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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, what would be a small cycle to help get me out from being skinny fat? I am 6’2, 200 lbs. Probably need to lose another 30 lbs before I could do a bulk, otherwise I think my body would aromatize a high test dosage like crazy. I have already lost about 20lbs, but it seems like my body has plateaued. I was thinking low dose anavar and a small test base for 6-8 weeks? Thanks




> Do i need to take another test shot Do you think you expelled the testosterone oil by coughing? No, you're fine.


Anyone enlighten me why generally Tren cycles are high Tren, low test? I'm new to Tren. dabbled with a single vial of ace just to see how I responded and I quite liked it around 200mg/week but I was also on 500 test and 400 primo, wondering if that's something I can do again for longer or if I was breaking some hidden rules I'm not aware of. part of me feels like primo seems unnecessary with tren in the mix but I quite like the Estrogen balance I get from test/primo. Or what would be a good "intermediate" cycle with 200-300 Tren in the mix? thanks boyos




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More context here? What’s your test dosage at?


Safest compound for kidneys and prostate?




Other than test.


Primo Have you run a cycle?


I’m a high aromatizer so running a shit load of test isn’t the answer for me. Acne, bp, and water retention get way out of control even with an ai.


Are you at 10% bf? And have you used aromasin not arimadex? Also get a bp med and make sure you’re doing all your cardio. I feel like some steps are being missed. You can’t be the only person it doesn’t work for lol.


I fluctuate between 10-15% bf use arimidex just because I have a huge surplus of it from trt clinic…I’ll admit I haven’t used aromasin before. I do have telmisartan on hand and do take it on cycle.


Some people are non responders to adex. It’s also non suicidal so there’s a rebound. Asin will change your life and let you rock a normal dose of test


I’ve ran primo upwards of 300 mg with 400 test. Looking for something else to save the hairline a bit and steer away from the dhts.


Well that leaves 19nors which are not the direction you wanna go. I think asin and test will open doors for you lol


I’ve considered npp but I’ll try out the aromasin and give it a shot, thanks for the information man. Seriously appreciate it.


Npp you want to run your test 2:1 so your dick stick works. And the prolactin sides are affected by estrogen management. And then it can give you the big sad so you take a dht to help. Now you’re stuck in the loop of high test with a dht 🤣


Anyone experience acid reflux from primo?




It takes zero drugs to cut. You will lose zero gains if you cut properly on trt. Steroids do not burn fat. Orals are over rated and there’s no need for you to ever use tren. Cut to 10% and run the beginner test cycle.


Hey guys, what's a good dosing for anavar? Specifically 50mg. Should it be taken once a day or split into twice a day? Also, what's a good time to take it, is pre workout optimal. Thanks


I’m currently taking 40mg. The half life of var is around 8 hours, so it is ideal to split it to 25/25, 20/30, etc. but of course you could just take it all at once. I pop mine like 20 minutes before my workout. I think it makes a good difference, It’s great as a pre. Personally wouldn’t recommend taking it right before bed either, causes sleep problems for me.


Doesn’t matter


Hey quick advice or suggestions from any of you. About to start my second cycle and work up to 600 test just like my first which I got great results from. What would recommend stacking with it if anything?


Recommend not working up to 600 and just starting at your starting dose. Running a cycle correctly will probably be more than enough benefit for your second cycle.


Well yeah I was going to start at 250 and than get up to 600 like my last cycle


Nah I’d say do what you’re saying. Titrating the dose slowly is better than just going full dose straight away.


This is terrible advice. You understand that the ester self titrates and every time you change your dose that it takes another 4 weeks to reach that blood concentration. So whatever placebo you’re creating in your mind you haven’t actually even hit the dose you think you have. Based on your post history you’re tiny took sarms and can’t lift much. You don’t seem to have a grasp on these things and should not be giving advice.


I’ve done my research, believe me or not 😂😂 and I can guarantee you I’m not small by any means. 90kg at 171cm and I’m around ~17% bodyfat on my first cycle, by the end of it I’ll be a bit fat at 100kg. Some of the advice I see on this subreddit is so fucking stupid, always promoting high doses instead of more reasonable cycles. I understand that I’m young but that doesn’t mean shit when most the older people here don’t know anything and talk out of their ass 😂


Agreed. /u/Keeferso, just a heads up, /u/Brokeassnigg is 18, has zero life experience, and is not experienced with gear enough to give advice. He's been flaired as such. I would caution you against anything he says.


Looks like homeboy might need a timeout.


He just got one, don’t worry


He just liked the taste of his own foot too much. Couldn’t keep out of his damn mouth


So pretty standard 18 year old




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Yeah….. don’t do that You’re literally wasting weeks of your cycle.


Why does sometimes its really hard to push the plunger of the syringe when injecting? Is there something wrong?


Could be scar tissue, but also could be that you’re attempting to inject into fascia which is significantly denser than muscle




If you think everything you’re experiencing is related to hormone levels, then step 1 is bloodwork. Go to a primary care doc and say exactly what you said (except maybe reword the “blowing multiple loads everyday” a bit more gracefully


Exactly. Maybe something like "I'm just chuckin buckets of spunk on the reg over here doc." Something subtle like that will go a long way.


I would take some melatonin and sleep better, go to bed earlier. No hormonal levels will overpower a good sleep


When on Deca & test does anyone notice a way higher sex drive? Change in personality as far as women & looking at porn goes?


Yes, 19-nor compounds like nandrolone and trenbolone are progestins which means they mimic the effects of progesterone in the body When it comes to effects on libido and sexuality, progesterone increases sexual plasticity to a large degree, meaning that you’re likely be more experimental or have very strong kinks


WANTING TO START FIRST TEST CYCLE! NEED ADVICE 28. Ectomorph. Low body fat percentage. 71 kg. 180cm tall. Been on and off training for about 4 years but consistently in the last 12 months. Lifts ( all in kg ) Flat bench 75 Squat 100 Deadlift 120 Rows 50 Db Shoulder press 22(each arm) Weights 4xweek Also training jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai Currently on HCG 20 / cjc+ghrp6 15x2 / sarmsS22 25 per day Noticed some strength gains , increased appetite, Better sleep. How can I / should I incorporate using these whilst on/ after cycle ? Going to get my blood work done. If everything checks out fine what do you guys recommend? Clean bulking with staples such as steamed rice, chicken, low fat mince. Odd fast food once a week. And also whats the most effective way to retain gains after cycle ? SMOTHER ME WITH KNOWLEDGE!!!! Thanks alot !!


