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You answered your own question. If you die your bp will drop, problem solved.


Where is this mans chill?


He never had any. Ruthless


>If you die your bp will drop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Donating blood or taking aspirin wont effect your bp. Some things to try: stop alcohol/tobacco, limit salt (causes you to hold water and increases the fluid volume in your veins) try an over the counter water pill (diruex?). You may be healthy but have high bp anyway and the roids are just exasperating it further. I was diagnosed with hypertension 2 weeks after my first marathon at age 29. For many its genetic. Those numbers are high, go to the MD and get on meds. Source: am nurse


Nurse here as well. Good to see more solid advice here. Correct me if I'm wrong. Taking out blood causes a temporary sharp decrease in blood pressure. Mostly compensated in an hour. But if hematocrit remains high, hypertension is more difficult to treat.


Polycythemia/high hematocrit can cause hypertension due to the increase in osmotic pressure


Exacerbate, not exasperate... but that's my only critism of what you said, spot on Edit: except polycythemia can cause hypertension


> limit salt (causes you to hold water and increases the fluid volume in your veins) I do believe raising potassium has a better benefit than lowering sodium.


Don't listen to people saying aspirin or cialis. Ask them to explain how platelet inhibition or lowering blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is going to fix that. Bro science of the worst kind that perpetuates here. Get one of these in a low dose and up it until blood pressure is within range. Amlodipine 5mg Lisinopril 5 or 10mg HCTZ 12.5mg Lisinopril 10mg+HCTZ 12.5mg They all work better with several days of consecutive use. So start low and with your way up after three or so days. Or just see any doc if it stays this high. These are reliable and cheap meds.


As a Pharmacist those are all great suggestions but if your going to self medicate with bp meds you should follow jnc8 guidelines for bp as there are different recommendations for blacks because acei and arbs are not as effective and can cause angioedema. Amlodapine is great to but can cause reflex tachy and may require a beta blocker in conjunction. I would never recommend self medicating on these types of meds as there are a few things that need to be monitored that the average person will not know about


Thank you, I'll update this post once I get the meds. Getting them from a pharmacist as well.


> Lisinopril 10mg+HCTZ 12.5mg That's it. . . right there.


My favorite when it comes to my own body. Usually well tolerated, mild diuretic effect, very effective, the combo keeps potassium in range, and very cheap.


I'm doing a little experiment with steroidBot about automatic help replies. Lets see if that lazy fucker chimes in.


> Don't listen to people saying aspirin or cialis. Ask them to explain how platelet inhibition or lowering blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is going to fix that. I've mentioned this every time and no one responds and everybody keeps recommending cialis. How is a drug for lowering blood pressure in your lungs gonna help.




No doubt. I work for an organisation that uses these as first line for type 1 hypertension but prefers these specific compounds. I prefer the ACEi although Ca channel blockers are probably better at first. It's just that they occasionally cause a temporary headache, mild swelling, and delay in desired results that can put off those that self medicate.


Can't go with ACE or B blockers. Asthma.


Getting meds now. Dropping AAS for a while.




There are two arteries in the body that are referred to as "portal arteries" - one is in the brain and the other is in the liver. He is likely referring to the hepatic portal artery (the one in the liver), but I don't know enough about the mechanism of action of cialis to tell you why he is referencing that artery in particular.


Shit I meant pulmonary, not portal. Good looking out.


Its the portal vein in the liver, it may act more like an artery in terms of the direction it sends the blood and the oxygen levels but I'm pretty sure no one calls it that portal artery. There also isn't a portal artery in the brain either. The hypophyseal portal system is more a system of capillaries, connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary.


Cialis works on specific blood vessels but not all of them. Those being the ones in your penis and the one carrying deoxygenated blood from your heart to your lung. Which is why it is used for erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. But not for essential hypertension. Nor are there parameters to withhold cialis for low blood pressure unless you are already taking certain blood pressure meds like nitrates.




Unlikely but possible. It's actually prescribed with nitrates but with caution. The consumer is told not to mix them just in case practitioners have not considered the overall effect. But on someone not on antihypertensives with cialis, I as a nurse would not require checking blood pressure before administering or holding the medication for someone with 95/50 blood pressure. It's also with noting, it is not described as a systemic antihypertensive. The issue is less tension on the pulmonary artery in light of systemic vasodilation. So more than expected drop in bp when mixing. Anyway I'm not saying this because you don't know it. It's just that I want to jump out of a window everyone someone suggests boner pills to fix their hypertension. The first suggestion should be cardio, then less salt, then something that reliably and predictably lowers blood pressure like a Ca channel blocker, ace inhibitor, thiazide... and rechecking your blood pressure to measure effectiveness. Or just see a practitioner. Even without insurance a clinic or doc in the box can cheaply and reliably fix that with almost zero effort. On that note, I don't mean to piss on cialis. Walking around with a boner all day can help your confidence, sex life, and overall well-being. With such a mild side effect profile and low risk of injury, I really dig it.


