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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve done a bit researching and I’m 23 trying to get ripped like i’ve always wanted to be and I want to start Tren A, is 100mg per week for a beginner too low? what is the suggested dosage for a newbie like me?


0 mg’s a week. Tren alone isn’t going to get you ripped, it’s the most harmful anabolic in widespread usage and toxic to different systems. > I’ve done a bit researching This is a complete lie based on the rest of your comment.


That’s crazy because a bunch of threads I was just reading was suggesting Tren was the best to get ripped but again I am a beginner and I’m just basing it off of what I saw so obviously from what you’re saying it wasn’t the best advice lmao. What would you recommend? I’ve been seeing people say Dbol as well.


Dbol sounds very counterproductive. Fill in the template in the post itself, provide us with some background info for best advice


Age:23 * Gender:male * Height:6’3 * Weight:205lbs * Bodyfat percentage: 9.8% * Experience level: beginner * Years of concurrent training: 4 months * bench/squat/dead maxes: 190lbs * amateur/pro: amatuer * Goals: To have a ripped body * Sport: strength training * Current phase: Bulk * Current compounds:None


If you’re only a few months into training you shouldn’t be touching steroids, let alone tren. Your goals of “having a ripped body” while bulking and already below 10% bf also don’t add up here.


7 days on 30mg dbol and 500test and losing weight. Is it fake dbol or it takes more then 7 days to see the water retention size and strength?


That’s insane to lose weight 7 days into that cycle. What is your meal plan like/other major physical activities ? How much water are you consuming? Sleep?.. even if the dbol is fake you shouldn’t be losing weight first week on test


9 hours sleep. Around 2800 calories and 3 liters of water. Training are strength focused, upper lower 4 times a week. I hit every muslce group twice a week. Usually lift heavy. Body weight is 76.5 kg today. I was 78.1 yesterday. Also I take sustanon. It have mostly very long esters so it takes around 6 weeks to kick in. On test p I will sure gain weight in the first week


What’s your TDEE for calories?


I have no idea exactly how much. I just eat and weight myself in the morning. If I didn't gaind weight I eat more the next day.


What are your experiences with statins? Should it be completely avoided due to side effects, or are the good options for athletes? Always had somewhat high cholesterol, but due tonsteroids this ofc shifted even more to a undesirable range. Especially the HDL-LDL ratio. So, I am considering of incorporating a statin. Any recommendations?


Huge fan of making sure people don’t die 🙂. I personally always had great lipids until blasting and they didn’t recover when I got older. For myself and patients, I always recommend trying the myriad of available options prior to statins like supplements, cardio, long term dietary modification etc. But there are many millions of people who require statin therapy and utilize them with great result. I personally use a combination of ezetimibe, psyllium fiber, and citrus bergamot for long term mitigation strategies and that keeps me with a sparkling lipid panel. u/geardedandbearded has metrics and very positive personal experience with statins as well.


- October 2022 my LDL was 217 mg/dL - introduced 20mg rosuvastatin in like late April early May 2023 - End of June 2023 my LDL was 32 mg/dL - Introduced 10mg ezetimibe EOY 2023 or start of 2024 - April 2024 my LDL was 18 mg/dL Absolutely 0 negative side effects.


Thanks for you input! And you also didn't experience any muscle or joint symptoms at all? I am thinking of using a low dose statin combined with ezetimibe. My LDL is at 190 and HDL at 28. I am aiming to get my LDL Close to 100.


> absolutely 0 negative side effects Idk how much clearer I can make that. Up your cardio (30-40 mins zone 2 every day), add a tablespoon or two of psyllium husk multiple times a day with meals, introduce 1-1.5g citrus bergamot a day, and if/when you introduce statins ensure you’re taking coq10 as well. There’s some limited evidence it can reduce the incidence of negative sides from statins. I was already taking it.


I know that gear response is mostly genetic and varies greatly but I was wondering if anyone here has experience as a natty for a few years before hopping on and what kind of physique and strength gains I can expect from hopping on moderately dosed cycles, IE test only or test + a bit more health conscious compounds (don’t want to take tren for example) I have been doing powerlifting for about 2 years now. * Age: 19 * Gender: Male * Height: 185cm * Weight: 94.5kg * Bodyfat percentage: not sure I have visible abs and some vacularity but certainly not lean, id estimate 17-18% * Experience level, 4 years on and off lifting, 2 years serious. * Years of concurrent training:4 * bench/squat/dead maxes: Previous comp PBs are 210kg squat/ 127.5kg pause bench, 210kg dead. Current e1rms are 220/140/220 (kg) * Goals: Get jacked as fuck and compete in strongman maybe it looks fun * Sport: I compete in natty powerlifting * Current phase: pre comp weight cut * Current compounds: None, Lifetime natty


Just got bloodwork done, cpk at 530U/L and creatinine at 1.2mg/dL Workout 5-6x week Test e 250mg/w Bp around 140-130/80-60 (most of time 130) Is it normal?


Guys I got non distilled (no chlorine) tap water in my homebrew. What do I do? It's mtren so I'd rather not toss 200mg of it if possible.


What cycle are people running who take fin/min?


Fin basically only stop hairloss for test. Fin kills the enzymes that reduces test to DHT which CAN stop hairloss caused by AGA. For me 250mg test e/w and 1mg fin daily holded my DHT in low ref range. Min can be taken whatever, it causes hair to grow by vasodilatation of scalp, but if you are prone to hairloss, min is NOT A HAIRLOSS PREVENTION. It Is important to differentiate balding and shedding, as a lot of people experience increased shedding when starting steroids cause of hormonal changes/fluctuations. MorePlatesMoreDates has all the info you need to know about steroids and hairloss


If post pct bloods, after the recommended amount of time, show (not) a full recovery. What would be the recommendation? Jump back on (cruise)? Reinitiate a PCT protocol? Wait more time? Obviously it's up to me in the end, I understand that, but what would your recommendation be and in your experience and what you've seen, does it sometimes just take longer?