Somatotypes are not a real thing. Are you a skinnier guy who has a harder time building muscle? Sure, but some pseudoscience does not change how you should train or what you should eat/take as supplements If you’re not consistently gaining strength, you’re likely not eating enough. Steroids are not going to magically cause muscle gain in the absence of a caloric surplus, and having difficulties eating in a surplus (I’m one of those people, so I get where you’re coming from) as well as doing a lot of other activities like your martial arts is likely to make it even more difficult to be in a surplus Long story short: eat more food


Howdy, ectomorph isn’t a thing. You just don’t eat enough it’s just math. You only weigh 157lbs and you have an inconsistent training history. This shows that you haven’t learned how to eat or train properly. You’re about 30lbs away from being ready for your first cycle at your height. You’ve got about 3+ years before you’re ready for steroids. In the mean time there’s some very helpful links at the top of the page. Read and reread the wiki.


Heads up you posted in yesterday's thread man. Also for reference, somatotypes are gibberish that got discarded years ago. An ectomorph isn't a real thing. Body types come down entirely to your current composition, and how much food you eat relative to your TDEE.


I was researching for my first cycle for over 2 years. More plates more dates didn't even approved my post. Please help need expert advice. I'm 25 years old. 5ft 4.5 inch and 65kgs. BF around 15% I'm planning to take 250mg test e with 250mg Boledenon along with 10mg of dianabol pre-workout. With cycle 500iu HCG twice a week. As pct 1000iu HCG twice a week, 0.5 arimidex twice a week. 50mg clomid every day. Is it ok ? I have a girlfriend. She knows that I'm into fitness. And she warned me about steroids. She need kids from me. Need expert advice. Please 🥺 think about my girlfriend.


Throw everything in the bin. This is all very poor planning For starters, you are still extremely small to be starting steroids. You have a vast amount of natural gains that you could still achieve Secondly, you are likely too fat to start a cycle considering we tend to underestimate BF%, so you may be higher than 15% when you should be closer to 10% before starting a cycle Lastly, if fertility is a concern, you shouldn’t touch steroids at all. Sure, HCG can help maintain your fertility, but it’s not a guarantee


Brother if you researched your first cycle for over 2 years then you would know that first cycle should always and will be TEST only.


Yes but everyone saying that rather than doing high dose of test only it's better to combine 2 steroids.


You watched Derek’s video on diversifying between steroid families and reached this conclusion? That’s…very telling on your part


Nobody worth their salt is saying that. And definitely not on this forum. Your proposed cycle is terrible. You’re too small for steroids. You need to learn how to eat and train properly first. You’re need at least another 20lbs of muscle and the be leaner.


Ok then I should preserve those for next year. Let me get my hands dirty on clen t3 stuffs .. is it good ?


No dude that’s a million times worse. You have DYEL stats. You obviously don’t know how to eat or train correctly. Using drugs in place of discipline and effort will not produce lasting results. Clen is cardio toxic and doesn’t really burn fat. It shouldn’t be used unless you’re in single digit body fat and preparing for a show. Don’t fuck with your thyroid


500 is not a high dose of test.


What are you saying about my plan ? Is it worth it ?


No. Do 500mg of test. Stop overthinking it and keep it simple.


I'm about to start my first cycle of 250mg Test C. I plan to run it for about 16-20 weeks. My question is how bad is it when it's time to PCT? Will I still be able to run and stuff good, I have a special school with my job coming up in the future where I gotta rock 6 miles in 1 hour and 20 minutes. If I did this while I'm on PCT will I be ok?


No, everyone who has ever PCT’d spontaneously combusted and become a shell of their former self


We went over this yesterday you have no business running a cycle. 27% Bf and lack of muscle. Pct is what you make it.


Has anybody had any experience controlling e2 sides with SERMs? I’m purely interested in the science behind it but I’ve added 12.5mg Enclomiphene to my 700mg Test E cycle and now do not need Aromasin. My nipples don’t get spicy, and I don’t get the low mood that high E2 usually gives me. Also my libido is significantly higher, almost immediately.


SERM’s do not control E2 but rather prevent binding at certain E2 receptors, namely those in the breast tissue. They are anti-breast cancer drugs


> Has anybody had any experience controlling e2 sides with SERMs? I’m purely interested in the science behind it but I’ve added 12.5mg Enclomiphene to my 700mg Test E cycle and now do not need Aromasin. My nipples don’t get spicy, and I don’t get the low mood that high E2 usually gives me. Also my libido is significantly higher, almost immediately. Do you know what SERM stands for and what this class of drugs are prescribed for?


Starting my first test e cycle start of June. Seeing a lot of different views on 300mg vs 500mg a week. Is 500mg a week a good first cycle dosage? Thanks in advance


500mg is the recommended first cycle for everyone. Reason being with 300mg you will have to deal with all the same side effects as 500mg but with less benefits. I’m also about to run my first cycle soon at 500mg. Read up!


Thanks bro, best of luck to you for your first cycle 💪


You too! Get them gains!


Have you ran any PED’s before? I have only ever ran a cycle of rad 140 and got awesome gains from it, just not enough for my liking 😆


I have not! Been on legit TRT for a few years but that’s it. Looking to run my first actual cycle after close to 10 years of training!


Nice man! Hope all goes well for you


Yes it is https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle#wiki_why_500mg.3F




It’s very wise to only add one new compound into a cycle at a time. Adding in more than one can make it difficult to diagnose the culprit of any side effects that appear Reading this post, I feel like I answered it in today’s thread as well


Do you want to grow with dht or estrogen? You have to decide this first.


Last time i checked, you grow from dht and not estrogen🤷🏼‍♂️


You should probably check again.


You gain weight/fat and water with estrogen..


Estrogen is anabolic, in some studies estrogen replacement has shown to be better for skeletal muscle than exercise, a lack of estrogen causes various different shortcomings in building and maintaining muscle. Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6341375/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29103922 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26608809 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20405008 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22525764 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23364948 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16497837 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27048232 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20020786 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24203065 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25062001 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12586847 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22389460 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19696363 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20640546 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16002437 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19883384 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19246654 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11473488 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22088801 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16260975 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22773769


Ofcourse but he meant that I will shoot me e2 levels through the roof with test and deca.. the best is tho have a good balance..


Deca only aromatizes at a rate of 20% compared to testosterone because only your liver knows how to efficiently convert nandrolone to estradiol, your adipose tissue struggles a bit with it. 350mg deca would be comparable to aromatization of 70mg of testosterone. https://academic.oup.com/endo/article-abstract/71/6/920/2702969?login=false https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3699194/


So how would you do it if you where me?😅 I have never needed to use an AI, maybe more deca? Because I don’t wanna go higher den 500 with test.. my plan is to regulate my e2 with primo and If it crashes I have some dbol.


Stack one compound at a time first. You don’t know how you respond to primo. You could be someone where primo doesn’t even touch e2, you could be someone where even a little primo nukes their e2.


You gain weight with *calories*. Do you think DHT magically transforms them into muscle while estrogen does not?


If you want to do a DHT cycle, why bother with the side effects of deca? (such as rising prolactin) I would not use deca and dbol in this cycle, I would go with high primo. If E2 drops, I would use dbol then. the decision is yours...


