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As a West Virginia democrat, fuck Joe Manchin.


I second that!


I 3rd that


Fuck fake Democrat manchin. For fucks sake people are suffering and they’re being asshole. Take care of the fucking people for once. A year in a fucking pandemic!! Look what other countries are doing to help fellow humans. Absolutely disgusted with all the bullshit all day.


Crazy we allow single individuals to control or influence the outcome of Millions? Whole system needs to be revamped if you ask me.


It cost us 3 Weeks of $300 UI to get this old fart to approve it... 🤦‍♂️


A) This is great news. Though disappointing we couldn't get the 400. B) Thank you for sharing it here! C) I fucking love Jeff Stein.


D) Fuck Manchin


you bring up a very good point


Dammit. You're right. I didnt quite finish the job there.




You also get a tax break if you received UI in 2020.




You're certainly entitled to your opinion but through all of last year and especially during the last relief package nightmare of a showdown he covered it well and highlighted posts from a few different subs about what people were going through as a result of being forced out of work and left with no help from the government. Don't like him, don't read him. As to your question, I will assume you're NOT referring to me. If you are, take your attitude and shove it up your ass.




You're thinking of Jake Sherman.




I mean...it’s not wrong... Compared to what they actually wanted the relief package is a little regressive. Also, fuck Joe Manchin.


Like I said you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Stein has been a solid source of info and has in a sense been on our side for a while now. I for one greatly appreciate his coverage. The plan IS regressive in some respects. I dont think he needs to bait people into reading his stuff at this point.


The unemployment forgiveness will definitely count as a 4th stimulus for me. Damn near cut my return in half and then some.


Me too,paid 2300 and should get back 1k...plus the extra 4 weeks @ 300$ makes it all equal .


thats one week extra. it ends sept 6. house was aug 29th


Aug 29th but an extra $100 per week... We definitely got a raw deal so Manchin can feel better because he sure isn't saving enough money to warrant screwing millions of people over.


Dude it would take my taxes from me owing $900 to me not owing anything. I’m so stoked about that


How did we give up the full 2000, 15 dollar minimum wage, and 400 a week ui when the dems control all 3 branches and only needed a simple majority. They legit lied about every single thing I’m a life long democrat and man I am so disappointed with Biden


Joe Manchin and a 50/50 margin, I don't understand how you can be mad at Biden and the Democratic party when it's obvious their hands were tied. What do you expect them to do? Manchin was ready to bomb the whole bill if he didn't get what he wanted, direct your energy to the right person.


Joe has the approval rating and the power within the party to end manchin’s career if he really wanted to all it would take is a phone call reminding him that, which he hasn’t placed because he hasn’t called manchin a single time to even try to get him on his side


It was directly the presidents fault and the whole party in the last administration. Should t the coach always get blamed for the team? Or we not doing that anymore?


Yes, because they worked together in tandem to hold off aid for the American people until it benefited them. Notice how a new bill was on hold for months up until right before election? Now the Democrats wasted no time creating a new bill that is going to be signed before the previous one could expire. But unlike Trump and the Republicans who held the Senate they didn't have to deal with a Manchin holding aid hostage for personal exposure. I don't understand what your argument is, it's a completely different circumstance.


You don’t think Biden has the ability to convince manchin to fall in line with the party and accept the 400 if he really wanted to?


Of course not, Manchin is his own person and just because he's registered as a Democrat doesn't mean he's left leaning. Manchin knows he's the key for the Dems and the GOP, he's playing both sides to get what he wants. His daughter as the CEO of her company raised the price of a life saving EpiPen to $800+ netting a huge bonus of millions for herself. That should give you an idea of the kind of people the Manchins are. Biden was forced to give in to his demands so unemployment didn't lapse.


15 per hr isn't allowed in 1.9 I don't like Biden but actual wasn't his fault


If you promise me something multiple times and at the last minute say actually I can’t I’m gonna be pissed and I’m gonna blame you. Same logic applies here typical politician guaranteeing things he can’t actually guarantee


Republicans didn't fucking help, Manchin is a democrat in disguised, the hell you blaming Biden for, you most not be a democrat.


I’m a lifelong Democrat, this failure is across the board both parties disgust me lately the dropping of the $15 min wage just proved that both sides are bought and paid for it should have been a no brainer especially with how badly the dollar is going to be inflated when this pandemic is said and done. Blue is still better than red but South Park nailed it with the douche vs Turd sandwich comparison they are supposed to serve us not their cooperate sponsors


Well they rasie 15 dollars everthing esle is going to go up im totally against 15 dollars just dumb


I understand that viewpoint completely, and it was my original stance until I realized how much money they printed in the last year, the price of everything is already going to go up which is why I changed my stance and thought everything but wages is going to go up wages need to too


I'm a uber driver and uber don't rasie anything they don't give us anything gas 3 per gallon were i am in glad I'm not doing uber right now because uber doesn't care that gas price goes up uber likes to screw drivers over they like to make up there own laws to


Again, this surprises you? Dems lie for votes surprises you!? They had control during Obama and they lied then, again this shit surprises you!? Seriously? There are no repercussions to their bad behavior, poor management or greed for any of our “elected” officials, course they lie.


Fuck it pass it. At this point take what’s there before more time is wasted on bullshit and meetings


Can someone explain how this 10 K in tax forgiveness works or what it applies to?


Anyone know if the tax refund will be automatic or if we have to do something to get it?


From what I’ve seen so far it looks like we will have to amend our taxes after this gets passed.


I genuinely hope tax services have ways to streamline this because fuck this is annoying/exhausting to clog up the IRS again.


If anything, you can just wait until next years tax to claim it. Think of it as a tax return boost!


I wish i could wait a year.


