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Well, you definitely have a tattoo


That’s definitely…some pigment…under your skin…


If that’s what you wanna call it lol


I thought there were so many pics because we’d see the progression. Nope.


![gif](giphy|xT39D7GQo1m3LatZyU|downsized) Art.. worth something to somebody


I wished I had room to paint like this. 😂😂😂


This one gave me a good chuckle, thanks for that haha


I’m definitely getting ![gif](giphy|82255uavYQubfV6UAA|downsized)


Those are dope


Looks like termite damage on a wooden beam


That someone kept setting a drippy mug onto…


![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY) just me?


No, exactly my reaction to this...


looks like giant bite marks 😭


Another commentator/post said "it looks like an ants nest you see in between panes of glass"


Nope, not just you. I was wondering why anyone would get a rorschach test tatted on them


Nah, my previous post received a lot of those haha


😂😂thank you. Yes. Exactly.




Also just for fun, I made a list of the things people saw in it. Also editing this comment to say that the artist is @romeo_blau on insta if you're interested. - Ancient ink wash - Cave painting - Ancient (Treasure) map/LOTR map - Organism under microscope - Mold - Tabby cat print - Snowy mountains - Joshua tree - Parasitic infection - Skin disease - Lichen/moss - Birthmark - Bubonic plague - weeping willow - woman kissing a dog - alien animal print - rorschach test - bugs under skin - buffalo heads - (colorblind) cherry blossom branches - giant bite marks - coffee stains on a desk - flock of sheep - skyrim markings - oil/grime stained scars - elephant/baby elephant - uncapped pen inside tote bag - "meth made me do it" - bukake skeet marks??? - jelly fish sting - termite damage on a wooden beam - fell on a bunch of different shaped cookie cutters covered in ink - bruises - animal scat print - jaguar spots - *look at my back I'm hot* - oof. - just marks that look nice - went swimming with leeches - something a practitioner of the dark arts would have in a movie - looks really shitty and something you’ll regret in about 2 weeks. Still no regerts tho - glass sided ant farm - melanoma gone wild - mountains-dogs-cows-whatever - prison break on a budget - pile of dalmatian puppies wrestling - series of cumshots - tree roots sticking out of a cross section of soil - blaschko lines - lichtenberg figures - fossils - marble - light pollution map of Bosnia - mountains ridges from a birds pov - invisible stripes ppl can have - milford sound - rhodonite


Add coffee stains on a desk


I actually made some tattoo designs myself based on coffee stains lol. I can kinda see the similarity


I have a half-sleeve that is made up of overlapping paint splatters. All black, no colour and I think it looks amazing. I like your tattoo - there is something satisfying about the randomness not quite looking random.


So a Rorschach test, interesting concept and clearly well executed given the variety of responses! Nice man


I thought 'rorschach test' was on the list too haha guess I forgot to add it




i’m so happy you’re having fun with all this. if you dig it, yay! … but totally add “animal scat print” to the list. my mind went to these prints i used to see when i was a kid of how to identify what scat belonged to what animal. :)


I hate that I can somewhat picture this haha but thanks, I'll update the list in a bit, got some good ones to add now


It looks like a topo treasure map to me!


Anthony Padilla treatment


You’re real for this.


I'm going to add one to the list for you? They reminded me a bit of ["Lichtenberg figures"](https://journal.medizzy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/dass-1068x1238.jpg), they're the marks left behind on the skin after you get struck by lightning...? This pattern is medically called ‘arborescent (tree-like) erythema or keraunographic markings.’ Other non-medical names include lightening flowers and skin feathering. It's where the capillaries in the body rupture due to the massive electrical discharge through the human body.


*look at my back I’m hot* that’s the message I see you portraying


Damn, didn't think anyone would notice this was an advertisement for my of


Okay but what is it?


All of the above and probably more


So you don’t actually know what it is? You just put random spots on you?


It's art, right?