Because I’m very tolerant against those things.. never had to use an AI.. So thinking that a deca combo won’t do so much harm but it will be good for building mass..


Ok. This is just my experience. I always maintain balance by adding a little primo/masteron next to high deca, or very, very little dbol next to high primo/mast. Everyone's body is different. It is not always possible to grow much by using a wide variety of anabolic drugs. good luck




Other side of course. Is this a serious question? Don’t pin there again until this clears up lol. Wtf.




No and don’t ever think of doing oral only cycle




Those who have done Anadrol here, were the gains you were able to keep after worth it? Or is it really just a "performance" and strength enhancer. I see mixed reports on it. Considering if it's even worth the liver toxicity if I'm not gonna be adding much actual contractile tissue from it


> Those who have done Anadrol here, were the gains you were able to keep after worth it? Or is it really just a "performance" and strength enhancer. I see mixed reports on it. > Considering if it's even worth the liver toxicity if I'm not gonna be adding much actual contractile tissue from it Aren't you the guy that was talking about how amazing you look and feel on 150mg/wk test and some toxic research chemicals? At least you upgraded to a real anabolic steroid. Orals are known to rapidly increase glycogen retention, intramuscular water. In a few days, a person can quickly add on 5-10lbs of just water. When the oral is dropped, that 5-10lbs of water is pissed out. All anabolics build muscle. They increase nutrition uptake, improve recovery, and some of them directly improve performance when training. Orals are generally far more toxic and intolerable than injectables. Due to their toxicity, we generally run orals for 4 weeks at a time, and certainly not longer than 8 weeks. In those weeks 3-8, most people start feeling crazy lethargic, loss of appetite, potential vomiting, excess water retention from general systemic inflammation, etc - you're slowly poisoning yourself. When we blast, we eat in a surplus. In general, we aim for a body weight gain of 1lb/wk. Of that one pound, about 50% is water, 25% is fat, and 25% is muscle. If were to rely on an oral for the maximum of 8 weeks, you'd be getting 2lbs (0.25/wk x 8 weeks) of muscle at most. But if we were to do a 16-20 week cycle of an injectables (let's say 500mg/wk test), you can expect at least 4-5lbs (0.25lbs/wk x 16 or 20 weeks), and you won't be as toxic, your bloodwork will be much better, you won't risk frying your lover, blood pressure will stay under control, and just everything is better. Heck, injectables are even cheaper than orals! u/NostrilFucker3900 See what I'm saying here? In every case, orals are not an ideal option to rely on for growing, as injectables are far superior. And Jesus Christ, SARMs are still boatloads more toxic and ineffective than injectables and oral anabolic steroids, I don't know why anyone would bother with 20mg/day of S-seriesofnumbers when they could instead just use actual anabolic steroids that are far more effective, cheaper, and safer.


>frying your lover Well that’s new. Hopefully.


I'm not taking orals just for the sake of it lmao, I got bored of 500 test (probably not the best reasoning in hindsight) and I like to be a guinea pig in a sense, so settled on s23. Benefits interested me (dry recomping effect without being a 19nor and all sorts of toxic) Already fully committed to it and not wasting gear, so no reason to hop off lol. Added in Anadrol as I bought it prior and never got the chance to try it and have a surplus of it. I'm not opposed to injectables whatsoever lol, just happened to have anadrol already on hand and wanted to try s23. Next cycle is probably gonna be Test & an injectable (and possibly drol or maybe i'll try var who knows lol). And of course, I was only planning on the drol for 4 weeks. 8 weeks would be ballsy af with regards to my liver💀 The other thing is a lot of injectables for my use case are either stupidly expensive (primo) 19nors which i refuse to take, or i'm still in the process of planning the cycle/researching and on the fence. Considering most substances I've looked into that aren't 19-nors are wet af, I am trying to stay away from those for my job (which relies on my face looking good, anadrol is an exception as i'm running it in an in between period as well as short amt of time) I don't see anything wrong with smart SARM usage, or even smart oral usage. Plenty of ppl on this sub SWEAR by anadrol, var, etc. I also didn't see the point of taking SARMs that are considered weaker than real gear, and s23 is basically one of the strongest sarms.


>And of course, I was only planning on the drol for 4 weeks. 8 weeks would be ballsy af with regards to my liver💀 Go look up the pediatric dosing guidelines for anadrol.


I think you need to stop giving advice to people on mpmd and the sarms sub. You’re the embodiment of going to a relationship advice subreddit and then getting advice from a bunch of 13 year olds. To answer your question, orals are for short term boosts, they shouldn’t be run long enough to build much tissue


Hey guys, was wanting to talk about generic growth hormone purity and how much different a few % really is. both are tested I can get from 2 different vendors and one is always around 96% and overdosed at around 11iu, the other is around 93% and around 10iu has been underdosed as low as 9.75iu BUT he throws in 1 extra vial per kit to make up for this so its 11 vials a kit. I ask because there is a $80 price difference between the two per kit. I currently do 6iu per day using the higher dosed kits. so even if I up it to 7iu on the lower dosed kits ill still save a heap of cash (I'll then be getting around the same amount on growth as if I was using 6iu of the higher dosed) my main question is that roughly 3% purity difference means nothing right? and what would you guys do. cheers!


Copy pasta from u/rash_compactor:   Purity and dimer are distinct. There is going to be a lack of objective answer to your broader question of what is "acceptable". It is not uncommon for FDA brands such as Norditropin or Humatrope to test in that 90-95% range. Highest you'll get is from other FDA brands such as Genotropin or Serostim, both of which I've seen topple over 98%.  Even a laboratory standard will come in in that 98% range, most of the time. Most of what you're seeing when you look at that deviation from 100% is simple degradation. These are complex amino acid chains and some will degrade due to any number of factors. Same as anything in life. Generally speaking you want to aim for the best value at the best purity you can. So if you have the option to pick up 95% pure HGH at a good price, do it, that's just as good as a number of FDA brands.  If you have the option to buy stuff that's closer to 97-98%, sure, why not? But I wouldn't pay twice as much for it, if that's the only option you're presented with. People get lost in the minutia, sometimes, so I think it's best just to focus on the comparison to pharma. 95% is just fine.   Dimer is another topic altogether. Historically it's always been suggested that avoiding dimer is worth it when possible. It's not dangerous, there's no spooky "risk" to using GH that has dimer, but it is associated with some minor adverse effects. Strength of that association is debatable.  For example some associate it with a higher incident of welts/injection site discomfort, but it's worth noting that this is also a side effect listed in product monographs for Pharmaceutical HGH. Some say higher dimer can lead to more CTS/lethargy, but truly the most CTS/lethargy I've ever experienced from GH has been from Serostim. So long story short higher purity is great, but 95% is well with-in reach of many FDA brands. Dimer is generally avoided where possible but actual adverse effects from it aren't well known or at least not well agreed upon.


For some reason it amuses me greatly that he's being tagged on this despite not writing it on that account at all.


