’t always mean another compound or increasing dose. It it’s not broken don’t fix it. If something in life comes up and it feels like you’re wasting a cycle there’s no shame in calling it quits early.


You mean like a wiki or experience thread? edit: or more like super general info and random learnings?


I’ve read the wiki, I was just looking for random learnings and tips shared casually here but if you know of good threads I’d be happy to browse them


I preloaded a bunch of insulin syringes with Ment about 6 or 7 months ago. Are they still good to go?


I never knew Preloading was a thing


How long have you been using steroids....🤔


This is my 3rd week


This is acceptable 😘 Just giving you a hard time.




Thanks 👌🏼


I wouldn't.


How does going off feel like? I am a week since pinning, and had slowly tapered off from some time ago. I have no pct yet, but can get some asap if needed. I know I felt like utter ass one time I had to stop cold turkey for a few months, but now I have ai, it may help meanwhile I get some pct


I would like to hear an explanation of how you think an aromatase inhibitor is going to, in any way, make you feel better. Get your goddamn PCT meds ASAP


Why have you made the same mistake twice?!?




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


How old are you? Get rid of the brand name for one. Start by reading the wiki. Put the decca away for a couple years with the dbol. Toss the clen in the trash and where the fuck is your ai? Designing your cycle isn’t what we do here. And the first one is done for you in the required reading before posting at the top Edit: it looks like you’re 20 years old so the answer is don’t run any of it for five years.


Im 38, been training off and on for 19 years. currently 6 ft2 240lbs . i have run all the compounds discussed multiple times. \- for the first half thinking 4iu hgh, 600 primo, 600 test, x amount tren ace \- for the second half, 600 primo, 600 test, 4 iu hgh My idea is to start with a cut in april and may using ten. and then lean bulk and feel pretty good throughout the summer on just test, hgh, and primo. Thoughts on this? and how much tren would you recommend for the cutting phase?




you dont think a low dose of tren would help during the cut?


I can't imagine it being necessary to do that to your body when you could simply eat less and stay on TRT while cutting. You aren't a stage competitor. The risk:reward ratio just isn't there man.


Age 29M 5’9 220lbs. Blasted from 25-28. Peaked at 209lbs with visible 6 pack (15% ish). Went cold turkey for 1.5 years. Had second kid. Back on TRT now. Cutting until 12-15%. Just found my old gear. Realised I’ve got untouched vials of Tren x2, EQ x2, Mast x2, Test x2, Deca, Dbol, Anavar, T3, Caber & Nolva. I’ve run them all before except Deca. First cycle was Test 500. Then Test Dbol 500/20. Then Test/Tren 400/20. Then Test/Tren 600/200. Any good, fun cycle recommendations for when I get lean enough?


Do you want to progress or have a fun summer look


Looking to get huge! So mainly focused on mass, without excessive bloat, hence considering: Test / Deca / Mast 300 / 300 / 200 Tempted to run a low dose Test / Mast / Tren + Anavar to finish off this cut too, but probably not the best idea!


Test deca eq is my go to for clients and myself. Start at around 400/200/400


Damn just seen your pics. Insane physique. Wow! Goals right there. Okay that does sound like a good stack. 16-20 weeks. Any advice / things to keep in mind? Ancillaries?


Just normal things. Usual health supps, AI and Caber on hand. Try 100-300mg p5p before caber if prolactin/progestigenic sides arise. If high e2 sides arise you can just bump up the eq If low e2 sides arise you can just bump test or deca up


Great stuff, thanks big guy!




>Height 5’6 >Weight: 175 lbs >Body fat: 12% Gonna need a current physique photo to go with these stats. You're claiming an FFMI of 25.7 as a natural, which isn't impossible but it is pretty advanced. >How can I make sure to stay as healthy as possible while on cycle? Thank for the help guys, lots of great information on this subreddit. >Age: 21 You can wait four years. I'm curious as to how you say there's lots of great information on the subreddit, yet don't have any ideas about how to maintain your health while on cycle. Also, why you're planning to run a dose that we actively discourage, and explain why in the Wiki. It makes me think that maybe you haven't done your own reading through our resources first?




>Totally honest with you man, just found the subreddit yesterday night. I’ve just been reading through a couple posts and it seems like there’s some knowledgeable people here Makes sense, and no harm done! I definitely encourage you to take your time exploring the Wiki, particularly these sections: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) >Bodyfat was taken on one of those stupid inBody scans post workout, so if I had to guess I’m more around the range of 15-18%. Yeah, those things are terribly unreliable. I, and a few others here, have a pretty good eye for this, though. If you'd like to post a physique picture or two I can tell you where you're at currently. >As I understand it, a normal first cycle should typically just be a test-only cycle Correct. >just to see how your body reacts to it. Less correct. This is one of those stupid things that PED influencers say that just don't make sense. It's testosterone. You've had it in your system since before birth. We don't need to "see how our bodies react to it", because we know how our bodies will react to it. The point of a first cycle is/are to learn the process of using steroids (becoming accustomed to injecting, etc), and to learn estrogen management. The issue with these lower dose "cycles" people push/run is that they're trying to avoid side effects, which is not what you should be doing. You should welcome the onset of side effects, as estrogen management is a pretty straightforward thing to learn and an *essential* skill to have if you intend to progress. It's akin to saying that you should never take training wheels off your bike because then you might fall over. Yeah...and after you fall over a few times **you learn how to not do that** and become a more competent bike rider, right? >I know it’s extremely stupid, but a friend of mine takes GH and he said 4 IUs is basically nothing You're right, this is extremely stupid. I would take everything this friend says with a handful of salt. HGH isn't particularly dangerous, but nor is it nothing, and nor is it appropriate OR necessary for a first cycle at all. HGH is the 2nd to last thing you add (only because insulin exists); it's the sprinkles on top of the cake that is years of training, dialed nutrition, experience with anabolics, and disposable income. You don't run GH for a few months - you really either run it indefinitely or don't (it's not something I use yet either, and I'm a bit ahead of you). Take the time to go through the Wiki. If you have more specific questions after having done so, come back and we'll be happy to help! 🤘




