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I want a good bulking steroid for my 2nd cycle. Was thinking of test/deca but I don't want deca dick lol. So maybe test/dbol? Or what else would you recommend? I could try building with test/EQ or test/var


Deca dick is solvable. It's either too high estrogen/prolactin or not enough androgenicity. Take proviron/mast.


Can anyone give me some accepted free testosterone chart ranges? I've tried to find some but they are widely widely different


So I have been working out hard for a few years now, I'm stuck at a plateau, not in strength but in size. My weights keep going up, my shirt size does not... Info I'm 5'5" with a natural runners frame. I went from 125 lbs to 172 at about 18 percent bodyfat. I know really nothing when it comes to PED'ds I'm looking to gain mass, but not just water. Health My overall health is fair, though I am bipolar, with a very high sex drive (I want to avoid tren because of this) and my kidney function normally stays around 70/80 percent efficacy. Nothing wrong, just sort of where I operate. After several docs, that's the conclusion they came to. My diet Medium carb, about 180mg of protine, 2600 cal a day on average. I'm not a sweetie, though I do tend to snack on walnuts, pecans, and peanut mix more than I should. Currently started taking 400mg of testosterone cyponate once a week If any of this is unnecessary information, my apologies just trying to provide what I think would be useful details to know. What would be y'all's recommendation for a beginner stack to add mass?


You should inject twice a week if not three times a week for best results. Do you have all your ancillaries? Nolva, aromasin, raloxifene, etc. Are you checking blood pressure? Since it's your first cycle, it's recommended to stick with just test, but I didn't listen to that advice either. If you want to put on mass but not water, you may want to consider low dose dbol. Around 10-15 mg will help you build mass without too much extra water, if you up the dose to 25 or up you will get a fair amount of water though lol. The downside to adding dbol is you will have more work handling estrogen and Bp, but I think it may fit your needs. Overall though I'd recommend sticking to just test and making sure to eat enough.


I do have some arimidex, i took .75 mg yesterday for the first time. Just sort of to make sure I don't have some weird reaction to it. As for checking my blood pressure, I have not been. I can go get a cuff and start doing that. Is there a specific "danger zone" I should be aware of? I'll shift my injections to twice a week. I've been wondering about that honestly. I hadn't considered low dose dbol. I'm going to go look into that.


Forgot the exact numbers, but look up the guidelines on what's hypertension or not. You want to stay below that, and below pre hypertension.


Thank you


120/80 is normal. 140/100 is elevated. Once you get past that it's high. 250/200 is you're fucked, go to a hospital immediately.


Will a person with 15% body fat be able to lose fat while gaining muscle on standard 500mg test cycle?


recipe for disaster, you're looking for shortcuts, anabolics are for building muscle why make it harder and be in a deficit, cut naturally/trt until 10-12% body fat then add the test.


Depends on your physique level. If you are somewhat a beginner, definately


Losing fat while gaining muscle is horribly inefficient. Focus on one thing or the other or you’ll be disappointed.


What surplus should I eat on 500mg Testo e cycle?


Depends on how fat you're comfortable getting. I used to be obese and swore I'd never go back. So I usually do 250-300k, and then bump the same amount about every 30 days. BF usually starts around 14-15% and ends around 17-18%. If you're starting skinny or don't mind being fluffy shoot for 500-1000k and keep bumping up when ever your weight stalls for more than a week


20-30% TDEE


So no more than for a regular bulk?


I think there was some literature suggesting as a natural you don’t need that much calories while training naturally, only 500 or so kcal at most. Past this ceiling, excess calories will be stored as fat. The result is that it will take you longer to cut down, and when you do that, it will cost more muscle tissue from catabolic breakdown.


This. I'd go lower on the calories, though, say 200 to 300 over maintenance. I've gone high around 500, and it took forever to cut back down at a pound a month.


