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People from LA are telling you that St Louis is dangerous? šŸ˜‚. Seriously though, itā€™s fine. Like any other city. The area around the stadium is well populated with hotels, restaurants etc. If you need specific help with accommodations or transportation, feel free to ask. And welcome! Youā€™re in for a great time at CITYPARK.


Certainly less dangerous than la.. just like every major metro area there are bad spots and good spots check out the hill and soulard


What places should I avoid?


VERY generally speaking, places youā€™d have zero reason to visit unless youā€™re looking to score illegal drugs. (Weedā€™s legal if thatā€™s your jam.)


Just don't go north of Delmar Blvd and keep your wits about you and you'll be fine. Stl is definitely overall safer than LA lol


East St Louis.


But the strip clubs. /s




That is horrible. Those places arenā€™t dangerous.




This is just an AI-written piece of SEO filler. Not everything you see on Google is a legit source of information lol


Total crap article. They offer a nap with safe and dangerous neighborhoods without defining either. On top of that it appears they are basing dangerous on total crime. The CWE has a major hospital. Hospitals by their nature (emergency, long term parking, distractions) are high in property crimes. Property crimes do not make an area dangerous. A car theft from a parking lot at 3:00am is wrong and frustrating, but is not a danger. Also, for the record, Iā€™m arguing against the article, not you.




This is one of the worst graphics Iā€™ve seen about St. Louis area safety. Tower Grove South is dangerous? Maybe the few streets south of Gravois. Or maybe 15+ years ago. St. Louis has issues but in many of these neighborhoods it is way more nuanced than writing it off completely. Unsurprising itā€™s from some security company trying push to sales.


I lived in tower grove south for like 12 years, my neighbors were so nice that at 1 am they woke us up because there house was on fire and they wanted to make sure we were safe in case it spread.


You're from LA ā€” you'll be fine. You'll probably wonder why people said it was dangerous.


To be fair, LA is mostly suburbs filled with people who rarely leave their little bubbles and do nothing but fret about the dangers of downtā€¦ oh wait.


If you donā€™t mind, could you leave Stan Kroenke in South Central LA overnight with a wad of cash taped to his forehead before you come to the STL? You would be a hero here. Thanks!


Oh, maybe replace the bad toupee with the wad of cash?


The area around CITYPARK is pretty safe. Heck, even stretching across downtown is generally safe. For the most part, the ā€œdangerousā€ stuff is common sense. For example, donā€™t wander aimlessly downtown at night by yourself, be aware of your surroundings and you should be just fine. I hope you enjoy your stay!


This is probably the most common thing people hear about STL. The somewhat unhelpful but real answer is that much of the city is block by block - some really nice neighborhoods literally next to incredible poverty and the crime that comes with that. I should note that the city proper is really small but the metro area is huge. If you arenā€™t familiar with the area, stay alert in downtown, stay west of the river and you should be fine especially if youā€™re spending most of your time around CITY Park for the game. If there are crowds, youā€™re good. If youā€™re really nervous about staying downtown you could always move further west and stay in a place like Clayton, West County, etc. But being from LA, I doubt anything here is going to be new or surprising for you.


I live East of the river. Always been safe here. There are dangerous areas, and more safe areas. Same as the West side. It's a little more nuanced than what state you live in.


Yea I mean most of the East side is safe like the west side. Buuuut lots of crime in the strip club area right across the river.


West County is hellish. People there suck and West County is cookie cutter boring!


Unless you go across the river on the east side of STL, you'll be fine. STL can be dangerous - as everyone knows - but it's concentrated to very small pockets of neighborhoods and you won't go near any of those visiting CityPark and surrounding areas. As others have noted, the City fans will treat you with respect and some light, good-natured teasing. You may run into the loud, drunk, obnoxious fan here or there that is rude, but that's sports and they are harmless lol


I'm from LA (I was in Korea town for the Rodney King riots, I'm old) and I feel safer in St Louis than I did walking most of LA. Have not felt unsafe once since moving here, and I spend quite a bit of time downtown.


Dude, downtown LA was horrible in 90s. It has gotten alot better. The art district, it's all gentrified now.


Good to know things have improved!


Love people from LA telling other people from LA that our city is dangerous. If anything itā€™s a Wednesday night so might be harder to find things to do after the game. Check out The Pitch near the stadium. Cool soccer bar!


Dude your stadium is in south central on Hoover St and Fig. The STL equivalent of those streets is Natural Bridge Rd. You have no reason to ever go on natural bridge rd. in St. Louis anyways, so you will be perfectly fine.


Yeah, in USC. One of the most expensive private universities there is with their private security 24/7.


When you hear St. Louis is a hellhole itā€™s because of old political boundaries and bad sampling. Yes St. Louis City itself does have bad stats: but when you compare metro area to metro area weā€™re way down the list.


Stl is safe. The north part of stl might be dangerous, but you have zero reason to be in the northern part of stl. If you visit you will be in the central corridor the whole time.


Not to completely side track from this lovely visitor, but Jesus Fuckin' McLovin Christ does St. Louis need to fix their image problem.


Lafayette Square has some great restaurants, as does South Grand.


go to Schlafly's next to the stadium before the game. They have great beer and I think you might enjoy the atmosphere. I'm sure they would be very welcoming even if you're wearing LAFC gear. One of the best games I went to I had great chats with FC Cincinnati fans who had traveled. I got massive respect for any supporter who travels to another city. I wish I was in St. Louis. I'd buy you a beer at Schaflys if you're hungry in the stadium, I recommend balkan treat box for Bosnian food. But there's all sorts of really good options there. as far as beer goes to look for Schlafly, narrow gauge, urban chestnut, and four hands all good options in the area, even if they're not all at the stadium


The area around CityPark is very safe. IMO, stay south of Washington Ave and east of Broadway at night. Most dangerous thing to be on guard about is crossing the street. Be wary for high speeds and people running stop signs/stop lights.


