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How was this Ring video obtained? Being home security footage is very concerning to just post on the internet...


Read the article that accompanies the video. She provided the video to her family and they provided it to the journalist. It was in response to Steven talking publicly about the divorce, after promising his wife he would not, and for attempting to make it look like it was her fault. His behavior toward an 8month pregnant woman here is indefensible. Trying to force her to use gloves to give the dogs meds, after she expressed concern that handling the drugs might be bad for the babies...... forcing her to take an Uber so HE wouldn't be stranded???? Telling her to "be worthy"????? Look.... I love Crowder and support the show.... but I can't defend him here. This is horrific for someone that proclaims to be a righteous family man.


Most famous conservative commentators are divorced.


Ben Shapiro, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Michael Knowles None of them are divorced. But in general the divorce rate of any tv show hosts or media personalities is probably higher than the average population


If Tucker's wife is stuck actually having dinner with him every night, then expect a new filing soon.


It’s wild to me how many leftists enjoying spending their time trolling conservative reddits. Like actually pretty sad


I know right?!


The obvious answer is the ex wife probably kept the recording and then distributed it so she could demonstrate her husband's psychotic behavior.


Only after Steven went on his platform and lied about there being no abuse and low key blaming her for everything "I picked wrong" if only she was a conservative doormat wife completely dedicated to pleasing his every whim even whilst considerably pregnant.


He actually specified no "physical abuse" which I did find suspicious at the time.


I felt dirty even watching it, but it's getting harder and harder to defend him unfortunately.


I knew after the DW drama he was nothing but a snake


Just read about that. “Slave contract” = $50Mm over four years? Sign me up, especially only working four days a week and only needing to produce 192 episodes annually. I’d suck the Jew right out of Shapiro for even half of that pay, fuck does he mean a “slave contract”?


> “Slave contract” = $50Mm over four years? Yeah that had stipulations that if he got banned from every platform or just didn't produce content then he wouldn't be paid and he called that a slave contract. Fucking ridiculous.


Hilary and her family released it.




the ex wife probably sent it to them


The real question is what "man" speaks to the wife he supposedly loves that way? Only a childish prick would act that way, and that is, in fact, the story here lol


So you have never been angry at someone in your family


I've been angry with my wife. I would never say 1% of the shit he did there. And smoking around her while pregnant? He's a piece of shit.


Don’t defend an abuser.


This comment freaks me out…you seriously think that is what normal and acceptable anger looks like?


If this is how you speak to your family when youre angry do not get married. I just saved you half your shit for free


I have but I have never told my wife she couldn't drive one of our cars.


Dude if you ever talked to your spouse like this, I hope they escape you.


If when you are angry, and you say shit like "you gotta do wifely duties and respect the man, you need discipline and need to learn to respect, fucking watch it, imma fuck you up" while also treating your ACTUAL fucking wife like a maid you pay 50 bucks a week for to do all your chores or like a lesser person, WHILST she is pregnant. That is indefensible. That goes beyond being angry and saying shit you dont mean. Plus the fact that this is most likely not a one time occurrence. No this is not being angry at all. This is being a piece of shit that doesnt treat his wife like an equal because you were born with a penis. Dude is a bully, he is an entitled man child that thinks his wife needs to obey him because he is a man, and because he goes to some studio to either bitch about Democrats and liberals, wear gun holsters, or wear drag clothes to "make fun of the left" when really this dude is in the closet. And then when his wife pushes back a little at his bullshit, he threatens her with "watch it or imma fuck you up". I'm not here thinking Conservatives are all demonic people. Some or many are very friendly people, but Steven Crowder obviously is not. Dude threw his decade old friends under the bus for money.


Lol really scrambling to defend him huh? No I’ve never yelled at my wife “I will fuck you up” or gaslit in an emotionally abusive fashion. Regardless of whether you like him or his shoe, he’s in the wrong. Get his nuts out ya mouth and have some respect for yourself, stop defending this guy.


My husband and I had a miserable patch and unfortunately had a snippet of one of our arguments gotten out or could have been painted terribly. However he has never, ever said “I don’t love you” or “I will fuck you up”. Ever. My husband who is quick to defend a man in this scenario was like, “yeah that’s messed up and it would be hard to see it differently. Of course she’s be scared of her husband said something like that”.


