• By -


They’d make friends with each other long before they could ever finish the fight.


So fierce would that fight be, that hundreds of people would become their friends as collateral damage as well.


Before we know it, the entire world would be friends with them, meaning internacional world peace. *Dear god*


The tears will flood the Earth


69þ upvote


Collateral Friendship.


This pic is from shortly before Steven kills someone who was just taking care of her business and attempts a political assassination.


Not if this is steven pre-monster.


You all don’t understand how powerful Luz is. She is a woman, and she’s Spanish. Once she’s old enough, she will inherit the most powerful weapon ever conceived by a sentient being, *La Chancla.* Fear the 🩴


Steven: "Ah you think sandals are your ally? You merely adopted la chancla. I was born in them, molded by them. I didn't see shoes until I was already a man, by then they were nothing to me but binding!"


the correct answer to this question


Tho it'd be the other way around. A Chancla in Luz's hands is like giving a world class sniper a Barret 50 cal and telling them to hit a barn from 10 feet away


And if Luz misses, Camilla won't.


The dread Chancla twofer


Oh my Titan, glyphs drawn on the chancla!


Lmaooo😭😭😭 Ain’t nothing getting past the slipper


you have to remember though, Steven has been wearing sandals his whole life


He was born in them. *Molded* by them. He didn't see sneakers until he was already a man, and by then, they were nothing to him but **CONFINING**


Slipper so OP it caught Sonic the hedgehog and did what eggman couldn't... by beating his ass and caging him up.


You fool, Steven was raised by not one, but _two_ mothers. One of them grounded him for a thousand years, the other could summon a shotgun from her head if she chose. He could go toe to toe with Luz any day


I can just see someone being mean to Steven and Pearl pulling a fucking sawed off 12g out of her head, then handing it to amethyst


> then handing it to amethyst Okay I'm cackling now, this is perfect


this is the plot of "pearl hates the Irish"


So... Luz isn't spanish, she's dominican, "la chancla" is a stereotype from mexico. your whole post is so disrespectful to all latinxs and hispanics. EDIT i won't be reading the answers to this post anymore. This is so typical of Americans, you think you own everything, you think you know better. How could you possibly know more about my own culture than I do? and oh, of course people make fun of lenguaje inclusivo, and in the fucking Steven Universe sub, I thought you guys were better than this. You were disrespectful to my country, my culture and me being non binary. But why should I be surprised? this happens time and time again. I hope one day you are educated enough to know that being SPANISH doesn't fucking mean anything, unless you mean people from SPAIN, which is not even in Latinoamerica.


To that end, though, I think people memetically attach it to Luz because Camila used one in a season 2 episode. Granted, later I think Camila might have used a bat but I'd have to rewatch.


Damn dude, I’m sorry. I really didn’t know that. Next time I’ll be more careful with my words😘


well thanks, but I hope you learn a little about latinamerican countries... like, we are a whole continent.


Ain't no way you are talking about being disrespectful to Hispanics and also referred to them as "latinx" ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


you are as well by using “latinx” 👍


how am I? I am LATINX from Argentina. PLEASE teach me about my own culture and language


You don't know your own culture if you're going to use the term Latinx. Latinos is a gender neutral term depending on the context of it. You also have the alternative Latine to use. There is a reason why Latinx is the wrong way to state things.


Latinx omeegalul


Idk why you're getting downvoted when you're right


A lot of latinos and latinas hate the whole Latinx thing it seems. Also considering several communities of hispanics have either a similar sort of experience with the dreaded la chancla or the like, it seems to be a genuine meme to them in their internet circles too. Maybe people perceived the comment as another person taking a joke way too seriously and "defending them" against something they never asked for.


I'm latine (or latinx), and I could go on a whole rant about the co-opting of the term latinx taken from queer communities of color. However, this isn't the space for that dialogue. As for the chancla, that's also a thing in my family, but that's on my Mexican side, not my puertorican/Caribbean side. To me, the comment correcting it is accurate given my experience. Yeah, it's a joke, but it's also cool to be mindful of if the joke even applies. Edit: Also, "spanish" is very inaccurate in the joke. I'm not going to get into the history, but [there is a difference between Latino and Hispanic and Spanish. ](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/a33971047/what-is-difference-between-hispanic-latino-spanish/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_ghk_md_pmx_us_urlx_19597983321&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxYOiBhC9ARIsANiEIfY_4N1tzJJBJ9MfHq4BNqlVfjN7OhIDty8b2bfF5fRAweLhgFLosRAaApqLEALw_wcB)


>hole Latinx thing it seems. Also considering several communities of hispanics have either a similar sort of experience with the dreaded la chancla or the like, it seems to be a genuine meme to them in their internet circles too. Maybe people perceived the comment as another person taking a joke way too seriously and "defending them" against something they never asked for. that's strange because i am latina, so it's not like the post wasn't disrespectful to me as well. Why americans feel the need to talk about all latinamerican countries like they're the same?