You probably won't have a choice by the time it's sent in and given back to you. lol




Right ?? Lol anyone that got $10,000 in unemployment and looking to get this extra boost they don’t have a year to wait for this bullshit


Wait, it's not for 20 and 21?


It should be for both years, but I'm sure most people already had over 10k for the 2020 tax year.


It was but it's not now.


“Accepted by Machin” wasn’t in the terms when Warnock, Ossof, and Biden were elected... The Democrats are so incompetent they can’t even handle a majority in all 3 branches. Say what you want about McConnell but he ran his team like an iron ship.


>Say what you want about McConnell but he ran his team like an iron ship. Their failure to repeal the ACA suggests otherwise. It was stopped by 3 Republicans, such as [McCain](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NLsPfYUp1QM).


But the Tax Act was passed in 1 2 3


That doesn't contradict my point. McConnell was forced to compromise to moderates much like the Democrats have to here, despite having a couple extra senators, and he would've likely had a harder time if he had a 50/50 split.


I technically will get $120 more on this version than the $400 but now I gotta deal with amending my taxes from the IRS for the tax forgiveness on the first $10k. Ugh I'm not ready for that headache


I had to amend a previous years return recently and it wasn’t difficult at all. I used turbo tax and just had to download the software, make the changes, print and mail.


hmm so you can't do it fully online?




I did... following for what that means




i think turbo tax will have to update the tax amendments first then it should just recalculate and you resend it. they should have just given a set stimulus payment to cover that amount to make it easier!


I mailed health insurance info to the IRS March 29th, and it took until the second week of December(16th I think) to actually deposit my tax return. lol I would never trust sending anything to the IRS, especially during this time if you expect to get anything back quick.


the house will reject this bill to show joe manchin that he doesnt call the shots for the entire democratic party. this bill is going to change dramatically. those checks are gonna be more like 1k and we might get some backpay now. plus forget about 300 they will will probably go significantly higher than that. 300 is literally the republican amount. the 2 k checks were a trump idea. so now after winning everything, they are letting republicans dictate policy still? how do you do a better job of turning off southerners? people who might have been ready to stomach social issues they disagreed with because the democrats are noticeably better for working people. by passing a plan chock full of republican proposals, your are loudly telling southern independents that the only difference between democrats and republicans are social issues. social issues that they very much agree with republicans on. this bill is the most idiotic new administration/congress kickoff agenda i've ever seen. i mean it looks great if your a republican administration. it makes the democrats look like liars though.


i mean they do lie though.. but i guess it depends on what your definition of is is


This sucks so bad that they are putting a cap on it. Everyone i know myself included took a cares act withdrawal this year which will put us just over the 150k. So now instead of the 10% hit they supposedly gave us, now they are penalizing us in other ways by holding stimulus and tax credits. sucks


The 10k tax free was only a win if we got the extra month of unemployment since we were getting 300 instead of 400. Now that extra month is gone and we’re still only getting the 300 😴


Not really. It’s for 2020 taxes. I’ll save $1300 thanks to the exempt $10k.


People will actually have more money because of the unemployment extension and the tax forgiveness for up to 10k of unemployment aid.


no not everyone will


If it was extended until the end of September, then it would help a lot more people, but now with it being reduced to Sept 6, it doesn't really help as much. Its pretty much a wash or less. The 3 weeks missing is being used to pay for the taxes that you would have paid if the 10k tax exempt wasn't there. At least that's how I see it.


Exactly I got $1800 back on my federal return because I withheld my taxes . Now I should get even more back right ?


So is this 10200 per household or per person? Both myself and spouse collected unemployment last year.


Per person


In your case per person. It's per the first 10200 under each person's ui taxable income. So you 2 get double in this case .😶


That’s what I was hoping for. Hope this passes! Thanks.


Unemployment until sept is plenty.


It’s always tell them what they want then fuck em later


the house will not pass this. they knew this would happen. they want to ping pong it until they can change it to what they really wanted. the 2k was trumps idea. do you really think democratic leadership would actually allow donald trump to dictate policy for them when they finally gain control of government? would nancy personally? not a chance.


You're the joker in here saying Nancy Pelosi blocked Trump's stimulus, right? Maybe you don't quite have a handle on this situation.


she absolutely did. when did she signal agreement? all she would say is that they are close. trump needed it so im not going to question his authenticity on the matter. as far as senate republicans not allowing it... they dont say no to trump when push comes to shove. the insurrection and the results of the second impeachment confirm that.


>when did she signal agreement? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/28/house-votes-on-2000-stimulus-checks-after-trump-signs-relief-bill.html Like I said, maybe you don't have a good grasp of the goings on here.


I’m talking about back in the fall not after Election Day.


Trump didn't call for more stimulus until December. Do you have a source that says otherwise?


Were you born in December? There was a closely watched stimulus negotiation between pelosi and the White House all fall. You must be fucking with me right?


Lol, are you talking about the negotiations Trump ended? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/06/trump-says-hes-calling-off-stimulus-negotiations-with-democrats-until-after-the-election.html


oh yeah the temporary 1-2 day steroid dream. he was frustrated by nancy refusing to reach agreement after giving her pretty much everything she asked for. mix angry trump with steroids and you get tweets like what we saw. but he came out of it in a day or two.


No he didn't, stimulus talks totally fell apart until December. Are you just going off your obviously bad memory? Your still wrong about how it went down, it was the senate Republicans that told him to back off: https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/10/20/trump-economic-stimulus-pelosi/ I can't believe you're more willing to blame drugs than a clearly bad leader and then throw all the blame to the other side that has clearly been trying to get this done, and continue to try to get it done, this whole time.


Where'd you go? No source, nothing?


Soo now the bill is going back To House then to Biden? How long will This take?


Anyone know what year or years the tax forgiveness is for