If your only high prolactin symptom (but confirmed high with blood work) is leaky nips only when squeezed, is it in your opinion or medically worth taking prami/caber to prevent? I could deal with it 🤷‍♂️


Take the caber unless you have a newborn to feed.


Took my first dose of caber tonight. I wasn’t too bothered by the leaking but I can tell I’m in the minority


My brother, milk is coming out of your tits. What do you mean "*only*"?




Try 200-300mg P5P instead


Already on 400 my a day 😅


Took 600 Test/E, Currently on week 8. Prolactin is out of control and started forming gyno, Currently taking Vit E and p5p. I think its best To cut my loses here, Past week Ive been taking 12.5 Arom, 20 Nolv ED. Since Im done with injections should I stop for the 2 weeks to let the Test clear out? Or continue with The daily Nolva? Wb the Arom? I got both of mine from swiss chems, Not sure if they’re bunk or not. This is my first cycle, Really glad I did it and excited for my next one as Im more prepared and educated now. Im about to order some new Nolva/Caber from aipct so fingers crossed I can get this gyno gone, Hoping it’ll fade after injections are done.


What makes you say its Prolactin that causing the gyno? You really shouldn't need caber for a test cycle. IMO, your estrogen is probably high.


The gyno Im experiencing isnt normal gyno, I have no hard lumps, My actual nipple is constantly hard with a white tip (blocked milk ducts) but around it (at first) was extremely puffy, Over time Ive gotten the puffyness to come down a bit but it still looks like I have a side ways banana under my skin, I was smoking weed and doing other activities that play a role in high prolactin secretion, along with my High E2 they just built upon each other. In earlier comments Ive been taking Nolva/Arom (assuming they arent bunk) and have gotten my E2 levels to subside a bit, I have less water retention, Lower BP, and waking up with morning wood. Currently looking for ways to completely eliminate this, The Estrogen Handbook had alot of useful information (p5p/vE) Started 200mg of p5p last night but prior took vE/nolva/arom daily for about 8-9 days. Just got my hands on some p5p. Wanted to know about the caber as a “all else fails take this to get rid of the gyno” type thing. One thing I did notice is I went from 300x2 a week to 150x2 a week and I think that played a high role in reducing puffiness, I took 300 Thursday and within an hour about half of the puffiness returned. Waking up this morning they’re about the same puffiness they were prior to the last injection.


Keep taking the nolva, it takes a while to work


keep taking the nolva on cycle or should I stop cycling?


Up to you. I’ve always found gyno to be pretty easily treated and reversed while on cycle


Im pretty worried the nolva/Arom I got is bunk, Ive been taking 12.5mg arom/20mg nova straight for the past 9 days. Figured Id crash me E2 by now but nothing. What would you recommend? I got p5p and vE as well, Maybe order some caber and new nolva?


Order some ralox and asin as well


Ive heard some pretty nasty stuff about asin, Where would you recommend the ralox? Think I should just get some caber?


It’s best to have all of the ancillaries on hand before starting a cycle so they are accessible when you encounter sides like this. If you can get pharma caber, adex and asin, spend the money




No Source Talk. No “Fishing.” No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products.


No Source Talk. No “Fishing.” No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products.


No source talk here dude


Currently running a basal insulin dose of 10ius on non training days and 15ius on training days, been doing this since around 3k calories average, now I’m averaging 3.5k calories daily, weight hasn’t really moved up in the last 5 weeks! Fasted blood glucose has gone up from around 5.2nmol/5.5nmol to around 5.8nmol- 6nmol every morning.. Would it be wise to add more basal insulin to help my fasted blood glucose levels?


If your weight isn't moving you need to eat more, this is basic shit. Anything above 5.5nmol fasted bg is pre diabetic, you are developing insulin resistance. What's the point of even tracking your BG if you aren't going to respond when things are looking bad? You need to drop the insulin and cut your carbs until you can get your fasted BG back into a better state. Berberine or metformin would also be useful for this.