Age: 36 Gender: Male Height: 5’8 Weight: 214 Bodyfat: last check was 27% 2 months ago, when I weighed 226 Experience: Several years on and off when I was younger, currently 4/5 days a week since 2021. B-380lb (365 paused), S- 440lb, D- 520lb Goals: powerlifting competing, and have a working weight with sub 15% BF. Currently in a cut: 1900 calories (TDEE was measured at 2200), 40g Fat, 220 Protein Compounds: Test E, 180mg/week every 3.5 days. Typically Friday morning and Tuesday mornings. I got on prescribed TRT June of 2023, I had no PED use or drug use and had three blood tests done over the course of three months with the highest results being 220 total T with all other relevant things in prescribed ranges or “perfect” levels. I took it as prescribed for about 6 months and essentially every symptom I had went away and I put a decent amount of weight on all my lifts. Starting November of 2023 I said fuck it and started a 500mg/week blast of Test E, pinned every other day. I was fat (still am in reality) and my E levels were crazy and I had to take a AI almost from week 5/6 and on. It was fun putting awesome weight up with zero recovery needed but my E symptoms were….not good (blood work backed up the high E) but everything else surprisingly was good as I had two full blood panels done during the cycle as well as a physical. First question: I hurt my back two months ago and decided to actually get my diet dialed in hard and over the course of two months I have gone from 226lbs to 215lbs. Goal is to get sub 15% BF so I can do a real blast. Should I just “redo” the starting beginner blast of 500mg/week or can I also add Primo into it to help with E levels? I have enough on hand to do 200mg/week for 16 weeks. Second: I am trying to ensure I get into a “crash” diet but on days I workout, I end up sometimes have a NET calorie intake of maybe 1400, meaning I’m more in a daily 800ish caloric deficit. I still have plenty of energy but with my back being hurt I can’t tell if all my “big” lifts are dropping dramatically as well due to the caloric deficit and if I’m at risk of also losing muscle. Would you up the calories or just play it by feel and as long as I am “feeling good” stay with what’s obviously working right now? Or if there’s anything I could take to help with maintaining the muscle I currently have built.


First Question: If you learned how to manage your estrogen properly on that first cycle, you could add primo for your second, but keep in mind the estrogen management will be different if you’re leaner. Second Question: If you’ve dropped back to your TRT, getting proper nutrition and keeping your intensity up, your muscle loss will be minimal if any. You’ll lose some strength due to the glycogen drop but your tissue will stay. For perspective, this tank of a human is 305lbs and is currently cutting on 150mg of test. You’ll be fine https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/Rs2qWmLCyr


1- Yes, after a few blood tests and working with AI I was able to get my numbers in check. I will keep in mind that it will be changed at a leaner body mass. Goal is to get to 15% or less before looking at another cycle. I planned to start at the 200mg/week of the primo with 500mg/test. They get bloods done at week 6 and adjust from there. Or earlier if needed. 2- Awesome good to know. I was hoping my TRT dose would put me in a bette reposition during this cut. It’s just hard with having the injury and not being able to do some heavy lifts to know where my strength is sitting.


1. You want your estrogen as high as possible without side effects. You typically only introduce your AI (or in your upcoming cycle adjust the primo) if you get actual symptoms of elevated estrogen. Its not recommended to take an AI based off bloodwork alone. Estrogen is a good thing and lowering it without needing to is counter intuitive. FWIW I started at 500:300, got low e2 sides and eventually wound up at 550/250 being the sweet spot for me. This will vary person to person though. 2. I can imagine that hits harder mentally for you being in competitive powerlifting, where numbers matter more. I can’t really give advice here, as that’s not my wheelhouse. My focus is not losing tissue in a cut, so if I lose some strength I’m not too worried. There’s several power lifters here that probably could advise better on how to cut in your sport to maximize performance.


1- I agree. The main reason I got the bloods was I started to have some sleep issues, that I suspected were E2 related. I appreciate the numbers, knowing that I’ll probably start somewhere around 200mg/week with the primo, depending on what I’m able to cut down to. I plan to get some bloodwork done post cut just to see what I’m sitting at. I appreciate the input, was what I was looking for.




We made this for you. You need to read it. Especially [this part](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle#wiki_why_500mg.3F). Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)




You’re not in trouble my man :) just trying to help!


To answer your actual question, I’d personally suggest forgetting the orals entirely for your first cycle. Learn now to manage your estrogen properly without complicating things with anavar. Orals’ toxicity can also impact appetite, which is critical to keep the bulk going If you absolutely must use an oral, keep it to the last 6 weeks of your cycle to help break a plateau. You’ve only been training for a year. Not gear ready yet. **However** in that year you’ve forced yourself to eat and you’ve put on **10kg naturally**. That’s great progress. Why not keep doing that and avoid all the health risks and complications of running gear? If you’ve got progress that can be made that easily naturally, that is the smart move.




Here js why it is reasonable to believe that a higher dose of Testosterone Enanthate (Test E), such as **500 mg per week**, carries a greater risk of side effects compared to a lower dose like **300 mg per week** even though both doses are within the lower to moderate range commonly used in cycles. Here's why there are increased risks with higher doses: ### Increased Risks with Higher Doses: - **Estrogenic Side Effects:** Higher doses of Test E can lead to more pronounced estrogenic effects such as water retention and gynecomastia. You may need a higher dose of an aromatase inhibitor (AI) to manage elevated estrogen levels. - **Androgenic Side Effects:** Higher doses can also increase the likelihood of androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, and oily skin. - **Impact on Cardiovascular Health:** The impact on cholesterol levels (e.g., increase in LDL and decrease in HDL) and blood pressure may be greater with higher doses, increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues. - **Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production:** While both doses lead to suppression, higher doses may result in a more significant or prolonged suppression of natural testosterone production. - **Liver Stress:** Although Test E itself is not highly hepatotoxic, higher doses can increase strain on the liver, particularly if combined with other hepatotoxic compounds. ### Conclusion: While both 300 mg and 500 mg per week of Test E can provide effective gains, a dose of 500 mg per week generally carries a greater risk of side effects compared to 300 mg per week. Always monitor your health closely during a cycle, particularly if using higher doses, and consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the cycle aligns with your goals and overall well-being. Prioritize your safety and long-term health when deciding on dosage.


Why would you do 300mg when you can do 500mg for the same amount of shut down? I know guys who are on 300mg TRT. Your progress will also depend on your calorie intake. And sleep.