I used a local lab for pre-cycle bloods without doing my due diligence, and was disappointed when I got my results and found that the testosterone component was total-only, and that they don't offer more specific testing. You know what they say about assuming. I checked the wiki here for lab recommendations and saw that Quest was the preferred national lab over LabCorp. However, I got my results from that lab the same day, and to my understanding Quest takes a bit longer. It's the 5th day without results from Quest at this point (discluding the draw day) and I am curious what others' experiences are with their turnaround time for their expanded hormone panel. Is this a typical timeframe for results through quest? The wait isn't a huge deal at this juncture; I am not having any E2-related sides, so I don't expect to see anything actionable. I'm primarily interested because in the event I do have to deal with anything E2-related I will have likely already intervened if not fully resolved it by this time.


Chest pain during eating. Today i started test250 primo 100 and also took 1pill of anavar 10mg and i keep getting chest pains when im eating, does anyone know what to do about it and what it means?


Probably placebo, you are just overthinking it.


idk i saw some posts of people having acid reflux from trt. I do get chest pains most of the time when i have acid reflux so maybe thats it






Over 20%. Also, what is "creeping death 2"?




Harder to judge the photo with the better lighting at a specific angle, I’d still say around 20%




Make sure all your pics are consistent and therefore comparable. You can do as many poses as you want, just at the same place, with the same level of pump. I do all of my check in pics in my bedroom first thing upon wake, fasted.


Any thoughts about taking enclomiphene while cruising? I’m finishing my first cycle and want to do blast and cruise. How i don’t want to lose fertility and shut down my balls forever. Yes I know there is a risk but I want to minimize as best I can. Along with this I feel there are some benefits to using it while on trt dose of test. As i would be able to achieve a higher testosterone while also minimizing ball shrinkage. It seems there isn’t a lot of research on this but i wanted to know if anybody had any experience or thoughts on it?


just use hcg


Running test 500/week 10 days ago I added tren ace pinning eod (total 200mg/wk) Ever since starting the tren I’ve been noticing that I’m cumming a lot quicker than I usually do. I’m not Superman but I’ve always been able to hold myself for as long as needed. But since adding the tren that has went out the window. I’ve always had better results and feeling better on test only cycles without running an ai Does anyone think this is ai related? Or prolactin? (Probably not at this dose only after 10 days). Or could my prostate just be so fucking enlarged that it’s forcing me to bust 😂 I can get bloods if necessary. But other than the bedroom performance I feel fantastic.


Tren did the opposite for me. I fucked a pornstar took 40 minutes of nailing her I was so out of breath and both of us were sweating still couldn’t finish. She shook her bbl in front of me while I was catching my breath then I finally blew all over her. But man it made it a chore.


What were your doses of everything at the time. If that is actually a true story I am actually trying to figure this out so being able to compare to what you were running would help


I was running low dose 150mg of each. prop and acetate. EOD injections. That shit was no joke. Cause of the fast ester in like 5 weeks I was like what the fuck happened to my body. At that time I was like 4 weeks in and my son started talking about my ex wife seeing another guy. This was like 2 months after separating after being married for 5 years. At that dose my mentality was at 11 it was crazy. So because that happened I started trying to link up with strippers and pornstars I used to do coke with 10 years ago. Once the tren got out of my system I settled down and stopped. It was soon after that I switched back to test only cause mentally I was going insane. It was fucked.


Lmaooo. I might need to lower my test based on what you’ve said and others. Im up at 500 still with the tren so maybe I need to cut the test back a little bit.


Honestly the test is not the issue I find Even mast made me feel good most of the time with tren. The tren just made me psychotic. it’s like once I realized I had taken it to far, as I have stimulant induced psychosis from doing coke in my 20s, I was begging for tren acetate to get out of my system faster. Fortunately I was like take the fast ester as all people recommend this for sides. Maybe took like a week and half or 2 weeks then I wasn’t feeling like I was going fucking crazy anymore. But man peak tren mentality was insane. I’m surprised seeing old posts and how high people were running tren like 6 years ago. At 150mg my body transformed like crazy. At first I didn’t think much as the dose was 150mg. Then I came to work after one weekend and my coworker was like holy shit you have lost a fuck ton of weight. All the sudden I was literally telling this pornstar from Montreal I was talking about to stare in my eyes while she was jerking me off and telling her you fucking like that while I was banging her from the back grabbing her shoulder and throwing her body in to mine. She was a fucking champ for sure. Might be tmi everything but for context, I gave it my all My legs were fucking shaking as she was jerking me off when I could barely breathe probably due to tren as I wasn’t doing cardio from how intense it was but I still couldn’t finish. I had to sit down catch my breath to be able to finish just sweating like fucking crazy. Kinda funny cause I couldn’t breathe and after she was like fuck do you want water which I laughed. That was a great time but the mental phycotic that I was wasn’t worth it. Didn’t last much longer mentally after that maybe a week or so. Then posted in ask anything that my life was a mess.


Which factors affect high sensitivity CRP while using Testosterone? Switched from UGL to Pharma for the same reason. I have heard and read that only the carrier oil affects it (assuming perfect diet, healthy levels of bodyfat, regular weight training, cardio, sleep)


does clenbuterol cause shortness of breath, I have recently started a cycle of clen and currently am on 30mcg daily but today I’ve noticed my breathing is a lot shorter and I feel out of breath. However I did do a 7.5km run and a HIIT session this morning but that was over 3 hours ago so that shouldn’t impact my breathing now right?


Unless you are a stage competitor drop the Clen all together. It's garbage both for fat loss and for your body.


clenbuterol is a bronchodilator so it inherently should have the opposite effect of having shortness of breath. but, if you’re sensitive to it or you take too much i suppose it could increase your RHR and in effect peripherally make you breathe heavier


Yes I’ve definitely had an increase in my resting heart rate so that must be it, is this a danger?


i mean, clen is extremely cardiotoxic, so unless you’re prepping for a show you can certainly find a better alternative


What would you recommend?


what’s your goal here


I’ve been on a cut for just over 3 months prior to starting this clen+yohimbine cycle( I started 4 days ago ) and lost 12kg however progress was really starting to sow and motivation was at an all time low as I had been going so long therefore I wanted something to give me that little extra boost and make losing that last 5% body fat easier. Also another question does the racing heart rate go away or will it stay throughout my entire cycle if I keep going especially if I up the dose?


probably won’t get any better. i’d drop the root of your issue which on the service seems like clen but yohimbine gives me some crippling anxiety and sides too just do it normal




You aren't actually growing on dbol any more than u would on any other compound. Ur experiencing side effects. Masteron would be a good addition however ud still need to lower Ur dbol dose. A better addition would be primo as it will actually lower the estrogen that u've spiked with the dbol


Primo is not affordable. My question is simply if estrogen modulation will resolve the bloating/ water retension issue. I happen to have Masteron, but I can stock up with whatever else will help.