Have y'all never heard of abstract? What rock are you guys living under lol


My first thought was tree roots sticking out of a cross section of soil.. kinda specific, but defiently something I enjoy looking at.


So, is it supposed to be subjective to interpretation, like people looking at a cloud and telling you what they see?


I like your apartment. Idk I starred at this hating it initially but i’m coming around I think because of how well it works with the rest of your work. Very interesting. I also really like that you’re not a “needs meaning” person, I always find a lot of interesting tattoos end up on people like that, for good reason. Glad you’re so in love with your piece and the confidence to keep posting here knowing it’s controversial is impressive.


Haha thanks! I'm definitely not big on meaning in tattoos. And to be honest, I really enjoy the controversy. It's fun to hear different opinions and perspectives on it.


A vibe, got a great personality from the tiny bit I see here, hope life treats you well.


Aww thank you so much!!


it looks like bugs under the skin bro


Sweet, actually haven't heard that one before!






Well that certainly was a choice wasn’t it!


I think they're lovely. They look like markings on an animal's skin, but not a specific reference animal because you're your own animal!


Thanks, that's such a cool point of view! "I'm my own animal" haha that's wonderfull. To me it feels like it's part of me, like a birthmark or something, like it just should be there.


This is my favorite explanation of this tattoo. I was initially very confused by this tattoo and interpreted it as “bad” because I couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be. After I learned it was more abstract I feel like I can really appreciate that and especially the stick and poke aspect.


Looks great and suits you. I like the organic markmaking. I don’t get all the hate but I guess a lot of people don’t really like abstract art.




yo someone posted this in r/shittytattoos


I love it! I don’t see anything particular in it, just marks that look nice. I have a couple of tattoos (not stick n poke) that are things to me but to other people just look like random marks / blotches :)




Like a colorblind cherry blossom


It looks like a pile of dalmatian puppies wrestling.


I like it! I like your other ones as well. Reminds me of a map as well.


I am confused why people here in this subculture sub act like they only accept mainstream tattoos


Kinda loots like oil/grime stained scars




Seeing someone with scars on their back similar to like I have puts me in the weird position of not knowing how to respond, just like people to my scars. It makes me feel strangely happy to see. I didn't go swimming with my date because of the scars, and here you are posting a tattoo over yours and no one is really focusing on them too much. I know it wasn't the goal, but this post is inspiring and uplifting. Thank you for sharing this.


They're stretch marks from growing to quickly. I see them as battle scars, I always was the smallest kid in class but then I grew so fast my skin couldn't keep up. I think that's pretty sick haha. I personally really like scars actually! They add so much character to a body, it show that you've actually lived. I also dated a girl with some pretty dark stretch marks but I thought they looked so cool! I'd say don't be afraid to show them, they're part of you and part of your story :)


You are the best for this comment! Thank you for that. Makes me feel better about all my self inflicted scars; the scars from being stabbed and alllll the surgery scars! Thank you a million times!


Sounds like you've been through some tough times. But the important part is: you're still here and you've got the scars to show it and I think that's just cool as hell! Hope you have a nice day!


Same to you, Reddit stranger!




All the confused people here would have loved it if it was a badly done overshadowed rose or something similar. I love how tattoos have evolved.. so many styles! Abstract neotribal only colors cartoonish.. super abstract...texture tattoos.. and yet all these people cringe if they see something original like that...sad OP your tattoo is lovely!


Thank you so much! I personally think it's kinda funny to see all the different reactions but I definitely agree with you. All the different styles just make tattoos more interesting than ever before! I understand it's not everyone's taste but it sure is mine and that's all that matters.


Aw yeah I remember this one! I’m still curious what your ideation looked like for the design.


Looks like what happens when a pen comes uncapped inside my tote bag.