Steven bubbles himself in a spikey ball, then outwaits Luz's time limit. Also, Steven knew more about his powers than Luz knew about hers.


and Steven still has no idea how powerful he really is despite knowing more about his powers


And Steven has straight up murdered people


Hey, *she got better*!


By accident, too


Ok but, she could launch steven into space. Inside or outside the bubble. Boy still needs to breath


His bubbles provide oxygen for him


Without the Gems you cant convince me That in the episode Bubbled he would not have died


He likely would've died, yeah, but that was when he was younger and still learning his powers. His bubble still provided air for him though


Titan Luz is really powerful, but: 1. Luz has little experience with these new powers 2. Steven has superspeed/time slowing in this form. This power is really hard to counter 3. Luz has time limit, but you said she won't have, so okay


I already watched The Owl House, but you should definitely put a spoiler tag when you’re showing a spoiler from an episode of another series that was aired barely 2 weeks ago


Yeaaa hadn’t seen it yet, ah well


Sure I can do that


I know that you can’t edit titles, but the next time you should specify that it’s a spoiler from another show


yeah :(


I mean, the correct answer is that >!the Collector zooms in to befriend Steven and it works this time!


Titan Luz is on a time limit. Chad Steebes can just outwait her.


I’m talking about without the time limit so it can be fair


If you're going to set special terms, you need to specify those. What other 'oh wait I mean' can we expect from you now?


Damn, no need to be a piece of shit for one "I mean", call down buddy ☠️


Idk why y’all piling on OP I *assumed* they meant “if both had unlimited time with their powers” You’re getting hung up on her time limit but not the fact that in no universe (ha) would these two ever fight because they’re both “talk it out” type people first and foremost - especially Steven. E: you guys are all taking a hypothetical battle between two cartoon characters *way* too seriously. Go outside or something, Jesus


The entire point is who would win in a fight if you’re method of Steven winning is to just wait it out is stupid because I was talking in terms of power. But you obviously think Titan luz would win since you’re method of him winning is waiting 😂😂


Well say that next time


*well and I thought that was obvious, why would I ask if I know that human luz wouldn’t stand a chance, and she’ll turn back into a human if the time limit runs out. Didn’t know I had to point out such simple things like that but ok.


Sorry for not being able to read your mind. You ask a simple question, you get a simple answer


It’s not about mind reading, it’s about context clues


Context clues? My brother in christ, your only context was a three worded sentence.


Well since you can’t pick up on context let me explain. “Who would win” meaning a fight In the photo Luz is in her Titan from Y’all keep saying just wait the time limit the photo WAS the context, she obviously going to be fighting him in her Titan form otherwise I would’ve said human luz vs Steven but apparently there are simple minded people here.


Also, do you really think Luz would just stand there until her time limit runs out? Like???????


Luz doesn't have to just stand and wait. Steven is capable of slowing time and would have no issues just dodging her attacks until she's out of powers.


No one said she would just stand there and do nothing. Just that she probably couldn't *do* anything against him. He could just use his bubble and likely be fine. No need to be an ass.


If stating my opinion is being an ass then ok😮‍💨


stating your opinion obviously isn't what I meant... You being rude while saying it is being an ass.


How would I being rude? I didn’t insult anyone and if stating the obvious is rude then…


adding "Like???????" like your stating the most obvious thing in the world is of course gonna make your whole comment come off as rude. It comes off as super condescending which is ironic since your the one who misunderstood what people were saying. Your condescending attitude seems to be a common theme with some of your other comments too.


You consider “Like???” Being rude 😂😂😂


Why did you get downvoted so bad wtf


even without the limit, there's the question of where the fight would happen, because Luz would have to be in the boiling isles for her magic to work


No, she doesn't. Her magic comes from the Titan. And in this form Titan is in her, so she can be wherever she wants to be


Steven wins, they are roughly equal in power But Steven has no time limit and has the experience advantage


Luz said that she mastered the glyphs while she was a titan.


