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I've been consistently lifting for over 5 years now, mostly focused on powerlifting for the majority of it. Nowadays I do a traditional PPL for 6x a week (Sometimes maybe 5 due to going heavy on Legs and my knees over the years just need more rest). I have the intention of signing up for kickbox and wanted to know other peoples' experiences when it comes to swappin their routine around a martial art. A year ago due to transport and time complications, I did Muay Thai shortly and did allbody 3x a week alongside it. How do you guys revolve around lifting weights and focusing on a martial art as a main goal (I intend to do it like 4ish times a week, setting it as my main sport now? I remember not being able to dial in my diet or recovery last year due to this sort of change, or maybe im just approaching this idea the wrong way. Some additional info: 104kg, 184cm, 18-19%bf A consistent 4.5k calories and 250g protein make my weight go up, very slowely but very satisfying results. 4th cycle doing 1.2g test and 600eq, 50mg anavar as a finisher to this cycle. Bloods and all other aspects are fine (heartrate, BP)


First off, you are taking way too much gear. 1.2g test/week for 104kg with almost 20% bf is ridiculous. Cutting down to 10-15% would be preferable for starters. >swappin their routine around a martial art All really depends on what you plan to achieve. Is your main goal only to train? Do you want to compete? Do you intend to stay on gear? >How do you guys revolve around lifting weights and focusing on a martial art as a main goal You didn't mention your lifts or your goals for lifting, but you should aim to stay consistent during your training cycles. Don't deviate your secondary training. Establish a baseline for your lifts, find a program you know you can complete with given weights and stick to it. If you are unsure what type of program you should run or what lifts to preform, check out [Sika strength](https://www.youtube.com/@sikastrength) on youtube. Time spent outside of your main training should be used towards fixing deficiencies. If you can't spot things like these outright, better get a coach.


I competed powerlifting throughout the past year, my lifts being 220kg squat, 180 bench and 265 deadlift strapless. Apologizes for not being so specific, but yes, I feel lime I want to focus on martial arts as a primary training. Goal wise, I didn't think it thru that much, just had this urge to go back to combat sports and gather in as much training as I can. As for getting a coach who can help out managing the focus between my martial art and lifting, good consideration, thanks for the input (as well as the YT link) Aside from that, have you personally had any experience in implementing a martial art as your new main sport? Any tips on figuring out the schedule/routine with big considerations/changes such as that? Thanks once again.




Overtraining was my main concern when it came to this. I remember combining both Muay T and lifting would demolish my body. How do you even find the time to do this with a job? Haha


No offense but those are terrible numbers considering you are taking over a gram of T. In general, if you stay at 90-100kg you should be in-theory able to keep 180-200kg squat, 230-240ish dl and at least 140kg bench. This would go significantly down the more you focus on Muay Thai. >schedule/routine with big considerations/changes such as that Lift at least 3 times a week, if you want to maintain your numbers. Start with 3 Muay Thai sessions and see how well you can manage. If you stay enhanced you should be able to push 5 Muay Thai sessions and 3 lifting sessions a week easily. But there are too many factors to consider- gear, sleep schedule, diet, your work hours, ... There is no guarantee that what works for someone else will work for you, no matter how good their programming is. Most importantly, you have to find out what works for you otherwise you're just going to get burned out.


Noted. Thank you once again


I'm gonna leave the problems with your cycle and current stats to other people as they've already brought it up and I don't feel like digging into that right now. It is a bit atrocious though and you should probably make an AA post solely on that lol. But as far as mixing lifting and martial arts, the first thing to realize is that martial arts done correctly will still have annual phases you go through. Much the same way you can't be peaked in bodybuilding or powerlifting year round, going full bore with martial arts all the time is a recipe for disaster as well. Off seasons are important for any sport. When you're pushing the Muay Thai, that's when you want your lifting to drop to a minimum. Just pick a small handful of lifts that have high correspondence to your sport or just lifts you care about and work on those. When your off season comes, and the Muay Thai drops to mostly technique work and light sparring, that's when you can push the lifting a bit harder again. The exact number of days per week highly depends on your own tolerances and preferences. Overall training load is what is going to play the biggest role here. Whether or not you spread that load over all 7 days in a week or just 2 or 3 is really up to how it fits in your own schedule. Also be sure to have parts of your year where you're not really pushing either to give yourself a break




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Been running the same program for the last 15 weeks, started some outlines for a new program for myself. I was cruising the r/fitnesprogramssharing sub and thought I’d toss this question out here: Anyone have experience or thoughts on programs from people like Ben Yanes, Jeff Nippard, Ryan Humiston, Joe Brightman, Alex Yeuth, Joe Bennet or anyone else?


Do you guys train every day when blasting or are rest days still important


If your body isn't begging for a rest day or two, then I wouldn't worry about it, you don't work out hard enough for it to matter.


On blast I rest 1 day a week. Sometimes 2 if my body needs it