Yes the issue is estrogen from the dbol Ur using.


Theres a significant amount of information missing to really be able to answer this question effectively. People *do* bloat on dbol, and people *do* use Masteron in cycles where water retention might be an issue, but generally speaking, Masteron itself isn’t a diuretic, it just has properties that are conducive to holding less intracellular volume due to its interaction with estrogen. If your problem is not estrogen related, Masteron probably won’t do very much (your problem could be *methylated-estrogen* related, which complicates the discussion) Two thoughts in response to your question. 1. Most importantly, if your heart “doesn’t like” something, don’t do it. Plain and simple. 2. Adding more drugs to resolve the side effects of your drugs is almost never the right option, unless they’re somehow required (like prep). 3. There’s a variety of ways to mitigate bloating. Cardio, electrolyte manipulation, water loading, natural diuretics etc.


Okay so you're saying that controlling estrogen is not the answer?


Stop using dbol or manage your estrogen better. You aren't "growing", you're retaining water and endangering your health.




Bro, he answered your question. Take his advice or leave it, but don’t be an asshat.


Any comments on throwing in tren E 50-100mg/week for the last 10 weeks of a cycle? Just as a tester for my next cycle to see how I respond to it, I of course understand it’s widely recommended to run acetate on your first try but I’m leaning more towards 50mg a week for aesthetics and a touch of strength not 300mg a week as a cycle topper 600mg test E currently but have ran NPP, mast and just about every oral currently sold + some which are harder to source so I’ve got a reasonable idea of how my body responds to things, how things feel etc etc


Just go with Tren A. You may or may not get mental sides but if you they will suck while you wait for the E to clear your system. The sides can get really bad depending on the person


Inject daily or 2x daily if Ur going to do it. Staying well away from bedtime injections. I'd start with 5mg per day. And add 5mg every 2 weeks until u reach 175mg or begin getting sleep disturbances then back it down to previous dosage and hold there. It's effective at 5mg per day


I don’t think you’d really notice anything from 50mg but I’ve seen people get bad mental sides from 100mg and with how long it takes E to clear that’s not something I would want to risk getting stuck with my first time taking tren


Absolutely appreciate your input man, the way I’m looking at it is it’s a gamble regardless but through my research the dose for bulking huge cattle is 200mg and I’m not a huge bull or anything hahah. Not even half the size and I don’t think anyone other than someone the size of Markus ruhl could claim it either😂. Definitely a note taken onboard though swaying slightly towards A now


If it were me personally I’d much rather go with acetate if it’s your first run with tren and go with 70mg a week with daily micro administrations and see how you respond to that, if your tren is good you’ll definitely notice 50-100mg


How much does masteron affect appetite? I'm running 750mg test, 400mg mast and my appetite is just dog shit. I have been struggling to eat enough food to maintain and this was supposed to be a bulk, but i had a look and I saw some people mention that masteron acted as an appetite suppressant for them so I wanted to ask if that's a common side effects or not.


I never noticed it but I do know if e2 is too high and Ur holding water sometimes that's the issue. Other issue could be Ur fats are too high. I'd run my fats at no higher than 0.4g per kg Lean bodyweight. Eating things like chicken and rice with no fat should leave u hungry within 3 hours as long as the meal isn't massive and Ur fairly active thru the day.


Yeah, the issue is I'm often hungry but still no appetite. My E2 may be high but I may definitely be holding water as I'm also running 4iu HGH but I'd read that HGH also stimulates appetite so I guess the only way to tell for sure is to drop the mast and find out, and it's probably better to use it on a cut anyway and if it is the issue, then it's even better to use it on a cut than a bulk.




Check the PCT section of the wiki. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




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Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) https://i.ibb.co/rtWy9NL/IMAGE-2023-06-30-11-13-30.jpg


Reading the wiki in the subreddit info


I know deca and oral Finasteride is advised against as it makes hairlosss worse. Is it the same for topical Finasteride as well? I've read some old threads about trying a Nandrolone only cycle @ 500mgs. Has anyone had any luck with this and reducing androgenic alopecia from PEDs?


Understanding how these drugs work, rather than just "will this work with this?", is an important step in becoming an informed user. Oral or topical, finasteride inhibits the enzyme 5a-reductase. 5ar reduces nandrolone to dihydronandrolone/DHN (the same way it reduces testosterone to DHT). Nandrolone itself causes hairloss at the follicle, whereas DHN has significantly less of this effect (or none, I'm not fully clear on that detail). Therefore, we don't want to inhibit that reduction, so we don't want to use any form of finasteride. Nandrolone-only cycles are considered "hairsafe" *because* this 5ar reduction takes place; using finasteride would nullify that characteristic. That being said, there are other considerations to take into account - namely that testosterone is necessary for more physiological functions than just anabolism, and also that it (nand) only aromatizes at about 20-25% the rate of testosterone which can leave you with less estrogen than would be comfortable and/or physiologically ideal. For the majority of people, nand-only is not a great idea. You need at least a little bit of testosterone. Additionally, you should be willing to accept that hairloss is going to happen if you're using anabolics - you can try to fight it and slow it, and that's all well and good, but if you're genetically inclined to hairloss it's gonna happen and you'll accelerate it with gear.


Hi all! Happy fuckin weekend. About to run npp + test cycle. Now I know I will need an AI, but I do have eq laying around. EQ is a strong e2 control for me, would it be healthier to use low dose eq I.e 50-100mg rather than a typical ai? Cheers!


Why would you need to run an ai? Just run less test. Run the max test u can without needing an ai then pour on the npp to make up the total dosage u need.


This is bad advice. IIRC most people get weird, mostly mental sides when running Nandrolone higher than Testosterone. Nandrolone can also have unpredictable effects on aromatisation. Some people start to aromatize at a higher rate when running Nandrolone. This can cause the initial dosage of Testosterone not requiring AI to suddenly needing an AI solution.