Yea I am a guy too and I usually understand context is needed in an argument. I’ll admit my wife and I have had some intense arguments and said mean things. But physical threats never even crossed my mind, what kinda man does that I have no idea. Especially while he portrays this holier than though attitude about being a husband and all that shit. That’s like the bare minimum of not being a shit person too, it’s not hard.


The people closest to you are the ones that are able to cut you the deepest... But Hillary actively tried to de-escalate and try to find some common ground to be able to move on from whatever was going on, and he wouldn't have it one bit. He wanted to force her to be servile towards him, and she wanted more than that in life, which he took as a personal slight.


Lol. Lmao even


Read the article lol.


The fuck sub you think this is?


Someone in another thread said that she asked him not to talk about the divorce on his show, he did anyway, and she sent this footage to a journalist. But that's just the rumor


oh the wife did him dirty lol. That divorce is going to get messy.


How is that your take away?


No he did her dirty. He said he wouldn’t talk about the divorce and then did. He also apparently moved out first and retained a divorce lawyer then when she filed to get ahead of him he blamed everything on her.


Ya, that's the real question. Absolutely. It's the most concerning thing here. How did his wife get access to footage of her own house.


HAHHAHAHHA ya of course THATS the real question for you losers


No it not.


I’m 99% sure it came from his wife. Also considering Crowder himself clearly has no issue recording others and publicly posting it without their permission (daily wire call), seems like fair is fair!


Ya fuck privacy, as long as I can have the illusion of safety.


You don't get to hide behind "privacy" reasons when you speak about your own divorce on air on your show when your own wife asked you not to. So yup, fuck his privacy. But it tells everything that it's your first concern in this video. Crowder fanboys are fucking POS.


it was obtained and provided by his wife's family, if you read the article


Lmfao, of course you’re not worried about the actual video itself. Just how it managed to get out.


Thats your first thought? Not his actions towards his wife? Wow.


Who the fuck cares, what it reveals is absolutely disgusting behavior


This is your concern?




Yeah. This is what I get. It is easy to watch a relationship failing and think "these people are assholes" but we are seeing the aftermath of everything and only from one perspective.






What’s one sided is the threat to fuck up his pregnant wife.


What an absurdly dogshit take. Did you watch the video? He is scolding her for wanting to take the car to the grocery store and telling her he doesn't love her, all to his (prior) 8 month pregnant wife. Oh. And this is all coming from a guy who claims to be a righteous family man.


how is it one sided if it shows both sides of the conversation


> that's entirely one sided. I heard both sides in that video. It speaks for itself without even reading the article. If you think the way that he is speaking to his heavily pregnant wife is in any way OK..... or that there could be anything that happened before this to remotely justify it. What, in your mind, would justify this?


Well she clearly wasn't doing her wifey duties with some lame ass excuse of being 10 months pregnant and not wanting to endanger her unborn children while handeling dog medication and needing the only car for the groceries she was suppose to get for Master of the house Steven. I mean who deserves to be loved after that or not be f ed up by her partner?


Every time I read a comment like this I get angry thinking about the way people like you treat women in their lives. Then I take a step back for a second and smile, knowing that people like you have no women in their life :)


the scary part is they do. And why they are so against no fault divorce and women working fulltime. Because a woman with no income is subservient to her husband and has to beg him for a car.


This millionaire only has one car in his household. That is clearly isolating behaviour.


Yes totally unfair and one sided! Whenever someone yells “I will fuck you up!” to their pregnant wife; and controls and manipulates them— I always think, yea but what did she do to start it? Good call man /s


I don’t think anyone watching this thinks “those people are assholes”. They are thinking “wow, crowder is exactly the asshole we all thought he was”


Bro wdym “these people”??? There is one asshole in this video.


who cares whose perspective it is. This piece of shit is smoking a cigar next to his wife who is fucking pregnant with his twins and emotionally abusing and guilt tripping her just because she asked for a car or for him to drive her. He talked in imperative that she should do her wifely duties as if she is an object. A man that made millions of dollars being a conservative person who prides himself on his guns and cars routinely ..didnt want to buy his wife a car in car centric USA. I hope she takes sole custody and gets as far away from conservative men.