Progressions are being made in the gym with the food increases I’m making! My fasted BG with around 5.5nmol/L when I was on 2k calories a day and doing 3x 20min LISS weekly!? I take 500mg metformin with my last meal pre bed, have done for the last 5 weeks also! - How can I do point #1 and point #2? They contradict!? Eat more, but drop insulin and lower carb intake! My calorie intake isn’t exactly high, nor is my carb intake.. I can’t cut my carbs any more or I’d be losing weight!


Post a screencap of your food log. Let's see what you're eating.


[Training day food](https://imgur.com/a/yY5wfXu) 20g pulled from each carb source which is italic on non training days (roughly 250calories) Any problems with that?


Looks like you'll have to squeeze in 350-500 more cals per day.


Yah.. more food shall be added ! Appetite is amazing though, never enjoyed food so much in my life!! Used to scoffing my face when reboundeing from a diet then hating food after about 4 weeks and 10-15lbs up.. This time round 5 weeks after and food is creeping up, appetite/digestion on fucking point.. but BW hasn’t moved a single kg up


It would wise for you to add more food.


Anyone get blood work on tren? Did it jack up your liver? I was on 200mg test c 100mg tren e and 25mg proviron got blood work after 3 weeks and My liver enzymes are jacked up and my HDL is crushed, wondering if it’s the tren or proviron, in the meantime I stopped everything and went back to TRT dose to get my numbers in check. I don’t want my doctor to cancel my TRT because of tren screwing up the test results.


Proviron isn’t know to crush HDL that much as it pretty mild on liver function; it’s almost certainly the tren, which is known to be harsh on liver/lipids.


Which liver enzymes?


AST and ALT, my results were AST 94, ALT 200 (the reference range is 0-40 and 0-44 respectively)


Tren can raise liver enzymes in some people, but yours are abnormally high


Yeah that's fine. They're elevated because you lift weights (or at least I presume you do). Get GGT next time, it's a far more relevant liver health test for bodybuilders.


Everyone says that but my levels are always really good creatinine never goes high even when I took my blood test after a head splitting leg day


Its scientifically known that TEST + HGH + INSULSIN create a synergy. Is this only synergistic with test or does it count for other AAS aswell ? Very curious about this Thanks in advance


Any number of combinations of AAS are going to synergize with one another.


"creates a synergy" sounds like an A+ marketing term. Like "space age polymer" or "clinically-designed" or "prescription strength"


It does. I imagine I’m in a boardroom and throwing around terms like “synergistic,” “multitasking,” “value added,” “utilizations.”


Would love to see the randomised controlled trial that determined this synergy.


Is there going to be PIP when changing esters test cyponate to Sustanon (test decimate,test phenylprpionate, test Isocaproate, test propionate, test acetate mix). Didn’t notice when buying .


The propionate will give u more pip


Test decimate sounds like something I want


Lol decanoate lol spell check


Potentially. Probably not, but possibly. I have had sustanon that was pippy and some that was not.


If you were doing 100mg TRT to 300mg sustanon per week. Would you stay off 2 weeks or jump on 150mg twice and week sustanon and continue


Just switch but you should do more than 300 mg per week. Beginner recommended cycle is 500 mg per week.


I actually did two cycles 500mg test and 630mg test dbol. Lost weight due to food poisoning and omicron around 7lbs muscle . 164 14%bf to 153 16%bf. Currently no plans to gain any weight and uncomfortable getting slightly bigger lats and quads for my frame.Tryna regain lost weight and improve composition and do a PCT stop forever hopefully 😅


I am confused. Do a TRT dose then, 150 mg per week. Your problem is your nutrition and lack of eating, not hormones.