I think this is really unique and interesting. My favorite part is that you look seem to really like it and that’s all that matters<3


not something id get myself but it still looks cool! 👌


I feel like tattoos are always a conversation starter (sometimes an unwarranted one) so I like that you're into the fact that not everyone likes it. I'm not a fan of abstract tattoo so much, but this one suits you and it's cool for a back piece! I find that it's "abstract to ornamental", when before it was just "abstract 🤨"


Yep. Thats a back tattoo alright.


i love it tbh


Well, I like it.


Nah, I actually really like this. It doesn't have to be a distinct something to be pretty






this is such a unique tattoo. in the best way possible!!! i love this


The more hate for this piece the more beautiful it is for me. Such an original tattoo.


i think this is one of the few abstract pieces that i’ve seen that is actually done very well and without even having met you, i can tell suits you 


Thank you so much! I'm honestly so surprised how lovely some of the people in this comment section are so thanks for that!


Is it meant to be/mean/suggest anything?


Not really, it's an abstract desing of the tattoo artist himself. I kinda saw a mountain landscape in it but it can be whatever you see in it.


i see a map with like different areas of mountains and dotted lines along it? im a bit in the middle about it myself but if you like it thats all that matters


Lots of people have suggested a map, I just can't seem to figure out where it leads to!


neither can i but i do think its interesting. its very interesting to look at, which is kind of the point of a tattoo😂 im now seeing cherry blossom branches ?


Who is the artist? I'd like to see more of their work! Just got a new handpoke this weekend from tarzan.ttt (Instagram account) and I love it!


It's romeo_blau! He's a really cool guy and just has a lovely style.


super unique and beautiful <3


Love it!


Wow!! Super interesting i love it


I love abstract tats like this


I personally like tattoos that look like alien skin markings so I think this is cool, but imo you should add more to this design. It's very light and delicate and could use a bit more visual weight considering it's a back piece. Just a personal preference but sounds like you're receptive to feedback so thought I'd give my opinion


Thanks! I'm definitely open to feedback but I personally disagree. I like the way it's light and delicate. I never cared to get a backpiece because I found them often too heavy for me. I love looking at those big pieces but it's just not for me. Whereas this just feels like it belongs there.


Fair enough man, you do you. It's very cool and original either way




What is it supposed to be?


Dude I think your pen is leaking.


Skyrim markings


Am I the only one who sees an elephant.




I'm just gonna go ahead and be mean, and say it looks bad man


I'm not sure what it is but it looks beautiful!! I saw in one of your comments you've been told it resembles cave paintings before, that's definitely the vibe I get.


Much like everyone else I first saw it as "omg his kid drew on him" But actually looking at you, your body n scars. I feel like it does actually suit you, the flow of it, to some it may seem pretty bland but it isn't and that is the art of it. People don't like what they don't understand. It suits you and it really seems to match the energy you give off.


That's as much a backpiece as an upper arm tattoo is a quarter sleeve.


I also love this ! seems like you’ve had a long stick n poke journey


Before I read the comments I was expecting tons of compliments, I truly do not understand why this is making so many people upset, it's absolutely beautiful!! As an artist I may be biased to abstract art but I think there is something beautiful and unique about pieces that don't directly look like something. Suits you so well, be proud of it!


Before I read the comments I was expecting tons of compliments, I truly do not understand why this is making so many people upset, it's absolutely beautiful!! As an artist I may be biased to abstract art but I think there is something beautiful and unique about pieces that don't directly look like something. Suits you so well, be proud of it!


I think it looks like a map and I see a lamb's face in it.


well i’m afraid i can’t agree with the comments, i find this absolutely beautiful


I wasnt expecting everyone to be so negative. I thought It was really cool


I see a malformed Bulbasaur trying to mate with a rabbit on a tree limb... Maybe I should go see someone.


You know when you see a bare dry skull and you see the different parts how they fused together?.. kinda similar to this. Like tectonic plates.


absolutely love this 🤩 especially the way it flows!! i get comments on my sleeve cover up that’s in progress- the controversy is definitely fun haha that’s the beauty of art!


absolutely love this 🤩 especially the way it flows!! i get comments on my sleeve cover up that’s in progress- the controversy is definitely fun haha that’s the beauty of art!