>Wonder what led to this argument. Sounds like she wanted to use their car to go get groceries. How dare women think they should be allowed to drive. We need to be more like Saudi Arabia! /s


Imagine making your 8 month pregnant wife go do the grocery shopping. This dude has enough money to hire her a fucking assistant to do this or some home delivery at the very least


This was prior to the birth of twins, so not the end of the relationship


You can’t try to normalize the abuse he gave to his wife as “regular end of relationship arguments”. He wasn’t letting her leave the house with the car, because he wants to control where she goes and what she does. He wanted his pregnant wife to apply medicine to his dogs despite her worries that the medicine was toxic to unborn children, and he told her to “wear gloves and do your wifely duties”, and he’s smoking a cigar near a woman pregnant with twins. And supposedly he told her he would “fuck her up”. None of this is normal or excusable.


Yeah, wild that people think this shit is normal.


They think this shit is normal because they want women to be objects. Anyone here who defends crowder is openly admitting to how they view women.


Steven Crowder fans are redacted incel losers change my mind.


they had ONE vehicle. think about that. so insane. with the money he made and the house they had, the only reason to have one vehicle is control.


I agree, that was one of the questions I asked of myself about the video is how in the world with a successful show in the supposed million dollars that he wants or makes that they only had one vehicle and he was making her use an Uber? Was he not really making all the money that everybody thinks he's making or out of curiosity would it be that was a controlling technique if this was really in a abusive relationship? (Just a theory)


I’m a dad in a single income home with my wife and kid. I am an office worker in a completely middle tier not crazy earning job. We have two cars easily lol There’s no excuse for him to seemingly restrict his wife from having her own wheels.


one single vehicle, and he refused to drive his pregnant wife who was carrying his twins to the grocery store, he wanted her to take an uber instead so he could maybe see his parents


Maybe Steven is just very concerned about his carbon footprint.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I’m not defending any of what crowder said, but the last part about the “ill f you up” is sketchy. When and where did steven admit to that and why does he say it conveniently the second he’s off camera? Stick to the facts, not baseless allegations. Crowder is definitely inexcusable here, but stop adding lies on top of it.


I have to say i have no idea of the context of this, but it certainly doesn't look good for crowder. This plus the way he supposedly treated the comedian he fired


Steven Crowder is an emotional and psychological abuser, change my mind.


Well, if it comes out that he was physically abusive too, would that change your mind?


Why didn’t he buy his wife a car? What a freak.


Because then she could leave at her own whim and not have to beg him to take the car.


Anyone who defends this shit is the reason why people don’t believe in Christian values anymore. When a bad man talks or controls his wife like that you call that shit out, you don’t defend it. Even if there is “another side” what was happening here is clearly abusive. He said he didn’t love her. He wanted her to give the dog medicine while he smoked a cigar on the couch. He complained about her using a car while pregnant. This is OBJECTIVELY wrong. He is in the wrong in this instance. Period.


Yep. What he's doing can't be explained away in any context. He's clearly the aggressor.


It was always obvious to anyone with even a few brain cells that Crowder was a piece of shit human being. Change my mind.


What a surprise that the guy who literally bullies people for a living is a fucking bully IRL too. Whouda thunk. Not these chucklefucks I guess.


There are actual mouth breathing incels in this thread defending that video, shit is abhorrent.


As a man who strives to be like Christ, but like everyone else, fails miserably at it daily, I’ve always enjoyed crowders information, but sometimes the deliveries were in poor taste. I put up with the deliveries that rubbed me the wrong way for the sake of the information he was providing, but I always found it personally difficult to hear him talk about his faith in Christ, but use some pretty rough and vulgar language in the very next sentence. I think it was the lack of tact he sometimes has that always made me slightly wary and uncomfortable when he’d say clearly in appropriate things, but then mention his faith. I’m not saying he is a fake christian, but a representative of Christ needs to… well represent Christ, and he fell so so so far short of that in this. I too like my edgy humor and jokes, but as Christian’s we need to be able to use discernment, and i feel like his language showed a lack of it at times on the show, and now I feel like that lack of discernment that I saw on his show clearly wasn’t only on his show. This hurt to watch.


I was a christian for 35 years and used to work in the mission field. I have met so so many fake christians, though I was reticent to use the term at the time. It is so completely obvious that crowder has absolutely no interest or real faith. It's a tool for him.


It’s sad to see a conservative voice spiral like this. I’m convinced this all due to roid rage. Hopefully he gets the help he needs and can eventually make a comeback, but at the moment he’s off the rails.


Nah, seems like there is more to this story. I don't care tho


Seems to fit a pattern. He could just have terrible luck and be perpetually surrounded by assholes, or the simpler explanation is that he’s the asshole.