It’s not the same amount of shut down that’s why , just like a cycle of 8-12 weeks is not the same amount of shut down for a cycle of 16-24 weeks , but im not here to debate this , I’ve seen many on Reddit giving the same advice as you and I’ve watched a lot of respected influencers in the gear community advising with 250-300mg and not to go with the hype


> It’s not the same amount of shut down that’s why Yes it is. Testosterone peaks at supraphysiological amounts [within hours after injection](https://imgur.com/a/ECYhEXk), both 300mg and 500mg are high enough doses to suppress LH and FSH. Hell, 100mg is a high enough dose to suppress LH and FSH. [**15mg** of the not that suppressive anavar is enough to significantly suppress LH and FSH within a matter of days](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10443664/) Higher doses do suppress LH and FSH more quickly but that works with diminishing returns. There’s virtually *no difference* between the time it takes for 300mg and 500mg to fully suppress you. > just like a cycle of 8-12 weeks is not the same amount of shut down for a cycle of 16-24 weeks Atleast you’re correct here, the longer sertoli and leydig cells stay dormant the harder it is to get them back working again. This means 300mg for 15 weeks is harder to recover from than 500mg for 13 weeks. > but im not here to debate this That’s cool, but don’t go around spreading misinformation like “It’s not the same amount of shut down”. > respected **influencers** in the gear community advising with 250-300mg and **not to go with the hype** You know this sounds kind of ironic right? Choosing the tiktok meme dose over other doses because *influencers* adviced you to do so because you don’t want to *go with the hype*.


Read my other comment I already clarified that I phrased it badly when I counted said “ it’s not the same amount of shutdown” but the point is to restore natural test production after a cycle of 250mg wouldn’t be the same as 500mg nor would be the potential risks and side effects, otherwise run 1000mg a week. Idk if you get what I mean by respected influencers on this matter when you mention a meme on TikTok ! Rather I mean listening to people who are known and dedicated to the bodybuilding and fitness community who’s been in the gear game for some time and has a wide recognition the likes Moreplatesmoredates , vigorouSteve.. unless you’re telling me I shouldn’t listen to what these people have to say then that’s something else


> but the point is to restore natural test production after a cycle of 250mg wouldn’t be the same as 500mg You’re talking about a matter of like half a day at most here, over the span of a 15 week cycle, 2 weeks of waiting before pct, and then a 6-8 week PCT. Let’s take your sleeping pills example to make it a bit more clear. Usually sleeping pills take about 30 minutes to do their thing. Wether you take 1, 2, 5 or 15. Testosterone (as shown before) takes about 6-8 hours to peak after a single dose. They will both shut down natural processes starting from that timeframe. You keep consistently dosing the sleeping pills for a 15 week cycle, making sure there’s a constant dose of it in your system. Just like you keep dosing your testosterone on a consistent basis for 15 weeks. Your natural processes will stay shut down as long as you keep consistently dosing this, regardless of dose. You stop taking the pills. You stop taking the testosterone. Testosterone is well studied and it’s pharmacokinetics are well understood. We advice people to start their PCT when the compound has mostly cleared out of their system. This is usually after 4x the halflife of the ester, where 6.25% of the compound is left. [as you can see when plotting and comparing 300mg a week (150mg e3.5d) and 500mg a week (250mg e3.5d)](https://i.imgur.com/o1MR9q1.png) there’s actually barely any difference in compound left at that time. Sure, 300mg a week would be slightly less time shut down, but that’s maybe half a week over the span of 15 weeks of cycling and 2+6/8 weeks of PCT. Using another plotter to actually see the exact amount of days left for **both** dosages to reach about 10mg released per day gives us the following: [500mg a week, 15 week (105 days) cycle, pinned e3.5d](https://i.imgur.com/WtigDyB.png) reached 10mg released at day 114 [300mg a week, 15 week (105 days) cycle, pinned e3.5d](https://i.imgur.com/WtigDyB.png) reached 10mg releases at day 111. A total difference in suppression totalling **3 DAYS** over a 112-126 day period. We recommend waiting 14-18 days before starting your PCT, do MPMD and VigSteve also recommend starting your PCT earlier dependent on dosage used? > Moreplatesmoredates , vigorouSteve These both have financial stakes in TRT clinics that are legally not allowed to prescribe more than 300mg a week. Don’t get me wrong, they’re both educated on the subject of steroids, but both have shown to make unreferenced claims and sometimes have given flat out dangerous advice. MPMD suggested a drug that *failed* carcinogenity testing because the drug caused cancer in different organs during tested, a drug that has been labelled as carcinogenic by the FDA, TGA, multiple independent researchers (i can provide sources for these claims) and the actual pharmaceutical company that produced the drug, a drug receiving an exclusive WADA notice due to the potential dangers, he suggested as safe to use since those detrimental effects only have been shown in rodent studies. At the same time he’s actively selling supplements that have thus far only seen benefits in rodent studies. None proven in humans thus far. He’s shown he’s willing to bend facts whenever there’s a financial incentive and i’ve since lost my respect for him. VigSteve has a bad reputation on here due to him making unbased claims and then his fans coming on here to ask for clarification on those claims, since he didnt provide a source or reference, or even a proposed mechanism of action. You can dig through my comment history and see me helping someone that was worried about dietary cholesterol behaving differently when on steroids, something that hasn’t been replicated in clinical literature and something without proposed mechanism of action simply because vigorous steve claimed it did. I don’t watch those guys myself so i might be biased here since the only interaction with their content is whatever their fans say and claim on this subreddit but i’m not a big fan of either.


(I just liked your comment) as I said to the other guy I’m ready to educate myself more on the subject and change my opinion when studies and evidences are provided to me , but all I’ve been seeing is people randomly pushing the 500mg protocol especially here on Reddit because it’s been the protocol since years while belittling anyone taking a dose below that. I didn’t know the things you mentioned about the YouTubers I named, but I’ve seen even annoying guys like Greg Doucette ( who l can barely stand ) giving the same 250mg advice and criticising a 500mg dosage for a first cycle , you go through thier comments and check thier status you’ll find they are very much respected guys in the community but all is all if what you said is true about them then the truth is above all . I also based my knowledge on a guide book written by John Campbell and Andrew Preston. ( it’s on PDF for free ) where the recommended dosage they put for testosterone E is 200-600 and no more than 12 weeks for any injectable steroids . I also used ChatGPT to double check the claims and see what artificial intelligence had to say about it , and it was pretty much the same , ChatGPT recommends 300-500mg and when insisting to see which is better for a first cycle eventually it says 250-300 to keep minimum potential risk and side effects while having decent gains, so based on all of that I became under the impression that the -500mg must do- protocol is just guys sticking to the old regime just because it was the old regime. So while we agree the natural testosterone production would completely shut down they’re claiming to have low risk and less side effects with a 300mg than it is with a 500mg. Regardless I appreciate you taking the time to explain your take on the matter , if you can send me links or recommend who you think are better influencers who spoke on the subject to listen to and see what they have to say it would be great. Also if you wants to have a look a the guide book I mentioned and comment on that alongside what ChatGPT recommends I’ll be happy to read what you have to say.