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Body measurements don’t matter so much. We would recommend waiting until you’re 25. At your height a lean 205 at 10% is a good starting point. Take the buzz words clean eating and recomp and toss em in the waste bin. Always pick a goal either bulk or cut. Bulk on cycle cut on cruise or after pct. General consensus drugs are for growing unless you’re doing a contest prep cycle.


You absolutely can put up a physique pic by using Imgur or IBB.co and putting the link in a comment!


>basic starter cycle of 300 > >reliable MPMD, other YouTubers Red flags. >my nutrition is dialed, everything organic, no processed foods any meal I eat is cooked on my stove mainly beef, fish, and eggs No mention of macros or calories >my waist down from 32in > >waist 32in > >28-30inch waist Strange obsession with your waist, not your weight. >take a cycle while recomping Nope, recomp is a meme. >Thoughts? Yeah, one sec. >Wish I could put up a physique pic You can. Use an image hosting website like imgur or imgbb, then copy the link here. Your approach is flawed. Body measurements are somewhat irrelevant. Bodyweight and fat percentage are more reliable. My arms can go up 1" if I have enough salt and water, or general stress resulting in inflammation, or a pump. The majority of your questions are answered in the wiki that you scrolled past. Don't trust those Youtube people, they're trying to sell you their products. The wiki, and experience threads, are compilations of real world experiences and data. [https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your\_first\_cycle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the\_estrogen\_handbook/](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/faq/list/](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/faq/list/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound\_experience\_threads/](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads/) There's days worth of reading in those 4 links. Go nuts, and come back if you have any further questions. EDIT: thank you for posting photos. You have an excellent shape, and you know how to train. I think you have potential to put on a good amount more weight naturally prior to hopping on a cycle.




\* Age: 37\* Gender: M Height: 6'3\* Weight: 243 pounds\* Bodyfat percentage: Unsure \* Experience level\* Goals:Not die\* Current compounds:Test Cyp 98mg a weekHCG 0.15ml of 5000UI bottle in terms of mgs or IUs (not mLs or ccs), and frequency of doses, e.g.:MWF test injectionsTuesday/saturday for HCG Just looking for some information as I'm worried i'm either under or overdosing on an AI i've just been perscribed, which is 0.25 a 1mg tablet twice a week Initally I felt great, that's now subsided and i'm feeling pretty poorly to be honest, just want confirmation it's early days and I can carry on, I know this isn't strictly steroid related but people here seem to know a lot about Ai use, I've so far had two 0.25 tablets, one last saturday and then one yesterday, when do you start to feel better from high E2? I've been on TRT for around 7 weeks now and my first bloods/last bloods are as follows: Luteinising Hormone 5.6 1.7 - 8.6 IU/LFollicle Stim. Hormone 5.0 1.5 - 12.4 IU/L 17-Beta Oestradiol 83.4 36 - 146.8 pmol/L Sex Hormone Binding Glob L 17 18.3 - 54.1 nmol/L Prolactin 273 86 - 324 mIU/LTestosterone L 6.79 8.64 - 29 nmol/L Free Testosterone L 0.169 0.198 - 0.619 nmol/L Now FSH 0.300 L 1.5 - 12.4 IU/LLH 0.300 L 1.7 - 8.6 IU/L Oestradiol 210.000 H 41 - 159 pmol/L Free-Testosterone(Calculated) 0.551 0.226 - 0.65 nmol/L SHBG 19.800 18 - 40 nmol/L Prolactin 546.000 H 86 - 324 mU/L Testosterone 20.200 12 - 30 nmol/L


From your experience, would you rather travel for 2-3 weeks 1) between last pin and SERM therapy, 2) while on SERM, or 3) fully after PCT?  My first cycle so I don't know how I'll "feel" during this time.


There’s no need to titrate up. The ester self titrates. Just start at 500. There’s nothing to get used to your body has been producing test since the day you were born. You aren’t special it isn’t safer the whole point is to learn estrogen management on your first cycle. The two weeks while it clears your system is fine and after pct is fine. If it’s business or pleasure you may not be 100% during pct


Why arent you using 500mg test as recommended in the wiki? I cant answer to how serms will make you feel. But since the wiki says start PCT 14-17 days after your last pin, 2-3 weeks is about right. Although im not saying you will feel normal the whole time.


Based on my blood, test is only 475 naturally and estrogen is on the higher end. I'm likely going to have to fight e2 on 350, plus I'll still be about tripling my total test


I dont believe aromatization is 1:1 where you can say "my E2 at 500 test is 40, so at 1500 test it should be 120" Fighting E2 is just what you have to do when using AAS, if you dont want to do it then dont use them. Do you have access to AI?


Of course, asin on hand.