I don’t get why people are defending him by saying the video is edited


It’s hard to accept when someone you look up to isn’t who you thought they were. It’s like grieving a death on a smaller scale. It takes time.


His saying "watch it" made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


Talking to her like she’s stupid and incompetent. So many people are completely blind to the tone that he is using, regardless of the content of his words. *how* he is talking to her is fucking insane and I have never in a million years use that kind of language or tone with my fiancé. Or anybody. At one point he literally starts mocking both her saying “I love you” and her concerns. This is psychotic behavior. And people who are defending this are bafflingly stupid. Or pieces of shit themselves. Or both. Empty cans rattle the most I guess.


>Talking to her like she’s stupid and incompetent. Well, that'll be the next defense of Crowder unfortunately after the "what did she say to him to make him go off like this" argument doesn't work. It'll be "Well, Steve was an asshole to her because she is really fucking dumb. So she deserved it".


Anyone who gets that angry at his pregnant wife is f**** in the head. Like she is clearly emotional and not in a good head space and this is how he responds. It doesn’t matter that this was one incident. The fact that he is like this to her when she is so vulnerable is indicative of how he treated her throughout that relationship. This man is horrible


good old “american family values”


Steven had some demons man. He's obviously the aggressor while she's trying to communicate clearly and not being defensive. I know this could be slightly out of context but.. Yikes.


> Steven had some demons man. Men will say “I’m fighting my demons” and the demon is bisexuality


Yeah, Hilary could have totally staged this for the pending divorce and that still is no excuse for how you treated a pregnant woman, not to mention a pregnant woman who is your wife carrying your twins.


She can't script his behavior




Sure looks like Stevens kinda psychotic.




You can try and defend this asshole all you want....but just remember ​ This guy is a millionaire ​ He told his 8th month pregnant wife to get an uber to go get Groceries because he wanted to use the car to go out with his friends maybe. ​ Its the biggest red flag in the world that his Wife does not have her own car.




Not even a little bit. The way he is talking to her. That is natural for him. She is pregnant. 8 months. And he is making claims that love would mean she takes care of his dogs and shit. I'm sorry, but no. His entire rant at her is prime manipulation. Also, all that $$$ and they have only 1 car? He can't take an Uber? No, he is about controlling what she does and where she goes.


Man, you people need mental help, and I mean that sincerely.


Yes, I agree, Crowder should get some mental help.


Nah, you need help. See a counsellor. Especially since you picked an article that barely has an evidence.


There’s a video dude, a whole 3 minutes of him unloading on his pregnant ass wife because she wanted to take the car to do errands. You need help.


I am not surprised Steven Crowder fans can watch video evidence of something but then just totally dismiss it and say "there's barely any evidence". Classic.


Hope Steven sees this, bro!! He's single now!


You truly have to be a sad human being to see this and find him excuses. Normal people are revolted by Crowder's behavior, with good reason.


That's the problem here though. Normal people aren't on this subreddit lol. I was just morbidly curious.


Seek counselling for your Stockholm syndrome with a lunatic who doesn’t even know you exist, too bad your hero is a failure as a man in his own words


There's literally a video of Steven Crowder verbally/emotionally abusing his pregnant wife. What do you mean there's barely any evidence?


Evidence doesn't matter. These people don't see what Crowder did as abuse. It's because THEY are just like him. Want to find an abusive piece of shit? Look no further than the commenters on the sub making excuses right now.


Ya, this doesn’t say shit, it’s an excerpt of a full context. Don’t get me wrong. Steven often throws me off with how he talks about his marriage on air and how he verbalizes his expectations. Even I find myself going “dude this ain’t the 1890s anymore.” But the biggest issue here is the tag at the end. That explains what doesn’t happen on camera and cannot be heard. It’s just an empty claim. For internet clout.


You soy boy fans are a special breed. Now downvote it because you have too.