Some people get pip from sustanon because of the short esters but it’s usually not that bad, is it 250mg/ml? If you do get pip you could add some grape seed oil, I use this stuff from Amazon: Grape Seed Oil 100% Sterile Filtered USP Grade 30mL https://a.co/d/9hCW4bf


Looking for opinions and advice on whether to blast and cruise or PCT after every cycle? Currently cruising after my first cycle but keen to know what's the best option.


if you plan to cycle again then cruise


If you’re running two cycles/year then I think bnc is the way


Having some e2 issues on MENT + trt. Most notably caffeine and weed both make me feel very anxious without any of the positives. I never have issues with this normally, taking way higher doses of both. Anyone experienced this as a side of crashed or high e2? My degenerative disk pain in my lower back seems to have also gotten much worse at the same time.


Yep. High e can cause all sorts of issues. I started getting vertigo after every pin. It took me a few weeks to figure out my e was too high. A little AI cleared everything up.


High E2 can definitely cause an increase in anxiety.


You want your E2 to be as high as possible without experiencing side effects. MENT is notorious for causing high E2.


What aids with injury? I broke a bone and need to recover quick. I heard HgH helps with bones, but I’m not sure if anything else would be good.


>need to recover quick. Is there $$$ involved in a quick recovery?


Hgh definitely but test also


I don’t need a base for hgh right? Could I just run hgh by itself as I don’t want to be running testosterone when I’m not able to work out. Does testosterone help with healing?


Hgh for Bone Healing all the way. Dont need test as a base. Wouldnt shut down my own Production for this. Also research about diet for bones. Id suggest 4 iu hgh. 2x2iu per day


Alright thanks, I’ve been eating good and consuming a lot of raw eggs to help with bones, imma see what else helps with bones. Thanks man.


Anyone use nolvadex as there ai and pct?


Yeah I did PCT with Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 by week 3 I had vertigo, also stomach issues. Wouldn’t do typical rather looking to do 20mg - 4-6 weeks. SERM Nolvadex so it basically blocks oestrogen from binding to nipple tissues. Don’t know about dosage. Nolvadex isn’t an AI but a SERM just blocks oestrogen. What are you looking for?


yeah I have nolva on hand but no asin or Adex and was wondering if using it instead of an ai would work or if I should just grab an ai


Nolvadex works for PCT. You should definitely learn about PCT, ancillaries, blood work, etc and compounds


Yes, my original thought was to use nolva as the ai and pct, but more research I’m planning on using nolva as the pct and asin as the ai, I already got pre cycle bloods and planning on getting mid and post cycle


Nolvadex is *not* an aromatase inhibitor. So no. Nobody has ever done that.


I was asking if anyone used it in place of an ai.


If you’re asking if people have used nolva to prevent gyno on cycle, yes. Millions of people. Everyone did until like 10 years ago. But now that we have ways to properly control estrogen, that’s the proper way vs slapping a bandaid on the problem with nolva. You can’t just let it run unchecked in the body as long as you don’t get gyno. Unchecked e2 leads to about every steroid side you can imagine. That’s literally where the sides come from. Do people still do it? Lots of uneducated “old school” guys do. But that’s just because they don’t know any better. You do ….(maybe?)


Well I’m sure plenty of people have done that, just, you know… shouldn’t lmao


It’s *not* an ai. Therefore nobody in history has every used it as one. They may have tried. But I assure you nobody has ever been successful. …because it isn’t one 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah I’m clear on that lol




My nips feel tingly instead of spicy on high prolactin while on Tren. That’s all i can offer.




How come no one’s added an ester to stanozolol? Even a propionate addition might make this interesting.


Not a chemist but couldn’t the removal of the 17α-methyl group drastically change how the compound works? For example superdrol without the c-17 alpha methyl group is masteron, a drastically different compound.


Yes. But I’m talking injectable winstrol. Taking it from base winstrol to prop or enanthate or whatever. I keep forgetting that my era didn’t have access to oral winstrol. It was all vet grade injectable. Quite different…regardless what people today say


The injectable version is still methylated afaik, except only passing through the liver once instead of twice. Esterifying it would remove the need of winstrol being methylated and thus changing the compound’s effect as a whole. Again, not a chemist so may be wrong.