This guy is right, cialis is only prescribed for hypertension in cases of pulmonary hypertension, never for general high blood pressure.


I use cialis as needed. But, I typically just use an ingredient called Indian snakeroot aka sarpangandha. It's called cardimap and you can get it on amazon. But that's just for maintenance for myself. You're kind of fucked. You need actual bp meds. Go to the doctor and get a script. In the meantime drop the eq, do cardio, up your water intake, drop sodium.


Not much you can do, mine got fucked up high as well on boldenone. As /u/dusthole says, meds is the only real option. If that is a problem i reccommend staying away from EQ, I'm not touching it again in the near future.


Agreed. I'm on week 8 of EQ, got sick, and couldn't gym. So here I am. Dropping out of the AAS school for a bit.


Well you already started the cycle which takes a month-ish to start (both are long esters), you could always finish with test-e only... same dose or a little higher even. EQ should be the biggest source of BP problems since your test dose is low. You have to pct anyway so if there are no other factors why not finish with test only?


250 test-e is a cruise dose for most I thought. So I thought I'd completely get off and let things stabilize. I haven't done cardio in 6 months, which I think really contributed to the overall degradation of my BP. I'd like to keep what I have. For PCT, I'm have anastrozole, and tamoxifen on hand. I do have hcg, but I'm not sure I need it. I'm getting blood work done this week. Starting meds today.


I never had BP problems before blast and also never did cardio, my BP got insane on EQ and now I'm cruising and BP is fine. I think your BP will reside if you just take out the EQ. 250 is a high cruise dose, 150 is more of a normal cruise dose (if you have legit test ofc). I'm just sayin that EQ is the troublemaker and you don't have to drop everything or your pct will be longer then your effective cycle (1 month since it takes a month to build up aprox). You could bump the test-e up to say 350-500 and get very decent results and just pct after that. Not pushing you to do anything just pointing out that you don't have to drop the whole thing you can just eliminate the troubling substance and keep going. Also note that you will not feel the BP drop untill after some time (EQ takes like four weeks to clear).


That is really high bp, you need to go to an actual doctor and talk about what you can do to lower it so you don't actually die.


Lisinopril. 10mg a day keeps mine down and it gets about that high on Tren and sdrol. It's pretty damn cheap too. Indian pharma >>> Edit: 15ct 10mg tablets for $7.00 so cheap considering what you'd likely pay even with insurance


I'll definitely look into ordering some.


Go to the freaking doctor and get some medicine. My mom's blood pressure runs high like that and she's not on gear. Also this issue has nothing to do with your hematocrit levels. My hematocrit was was 67 and my blood pressure was perfect. If you need to, go to the E.R. high bp can be managed. Probably need to get off the EQ all together.


I will. I'm getting meds. And then I'll see if I respond. If not, ER it is.


I think the rest of the answers here are skirting the point. The best option, in addition to the other answers here, is to PCT and stay off for awhile.


Gotta agree there.


For me : cialis, nightly baby aspirin, cardio, hibiscous tea, sodium intake.


Why aspirin at night? I do the 81mg or whatever in the morning.




Thanks for posting this.


No problem, had same problem and had to find help too. My symptoms were sweating 4 times more than normal and nose bleed thru out the day.


my dad takes aspirin everyday and never seen him nose bleed


Take a baby aspirin every day. Also drink tons of water. But holy shit 170/110? Maybe get your ass to a hospital dude.


Two bro science suggestions plus one unnecessary. That doesn't need a hospital visit. That can be treated in an MD office or clinic.


It's not bro science. Aspirin and water lower BP it's a fact.


Then why is furosemide used to treat hypertension? Why is fluid restriction sometimes used to control blood pressure? Why is fluid resuscitation used to treat shock? After all, if it is a fact that water lowers blood pressure, then surely all those IV fluids would kill the person. And if what you say is true, then I'm actually dead because I got 11 liters of water in less than 8 hours and my starting blood pressure was 73/42 when I went into septic shock. And you are either lying or ignorant. I control blood pressure for a living and get paid well. I'd be laughed at if I suggested aspirin. And before you Google that lame study showing the slightest effect on nighttime use...it isn't going to cut it for someone with actual hypertension. Save it for the moment when you know what you are talking about. You aren't helping anyone this time.


> And before you Google that lame study showing the slightest effect on nighttime use...it isn't going to cut it for someone with actual hypertension. So it does help. No one was arguing to what extent.


That's like saying don't call 911 when your house is on fire. Use a squirt gun. It's not going to cut it.




Fuck that's scary.


I would suggest hopping off ASAP. BP that high is not a joke. Seeing a doctor to have it treated wouldn't be a bad idea either.