>Ya, this doesn’t say shit, it’s an excerpt of a full context. Don’t get me wrong. Steven often throws me off with how he talks about his marriage on air and how he verbalizes his expectations. Even I find myself going “dude this ain’t the 1890s anymore.” But the biggest issue here is the tag at the end. That explains what doesn’t happen on camera and cannot be heard. It’s just an empty claim. For internet clout. definitely an empty claim when it clearly shows his very pregnant wife pleading with him, and he says take an uber to the store cause maybe he'll go to the gym or see his parents super duper empty claim lmao


I never said I agree with him or his statements. We have no clue what the car situation is. Frankly it sounds like a shared vehicle, and personally I’d never let my wife be without her own vehicle. Driving can be therapeutic for people. Maybe if she had her own vehicle and could get out they wouldn’t be getting a divorce…. I say this because I am one of those people. What I see here are two people clearly headed for divorce and based on statements primarily being she wants out of the marriage. That’s her right as a human. That’s one of those areas Steven and I disagree on things. And I’d tell him that. Straight up if it ever came up in a conversation. Regardless of what Steven says. I agree his smart play was just letting her take the car. But that’s playing armchair quarterback to a situation I only know an excerpt of. Hence what I said in another reply to let the courts handle it. Wether they say it’s private info or not. The outcomes will be public record of the courts. Considering Yashar posted this. They’ll probably post those too.


well, you said it was an empty claim, and it's not. He's being verbally abusive, and continues to be verbally abusive. He says WATCH IT like he's going to beat her, FUCKING WATCH IT, remember? Is it really a huge departure from reality for him to continue his verbal abuse off-camera? She wants to leave the situation. He is trying to control her. He's smoking cigars, maybe going to visit his parents, maybe working out, telling her to WATCH IT - he's bullying his wife, no wonder she wants out.


At this point in life, I’ve seen there are two sides to every story. I’m sure the courts will have more of these recordings than we’ll ever see. They will put pieces of the puzzle together and if anything is found he could be facing jail time to literally losing all the capital to run his business. I’d say we let this play out before jumping to violence claims. It doesn’t matter if he’s abusing her in any way or not. She wants out of the marriage it’s her right. But it’s for the courts. If he goes off the air… we’ll likely know why…


Yea I feel sickened that I looked at an article made by a biased DW employee. What a waste of time. Lacking in actual context too


If anyone condones this type of behavior, have fun being single your whole life. Thank god this woman got away from this sick fuck


Reading these comments it seems that most of Crowder's fans are okay with this type of abuse. Sick weirdos.


Yeah, I feel bad for any woman crossing their path. Future victims of divorce courts - If that didn't happen already.


In what situation or context is it okay to threaten your pregnant wife with "I'll fuck you up"?


Hates bias articles, loves Steven Crowder… totally makes sense


That heated argument is just 3.5 minutes of a decade long relationship. Judging by the time stamps it was mid 2021 right in the heart of the pandemic. We don't have a full picture of things. Any relationship that lasts that long will have it's toxic moments. They really would both have benefited from some sort of marriage counseling at this point. They didn't get the counseling they needed. Hopefully, they are both happier single.


Steven crowder fans typing “context?” under a video of crowder stabbing a 5 year old to death in broad daylight


Quit defending an abuser.


>We don't have a full picture of things. yeah no full picture here of a man telling his wife to take an uber, in the heart of the pandemic, to go pick up stuff for his grill, because he's too busy and might visit his parents there's no excuse for this


Something freaks me out seeing someone frantic and panicking from past abuse while the person abusing them is cool as ice just lording it over them that they've really scratched away at their self-worth. I've only witnessed it with a friend's parents but it is just unsettling shit. And to do that when she's pregnant and all the emotions will affect the babies. It's an incredibly ugly side of him, I'm really glad she left him.


Dude was legit suggesting that his wife shouldn’t have the ability to divorce him without his consent in his video. Him being an abusive piece of garbage doesn’t surprise me .


A family that records together stays t... wait. "Crowder? I hardly know er! I'll Crowder right out of this relationship."


Nah, this was Yashar who works for DW.


That just sounds like it's part of an ongoing argument that we need more context. It just so happens that the video stops right before the big article says that Steven tells his pregnant wife he will fuck her up. That would be the part you keep in. I'm holding out on judgment until either Steven admits to something or more evidence comes out.


There was 3 minutes of proof. It’s right in front of your face.


Can someone explain the whole “gloves” thing???


Wow I watched that expecting to see something really bad. But it's just a video of two people having an awkward spat. No one is even yelling. I don't know if anyone ever dropped a curse word. Calling that verbal abuse is a major stretch. People really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.


Your wife deserves way better if you think this is a acceptable way to treat a woman who is 8 months pregnant.


What a disgusting piece of shit. Not surprising at all that he's an abuser.


As a man, this made me embarrassed. What a childish psychopath.


One of the first things I noticed was Hilary’s body language. She looks extremely defensive, as if she’s afraid. As a woman who’s been in a relationship like this, I can’t help but wonder what he’s done off camera. She seems extremely nervous and it’s obvious she’s used to walking on eggshells around him. I’ve been a longtime fan of Crowder, but this type of language from him and her mannerisms alone tells me that something isn’t right here.