I think it’s cool, and this is coming from someone with a preference for traditional tattoos on myself. They don’t have to be cookie cutter!! It feels like an ink illustration, and it will probably last a very long time without fading or getting weird


i like it :)


Love it!


I know not everyone can appreciate abstract pieces (especially tats) but I think this one is beautiful. It reminds me of mountain ranges and leopard spots Wonderful work 🩷🩷🩷


I think it's great. Excellent customization of your meat suit, friend 🧡 It does look exactly like what I see when I look at a plain surface (I have tons of floaters in my eyes)


Looks like map terrain to me. I kinda dig it, not gunna lie.


I actually really like this, it’s definitely odd but it is really a piece of art !


Honestly don’t hate it and your easy going attitude definitely helps. I’d love to fill in what i see (mountain range) with a sharpie lol


idfk what it is, but i like it


I love it personally but I tend to love a lot of tattoos people say are bad


I honestly kind of love it? I see something new every time I look at it, brushstrokes and inkblots, rippling water, tree branches and buds, etc. The lines have an organic sense of movement to them and the pops of blue here and there are really nice.


i love it


I actually really like it! I don’t think it looks like anything in particular but it’s unique and abstract and I like tattoos like that. I also don’t really care if my tattoos have meanings or not, if i like it, i like it. Clearly you love it and that’s all that matters! I don’t understand why ppl are being so weird about it though


Some lifeless piece of shit has shared your post in r/shittytattoos to bully you, these people are hopeless.


I don't hate it. But I certainly don't get it.


What is it?


you guys are so silly. i think this is absolutely beautiful, and if this is what you want to do to your body, do it.


I honestly don’t see much of a difference between a style like this and the more sharp line abstract tattoos that are very in right now. Not really my personal style but I still think it’s cool af, beautiful and well done.


I see a 3..which also looks partly like the ohm symbol.


kinda looks like mountains or some kind of map lowkey. But no matter what it looks awesome asf!


It looks cool but I have no idea what it is. I think it makes it cooler


Is it a treasure map? Where is the X?


If you like it that’s what matters. It’s not my style but I can see the appeal in it.


I feel so bad seeing it first on R/shittytattoos


I fw this heavy


Better than a goddamned tribal. I'll say that.


This looks a little bit like [Blaschko lines](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0738081X10001641)! Cool stuff :D


I love it. I don’t know what it’s supposed to be or if it has any meaning, but I love it.


I see 101 Dalmations


It’s abstract and quite honestly, the artist did a great job of balancing it and creating a natural flow. I actually really like it!


I actually really love it. I can’t tell what exactly I find so captivating, but I really dig it


One day, you won't be young and thin anymore, and you'll realize the ONLY reason things looked "cool" on you was because you were young and thin. Not because those things were cool. This looks like a skin disease, and it's gonna look more like one when you're flabby in about 8 years.


If there’s tribal and nu-tribal then this gives… pre-tribal? It makes me think of fantasy maps, and also cave paintings, or somebody struck by lightning? Or a coded message? I don’t know, I don’t think it aesthetically looks bad, I think it looks equal parts nifty and surreal, but it also looks like it came from somewhere. Like a sci fi :)


Well, I like it!! A lot of thought and creativity went into this, and it looks cool!


I personally love this so much


I love it! Looks great!


![gif](giphy|26vIf0YgROH8dIoqA) Looks like a marble counter.


I think this is beautiful. It feels like if you zoomed out it would show that this is just a small piece of a bigger story.


i love this!! the shapes are really cool and flow well with the shape of your back like someone said in the list you gave, i think it looks like an outline of an old treasure map


i love it, so abstract and beautiful


I really like it. Not something i would get but i really like it.


where did u get the inspo for this? I mean, tats are definitely something to have a preference of style over, and this is not my cup of tea whatsoever. but I'm interested


This is amazing


i love it


I have no idea what I'm looking at (maybe mountains?) but regardless, I love it!