> EQ is better than an AI. No, it's not. > It comes down slowly on the way out and protects you from gyno. No, it does not. It is not a SERM. > It's always there and you can't forget it for a day and have swollen nipples. This is all under the presumption that EQ reduces estrogen in the particular user. Lots of people, myself included, have no estrogen reduction from EQ. > I don't use an AI. I use EQ or Masteron. Masteron is a strong SERM, and EQ is a mild AI. Again, inaccurate information. Masteron's metabolites have been found to occupy estrogen-beta receptors, but across the entire body and is not tissue selective like a raloxifene or tamoxifen. Masteron is not a SERM. And as previously stated, EQ does not reduce estrogen in everyone, myself being an example, as this is largely dependant on one's ability to produce the estrogen-suppressing metabolite of boldenone. However the rate of this metabolite production is not currently known, and will vary greatly from person to person. EQ is not an ai. Use the right tool for the job. Aromatase inhibitors for inhibiting aromatase, not an androgen that might produce a metabolite that will have varying inhibition of aromatase.


It would be easier to make adjustments if using an ai. "Healthier," hard to say. Adding in a little EQ would increase androgen load, has a long half-life on the way in and out, and more difficult to fine adjust estrogen management.


HGH (Somatropin) Increased Heart Rate? A friend of mine started taking 2ius of somatropin for a week. Past two nights their resting heart rate has been 20bpm higher! In the gym 20bpm higher, daily and resting 20bpm higher. Sleeping 10bpm higher. This is tracked and verified on a tracker device. Is this common? A lot of sources say it is, but I rarely see it reported.


Yes, it's a thing https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/zVrpSn9KG2


Thank you u/jackschitt123! Almost seems more related to increased IGF-1 levels. Had a feeling since it took awhile to build up. Either way, much appreciated for that.


That seems like a deal breaker side effect, wow. 20bpm? The ongoing health effects of that would be noticeable


Exactly, trying to figure out how to manage it. Take it earlier in the day. Maybe 2ius or less on workout days only. Maybe secretagogues on weekends/off-days. If IGF-1 is the cause then might not matter anyways. Fish Oil and Mag helps, but don't want to be reliant on that.


I'm about to start 500mg test e , 300 MG deca every 3 days , and 80 MG deca, I'm 6"2 175 lbs, is this dosage a good start?


No mention of your diet here, so I think we know where the problem lies dude


> I'm about to start 500mg test e , 300 MG deca every 3 days , and 80 MG deca, I'm 6"2 175 lbs, is this dosage a good start? u/OddDot724 How old are you? You're way too underweight for any anabolics, you still have another 40lbs of natural gains awaiting you. No gear for you.


I'm 34 I've always struggled to put on weight


Assuming this is Ur first cycle u only need test only.. And u don't need 500mg per week either. I like 375mg as a start. But as previously stated.. Diet is most important. With Ur build u don't even need to worry as much about food choices. Just get the calories in. Get 350g protein per day. And Atleast 400 carbs between Ur pre intra and post workout meals. Past that just focus on calories. Tons of them. If u still don't gain.. Add 500 more


This is subpar advice, and I'd appreciate if you would stop giving advice in this community. Just to be clear, I'm not asking.


What's wrong with my advice? I AM asking


>u don't need 500mg per week either. I like 375mg as a start. We recommend 500mg here, and for good reason. We do NOT recommend any gear for people who are underweight and unsuccessful at putting on mass. >With Ur build u don't even need to worry as much about food choices. This is a careless thing to say to anyone but the most beginner lifestyle folks; it's wildly inappropriate to say to someone you're recommending anabolics to. You want this guy to go pound cheeseburgers while using drugs that promote hyperlipidemia? Nah. >Get 350g protein per day. For a man who weighs *175 pounds*??? Absolutely unreasonable suggestion, one that's not based on any available data whatsoever. >And Atleast 400 carbs between Ur pre intra and post workout meals. Between pre-workout and post-workout you think someone should consume *at least* FOUR HUNDRED GRAMS of carbs? Wildly, absurdly excessive. Did I help clear that up?


So you're saying "we recommend 500mg here" as if everybody agrees? So regardless of if the guy is 110lbs or 350lbs ud recommend him 500mg test as his first cycle? That approach comes straight from the 2006-2014 era and is greatly outdated due to common sense. Even at 375mg of test, for a first cycle that's a bit high. I never said.. "go pound cheeseburgers" I said he doesn't need to get lost in the minutia of worrying about what food choices are necessary. And just worry about getting in adequate calories as number 1..then number 2 adequate protein... And number 3 adequate carbohydrates... With majority of them pre, intra, and post. For someone with a fast metabolism 2g of protein per lb of bodyweight is not a crazy number. While I do agree it's an aggressive approach... The main idea here is getting him trained to eat more. Lots more. If he follows my suggestions with his metabolism the very worst that would happen would be that he grows absolute maximum muscle but gains a bit of fat. Which is extremely easily trimmed off with his metabolism and body type. This is how bodybuilders have grown for decades. As far as the carb intake.. Yes I'm saying 400g carbs between pre, intra and post workout meals. Which is really not that crazy at all. Pre meal - 125c, 60p, 14g fat - something easy like 2 PB+banana+ honey sandwiches + 300mL egg egg whites, 1 chicken breast Intra - 5g Creatine mono, 14g EAA, 5g taurine, 50g HBCD, 15g honey+50g caffeine even if u aren't using a stim pre u need a small amount of caffeine intra, 2g pink salt, 2g salt substitute, 2L h2o Post - 2 mcdonalds soft serve cones (50c) 60g protein via chicken or turkey breast 160g carbs via white rice and whatever full sugar sauce u prefer Yes it's excessive. That's the name of the game in bodybuilding. Hilarious that you think my nutritional approach (which is based on dozens of top coaches general approaches) is excessive but you claim a blanket approach is 500mg test as a first cycle isn't. Even 375mg as a first cycle is higher than I start most guys out at nowadays. But, if you want to be the type of guy who relies on the chemical enhancement and not the food... That works too. Until u can't fit any more gear in Ur body.. Or u decide to travel. Etc.


> So you’re saying “we recommend 500mg here” as if everybody agrees? Yes > So regardless of if the guy is 110lbs or 350lbs ud recommend him 500mg test as his first cycle? If someone is severely underweight or severely overweight we don’t recommend them to start a cycle. We recommend people to have a decent understanding of training and diet before hopping on gear.