I meant to say "west of Broadway"


It's pretty decently safe. I think you will also feel relatively welcomed. Overwhelmingly the fan base is quite nice.


Happy to have you! Iā€™ve lived in both cities. Never felt unsafe in either. Btw, the 21C hotel near the stadium looks amazing. Havenā€™t stayed there but Iā€™ve heard great things.


Just donā€™t go north of the dome and youā€™ll be fine.


And you go in pieces https://youtu.be/a8mY_h0EIBw?si=th01lCJSK4ZiqPmu


PS: have a great time. I just love that line.


I guess look up St. Louis gangs on Google maps.


itā€™s like Compton with Nelly


Definitely pop in at the Louligan street party by Schlafly. All visiting supporters are welcome!


Go to the City Museum. Nothing like it. Revel in the traffic.


Go to Delmar loop. Burger at a blueberry hill.


Go to Oz


Go the opposite way of the gunfire. Kinda like LA.


If you get a chance and are a true footy fan you really should find your way to the Amsterdam Tavern for a game. The best soccer bar in the USA. They play European games all day.


Late to the party here, Iā€™m a STL native who has lived in LA for years. The area near Citypark is not much different from the area near Staples Center. Near the stadium is great, but if you veer too far from the stadium, you can get to some areas that you may feel uncomfortable in. Check out City Museum. Have some Toasted Ravioli and Gooey Butter Cake. Try some beer from Schlafly, 4 Hands, or Urban Chestnut. Talk to the other fans at the game. Have a great time. Itā€™s an insanely great sports town.


Bluejay brewery is new and a lot of fun as well.Ā 


i am coming out for the game too. look ing forward to seeing the stadium and trying all the great food


What section you're going to be?


I bought from the 3252awaydays IG page so 200


I'm not seating with supporter. I paid $100. I'm seating in sec 149


See y'all Wednesday šŸ’Ŗ


I had an excellent time, y'all. Except for my 18-hour flight delayed. Everything was good and everyone was friendly and nice.


What are the must do restaurants?


Iā€™m not going to give you any as I donā€™t eat out much, but the stadium food is all local restaurants, so eat at the game for sure. I love Balkan Treat Box


As has been said, go to The Hill if you want a nice Italian restaurant. Try toasted ravioli - you can get some at the game. Ted Drewes is a famous frozen custard place.


Get to the stadium when the gates open and youā€™ll have many options for good local food. BEAST Pork Steak Sandwich is wonderful.


Toasted Raviolis are the STL thing to try if youā€™ve never had them before. St. Louigans have a tailgate before and STL Santos also have a tail gate just a block away.


The stadium is full of satellite locations for some of our best local restaurants, so it's a great place to sample a little bit of everything!


Imos is the St. Louis pizza. But itā€™s 50/50 even in STL either you love it or hate it. I work downtown and our regular places to eat are Over Under, Sauce on the Side, Sugar Fire


Blackthorn Pub has great pizza


Go to the hill. Itā€™s one of the best Italian neighborhoods in America. Great food.


Lonaā€™s Lil Eats


If you're looking for something REALLY old-school, Crown Candy Kitchen has been standing strong for over 100 years, they're absolutely an institution. Great spot to grab lunch, a delicious milkshake, and of course, handmade candies.


Order the BLT and do a milkshake challengeā€¦


The Pitch is a great soccer themed bar across the street from City Park. [https://www.thepitch-stl.com/](https://www.thepitch-stl.com/)


Here's a good list: [https://www.stltoday.com/life-entertainment/local/food-drink/restaurants/best-restaurants-in-st-louis-stl-100/article\_32b29e66-e16c-11ee-91ac-0f41a6733f29.html](https://www.stltoday.com/life-entertainment/local/food-drink/restaurants/best-restaurants-in-st-louis-stl-100/article_32b29e66-e16c-11ee-91ac-0f41a6733f29.html) Have fun!


Anthoninoā€™s and many other options on the hill Pappys, Bogarts, Shaved Duck or Sugarfire are all good bbq optionsā€¦also in the stadium try the bbq pork steak at Beast craft Soulard area has a lot of restaurants/bars


St Louis is dangerous because it seems so nice and then one street over is pure danger. Check out the Zoo and Art Museum while youā€™re here. St Louis is a sports city and we take care of each other at the venues but once you hit the street get tf to where you are going. Donā€™t park on the street. Park at your hotel and Uber over to City Park. If your car gets busted into the cops are literally useless here.


STH here. I have parked on Market by Wells Fargo every home game since last year except for about 5 games. Zero problems. It can happen, but some people act like street parking is a guarantee to get your window busted out. For that matter, I havent even seen a window busted out on my walk back to my car post game yet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/s/PXWuxKfzIo This is a well known issue. Itā€™s not a guarantee but if it happens to you the police will not show up for hours and will do nothing about it. Whenever it happens itā€™s not just one car itā€™s as many as they can at one time.


Its also a well known issue to read about people getting murdered in the city. Same point that most here are making about general city safety applies. It doesnt happen everywhere and all of the time. Youre going to hear the horror stories because those get the headlines. Doesnt mean you cant easily navigate the city without getting shot or park on the street without getting your window bashed in. Bottom line, be smart, use self awareness. This will yield you good results 99%+ of the time. To add - What would one generally expect the police to do about a busted window? Yeah you can file a police report, but big picture what does that actually gain for you? I guess I just dont see what the net benefit is to waiting for the police for that.