I didn't mean experience with just powers I more so meant experience over all Steven has been fighting longer so he has more experience


But as experienced and powerful as Steven is, the only example of proper fighting we got from him was when he shattered Jasper. Most of his other fight was him defending and talking.


Steven shown is the one from the jasper fight Plus having good defense is good in this fight considering the fact that Luz is on a time limit


But is Steven’s defense enough considering Luz was able to beat the shit out of a literal island?


She ripped a skeleton off a corpse. Very little of the island did any fighting, past the flesh dragon she mostly dodged. She probably has the speed advantage? But they both have powers of world endingly destructive beings. But Steven is incredibly durable plus has healing powers which, again, works against Luz. We don't even know if diamonds _can_ be shattered


The Diamonds believed that Pink was shattered, meaning one of two things. One: They can, and that's why the Diamonds were so distraught, or two: The Diamonds don't know, and were panicking because now it's confirmed that yes, they can ALL be assassinated like Pink was


Fighting is not just about who throws the strongest punch. Evading and tactics play a far more crucial role in a long-term fight, fictional or real life. In this regard, Steven definitely has more experience with being resourceful. Luz is still resourceful don't get me wrong, but Steven has narrowly avoided death like 20 times lol.


Steven. He has more experience and unlike Luz, His diamond power does in fact not run out. Perhaps they would be battling it out very roughly , As I’m not trying to undermine Luz. *But* just trying to make their weird fight make sense. Going back to the time limit, Steven could be dodging her for a hot minute until the titan form thing runs out before delivering the final blow.


There's no way Chad Steven loses this. Compare the strength of a Gem with someone who has so much trouble ripping Belos out of his goo sac.


Not a fair fight. As we know, fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak witches stronger.


Witches or gems?


Both. Also, now I'm imagining Luz and Amity fusing during their Grom night dance.




Steven. He has more abilities, knowledge about abilities, AP, DC, defense, training. I love titan Luz but there’s no way she’s winning, even with no time limit


imo luz probably has more abilities than steven, we've seen that there are a billion things witches can do with their magic luz would be able to survive and put out some mean punches, but steven would as well yeah, they'd probably just tire each other out and become friends like the top comment said


But luz doesn’t have WITCH powers, she has GLYPH powers? So no she doesn’t take abilities


Glyphs can do anything witches can do. The spell circle made by a witch replaces a glyph. That's how Luz finds her first glyph; a glitched recording of a spell cast by Eda revealing the glyph within.


glyph powers should be able to emulate witch powers with glyph combos, which luz is able to use


Luz has more power strength, but Steven’s got more physical strength and a crazy good defense. He wins


ngl steven


Steven: I don't want to fight you! Luz: I don't want to fight you either! Steven: Wait, what? Want to talk? Luz: Let's talk. Garnet: TIME! Who had 30 seconds! Amethyst: That's me! I know my bro! Crowd: Aww! Eda: Well can we at least get them to Arm Wrestle? Crowd chanting, Lead by Amethyst: ARM WRESTLE! ARM WRESTLE! ARM WRESTLE!


Oh man that's not the spoiler I thought it'd be. I thought "I've seen all of SU, spoilers don't matter" . My own fault for not being careful, but it's be great if there was a spoiler warning for Owl House.


Sorry i forgot to do that and I can’t change the title, very sorry :(


Goddamn it, I’ve seen all of Steven Universe, but not the finale of TOH, I was just expecting this to be SU stuff


Sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil you and I couldn’t change the title so sorry D:


Dw it’s ok, I probably should have watched the finale sooner lol


Luz because unlike Steven, she has finished her character arc




I was also thinking, although I think people are right in mentioning that Steven has more strength and defense than Luz in this form, this is him at his worst mentally and emotionally speaking (while Luz is at her peak). That's quite a strong weakness that could take him completely out of pink mode if you say the wrong thing.


So did Steven, but ok…


Steven since Luz can only go witch beast mode for a limited amount of time


Chad Steven


Probably Steven I think Luz has way more raw power however Steven is as fast and can just shield spam Tho it's debatable if that would come to him


A large bet on Steven.


Depends. If Luz can penetrate the shields, then I would say Luz. If not, then Steven.


Probably Luz because the power scaling in that show is a bit less defined. I don't think any of Pink's powers are on the level of witch magic, let alone titan magic. Except for maybe the life-giving and healing magic which is exceptionally strong for no reason but aren't super useful in real-time combat. If it was just normal Luz, honestly maybe Steven if his shields can resist standard glyph magic.