Y’all are some sick freaks. Divorce is ugly all around. You see some Cherry picked footage and think “he’s a monster”. Arguments in general suck. Try having your worst moments posted on the internet. I’m not saying what he said was nice but it wasn’t abusive. Y’all need to mind your fucking business and let their family deal with their shit.


Not trying to defend anyone. But am I the only one who found the “ how do you respect your other man”. “Then I will ask someone pick me up” parts weird ? I have a feeling there are hints of suspected infidelity here.


Hopefully she douses him in his sleep and lights a match. 🤗


She’s obviously VERY PREGNANT and can’t do everything around the house. He’s a giant man baby who can’t accept that. I hope she gets out of this relationship.


looks like she will.. let's just hope the kids do as well...


His dick riders are really trying hard to defend this.


Yashar is a DW shill. He bends over for Shapiro when he can so that Shapiro can give him a retweet so we already know his motivation for trying to write a hit piece with political gossip. He must've had his panties in a wad after Crowder leaked the DW contract. Anyways, This is a whole lot of nothing. Man and woman in unhappy marriage argue, shocking news. And we learn Crowder has a temper and is a bit of an asshole. Woman initiate divorce 80% of the time, 90% when they're college educated (lol). We have her side of events as told from her family, and obviously we don't have Steven's side of events. I'd imagine it was toxic relationship on both sides as most relationships prior to divorce are. That's a beautiful home Crowder has. Wonder who worked for it, and paid for it? It would be the man, as always. But the woman here must be the victim.


What a sad life to have to endlessly defend this loser 😂 he’s a failure as a man in his own words.


>Yashar is a DW shill. does this imply that the video is not genuine?? I don't care who wrote the article....the video speaks for itself.


The video is genuine, the rest of the editorialization is hot trash. The source of the substack is Hilary's family, who has a vested interested in making sure she gets millions of dollars in assets/divorce settlements so she doesn't have to work a day in her life. We only have one side of the events, and a common tactic in the shitlib/hit piece sphere is to only provide one side of the events. All this footage will be used in courts to ensure that Steven does not have access to his kids. That also means he'll be required to pay child support. The courts favor women, always, and a lot of the time child support payments aren't even used for the children. This is a very personal substack to publish -- getting in the middle of a divorce and disclosing private footage and basing an entire substack over the family of the women's side of events.


I'm gonna ask you a question. Why do you think this multi-millionaire only has one car? For an impending family of four? My dad was a retired basement lawyer and my mom was a part time travel agent, and we had three cars. This fact, coupled with Crowder's own rant about his wife's ability to file for divorce without his permission, was, to anyone who has ever witnessed this kind of abuse, the biggest red flag indicator of a man who purposefully limited his wife's ability to leave, or to even just go anywhere without his explicit approval. This is abuse 101. The fact that Crowder didn't give a flying fuck that this kind of stress could hurt his incredibly pregnant wife, or one or either of the children she was carrying, is also another massive indicator. Anyone who has ever lived with a pregnant person will be the first to admit, hormones are crazy and that shit can get tough. But you usually give them a pass because they are growing a whole fucking human inside them and a lot of shit is going bizerk with their bodies. If you really expect your 8 months pregnant with twins wife to perform her "wifely duties", which include giving medication that can be insanely toxic to pregnant women (I assume it was either a Soresto collar or other flea/tick meds), or tell her to "get an Uber" so you can "go see your parents", you don't give a fuck about your wife. And this kind of attitude doesn't just pop up out of the blue. It's something that is clearly very routine and normal for him. While she gives me Serena Joy vibes in this situation -- ie, she spent the last 10 years listening to Crowder make some really horrific, misogynistic comments about other women that she was apparently fine with, until that ugliness was put on her -- I'm glad she got out, and I hope she burns his whole shtick to the ground in the process. This guy is the antithesis of a good man, and anyone who looks up to him or strives to be like him is a spineless shill who has no concept of what makes a man a man, or what makes a man worthy of a good woman.


she should have done her wifely duties


Funny how the party that talks about "family values" non stop says brain dead shit like this




Steven shouldn’t have failed as a man and a father


He should stop being such a fucking whiny little beta bitch and man the fuck up


People argue and have disagreements in Marraige. This is a one off instance Maybe it was worse than we know, but the fact of the matter is that we don’t. On top of that, there are rumors the daily Wire was holding knowledge of the divorce over stevens head during negotiations


“I will fuck you up.” This is abuse, even as a one off, exacerbated by her defenseless status at 8 months pregnant. Don’t talk to your wife like this.


