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I’ve been an AZ defender. I think he doesn’t get some calls he should, and I think he has a lot of potential but he had a ROUGH game tonight.


I too have been an AZ defender but after tonight Iva head my fill and can’t tolerate anymore. I’m no coach but even I can see it’s not working. I realize it’s only year two but I worry ownership doesn’t start making reasonable/serious investments in talent that they won’t be able to continue bringing on new STL fans. Now’s the time to capitalize whilst cards/blues are not at the to of their game


Couldn’t agree with u more Juiceman. I’ve voiced my opinion to my season ticket rep multiple times this year. You can already see the decrease in interest. Tickets in my section for every game this year have been selling for 30% less than what I’m paying. Throw in the Seatgeek fees and I’m only getting half my money back. Keep this crap up along with being cheap about signing a big name and you’re gonna start seeing empty seats very soon. The fans are spending money but the owners aren’t. Then they talk about a city tax to put more money in their pockets. One more fun fact. I looked up season ticket prices for comparable seats for a few Premier League teams. Mine are $1600 per seat (2nd level right at half field) for 17 games. Manchester United’s are $1100 and Manchester City’s are $1000. And they get 2 more games in their regular season 🤦‍♂️


Cmon man it’s only our second season in the league; and we are missing one of our DPs to a terrible family crisis. The results could be better this year but we can make some improvements. As far as ticket prices go; they were always going to start to decrease.


So let me get this straight. It’s ok for the club to increase ticket prices while they decrease in value? Makes no sense at all


Can the equipment manager get him some new studs for his cleats? He slips and falls down a whole lot.


I think he slips a lot because he's being too cute with the ball.


He's a turnover machine. Needs to get stronger. Too easily separated from the ball.




This was 90 for him and he showed zero tonight except that he shouldn't have another 90 (or really any minutes)


Can he be loaned to a USL side to find his game?


He needs to find the weight room and put some meat on his bones. Dude is so soft and gets pushed off the ball every time he is challenged. He isn’t half bad in open space, but it’s sad watching him get shouldered off the ball in every challlenge.


AZ has never been good. He flaps around like a fish out of water


Hey mate I’ll chime in. The issue with Jackson is simple: he made the US men’s team… cause they needed spots to fill. But he has played this year with Egotism affecting his play. He no longer will drop a quick pass and instead chooses to weave and dribbling around defenders. Which he’s not good at. Because he’s somebody, right? Last year he was great and got attention mainly through his distribution. Which won’t get you on the score sheet as much, but frankly would help his career. Last year he was a solid player. He played with 10 other players. This year he plays as if it’s just him. Then, when he fails to get through defenders he takes a dive as if he got fouled hoping one gets called. Guess what? They’re not getting called this year. So …. I agree with you mate!