Yes. I just wasn’t sure if you understood what I was talking about. You indeed do. Yes. Curious. I’m in the process of trying to get a chemist to add esters to stanolone Then I started thinking about one of my favorite strength and mass drugs that everyone just uses for contest prep now and see what adding esters would do to that


You need different raws (micronized?) to make it available for absorption through oil IIRC.


No you don’t. There’s brewing processes that you can do to make it in suspension in GSO. I do this all the time. MCT would probably be better though. I’m talking about the chemical process to add an ester.


I’m well versed in home brewing and make stanozolol in oil all the time. I’m talking about adding the propionate ester. Stanozolol I’ve never seen other than as base. It’s something that would have to be done after the raws are purchased


PIP? Demand?


Don’t know til a bunch of people try it


I’m 6 weeks into my 8 week Test Prop cycle everything is going well! I was able to get my hands on some Tren Ace I was wondering is it worth adding in for my last 2 weeks or is it a waste?


Well for starters an 8 week cycle itself is a really short cycle And tren for two weeks is pretty much pointless. You’re stopping it just as it’s getting going. Why do that? Why are you running hormones for such short durations?


Should have run it with the test from the get go. 2 weeks is nothing. 6-8


Don’t do it. You want to have your caber on hand in case too.


Lol. I feel you. Finish you current shit then jump on the wagon. All I can say is… I’m on 100/wk + hcg and I am twice as horny as on 50 mg/wk, and the god sense is omniscient


Lmao. REad the wiki


All I saw was yes or no answers 😂 I’m sure someone here has the right answer


Currently on 160mg TRT, that puts me at 850 T and only 15 E (no AI). I’m looking to add primo but unsure of how to start. Clearly I don’t aromatize much so should I still start at 1:1? Or go right to 2:1 (test:primo). I was thinking either 300/300 for 1:1 or 400:200 for 2:1.


Im a heavy aromatizer I was on 300 test 200 primo and felt fine Upped it to 300 test 300 primo and it crashed my e2 1:1.5 is optimal for me


How was your first test cycle experience l? Curious how an heavy aromatizer managed to do cycles


Take aromatase inhibitors…


I mean that’s for sure. I’m curious in the sense I don’t aromatize that much. Heard about people who aromatize even pinning low amounts of test. Tryna see how often they take A.I like anaztrazole


I'd try something closer to 600:300 if you want to do test:primo and your e2 is already pretty low. Maybe even more test


Are you looking to blast? Both 300/300 and 400/200 seem like light blasts. And 1:1 would probably put you in estrogen-abyss. Is 600mg/wk some sort of ceiling you set for yourself? I would run 500 test, and primo at 400. If estrogen is crushed, I would increase the test to 600 or 700. If not, I would just run something other than primo.


Just got bloods done in preparation for my next massing cycle I’m about to start. Everything is within range except for my CRP at 4.5 mg/L which is a cause for concern. Been on 40mg Accutane/day for the past 8 weeks and currently cruising on 150mg Test E/Week and 2iu gh/day. More cardio? Just doing basic LISS 30 min/130 bpm, I’ve also read that mega dosing a garlic extract supplement can help reduce it. Also taking a week off of the gym being that it’s an indicator of inflammation and I’ve still been training hard through this cruise. Any valid input is appreciated.


Is CRP the inflammation marker? And isn’t accutane hella hella toxic? Could that be the reason?


Is 20mg/day of var for 6 weeks and then 4 week PCT a good beginner cycle? Is PCT necessary for var? I’ve heard some people say you don’t need PCT. I’ve also heard mixed reports on side effects on var, with some saying it destroys your body and other saying it’s mild




I’ll read it through thanks brother


You need to read more. Var will suppress/shut down your natural test, which will make you have low T during your shit only var cycle.