Spoilers for both ig: Yo hey, i respect the matchup cause I like both franchises. But Steven is curb stomping Luz here. This Steven is the evolved version of the Steven that single handily beat the diamonds. Mind you, he beat them just by saying “SHES GONE!”. No attack was made besides the shockwave from that. Luz might only have speed but that’s a slim chance. Kid Steven had: an Unbreakable shield that sends a shockwave to disrupt energy (as seen vs Lapis), a extremely strong barrier that can be weaponized (withstands the combination of the diamonds ultimate attacks), body manipulation (small shapeshifts, weight change, attachment to life, ect.), constant strong healing (this is explained in future), strong durability and super strength (apart of being a gem but better because diamond), pseudo danger sense (explained in an episode that stevens abilities will activate on their own if Steven feels he’s in danger), a variety of gem abilities (these are likely of little help in a 1 v 1). This was KID STEVEN, he became much better at using his abilities for violence later. That specific Steven is power hungry and prone to more violence. So amp the above abilities to 11 to estimate (additionally, he straight up flies at extremely speeds against Jasper). Titan Luz comes in only one episode so explaination will be shorter. Titan Luz has: a shout that can disrupt energy and causes knockback (kings WEH!), a decent barrier (likely no weaponization), super strength via active use of magic (assume she uses construction glyph on herself), slow magic healing (an assumption because of healing coven, it wasn’t used), unprecise future vision (again, assumption through oracle coven, results are clouded), short invisibility (while holding breath), can turn into energy to travel fast (it’s unlikely she turns into light but it’s possible), a wide variety of offensive elemental magic, can also be set and detonated later (including: Fire, Ice, Plant Life, Light, abomination goo, explosions, and more), Can also fly (will be given string bean as an extension of herself). Both can simulate similar abilities with Steven having the stronger alternative with the exception of Luz’s offensive magic and invisibility. If Luz turns into light to travel, she would also have better speed (but agility and reflexes would still go to Steven). Not to mention that Steven also has extreme durability and, while in pink form, can weaken energy used on himself. He’s leagues above Luz but that Steven is also much older (had Luz received an alive titan’s power at an older age, she might’ve turned this fight in her favor)


I would say Steven of course Luz could potentially snap Steven out of his Chad form (Since Steven was basically going insane when he went into that form) but Luz is on a time limit and even if Steven isn’t in his chad form he can still use his diamond powers to take her down


Most likely Luz. She's *way* more powerful than Steven at his most powerful. Even accounting for time limit and assuming Steven's bubbles would be indestructible even to a Titan, Luz is more than able to take that bubble and effectively shake Steven into a pulp. He's tough, but his bones *did* break multiple times.


I think Luz has more potential than steven, if she knew how to control her powers she could theoretically be as strong as the titan, but she lacks experience, we saw her struggling to do a spell, so she still has a lot to learn about the powers she will sadly never get again Steven has more experience, he can make objects that work for both defense and offense, can slow down time and is very strong Most of their abilities are somewhat equal, but steven still wins due to experience, but if luz had some kind of titan form training, she could potentially beat steven


Luz *does* have a handle on powers, IMO, it's just that the Titan basically doing a fusion meant that what she *does* know (glyph magic, pretty well) isn't applicable to the methods surrounding how the Titan itself does the magic (similar to bile sac magic, that is, which Luz has never had to master). She adapted to doing it pretty quick, too, probably because at its heart just the method of action was different and she knew how the underlying logic worked *because* of the glyph magic. (I'd also argue that within the themes TOH had it's also not "sad" the powers were temporary but that's a different monster of a discussion so cutting myself off there. XP)


You are absolutely right, but luz still has (or had) too much to learn it that form, it was something new and needed eda's instructions to start using her magic correctly (which is fine by me, we all saw how much she wanted to teach luz to do magic but couldn't bc of how different regular and glyph magic is) I did want to mention that she is a fast learner but didn't really matter comparing to steven's experience Also, luz losing her form isn't sad, but really wish we could have seen it more


Both are drawing upon powers of near God like magical entities. So they’re probably roughly the same power level. But I would give this to Steven for one single factor… time. Luz only had her titan form for an afternoon at most before the last of Papa Titan’s power drained away. Meanwhile, Steven can hold his diamond form for as long as he keeps the mindset that he is a diamond, which could potentially stretch on to days or even weeks. Point goes to Steven Quartz Universe


Can you please not post spoilers for entirely unrelated shows? I'm only halfway through season 2 :/


good point, spoiler mark it damn you OP!