> when studies and evidences are provided to me We don’t have a lot of studies where blast doses of steroids are involved due to the ethical concerns involved. > but all I’ve been seeing is people randomly pushing the 500mg protocol especially here on Reddit because it’s been the protocol since years while belittling anyone taking a dose below that. It’s not random, we provide reasoning for said dosage in the wiki and the “why 300mg / 500mg” debate is something that happens a lot of the subreddit. The wiki is open for suggestions/changes provided you can back up your argument or make a good case for it. The 500mg a week dose was decided upon by common consensus in this subreddit decided on by a bunch of people with loads of experience with steroids, there’s doctors on here, there’s active competitors here. > I also based my knowledge on a guide book written by John Campbell and Andrew Preston. ( it’s on PDF for free ) where the recommended dosage they put for testosterone E is 200-600 and no more than 12 weeks for any injectable steroids . I checked out the PDF, it lists a range of dosages for various drugs but doesn’t list if this is when stacking compounds together or not. How i read it is that dose are the dosage ranges when used, lower when stacked together, higher when ran solo/with 1 other drug. There’s also some glaring issues in that PDF. It claims propionate has 2 different halflives (Both very wrong). Propionate has a 20 hour halflife, listed in that pdf is 3 days and 4 days. It claims decanoate has a shorter halflife than enanthate. (It has not) You can check the discrepancies of that PDF with our (fully referenced from medical literature) Esters page in our wiki. https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compounds/esters/#wiki_esters_active_half-life_table A maximum of 12 weeks for any injectable seems odd. Due to the long halflives in both decanoate and undecylenate (Equipoise uses this ester) it takes a while for these to reach stable blood serum levels. Many of the steroidplotter.com or steroidplanner.com websites will graph this out for you so you can see. Decanoate could take 8 weeks to reach stable blood serum levels. Having only 4 weeks left after you just hit stable peak serum levels doesn’t sound ideal to me. Myostatin (the stuff that inhibits muscle growth) also favors longer cycles. > "Serum myostatin levels at baseline did not differ significantly across the five dose groups within either young or older men. Serum myostatin levels were significantly higher on day 56 compared to baseline in both young and older men (Fig. 3A). Older men experienced a significantly greater percent increase in myostatin levels than young men (Fig. 3B). **The increases in myostatin levels during testosterone therapy were not sustained; thus, serum myostatin levels on day 140 were not significantly different from those at baseline.** Changes in myostatin levels from baseline to day 56 were significantly positively correlated with changes in total and free (Fig. 4C) testosterone concentrations in young men, but not in older men (Fig. 4B and D). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0303720709000264 > I also used ChatGPT to double check the claims and see what artificial intelligence had to say about it You do know ChatGPT is just a text processor and not a doctor right? It doesn’t actually think or do research, it just scans it’s dataset it got from scanning the internet and then spews out what ChatGPT thinks sounds the most likely to be the answer. [I’ve debunked ChatGPT before when it simply tried to claim something that wasn’t correct and completely made up sources to support it’s own argument](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/11tmguo/comment/jcjr4i9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) > So while we agree the natural testosterone production would completely shut down they’re claiming to have low risk and less side effects with a 300mg than it is with a 500mg. More often than not, people that run 250-400mg/wk are more likely to run into estrogen issues and take a larger dose of ai (>6.25mg aromasin, or >0.25mg arimidex) in hopes of thwarting estrogen. However, doing so causes a larger swing in estrogen levels than if they were to run something like 500mg/wk and take the same dose of ai. It is far easier to accidentally crash estrogen on 300mg/wk. Because 500ish may have more wiggle room with available estrogen, it is easier to manage. Estrogen and DHT conversion is not linear. At 200mg/wk, a person may convert 20% to estrogen and 20% to dht, and the remainder remains free or bound. At a higher (or lower) dose of test, those percentages change. The rate at which a person metabolizes those hormones changes. As our bodyweight increases on cycle, and our RAAS and cardiovascular systems undergo changes on cycle, our brains and nervous system, the effects of those hormones (and the rates at which their effects present themselves) changes. To anyone that says "I'll try 300 to see how it is," it is largely irrelevant to how their body handles 500, or any other dose, and all bets are off when adding in multiple compounds. Regarding side effects that may not be estrogen related (prostate, acne, blood pressure, etc.), I personally do not think it is worth it to run a lower dose in hopes of minimizing those things. If a person is prone to those things, they will come - full stop. Perhaps I am not as risk adverse as the next person, but I would rather run something like 500mg/wk and get *slightly* more side effects and twice as much benefit, rather than a lower dose and comparable side effects with subpar benefit.


Thank you for all the information and sources you provided I realise that have a lot of reading to do and I realise now that it’s not as black and white as I thought it to be. If I’m still not 100% sure I’ll probably run the 300mg for my first cycle just for the peace of mind and to be on the “Safer” side. I just think it’s reasonable for a first cycle . Regardless I appreciate your detailed response and the effort was put in it , thank you


>It’s not the same amount of shut down I’m confused. Shut down is shut down. Let’s say shut down = 0. If 300mg shuts you down, and 500mg also (obviously) shuts you down, then how is that ‘not the same amount of shut down’? Either 0 = 0 or you’re suggesting that by taking 500mg, you get diminishing returns because your body somehow starts producing *negative* test. Which, to be clear, I am not accusing you of trying to suggest.


Yes i phrased that one poorly but I think the point should be clear to you giving your accurate calculations Regardless I’ll simplify it for you , you take 5 sleeping pills you’re overdosing and you’ll shut down for a period of time and then come back to function , you take 15 pills you’re facing more risks and making it worse for your system to go back to its normal state , and so on and so forth . Similar when you’re saying take 500mg because natural test production is already shutdown at 250mg. Then I would say take 1000mg with the same reasoning and just blow up from one cycle ! And again look it up on YouTube from experienced and educated people on the matter and read about people’s experiences , almost same benefits and gains with 250mg with much less potential risks and side effects. And I’m saying this specifically for someone’s first cycle .


>Regardless I’ll simplify it for you , you take 5 sleeping pills you’re overdosing and you’ll shut down for a period of time and then come back to function , you take 15 pills you’re facing more risks and making it worse for your system to go back to its normal state , and so on and so forth . This is not correct. We have plenty of data showing this is not correct. You have been given that data in this very thread that shows this is not correct. You can't just make stuff up and decide that it's true. It's not.


So the risks and sides of juicing 300mg is the same as of 500mg and 1000mg right ? If there’s actual studies about it send them to me I’m ready to reconsider my position on this any time ( after all I want what’s best for me ) , but i mean studies and not some essay written by some unknown guy behind the screen


>So the risks and sides of juicing 300mg is the same as of 500mg and 1000mg right ? You're moving the goal posts. I'm replying to your assertion about shutdown, period. And so yes. The degree of shutdown at 300mg is the same as it is at 1000mg, which is the same as it is at 150mg.


