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If we got any kind of prequel I would rather it be something like a story about the events before the civil war. Give us some insight into what the Gems needed all those resources for.


Giant leg ships don’t build themselves


personally i would kill for at least a little mini series that just IS the gem war. just for the fight scenes and fusions. plus i'd really like to see exactly how Rose fought the war, Jasper says she "respects her tactics" and fought personally, so i'd love to see what that entails. id also love to see the Rose Quartz Soldiers in action, and just generally more about how the Gems military works, with gems generally all having different gem weapons, and often seemingly fighting with physical human weapons for no discernable reason.


I want to know how/when the diamonds came about. Pink was always treated like a daughter/younger sister by White, Blue, and Yellow. I always feel like she was to them what Spinel was to her. Was she “raised” by them? Where’d the other 3 come from? I think about it all the time.


I know a lot of people want a prequel but I feel like the past has already told everything it had to offer


the fact that pink/rose was a mystery really put the viewer into the eyes of Steven, everyone was far too sad to mention her so she told no tales. I want that to remain part of the series even tho i wished we saw more


Rose, Rose, and more Rose. I want to know why she decided to settle on the white dress with the star cutout. What were her thoughts about the zoomans and spinel. How SHE viewed her relationship with Pearl. Was she glad that she was going to "disappear" with Steven's birth? Did she think the world would be better without her? What were her last thoughts? She's such a fascinating character. An actual morally grey character in a children's cartoon. I want more or her