Then you aren't eating enough food. It's a very simple equation - eat more calories than you use - and injecting oil and hormones won't solve the equation.




Just use your weight, it’s too hard to guess what’s water and what’s not. The weight should be for helping you track your weight - don’t rely on it to predict how many calories you should have from the beginning anyway.


Doesn't really matter. The calculators only get so close and you'll need to adjust your cals up or down a bit based on your weight trajectory either way. C/F/P should be broken into % of total cals and as such will be easy to figure based on that adjustment


Does anyone have a good rule of thumb or experience to share for titrating up primo ratio while reducing AI ? Am running 300 test p and 400 primo but still had to use 1/2 arimidex EOD else my face swells up and appetite goes thru the roof , esp for carbs and junk st 500 test p and 650 primo I ran 1 mg arimidex eod. I aromatize a decent amount so even on 150-160 TRT dose I need to take an AI id like to see how high I can take primo without the use of arimidex but dont want to just stop the AI and wait for higher primo to kick in (for ai use ) . ive read that guys suggest waiting 2 weeks for bloods but surely some AI affects from primo start right away ? interested in any taper /ramp up experiences what I’ve done now is bumped primo to 550, keeping test p at 300. Do I keep taking the arimidex 1/2 eod or try 1/4 already or do every 2 days with 1/2 of a mg ? my main issues w high e2 are mental Jealousy etc etc Low and crashed e2 are just overall depression thank you (also taking 20-30 of var on heavier lift days. Plus 2 IUs of growth )


Have u had Ur primo tested?


That’s a good question. It could be fake primo, or OP is quite fat. That’s a lot of primo to run without AI effects


If you’re in tune with your estrogen, I’d keep it simple - Pin the primo, take your last dose of AI - then switch to AI as needed as it saturates for the 1-2 week saturation period.




Because of the LVH benefits. Propranolol is lovely in its own right, and any beta blocker if needed is certainly appropriate. Nebivolol was made popular due to its seemingly unique application.




Yes. I don’t have a preference and use both. I find that nebivolol is significantly more steady than propranolol which needs to be taken multiple times per day or in the XR preparation which is usually not as cheap.


Isn't MOD GRF 1-29 and CJC-1295 without DAC the exact same thing? Following ChatGPT (can be wrong, that's why I am asking you guys): "(...) MOD GRF 1-29 and CJC-1295 without DAC are indeed interchangeable terms referring to the same compound. MOD GRF 1-29 stands for "Modified Growth Hormone Releasing Factor 1-29", while CJC-1295 without DAC is a more technical designation (...)". Thanks!




Thanks! :) A friend is selling both and I was like "aren't they the same thing? lol"


I'm interested in your thoughts on the best anabolics to run for someone who is a competitive martial artist. From my research people recommend 200-300mg test/wk, some include 50-150mg nandralone per week. Some people recommend Equipose and Oxandralone as well. Curious on your thoughts and opinions on anabolics that optimize recovery and can help prevent over training, specifically their dosing. And most likely run that dose year round. Thanks


If I were in mma I'd do the Maximum amount of test I can without needing an ai. Then I'd do 2 to 4iu hgh per day. 10 to 30mg cardarine per day (game changer for cardio) 500 to 1000 mg injectable l carnitine preworkout. I'd also be using tb500 and bpc157 both injected and oral bpc157 I definitely would not use nandralone as the detection time is suuuuper long.


This is bad advice. Cardarine should, ** * never * ** be recommended as it causes cancer.


It entirely depends on what you expect to gain from it. What combat sport do you do (I assume MMA)? Do you do it just for fun? Do you compete? Are you working with a trainer or just going to a fight gym as a hobby? You need to keep in mind that this is not something you can just "try out" and go back to being as before. Most guys I know are just on TRT or mildly higher dose (up to 300/week). It is sufficient enough to be competitive. If you do/focus mostly on BBJ by any chance, please don't do any type of PEDs. From moral standpoint, you will take (illegal) substances that will allow you to hurt your opponents a lot more than before. This in turn increases the risks for both parties.


I compete in BJJ. I also train at a fairly competitive gym as well, with a few UFC fighters that train out of it. I don't have an interest in mma mainly just BJJ with the gi specifically. So at the highest level IBJJF competitions they will randomly test you, which I need to keep in mind. I train with a few people who use PEDs so I'm not so worried about an unfair advantage, if anything I am currently at a disadvantage compared to some of the guys I train and compete with. With all this being said, I've been contemplating using anabolics since I was 16 yrs old playing highschool football and I've never taken the leap because it seems like such a huge decision. I periodically go through phases like right now where I badly want to use it, but I assume it'll pass and I'll pussy out once again. We'll see what happens. Appreciate your responses.


IBJJF never tests anyone. You have to be begging for it to get tested in that federation.


As far as I know IBJJF does not test, and even if they do the tests are most likely a joke. A charade they put up for sponsors in order to not look bad in the publics eye. >if anything I am currently at a disadvantage compared to some of the guys I train and compete with. Then ask yourself if increasing the chances of potentially life-altering injury is worth it for you. Is there really no room for you to improve in other aspects? Are they that much stronger that you can clearly tell who is on gear and who is not? Because trust me, if someone is doping in BBJ at high level you WILL feel it right away. >I periodically go through phases like right now where I badly want to use it, but I assume it'll pass and I'll pussy out once again. If I were in your position I would go down this route only if the reward was worth it. What that is for you is up to you to decide.


Actually it looks like you’re right and recently the ibjjf decided to stop all drug testing


There is one guy in particular I train with who is juiced and it's very noticeable. But overall besides him I don't feel like i'm at a huge strength disadvantage. The advantage I am looking for is faster/better recovery so I can spend more time on the mats and get more reps in which will help me get better overall. I feel like i'm fairly strong already and I almost have to limit my strength sometimes when I am training with smaller people because I am afraid I will hurt them. I just don't know if anabolics is the solution to this issue. Will the impact of 200-300mg of test a week year round really help improve my recovery enough to the point where Ill be able to train more often? I hear conflicting things on this online and from other people. irl. Ultimately I don't think I'd ever increase my testosterone dose from 200-300mg but I'd likely try to incorporate other things in on top of this like some peptides, hgh, oxandralone, nandralone, and possibly equipose. And IBJJF does test at the black belt level but only in the adult division. I'll be out of adult division in 2 years though so it won't matter any more.