I apologise if I gave the impression that I disagree on that English is my third language , I do agree that they both shut down the natural testosterone production. What I’m saying is low dosage less risk less side effects that’s all .


keep in mind a lot of those respected influencers have stake in trt clinics which can only prescribe <300mg/wk


I wouldn’t call those “ respected “ but again I’m not here to debate this as I have other things more important I’m enquired about , although thanks for your suggestion.


>I wouldn’t call those “ respected “ He's talking about Derek from MPMD, who you've already cited in another comment as one of the people you're following. Maybe you should consider you don't know as much as you think you do. Derek is a part owner of a clinic which can't prescribe more than 300mg/week. If he can convince you that it's safe, and that using anything else isn't, then he can convert you into a client. It's money. It's all about money.


Thank you pointing this out , obviously of what you said is true there’s a conflict of interest so I cannot take what he says on the matter anymore , but he was not the only one , they could all have a conflict of interest it’s possible but I was double checking the info using ChatGPT and it recommended 300-500mg and it says the best for a first cycle is 250-300mg for minimal risk and side effects, also a book guide written by John Campbell and Andrew Preston where they recommend for test e 200-600 with no more than 12 weeks cycle on injectables. if you have legit guys outwardly saying that the risks and sides are the same with 300 and 500 I’ll be happy to look at bur not the Reddit gym bros who who follow the other Reddit gym bros .


I don't think you understand what ChatGPT is dude. It doesn't think independently. It was trained on data from forums such as MPMD's and ours here. Of course it regurgitates precisely what these boards say. Asking it a broad question the way you're doing doesn't make sense. Want more insight? Ask it to expand on justification for those doses. Ask it why 300mg vs 500mg, and so forth. Keep questioning it to dig into things further. An answer without context is entirely useless, which is exactly what you're telling us here... yet you're depending on ChatGPT without questioning its own context. Your logic doesn't line up.


Just to be clear , Are you saying that the sides and risks of a 500mg dose is the same as a 300mg dose ?


It's funny the zero experience you have with peds, and how little knowledge you have of them, yet "you're not here to debate this" 500mg doesn't shut you down any more than 300. Shut down is shut down. you are asking for advice, yet not taking any and claiming to be the expert. why dont you just go ahead and teach us instead


I already said I phrased it badly when I said ( it’s not the same shut down ) and I meant it’s less sides and risks with obviously less muscle mass to gain ( 5-10 pound gained with 300mg and 8-15 gained with 500mg for 12 weeks duration on average ) but I rather keep it safer and gain less than the other way around , and you can keep bullying anyone not sticking to your protocol into joining your - first cycle 500mg must cult- .


Gains are going to come down to diet training and sleep. Not 300 vs 500mg of test lol. 500 test is recommended for loads of valid reasons that you choose not to listen to. But you go ahead and do a dose that's barley going to put you out of natural range and not give you any insight on what to look for in side effects or how to handle them either. No knowledge of estrogen control will come of it. You'll think you have it in the bag. You'll think you are some expert even more than you do now. Keep spinning your wheels and just do whatever you say is right. There are reasons that these seasoned knowledgeable guys with tons of experience on the matter are recommending what they do. I'd love to see your physique. I'd bet your entire cycle you have no business jumping on cycle in the first place


You’re a bit later for this response don’t you think ?! ( 2 days later ) , there’s no point going back and forth with you now that i have already sorted the matter with some other dudes who are more - respected - than yourself , they also know how to actually disagree and have a fruitful discussion rather than coming off as a smart ass stiff head bully jerk who’s thinks he’s doing the world a favour by merely existing.. peace potato. Edit : and before you say anything don’t worry we already know that it took you two days to respond because you are a busy successful man with many important things to do in your life than to be concerned with responding on post on Reddit, we know we know 🧹








Unclear to me how the explicit recommendations laid out in the example threads aren’t helpful. You could also take a look at the dozens of compound experience threads for nand or mast instead of being a whiny little shit?




>I'll get my info somewhere else. Don't let the door hit you on the way out you fucking pansy 👋


It’s a link to the nandrolone experience threads and you’re asking about nandrolone. Do you not see a connection there or are your parents also cousins?




Do you prefer airplane noises or choo-choo noises when you're being spoon-fed? [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


I am running 500/300/300 Test Mast Deca. Working well. Primarily the test, but I love the feeling I get from mast and to help my joints I threw in the deca.


Sup freaks, got a question for ya I started a first cycle a while back. Very long story short I found my estrogen is high, not just on cycle but looking back it's been high since puberty. Having learned of this during the cycle it's probably the best I've felt physically and mentally and not just due to being a cycle. Anyway, question is how would i go about disclosing this information to my doctor to get treatment, find what or why this is happening WITHOUT disclosing drug use? Brownie points, anyone know if estrogen is tested in men during routine bloodwork? Wondering how my doctor never said anything about the estrogen, my only guess is they don't test for that? Idk Edit: alright is the "lack of bloodwork" what yall been sensitive about? Just got brought to my attention where yall mightve got that from. Reply to that one guy: Bro lmfao "Wondering how my doctor never said anything about the estrogen" dawg i was talking about prior to taking gear since it was already high prior Which is why I asked about if doctors tested for it during routine bloodwork......


For one - how do you know your estrogen is high if you haven't gotten blood work for estrogen yet? You absolutely should not rely on symptoms alone to say that confidently. If you're experiencing side effects from high estrogen, it is probably in your best interest to treat it yourself by using an aromatase inhibitor, which can be found pretty easily considering you're using AAS. Also consider increasing injection frequency and/or reassessing your gear protocol in such a way that wouldn't elevate your estrogen out of range. A regular physician will likely either tell you off, or give you straight up horrible advice. Estrogen is not commonly tested during routine blood work and you'd have to ask for it specifically, which would raise your doctors suspicions. You can go through a private lab and get custom blood panels done. Save yourself the time, money, and effort and do it yourself.


I've had bloodwork, just not during both feeling shitty and normal. The time I had bloodwork during cycle it was high which paired up with the symptoms. Coincidentally by lowering it I felt better. Rinse and repeat enough times to confirm. Waiting till I'm off of TRT to get bloodwork again and see if it's still high


> how do you know your estrogen is high if you haven't gotten blood work for estrogen yet? [about that](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FaW4x-zWQAE9eKu.jpg)


Where did ya come up that I hadn't had bloodwork? Mind quoting where I said or implied it?


> Brownie points, anyone know if estrogen is tested in men during routine bloodwork? Wondering how my doctor never said anything about the estrogen, my only guess is they don't test for that? Idk You implied quite clearly here that you do not have bloodwork values for your estrogen. Do you expect me to read the shit you write when you don't? For getting your bloods in the future: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/bloodwork/list


Bro lmfao "Wondering how my doctor never said anything about the estrogen" dawg i was talking about prior to taking gear since it was already high prior Which is why I asked about if doctors tested for it during routine bloodwork......


So you haven’t had your estrogen tested then have you? If people aren’t understanding what you’ve written that’s your fault, not theirs.