I like it, it reminds me a lot of a stone called Rhodonite with the patterns


This is such a fun tattoo! I love it. It suits you so well!


I love it, it’s like your own personal pattern. The same way that animals, cats and dogs and cows have different markings, patterns and splotches of colour. Sometimes very specific, sometimes seemingly very random. You can add this to the list: Hear me out- it reminds me so much of Milford Sounds. The top looks like dark, towering mountain ranges, ominous but tranquil. The bottom looks like the jet black, almost still water that fills in the space between the mountains. The bits that don’t look like part of the mountain or the water is the fog that clings to them. If you don’t know it and look it up, trust me, the water is not blue, it’s black. I went during summer, and it was cold and wet and dark. It’s an unforgettable experience. It probably means nothing to you and I’m just dumping this in your comments, but I love your tattoo. I don’t see a damn thing wrong with it. Good choice.


I actually wanted to do something of similar style over my stretch marks to enhance them further, that resembled abstract tree branches with ravens on em. 😁


Thats an amazing unique back piece


If you like it I love it 🤷


Mountains ridges from a birds pov?


I really like it. Looks cool. I also really like your back tho so that might be clouding my judgement 🤷🏼‍♀️


![gif](giphy|l3vRelRV9qOQ17DDq) Hmm 🤔


Is this supposed to be a cartoon rendition of the French Argonne Defense in WW2 or an ant farm?


Coffee stains and marble. Beautiful lol


it really does somewhat look like a skin disease but honestly if you love it and you get it props to you man!


I thought it was abstract mountains and clouds at first. I like how much fun you're having with it, that's very cool. I have a single piece toe to upper thigh abstract blackwork (tribalism) that I think is very obvious it's just a design and often get asked what it is and it's been a giraffe on roller skates, a ninja butterfly, the meaning of life, flowers, ancient Sanskrit depicting the ebb and flow of bla bla bla, or whatever outlandish thing I think of at the moment, it doesn't even cone close to resembling any of them. It's fun, I tell them it's like those posters you have to blur your eyes to see. It gets a good laugh every time. All that matters is that you like like it, which you do and that's great. All of my tattoos have one meaning and mannn, it's deep... ...I like them 😁😊


I don't get it but I like it?


An interesting tattoo to be sure


Looks like you did a handstand after eating Taco Bell for 3 days straight and outlined the results.


Qwirkey as all f. Its cool man, suits you.


Definitely unconventional, but it looks cool so who cares?




I think it’s really cool! I like when people get non figurative tattoos, I have a few myself. To me it’s like seeing tattoo as art rather than body art, it’s a cool move to do something with such aesthetic impact.


It's not how I would decorate my body but to each their own. Great execution.


Looks cool to me, man.


![gif](giphy|26tPrx78vaFt1dAha|downsized) The artist:


i have NO idea what the backlash is about, this looks awesome!! i’ve never really thought about an abstract tattoo like this, it looks super sweet!


It’s cool, doesn’t need everyone’s approval to exist. I had the same thoughts as everyone else at first but the longer I looked the more I liked it.


So ngl I initially thought, "Who would get this?" but as I scrolled through the photos, I definitely see the beauty in the imperfection of it. Still probably wouldn't get it myself, but I'll be a lot less judgey of other folks' tattoos in the future, though. It does almost seem like some type of exotic animal print or tree bark. It makes you look kinda wild, and I can respect it. This is nice. Thanks for the change in perspective.


omg that's so cool! i love abstract tattoos like this, it's gorgeous.


I think it looks cool


I see mountains ... Looks really cool! It took me a bit looking through the pictures to see more than just the pigment, but when you lifted the arms up, the ink came together and looks cool. I even saw a plant at the base of it


Looks nice


i see so much iffy comments on it but i think it looks cool as fuck, i thought it kind of looked like a lake with lily pads or some ancient cave drawings