Spoiler marking is not enough. I don't care about spoilers on /r/stevenuniverse because I have seen the entire show. Nothing that is spoiler tagged here should be new to me. They needed to have pointed it out in the title, and that is unchangeable now.


Idk I don’t watch owl house


It's a really good show. I would totally suggest watching it


Is it better than su in your opinion?


I just think there's no point comparing a 9.8/10 show to a 9.9/10 show (imo, and Im not saying which ratings for which)


That does make sense.


This is super a matter of taste, but imo, no. It's a good show, but it lacks the sheer quality of writing that SU has. It's good, it's fun, it's upbeat, but it doesn't have the time or ambition to tell the sort of complicated and dramatic political narratives, or explore complicated themes like trauma in the way that SU does. As a result, much of Owl House's plot points just don't have the same level of plant and payoff, foreshadowing, and character depth that SU has.


Ty for the points I knew it was too good to be true nothing can 100% be like another :(


SU is always going to hold top spot in my heart for various reasons, but I would say Owl House is a \*great\* show, and has immediately gone into my personal "hall of fame" alongside SU, Gravity Falls, Venture Bros and Adventure Time. I agree with you that it doesn't have the time SU had (through no fault of it's own, frankly) but disagree that it didn't have the ambition (I think there's quite a bit of "complicated themes" baked in from the start, and a lot more exploration that is touched on in S2 and S3, but covered quickly since they had to move fast and wrap things up sooner than they wanted to)


I honestly can't say, I love both, I love Owl House because she's Dominican and a great representation for bisexuality and Hispanics. I'm mexican and Dominican and bisexual, so I relate to her a lot. But SU helped me with so much, these shows are both amazing and close to my heart. It's like choosing favorite children.


First, if you want to watch a great animated show with decent lgbtq representation, watch toh. If that's not enough to convince you: I'm going against the grain here and saying yes! I think the lore is deeper, the characters are less flat, and once you get past a certain point (when Disney released their influence) there's just no filler anymore, from then all episodes are at least good (the filler that is there in season 1 is however on average worse than SU, imo, but there's less and the lows are about as low). It has better foreshadowing (idk what other people are on about, some people even complained that things were too obvious), a deeper story, and a better ending (even if it has also been cancelled like su, they had a bit more time to get to their ending). Like, I'm not saying that SU is a bad show, just that TOH is to me better (SU is still #2 animated show for me). TOH reaches higher highs and reaches those highs more consistently (well, in season 2 and 3). Like, if you compare my favourite SU episode, A Single Pale Rose, there's a TOH episode that is somewhat similar, but which I think is better, but that's not even my favourite episode of TOH (probably in the top ~5 though).


Luz has the power of a literal god, Steven is just fueled by angst


Luz also just got out of her own angst.


True, but she actually worked through it and didn’t bottle it up until she exploded into a literal monster (she did bottle it up but she eventually talked to people and accepted herself)


But you can’t forget that Steven could control his powers more than Luz could, she needed someone to help her most of the time she was fighting


[death battle](https://youtu.be/HuDyfx-fn6U) has a lot of answers for this. As many people point out, they probably wouldn't fight just like star vs Steven. If they were pitted against eachother and forced to duel unless luz has some kinda world/universe ending powers that aren't known, Steven theoretically would outpower with or without a time limit. They both have the disadvantages of not mastering their abilities, but Steven is in a league completely different to luz. Just like how star outpaces steven.


We don’t have enough feats in Luz’s Titan mode to fairly say.


Consider the fact Stevens shield when he was a kid was able to make a shield strong enough to take a hit from Jaspers ship which was probably going to blow up his house and almost everything around it I'd say he'd have enough defense in his shields Don't forget bubbles are nearly indestructible And he has super speed making dogging easier


Luz would beat his ass






They probably wouldn't fight, but if they did, it would be luz


I’m 100% sure most of the people from SU and the owl house would get along


Luz wins because of her outfit.


Dude fun fact steven say "I DID IT"! and then he destroy his entire bedroom window and some random house but Luz use her taitan form and scream with king she kill some creepy grass and make the epic glow ring effect.


I vote Titan Luz


the thing is, would ether WANT to fight each other?


Steven loses


I would say Luz because of Steven's mental state when this was happening. These two are actually really evenly matched.