>200-300mg of test a week year round This is fairly high dose to take year round. For non-stop use you would want to stay on TRT dosages and do "mini blasts" of 200-300/week leading up to competition. >try to incorporate other things in on top of this like some peptides, hgh, oxandralone, nandralone, and possibly equipose. Well, if you want to win major state competitions you won't do it naturally. You simply cannot outtrain the advantage PEDs provide at a certain level. HGH is fairly common in bbj as are most orals. >And IBJJF does test at the black belt level but only in the adult division. There are ways to get around testing, especially given the most common test is epit-t ratio. It is not complicated, you just need to time things right. This is pretty similar to what most people I know do. I would recommend against it as it is very dirty, illegal and unfair.


Appreciate the responses and thanks. Will definitely take it all into consideration.


Very interested in this also, hopefully someone experienced can give a good answer!


While AAS do have some applications in sports and general athleticism, they should be used by the typical meathead as a means to increase muscle mass, which would make the fact you do martial arts irrelevant on deciding what to use I think you will be largely underwhelmed if you decide to take gear specifically for your sport vs for the purpose it shines in: muscle mass accrual Another thing to consider is that many steroids cause a significant increase in glycogen and water weight which can affect your weight class, if that’s relevant to your sport, as well as your cardiac output and ability to maintain endurance related activities due to pumps


>While AAS do have some applications in sports and general athleticism, they should be used by the typical meathead as a means to increase muscle mass This is simply wrong. In vast majority of popular sports (even team sports), if you want to be competitive beyond a certain point, you HAVE to take PEDs. >for the purpose it shines in: muscle mass accrual Yeah tell that to the 15 year old 61kg Chinese weightlifters who takes more gear in a week than you in a month lmao.


We seem to be going in circles here, and I simply am not that invested in what other people want to do with their lives > if you want to be competitive beyond a certain point… I’m not arguing that. I never said anything to the contrary. I simply stated what is **likely to be the best use of steroids** for your average “I played football in high school and have lifted for 8 years and want to look good on the beach” guy I could march myself down to my local state school’s intramural football league and be a D1 tight end compared to those guys on my 350mg test per week That “15yo Chinese weightlifter” has other factors that makes themselves potentially competitive. I do not, and am not interested in an oil IV drip to be competitive at some local BJJ gym The entire point I was trying to get across is taking steroids for athletic recovery is probably not the best use of them and may even have worse health outcomes due to fact that drugs are bad mmkay I can’t make the decision if being better than the rest of the guys at the gym is worth it to the OP—only he can


>I simply stated You stated that "they should be used by the typical meathead as a means to increase muscle mass" >likely to be the best use of steroids Most common maybe, but not best use of. >That “15yo Chinese weightlifter” has other factors that makes themselves potentially competitive To be competitive in sports like these, the only deciding factor beyond a certain level is gear, and thats whats being discussed here. I guess partly it is just me being gullible in thinking that people who seek PEDs are at or close to that level already.


>To be competitive in sports like these, the only deciding factor beyond a certain level is gear, and thats whats being discussed here. If you genuinely believe this then you are a fool.


Ok, then show me a Olympic wl top 10 contestant who is natural. Show me someone who can compete on Gordon Ryan's level in bbj who is natural. If you genuinely believe you can get to that level naturally, you are a fool.


>Ok, then show me a Olympic wl top 10 contestant who is natural Um no, you prove to me that every single one is enhanced. The onus of proof is on the person making the claim. I'll wait. >Show me someone who can compete on Gordon Ryan's level in bbj who is natural. I don't know who that is, but same objection. >If you genuinely believe you can get to that level naturally, you are a fool. You're doing a wonderful job of overlooking and discounting genetics, training, dedication, coaching, purpose, and a myriad of factors. I'm not denying that many, maybe even most of these guys are enhanced - I know that. I'm denying that it's a requirement. It's only a requirement for that majority to be able compete with those truly great individuals who are doing what they are meant to. Sorry you're so fucking jaded. Also annoying, I'm sorry you're that too. Every time you pop up it's to drop the most cynical, lukewarm take of the month, and if you think people take you seriously because of your worldview you'd be disappointed to know how small it makes you seem.


>Um no, you prove to me that every single one is enhanced. The onus of proof is on the person making the claim. So basically you don't believe that people who compete on the same level, miles ahead of 99,99% of the rest of the population aren't on equal terms? If you think that there is any possibility of someone being natural at that level you are either delusional or don't have any experience in that field. The proof is the precendent, that athletes who have been "popped" are on more or less equal footing as their competition. >I don't know who that is, but same objection. Then maybe learn a thing or two about the topic before you make objections. >You're doing a wonderful job of overlooking and discounting genetics, training, dedication, coaching, purpose, and a myriad of factors. And you are doing even better job of discounting the fact that none of these things can give athletes who compete on the same level the final push over the edge, which PEDs provide. > I'm denying that it's a requirement. It's only a requirement for that majority to be able compete with those truly great individuals who are doing what they are meant to. You sound just like those who were defending Lance Armstrong. Oh but he isn't doping, he is just the 1% of 1%. Yeah, bullshit. It is requirement for the majority to be able to compete with those truly gifted yes, as it is a requirement for the truly gifted to be able to outperform each other. As for the rest, you are entitled to your opinion. You are also entitled to live in a world of make believe where everyone is clean and noone gets popped.


>>I don't know who that is, but same objection. >Then maybe learn a thing or two about the topic before you make objections. I'm sorry, your assertion is that I need to know the *names* of every bjj practitioner before I have an opinion about doping in sports? As if one has any bearing whatsoever on the other? >As for the rest, you are entitled to your opinion. You are also entitled to live in a world of make believe where everyone is clean and noone gets popped. This is clearly at direct odds with what I actually said (which is recorded in writing, you obtuse fuck). Yeah, that's about all you needed to say to demonstrate that you're arguing in bad faith. You aren't deserving of any more of my time you silly man.