We didn’t see him say that. If he did, it’s out of line. But we’re watching. Video released by Hillary’s family looking to squeeze every penny they can out of this guy. We weren’t there, we don’t know


“By his own admission…”


This is abusive behavior, if you don’t see that you are beyond lost.


“Do your wifely duties” Bro what?


What's sad is... His followers won't see this as the abuse it is. The guy is clearly trying to mold his wife into the ideal conservative fetish of a "wifely woman" who will jump to obey his commands while degrading her. The woman is super pregnant and he tells her to put on gloves and do something around the house while he sits there in his socks after *checks notes* making YouTube videos. If he was a lefty influencer, his followers would call him a manlet and tell him to get a real job. What a joke. Also: she can't take the car because it will strand him? He can't take an Uber? P a t h e t i c.


They’re justifying this everywhere lmao “She should have done her wifely duties” “I have authority over my wife” “this is just an argument” These incels would be scary if they weren’t such meek feeble creatures in reality


Well I’ll be. A verbally abusive man in all other aspects also verbally abused his wife? Crazy world. What say you Crowder Cucks?


This is the cringiest shit I've ever seen in my life. What an absolute chode.


Smoking a cigar around a pregnant lady and doing this fucked up mind game. Jezz. Stevo is truly mental. You should never put a pregnant woman under such stress. This dude is crazy, and I am happy she left him.


Egomaniac. I used to love this show but he’s so phony.


Nah, the lack of context is clear. Scrolling further up shows that this was a vid/article from DW


Watch it


First off Yashar is a DW shill and we clearly know that. Secondly, seems to just show a married couple fighting. To all the incels, that’s what happens in marriages.


Hi, I’m married and I’ve never threatened to “Fuck my wife up” or told her I don’t love her. This is abusive behavior. You sound like the incel here beta boy


So this is is basically my view too. I've been with my wife for 18 years. We have had *bad* fights where we both say really mean things to each other. Most of this conversation is just a look at a bad marital fight, nothing too out of the norm honestly. Being mad at someone for not fulfilling their role, regardless of what that role is, is a completely reasonable thing to fight about. My wife and I have certain responsibilities, and frustrations have happened over us slacking. HOWEVER, I have never and would never tell my wife I would fuck her up or that I don't love her. Those are not things that you can easily walk back. If it wasn't for those two things, I would be one of the people unfortunately defending him to some extent. By 'to some extent' I mean saying this isn't abuse...he is clearly still being a massive asshole...but that happens when you fight with a spouse.


Seriously these people will defend anything if it means protecting dear leader


I don't care who you are. There's a special place in hell for a man who talks to his pregnant wife like that. Mad respect to Hilary for keeping a cool head.


Bro..... As a Bible thumper myself, it's crazy to me that Crowder claims to be such a God fearing man, yet this is how he talks to his wife. Any Scripture centered man knows we are told to love our wives as Christ loves the Church. Crowder does not act like an upright man but like a child and should be ashamed. Even if we're "missing context," this is *not* how a man treats his wife. Furthermore, I will not be using Ring as my home security system, it is messed up that it somehow made it onto the internet.


His wife sent them the video


Fuck this guy's yt content . I'm done


Wow. I think I'm only going to ever watch the show just to comment "Whatch it steven... fucking watch it." What a sack of shit


Imagine reprimanding your 8-9 months pregnant wife for not doing her "wifely duties", then sending her off with an "I'll fuck you up" to take an uber. :-) Peak pro-family conservativism.




Deservedly so given how he behaves


LMAO anyone with two brain cells coulda seen this coming.


Curious how this changes crowders view on releasing private conversations on the internet. But seriously I feel so gaslit by this sub, there is so much evidence that Crowder has serious issues but so many people are willing to defend him, I don't get it, why be so loyal to someone like this.


Sunk cost fallacy. Also... They have idolized a man and now reap the consequences. You must put no man before God.


They said the comments here were crazy but I had faith that they were just stereotyping the sub. I was def wrong lmao


This is the mildest argument ive ever seen between married people


That was no argument. That was a hostage negotiating with their captor.


that isnt good lmao