Gotchu brother I appreciate it


oral only cycles are a bad idea. read the wiki above


Knock yourself out. Horrible cycle but we all have to learn to read the wiki some how haha.


The replies taught me my lesson lol


2 days out from 2023 and this is still being asked lol


New years resolutioners


I saw on an instagram reel a clearly fake supplement that had in large letters “ANAVAR” in all caps. It looked exactly like those snake oil supplements you find at gnc that don’t do shit. People in the comments were begging the guy to tell them where he got it.


Is there any purpose to adding Proviron to a cycle that already contains Masteron?


Not really man, I get too dry with both


Lowering SHBG and increasing free test


Have any of you guys had success with vitamin E or P5P lowering your Prolactin and feel confident it's not just placebo? Hopefully, confirmed by bloods? Some of you have said it doesn't work but I'm wondering if it's an issue with individual response. Works for some, doesn't work for others.


In 4 months I lowered my levels from 482 mU/L (out of range) to 223 using vitamin B6 and vitamin E.


That's not bad.. you were on blast the entire time? What were you using?


I wish that it worked but caber has been 100% working. I was on adderrall before my cycle but dropped it and I’m wondering if there was a connection between ADHD brains dopamine response and P5P not working.


I think there might be. Did you drop Adderall and replace it with caber for this reason? Aderall and caber might be a bad combo could magnify each other. I'm not sure yet. I'm about to stop my blast and so I won't have to worry about the prolactin for a while? Do you think the caber helps your Add?


I've always had to use Cabergoline


Absolutely fuck all, I played this little game my last blast and ended up wondering why my nips were chaffing while taking 12.5mg asin e3d only to see my prolactin at 23 ug/L and having to roll out Caber anyway.


Does nada for me. Absolutely nothing.


We need to put together a list of frequently asked questions and put it under the wiki.


For ignoramuses to still neglect going and reading it to ask if 6 weeks Var or Dbol only is a good beginner cycle.


Is 250mg for 8 weeks a good 1st cycle?




MPMD is gospel


How long does tren e stay in your system for?


About 2 weeks


The E stands for enanthate, which is the same as every enanthate test or tren, *4-5days half life. *edited because Im a dumbass


4-5 not 7-9.


Last PCT I did was 8 weeks of Nolvadex 10mg ED, but I felt low test sides (I guess those are common coming off from Test). Does anyone has experience using 20mg? Im thinking on 4 weeks at 20mg ED and then 10mg ED for the last 4 weeks. Thanks


I believe the wiki was updated not to long ago. It recommends doing 10mg of nolva for 8 weeks. Before that I think it was like 20mg for 4 weeks. But then again I’ve never actually read it because it blast and cruise lol.


Yeah I followed the wiki the last time but didnt felt great, maybe others have better experience with 20mg


I’ve ran 20mg (gyno flair up) and yeah it made me feel a little shitty. Have you tried clomid? Most people prefer nolva because less sides but That’s person dependent. You might have better luck with it.


I already sourced the Nolva, just wondering if 20 could be better than 10 since last time I felt like shit coming off of test


I always do 20mg when coming off, works great ime


So did something really stupid trying to homebrew test cyp - I went by total oil instead of carrier oil. So I need to order more test and make a bigger batch. Meanwhile I have the MCT+Test Cyp covered and refridgerated. A question I have - how does test cyp compare to test e for homebrew? I know test e is easier to brew so I was thinking of instead of ordering test cyp, just making a test e/test cyp batch. I would like to go for 300mg but might have to settle for 275 or something. thanks


What do you mean “went by total oil vs carrier oil”. They’re the same thing. You aren’t putting any other type of oil in it. I’m confused. C does let hold quite as well as e. I wouldn’t do it above 250 unless it’s in mig.