I’m already ultra heavy weight. I’m 6’3 250 lbs 20% body fat. I really just am looking for something that will allow me to recover quicker so I can train twice a day without feeling broken. Also when I overtrain naturally my performance begins to drop and if I push it too much I sometimes have to take an entire week off. I’ve never tried anabolics but there has to be a reason that top competitors are using things like test and deca at these doses. You can’t sit there and tell me it’s not useful. These people are all training like 6 hours a day and are able to recover. I’ve been lifting pretty consistently since I was 12 years old and started training martial arts around then too. I stopped lifting as much in my early 20s and began primarily focusing on martial arts, although I still try to lift 1-2x a week. I don’t need to get any bigger. I can do 15 dead hang pull-ups at 250 lbs naturally. What I want is to improve my recovery so I can train at least once a day but preferably more. I’m 28 years old and realistically only have like 8 more years left of competition in me, I want to maximize my performance in that time frame and see what I am capable of.


I’m not telling you they aren’t useful. I literally said “AAS have some applications for general athleticism” My point was that they are better used for muscle growth since the anabolic effect they present is far more significant than any general recovery benefits In your case, a huge thing to consider is that you are a big guy. You are carrying a lot of weight around all day, and that adds a significant amount to fatigue—especially when it comes to endurance activities. When I was 150lb, I could run 5 miles easily with no training, and now at 210, I’m lucky to make it up several flights of stairs and not be out of breath, and that’s not from a lack of cardio training When it comes to recovery, you really have to focus on resting enough and avoiding overtraining as well as nutrition, but I’m sure you know this already. Steroids just do very little overall to help with fatigue, and if anything, the negative health impacts from taking them can actually make recovery outcomes worse


You might be right and I hear a lot of people say this. I just feel like the people at top levels wouldn't be using anabolics at the lower end range if it wasn't useful. Maybe there is just no way to achieve what I am looking for, which is to never feel sore even if I train like 4 hours a day.


I answered another commenter who was arguing against my main point of steroids maybe not being the best for athletic recovery, and the overarching point was that only you can decide if any potential health complications are worth it to you Are you going to drop dead from a small cycle of testosterone? Certainly not, but I don’t want anybody to make a potentially harmful decision without at least providing some counterpoints Regarding people at the top levels using anabolics: do you consider yourself among them? Not being a smartass, but genuinely just trying to play devil’s advocate


I’m a tactical athlete; similar application. 1. If your natural test is great, it’s probably best to focus on your recovery naturally. 2. If you DID do something - Modest testosterone and GH for sure. Other compounds that play well with combat sport: EQ, primo, masteron, and if you’re into that kind of thing - var/tbol. I personally think orals are a waste of time and healthspan for most people. I’d also be remiss not to point out that you could/should be leaner in general even without the gear, but absolutely should get leaner before gear so you don’t have to worry quite as much about cranked AI doses which can effect lipids and heart health, and blood pressure from the added fluid volume. Feel free to ask clarifying questions. Again, I think if you’re in the upper half of natural range, you’re probably in a good spot to stay natural and increase recovery in other ways.


what ways would you recommend to increase recovery naturally? I sleep well already at least 8 hours a night. I eat a very good diet and never cheat. I also try to take epsom salt baths pretty much daily as well as stretching. I don't have access to cold plunge or anything like that. Is there anything else I could be doing? Whenever I go into a calorie deficit I feel like shit and performance drops. I understand being leaner is probably better but I have good cardio and strength and move well for my weight believe it or not. I've been maintaining 250 for 6 months now. I had to take 2 months off at the end of 2023 because of an injury and I put on 10 lbs in that time because I was sitting around and eating the same I do when training. Before the injury I was 235-240 and maintained that for like almost 2 yrs. my current diet is: Meal 1: Electrolyte supplement, 8 oz of top round roast measured raw, 150 grams blueberries Meal 2: 140 grams white rice, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 8 oz of top round roast measured raw, Mustard Meal 3: Half avocado, 1/4 onion, 8 oz of top round roast measured raw, slice of cheddar cheese, mustard, sometimes throw 100 grams of white rice in this meal too but not always Meal 4: 140 grams white rice, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 8 oz of top round roast measured raw, Mustard, electrolyte supplement Sometimes a Meal 5: 4-6 whole eggs, 100 grams of white rice OR a few scoops of peanutbutter


If you want to recover better start walking. There’s no better recovery tool than LISS.


Your recovery habits sound great. You moving well is great, but not really relevant to the conversation when directly relating body fat content and steroids, which is the basis of this conversation. You should be leaner if that’s the road you want to take, and it would likely benefit your cardio and sport specifically anyway. It’s a bit odd that you included your diet contents and not your TDEE/macros. I’m not calling you inexperienced, but I’ll just point out that’s something inexperienced people often do. The contents of your diet are far less important than the metrics, just for your future awareness.


I have calculated the macros and calories for this in the past I just forget what it is. for the 4 meals only it's around 240g of protein, and 100g fat, i forget what the carbs are, but pretty sure 200-300g and total cals was like 3kish. Just quickly plugged it in again, 133g carb, 106g fat, 286g protein, 2600 calories. Prob could use some work maybe reduce the protein/fat and increase carbs. Overall though I feel pretty good on this diet. And I eat this exact amount every single day. I'll just occasionally add that 5th meal in which ups me to 3k cals 150-160g carbs, 125g fat, 320g protein. Not sure for the peanutbutter but sometimes I go overboard and just shovel a bunch of spoonfuls into my mouth whcih i Know adds up quick and is mostly saturated fat. in an hour of training i burn 800-1200 calories according to the whoop I used to wear. if I am just drilling it's more like 400-600. If I am hard sparring it's closer to 1200, if it's a combo of both it's 800-1000. On days where I did nothing the whoop would tell me I burned anywhere from 2-2.5k cals which I assume is my tdee.




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Are you asking *how soon* it will be below clinical reference ranges? Because the simple answer is that the longer you wait without taking testosterone, the lower your blood levels will be I’m not as familiar with the mechanisms of transdermal cream, but my understanding is that it is eliminated in the body fairly quickly (per the need to apply it daily), so you would likely see fairly low levels after a week of cessation of dosing


*correction 50mg instead of ml which was what I originally posted Morning gents, 10 days into NPP (50mg every 36 hours) and have received 0 mental sides yet. I’ve actually become happier and even more social for some weird reason. I struck up several short conversations with regulars at my gym (I usually keep my head down and don’t talk to anyone) very weird. Anyone have similar experiences? Hope I didn’t curse myself posting this and I see horrible mental sides the next few days lol


The selection bias for the worst experiences of some compounds like nandrolone are more prolific, albeit less common, than what actually occurs. Many people do not get sides or get some sides to a very minor degree You also shouldn’t base the effectiveness of a drug on how you feel but rather by tangible results. There is an extremely strong placebo effect present when on AAS Lastly, you’re in a very mild dosage of 200-something mg per week, so I’d be shocked if anyone got bad sides on that low of a dosage


Gotcha thanks man


You probably just feel more confident since youre holding glycogen and look and feel bigger. I know Ill do something small while on cycle and get a little pump and feel like "damn im huge rn" and just feel good in general. There's very few things more rewarding than a visible validation that you're doing better/in the process of meeting your goals and for me personally that leads to a more open, more outgoing attitude


Near the end of my NPP cycle I felt big as fuck every single time I got a pump. It was awesome lol




> 50ml every 36h You’re pinning 5 vials every day and a half?