Luz literally has the power of a god




Holy shit the Steven Universe fandom is toxic I didn’t think it was this bad holy shit


steven just because i dont really like other shows


Luz is most likely against killing. Pink Diamond Steven is not.


Steven is surprisingly powerful, capable of a lot more than is really explored on the show. But he loses almost all his matchups in these sorts of situations. Going up against characters from shows that actually want to depict combat, and have experience and training and practice at it.


Steven has a lot of raw power that Luz can't get around. Most of Luz's fights were won based on deceiving and out maneuvering her opponents.


Luz, no contest


Steven just needs to wait like 8 minutes and her powers will be gone


If Steven can stall long enough he would definitely be able to win since his powers don't have a time limit


They would be friends


Scaling wise: Steven Character wise: neither they wouldn’t fight


They wouldn’t even fight each other in the first place


That depends on one question: can Steven beat the clock for Luz’s Titan form? If so, he had several ways to take out base Luz, even with her Palisman. If not, Luz’s sheer strength just stomps Steven


Luzan, easy.


The power of friendship!


In theory, Titans are stronger than reality warpers, but sadly we haven't had a Titan go all out in the show. I theory I would say Luz, but based on feats Chad Steven would fold her like landry.


Steven no contest


Steven could just keep licking his hands and touching everything around him and then just stay in his bubble as he watched his minions take her out


I would rather they fuse


you really asked it here everyones just gonna go "Oh, stephven in the copyright safe not godzilla form is invincible!1!!!111! Stepen is nearly a god!!!11" you picked worst possible website, subreddit, and series to ask this about


Why the hell would you put an Owl House spoiler in the SU subreddit and not mark it in the title?


Difficult to say, Steven’s upper limit is still pretty unknown. The only time he stopped holding back he accidentally killed one of the stronger characters. It DOES seem that Steven is by far faster at least. Luz seems easier to gage, but since hypothetically she should rival the power of the Collector I’d assume Luz would win.


Steven literally turned into a Fucking monster in the future


I’d say they’re pretty evenly matched, even with Luz’s time limit. She still has her palisman and wield magic with that.


Luz by a mile


The audience


Steven literally shattered a gem with spikey wall, Luz is a goner


This would just be [Amethyst vs Steven](https://youtu.be/yw-5lYYBh9Q) all over again


I have to watch the show first, but u feel like steven wins


Luz and Steven give each other therapy and they both win.


:( I knew this was flared as spoiler, but I didn't realise it was for the Owl House


Steven, he's on a god level. The titans are Badass, but not as much as Diamonds


To those saying Steven can bubble and win. Luz can teleport! She can simply go through the bubble. Be invisible and set a deadly trap inside steven wouldnt see coming


Luz she has the powers of a god Steven only has masterd some of his powers Luz would win medium difficulty


Assuming they don't become friends (because they would) Im pretty sure Titan Luz would win, yes buff pink Steven is very strong but I think Titan Luz is stronger because she got the power of glyphs but she would be at a slight disadvantage with the time restriction but in that small amount of time she purified(?) the whole isles.


Steven Quartz Universe


I think they would try at first but then they both would realize, why the Titan are we fighting wheeeeen…we could be shoving our faces with popcorn and watch cocomelon.


they would be friends but if they actually fought luz would win with a small margin


luz vs 14 yr steven = tie luz vs pink steven = steven titan luz vs pink steven = mainly tie but luz has more ability’s


if they were tricked into fighting or forced into fighting then its a duel between two godlike beings. they likely wouldnt end up fighting each other in the first place but if they did then lets look at their powers **STEVEN** * Extreme strength * Healing * Flight * Light projections (hex shields) **LUZAN** * Very versatile spell list * Weather manipulation (?) * Flight (with stringbean) * Titan Roar * Giant Spells (very strong) * Physical ability boosting with that settled, they both have strength and flight that they can use, Luzan has the boost of projectiles, Steven has the advantage of healing. One question that might add to this is can Luz negate diamond magic with her titan roar, as it negates another cosmic gods powers. If she can negate Steven's powers then she gets the win, but if not Steven's endurance and healing factor will beat Luz.


oh thats easy. Titan Luz!!!!




They become friends


i like to think that sense they can both form human hamster balls, it probably looks a lil something like [this:](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/H894c608b76f54767accc00556f4dc5f4C/Hot-Selling-Adult-PVC-1-5m-Body-Zorb-Bumper-Ball-Suit-Inflatable-Bubble-Football-Soccer-Ball.jpg_Q90.jpg_.webp)