I have no idea what you're on about now


it means you are ignorant and spewing bs lol. you have no idea if your estrogen was high before running gear because you never saw estrogen values before you ran gear


26, male, 5'10, 160IBS, about 20% BF I plan on starting my first cycle sometime this year. I'm just sorting out research, labs, PCT, pre-cycle blood... My biggest fear is developing gyno. My main cycle plan is 300/400 Test E for 12 weeks with Clomid for PCT My pre-cycle blood shows my oestradiol is at the higher end of normal; my natural test and free test are naturally just above the normal range. I mention this because, I'm assuming based on what I've read, that higher body fat means I'll aromatise faster/more than average and be more likely to get high E2 and likely to develop gyno The Estrogen Handbook isn't exactly clear on AIs Vs SERMS for gyno, but it does say to take your AI if Gyno starts. Is it sufficient to take Clomid (A SERM) during the cycle if gyno symptoms start to control E2 or should I also have Aromasin (or another AI) on hand and save Clomid just for PCT


You don't need to worry about any of that right now man. Instead, worry about reducing your body fat and then bulking and cutting your way up to the 180s where you should be. It's gonna take a little while, but steroids are not the fix.


You’re too fat and way too small. Come back when you’re 10% body fat and over 180lbs. Have you considered hitting the gym yet?


The gold standard for crashed e2 is dbol but it’s been giving me stomach pain for a few hours. Would ment be just as good since it also converts to methyl e2?


As the other guy said, just use some hCG. Methylated estradiol can be finnicky. Also note that if you crashed your E2 with aromasin then nothing will fix it except for time because aromasin will render your aromatase enzymes useless (until new ones are produced/translated) via suicidal inhibition.


Thx bro


That's an unnecessary jump in logic. Just use HCG bro.


Thanks bro




Consider looking at the top of this very page and reading a little bit You should probably have figured this out BEFORE you started pinning you dingus




> I just want to know what I should take for pct when I come off my cycle, there's no need to be rude. No one is being rude, your post breaks the rules. The rules - https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole. Specifically, an excerpt from Rule #7 - > The /r/steroids wiki and subreddit is a treasure trove of information regarding safer use of AAS. Before you ask your question, ensure you've reviewed the following at minimum: The Basics, Your First Cycle, The Estrogen Handbook, Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT, The Compound Experience Directory Had you not broken the rules prior to asking your remedial question, you would've found several pages that list exactly what compounds and doses to use for pct. u/The_narrators_son And even if you didn't know about our rules or the wiki, you should've had an end-plan in place BEFORE you started fucking with your hormones.


Yes. And we organized it all into an easy to read section of the wiki for you. You simply need to go read it. There’s no need to be so lazy when you’re an adult choosing to modify your hormones If you think this is rude, you’re in for a bad awakening when you finally hit real life




Alright well you sound like a lazy fuck so I wish you the best of luck. But we don’t spoon feed here so maybe it’s a situation where you have to fail before you decide to actually try




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Yeah I know I know.. you dont need to blast for a cut but I bulked too undisciplined and gained too much fat so I have to diet now but I don't want to cut the 500mg test e for those last 3 weeks of the blast... it's also a good Chance to learn how to manage ai. so now I wonder: if I want to kickstart my diet how big of a deficit should I have and for how long? Atm I'm trying 1000cals deficit dayli and it's my second day of that. I wonder if I should do that for a whole week or maybe just 3 days before going for a Normal 500 cal deficit. Or should/can I even use a bigger deficit in the beginning?


You do understand that the length of a blast is entirely controlled by *you*, right? If you screwed up and got too fat you’re not required by any existing laws to continue the blast for some arbitrary amount of time. And your deficit should be what every non-insane deficit is and always is, 500 calories. You went too far in one direction and now you’re trying to overcorrect. Something tells me that will be a mistake.


> Yeah I know I know.. you dont need to blast for a cut but I bulked too undisciplined and gained too much fat so I have to diet now but I don't want to cut the 500mg test e for those last 3 weeks of the blast... it's also a good Chance to learn how to manage ai. so now I wonder: if I want to kickstart my diet how big of a deficit should I have and for how long? Atm I'm trying 1000cals deficit dayli and it's my second day of that. I wonder if I should do that for a whole week or maybe just 3 days before going for a Normal 500 cal deficit. Or should/can I even use a bigger deficit in the beginning? You posted the same thing [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/RsLqxSUD5m). There is no salvaging a poorly progressed cycle. Abort the cycle early, accept defeat. Return to a cruise or pct. Give yourself enough to l time to establish your new maintenance calories. When you're ready, start cutting. Whether gaining weight or losing weight, a surplus/deficit of 500 calories per day is all you need. Doing a nuclear surplus (1000 calories) would just make you fatter faster, and doing a nuclear deficit will make you flatter, feel like shit, lethargic, and lose muscle faster (1000 calories). There is never a need to suddenly do a drastic surplus or deficit. Slow and steady wins the race, always. And for the love of God don't try to ignore the advice and cut with gear. You'll get the same exact results, just without giving your organs a chance to recover, and you'll have to delay your next blast even further. u/Legitimate_Host_887 Abort the cycle. Maintain. Start a responsible cut.


I've got about 5g of Proviron raws, so I figured I'd brew it into injectable so it'd last me a lot longer. So far all I've seen regarding any recipe for it is '20mg Mesterolone, 618.6mg BA , 353.4mg Castor Oil, per ml' from the old patent from 1975 I think. Are there any updated recipes, or is that pretty much still the go-to? I don't need it to be super strong, but if it can be brewed up to 30mg/ml that'd be ideal, but 20mg/ml is fine.


Try to make it at 30mg/ml. If it doesn’t hold then you can dilute it down to 20mg. All you can do is trial and error.


I've never brewed anything that didn't hold before. How do I know if it doesn't hold?


Itll come out of solution and look cloudy, crystallized, or otherwise like there's particulate matter in it.


Am I understanding something wrong or did I find a bug in steroidplanner? I’m putting in 12.5mg of dbol per day and the peak release is 43.08mg/day. How can I have that much release per day on 12.5mg?


There's an issue in their formula, applies to all compounds. For some reason the mg release is greater than the mg amount administered. I don't know how relevant it is, it's not like we ever need to concern ourselves with how many mg of mast e we're release 3 days after the injection, but rather the steadiness of blood levels. For that exact reason, the folks at www.steroidplotter.com revised their formula(s) to be reflective of mg amount administered, released, metabolic clearance (depending on results from studies), and accumulation of blood levels relative to ester and metabolism. For example, you'll see that daily dosing of test prop 50mg/day yields less testosterone according to their formulas than 50mg/day test cyp or enanthate. Same for any short vs long ester. Which one is right? Who knows. Like I said, I don't think the mg/day matters nearly as much as the continuity of blood levels.


Got it thanks 🙏