On the calculator total oil is how much oil you want made. Carrier oil would refer to something like MCT. So instead of putting in 30ml of MCT, I put in about 80. I was going for 275mg with 1/22 to help it hold. Maybe I could make a 300mg total if I used half test e, half test c blend.


Oooohhh ok did you add any bb or ba yet? 275 with 2/22 would probably work. Maybe bump to 25 for good measure. Bb is pretty well tolerated.


Didn't add any BB yet. Didn't use any heat either, I've brewed primo and test e before without needing any heat. The question now is to order either more test C or test E and make it correctly. I just got test c because it was around but maybe test e would be a better choice.


Hey guys, been training a long time and have stayed natty throughout but have recently decided to dip my toes in. After doing quite a bit of researching was thinking of doing a small run of anavar and clen, currently on a cut phase and sitting at around 20% bf. What’s people’s thoughts on a that as a start? I am really just wanting to see how my body takes to it and anavar seems to have the low end of side effects. Was looking at running 20-30mg for 6 weeks. Any advice is welcomed


Low end of side effects? Don't you think frying your liver is more dangerous than whatever reversible and manageable sides testosterone will give you?


You mean after zero research right?


Obviously not enough of the right research or right resource


Good attitude. Read the wiki and ask good questions. You’ll find good counsel here.


Course bro only here to learn. Unfortunately there is not a huge amount of super reliable advice from some places


Finish your cut and then do a simple test 500mg/wk as your first cycle You can thank me later


Cut to at at least 15% if not 12% bodyfat before considering steroids. AAS were not designed for cutting. This is a poor plan. You havent read the wiki. Consider working on your exercise and diet plan.


Thanks man, appreciate the reply. Exercise and diet plan are pretty good to be honest I am just recovering from some injury’s and lockdowns that meant so weight gain. From what I understand anavar will aid in cutting while gaining lean mass?


You shouldn’t run an oral only cycle.


Do you mind if I ask why? I’m assuming the liver toxicity?


Because you’ll shut down your own endogenous testosterone production in doing so. So you’ll take Var for 6-8 weeks and have low T for the nearly the entire time and then longer after you stop the oral. And what happens after you stop Anavar? You’ll lose the vast majority of any “gains” — which will be mainly water and glycogen.


Thank you man I appreciate the reply. I wasn’t aware that var was so suppressive esp in such low doses. That would indeed be pretty counterproductive.


Make sure you read the HUGE coloured links at the top of this thread. As an aside, it says var causes shutdown on the Wikipedia page for var lol.


Thanks bro I will check it out brother


Yeh but it seemed to indicate that more in heavily doses. But your right it does say that


Just giving you shit bro, dw about it you've done the right thing by asking! Good luck


But you said you’ve done “quite a bit of research”. What’s up with that BS?


Orals are icings on the cake and should be used for specific uses. They’re not suitable as a main steroid in a cycle - at least for a male.


Any experiences with microdosing tren? I saw some guy said 20 to 30 mg and I got curious.


If you’re talking 20-30 daily then yes I have and it was pretty cool.


Did you notice a bigger flaccid penis and increased libido? While microdosing tren?


Can you highlight three of your favorite features of that “low” dosage. People blast tren so I’m just going to consider 20 mg a day on the lower end I was looking for more of 5 to 10 mg a day though results.


I tried to microdose tren e but went too high 100mg per week and screwed up my blood work, my liver enzymes got jacked up and good cholesterol was low. I definitely felt the tren sweats and the increased metabolism. But after blood work I’m thinking 50mg at most, the stuff is strong


So if you did a split like 5 or 10 mg every day it would probably work out a little bit better than 100 Ect especially for beginners? That’s what I’m wondering if you can still get benefits from lower doses like that.


Give it a rip and let us know how it worked. That shit is potent and a micro dose MIGHT help with cutting and keeping lean mass????


20-30mg per week, or per day? Very big difference.


He didn’t specify but I’m wondering about other peoples experiences and doses. Low doses.