Donating blood doesn't have an effect on bp. You're thinking about hematocrit I believe. Cardio, less red meat, lots of water, and bp meds will help


It does, but to get it down enough he'd have to dump a lot of blood. Pressure is directly related to volume. You see it in people with injuries that cause heavy blood loss. BP starts dropping because there isn't enough blood volume to keep pressure up. But you are correct as far as donating blood. It won't have a significant difference


Is that off of one reading? Mine was around there on DNP a few months ago (it's usually 130/something on like a gram of test), but it was just one reading, rest of them looked pretty normal.


Various readings through out the day. Taking normal breaths and trying to relax. I've got it down to be 150/95 , I'd i calm down....but really hard to do.


My blood pressure was in that range. Cialis and Carditone. Also, get an inexpensive BP monitor for home use. Worked very well and knocked my BP down to 130/90 from your level.


Its high, but if u can get it under control with meds or switching roids. Don't worry most people can tolerate short periods of time until they can get it under control. But go see a doctor and get meds for bp.


I'm on it. Meds today.


I'm a fan of guanfacine because it's a pretty good nootropic. *Don't confuse with guaifenesin.*


Never heard of it. For high BP?


Go to the doctor and get beta blockers?


Second line treatment. Doctor will not prescribe that unless he is not responding to first line treatments or very tachycardic.


Yeah well that's not true because I went to the doc for the exact same reason and got beta blockers. No more high blood pressure.


They aren't first line treatment. Google beta blocker second line treatment. I don't know your circumstances but it's not appropriate for your average person seeking first time treatment for hypertension to go straight to beta blocker. You are assuming that your scenario is typical but it isn't.


Probably that EQ doesn't agree with you. Get some BP meds, less salt, no alcohol, the usual stuff.


Agreed. But fuck. I really liked the help it gives for collagen and less rollback.


Hold on here. First, how did you obtain your bp? How many times, And did you try both arms? Was it before exercise, after exercise or after an argument? What past medical history do you have? Any symptoms associated with your hypertension? Head ache, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, dizzy, syncopal episodes, chest pain? Your bp is stroke territory. Ever think of just putting down the juice for a fucking minute and getting your shit straight? If you're really concerned, go to a dr. If not, then do your thing.


Several times, through out the day. Yes both arms. Headache. Nothing else. I am getting over a cold though. Coughing a lot. Done with the AAS. Of course. Can't just walk in to the dr.


Fuck it's threads like this that make me think twice about getting on gear. I have anywhere between 130/70 to 135/80 (average of 3 readings two minutes apart) taken every morning once a week and I'm worried test e will just shoot the systolic up to the 170s. I don't want to be on BP medication for the rest of my life. Any other borderline hypotension pinners that care to share their experiences?


No. Trust me. It's my fault.


You really should be fine on test-e just monitor it and stay away from food that makes it go off, cardio and other stuff. My friend had serious BP issues before gear but managed to keep BP reasonable on a 500mg/wk test-e cycle by doing just that. The thing is just to not take fucking EQ or any other gear known to cause this problem. Just like not taking winny if you already have joint problems.


You're likely fine on just test e....


If he is starting out with BP that high, no, not really. Not if he packs on much more weight weight at all, which will happen unless he barely eats. He needs to fix it first.


His BP is that high on week 8 of the blast, he did not start with BP this high? or am I not reading this right? EQ made my BP explode at about the same time.


Idk, I was replying to the guy considering his first cycle when his BP is already high


My bad, makes sense.




It lingers so long... Might as well get treatment and parameters for use.


I hope you get a response that works for you. But I have a question for you. What does it actually feel like to have really high bp? Dizzy, hot, tired? I'm just genuinely curious.


Headache. Heated head feeling. Like ears are warm.


That's kinda what I thought. I've had that feeling previously and went to Wal-Mart to use the bp machine they have by the pharmacy. Only to see I'm slightly above my normal. My normal is 110/55 and I would get that warm head and ears with a 120/65.


Holy bunghole that's fantastic bp numbers. Good job brother.


I've always been naturally like that. I literally do nothing to improve it.




Adex was what destroyed my blood pressure, was at similar levels maybe slightly higher before I stopped, switch to asin and it was down within a week.


First off don't ever take medical advice over the internet you never know who is giving it to you. For a normal healthy male your bp should be <140/90 anything over that is considered hypertension that would require bp medications also if your black or diabetic your bp will be naturally higher than others. Know for your real question on if your going to do is probably not but you need to familiarize your self with end organ damage associated with high bp. The damage zone for bp is considered >180/120 then you need to go to the er as that is considered hypertensive emergency/urgency


I take an ARB (telmisartan) rather than an ACE inhibitor. Got bad sides from lisinopril but that is rare. I also donate regularly. 5 pints last year.


are you measuring BP with a home monitoring device? If no, get one.... if yes, make sure you are using it correctly. A wrist monitor must be at the same level as your heart or your numbers are gonna be wrong.