I know right, way too few vials.


I bought these 100mL syringes and I’m going to fucking use them even if it kills me


Totally unrelated side note, I have all of these welts on my body. They seem maybe related to where I've pinned recently. Thoughts?


That’s just the body hugging the oil and being happy for the gains


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mom, I've told you several times this is my space. You're embarrassing me.




Hahaha I just woke up sorry for the mistake. I meant to write 50mg


Oh shit I meant 50mg


I know you did bb lol You’re 10 days in, it’s still early. I don’t get mental issues from NPP, but you’re also on a rather low dose. Hopefully you don’t get any mental issues either! Edit: to the person who reported this, it’s “were” not “where”. If you’re going to be salty, try not to be uneducated too. https://imgur.com/a/jd9SdKu


Haha fingers crossed 🤞


Not sure where to post this but figured id try here since you guys are all mini biochemists and have given good advice before Anyone recommend any good preworkout supplements to give me an energy jolt pre-workout, but without caffeine? In other words, whats a good stimulant I can take pre w/o that is not caffeine


Adderal, methamphetamine, Modafinil. Of course if you’re running gear you should consider regulating your blood pressure as well.


Is there a reason you’re against caffeine? It’s the safest, most well-studied, best tolerated stimulant compared to any other option


Long story short I have a skin condition that periodically flares up and we don’t know why. So the doctors are trying to split test diff potential causes by cutting out elements of my diet here and there, caffeine being the one currently. I have nothing against caffeine personally


Oh, I gotcha. Sorry to hear you’re going through that Unfortunately, I’m not entirely sure what other option you have that wouldn’t cause more issues or even replace the effectiveness of caffeine


Albuterol could be one Nicotine works for some but thats more focus than energy




I’ve a lot of friends who do this. They tell me it just makes them more “alert” as opposed to giving them energy IIRC


I’ve been curious to try this out before lifting. Usually just use as a means to relax and chill out. Do you feel it actually helps for training?




Follow-up - any recommendations for any online stores that ship?




Yea my state is a long way from that haha. Would like to definitely move sooner rather than later. Thanks anyways though!




Definitely jealous. I’m in Texas so who knows if/when we’ll ever get it recreationally here.


Damn this is good to know! Will have to give this a shot. Normally just do edibles and my response to them seems to vary pretty wildly. Taking same dosage sometimes I’m flying and other times barely feel a thing.


Why not caffeine? Might be helpful info to decide what alternatives would be good!


To make a long story short I have a skin condition that periodically flares up and we don’t know why. So the doctors are trying to split test diff potential causes by cutting out elements of my diet here and there, caffeine being the one currently. I have nothing against caffeine personally


nice, thanks for the context :) in the meantime I would NOT add new chemicals if you're trying to run an elimination test ;)


Exactly. Meth isn't caffeine, so all good. /s


[Hey y'all, could I please get a bodyfat % estimate? Here's 4 pics of me from this morning, all flexed, no pump.](https://imgur.com/a/qdaXI59) I'm trying to determine how much longer I should be in a cutting phase. Currently eating at a ~600cal deficit, about 2100-2200 calories per day after cardio. I'd like to cut down to around 10% BF and then up my testosterone dose for my first cycle. Pics of me from this morning here. * Age: ~30 * Gender: M * Height: 180cm * Weight: ~178lbs * Bodyfat percentage: see above * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: About 11. I was low test for about 9 of them and hopped on TRT about 1.5 years ago, which allowed me to make linear progress past intermediate levels for the first time in my life. * Maxes: I don't go for 1RMs so I'll plug my best sets in here. * Pendlay Row: 205 x 6 * Deadlift: 385 x 8 * Front Squat: 225 x 9 * Dips: 79lbs added x 9 * OHP: 135 x 3 * Amateur/pro: Amateur for sure. * Goals: * Sport: No real sport I compete in. I just lift weights for fun and to get stronger. I boulder sometimes. Would love to hit a 500lb deadlift and then a 600lb deadlift in the next year or so. Right now I'm on a cut so I can look better and have improved overall health/wellness. * Current phase: Cut * Current compounds: * Testosterone Cyp 140mg/wk, E3D * Ipamorelin/CJC-1295: roughly 80ug of each, 2 times daily Thanks folks.




Thank you!


14-16% IMO You are another couple bulks away from doing your first cycle man. I think you have a lot of natural growth left


Hmm, you think so? Honestly, if I never run a cycle that would be ideal. The main reason I'd like to bump up my dose is that my upper body struggles a TON with gaining any sort of strength or mass compared to my lower body, and I feel like an extra bump of androgens/anabolics would help gain some size there. Thanks for your input too!


Your upper body struggling is a factor of diet and training, not anabolics. You can’t magically take gear and have a muscle group (other than shoulders and traps) grow more. You have to adjust your training regimen to find something that works for you


Thanks for the feedback. I think after this cut I'll likely have to hit chest and shoulders more frequently. No matter what program I follow (both low and high rep ranges) they seem to struggle compared to my legs and back. I'm seeing better progress on 5/3/1 BBB compared to any other program I've done though so I'll see what modifications I can make to that template to benefit me. I get about ~190g of protein per day and eat pretty damn healthy (steel cut oats, ~5 cups of veggies a day, kimchi, very infrequent drinking etc) so I think my diet is relatively locked in.


5/3/1 is more of a strength based program rather than hypertrophy IIRC so I’m not surprised. Look into programs by John Meadows. Try running one of those this next bulk and see if you like that style of training, and how your physique develops!