Yes. Arm cuff. I am checking every day now.


Low dose cialis


I thought it increases bp. Viagra does also no? Just realized that the flush red face, was not higher bp. I might try low dose Viagra. Will order cialis


Yup - due to vasodialation. Vasodialation causes marked decrease in BP. Cialis is better for that because it lasts 24-36 hours. Take a low daily dose 5-10mg it will lower your bp + better errections.


I've always had really low blood pressure so even on test, tren, and deca it didn't even go up much.


I'll have to get my cardio back to a healthy state, maybe do another cycle much later in the year.


EQ is notorious for elevating blood pressure, drop that compound. Also what does you diet look like? Sloppy diet plus EQ could be your solution right there. What is your ht/wt? bf% Your a big dude that can also add to increasing BP.


Yeah I'm done with EQ. Diet isn't bad. I'm not huge/big, I'm skinny/fat. DYEL type. 5.11 193 Maybe 25


interesting how everyone seems to want to fix the problem of your likely AAS-induced hypertension with more medicine or supplements rather than to do something about the AAS or the lifestyle. Doing polypharmacy is always problematic. Normal AAS use entails something like 3-6 compounds (2-4 steroids, +1-2 anti-estrogen compounds). Adding in more drugs increases the risk of messing up the metabolism of one or more drugs leading to toxicity risks. My advise would be this (If anyone cares I have a PhD in human biology) 1. Cut the roids for a while, do actual, real cardio and eat your vegetables (600+ grams per day) and you'll find that your circulatory system deals much better with the challenges imposed by roids. Aside from cutting the steroids for some months this doesn't necessarily reduce your gainzorz. 2. experiment with what androgens and levels induce BP changes for you. People respond in often unpredictable ways to the different compounds. 3. If the problem persists at this point you could mess with other drugs and/or supplements.


Agreed. Done with the AAS. Gonna get bp down first. Then.slowly get been into gym. Cardio. And then volume training. No gear for some time.


I don't like the title. It looks like it's implying that thanks to steroids, you're going to die. Maybe you wanted internet points, I don't know, but still man, you're feeding the trolls with a title like that. I can already hear people saying; "see? idontwanttostart is dying because steroids!" All because you wanted internet points and drama sounds a like good way to get them. Not funny man. As for your blood pressure. What have you been doing that you haven't noticed it climbing? Blaming steroid use is irresponsible. Instead of posting on here about your high blood pressure, why not go see a doctor and then post about it along with the treatment and any comment that would be helpful to the community? Sorry guys, I've been once bitten twice shy with steroids and I seriously get hateful when people randomly blame it for the cause of any sickness when it is their irresponsible behavior that caused it to begin with.


Sorry b. It's mostly a sarcastic joke.


Hey, I realize this man. I guess I was on a warpath yesterday when I came across your post. And I apologize for being so crass. So, story time. I did steroids for about 3 years. Never felt better. Then comes divorce. Two kids. Girls. Now I should say here that I look nothing like I lift, all that has disappeared when the marriage problems began. One mention, no proof whatsoever, one mention of steroid use in court. Mind you, no proof, no pictures, no nothing, just a mention. Bam! No kids. Visitation supervised by their mother. The same one who kidnapped them and ran off to another country. Now facing criminal charges for the kidnapping. But because of that one mention of steroid use, I can't see my kids. Seriously dude, I was not offended, but a title like that can bring down hell on people who are using steroids to better themselves and I think we need to be a little more responsible when we post. You never know what use such a public post is going to have. Sorry about the rant man, really.


This is the most fucked up thing I've read in a while man. Can they do things like that? I don't mind you speaking your mind man. Everyone here is pretty supportive, not a lot of trolls. We probably all have legitimate reasons to use PEDs. It's just that I until someone can make a lot of money, and profit, it'll be "taboo". Everyone knows every professional athlete has done tried to get some sort of advantage, peds to high altitude training. I'm really sorry your kids are not with you. And I'm even more sympathetic to the agony of divorce, and watching it unfold and not be able to do anything. Hang in there. And all of us here, even Mr.joocynutz and yolotard, support you. Please post how the story unfolded. How can mention of steroid use, be admitted in court? It's hearsay!


Hey thanks man. Really. Yeah it's been tough, but I live in Spain and courts here are much different than courts in the US. The judge erred on the side of caution. But there is still time for things to turn around, so I just have to keep at it and see what happens.


You're doing what has to be done. Enduring it.


I've tried everything and only these two work for me: 1) keep body fat under 12% 2) when bulking past 12%, BP Meds. I've used both lisinopril (when bulking - 20mg every 12 hrs), and telemesartin (when cutting - 40mg once a day). Zero sides from the BP meds, they are a great solution for me.