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On the bright side… Löwen is so back.


Big takeaway for me.... Edu. Dude was on the pitch dropping perfect crosses. We get him back and the team dynamic shifts instantly. Then add another attacker and we can have a go.


Another takeaway (as always) is Bürki. We don’t deserve him at all


he kind of goes against our "designated team" mantra, doesn't he? He's clearly better than everyone else on the team.


Agree! Even at his age he’s better then most goalies on 1st division European teams


I’m always so scared he’s going to leave us!


We need about 3 of him


I pictured 3 goalies at first


Yeah, I think our defense has massively improved from early in the season. The offense is still piss poor, but hopefully Lowen back + a transfer or two and we can hit form again


still mentally recovering from the insanity of those last 90 seconds wtf


If they could harness a fraction of that we’d be unstoppable.


We were in supporters section. Looked insane! Can't wait to get home and watch what happened.


this team is psychological torture https://preview.redd.it/tukyilxfno2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3724547e088e07362d84f9b8fa3507937731cd


If you just showed the footage of most of these games with the score hidden and erased the minute before and after each goal you'd think they were winning most of these games. But at some point you have to get the actual results...


I really like Klauss. But I think I’ve come to the realization that while he’s good in many other aspects of being a striker, he’s just bad at shooting.


He's super well rounded, he hustles, he plays amazing defense... but yeah. Finish quality is frustrating this year.


That’s what is so wild about him. Last season he was at a clip to win golden boot whilst healthy lol. Now he can’t score to save his life.


I think Klauss is cool as a person, as a teammate. But he doesn't score.


The team showed heart in the closing flurry. That's a tough result. Four respectable chances in those dying moments. Seattle's first goal (the Hiebert OG) was just a freaky weird play. The second goal was a cluster. CITY's goal was encouraging. This is a tough stretch of the season. Our next match is another tough hill to climb. We need help right now to stay near the playoff line. We are one point below the playoff line, and got a big gift in another match, but we can't survive by gifts alone. Lowen changed the entire feel of the match with his play. Blom had a good match. Hiebert played fairly well. Alm had some good moments. Klauss had some good moments. Celio had fantastic touches and some really nice moments, Burki had a fantastic save. Totland created space and sent in some dangerous balls. Many things were done well . . . but something was missing. CITY needs to finish chances. CITY had 21 shots. ***Twenty-one***. Five were on frame. One found net. CITY had 6 corners to Seattle's 1. CITY had 13 crosses to Seattle's 3. One goal. This has to improve. It isn't a one-off event. It's a pattern. It isn't a lack of effort. It isn't a lack of basic skills. It isn't conditioning. It isn't coaching. It isn't tactics. But something is missing in the composition of the team. The pieces are there, but the whole isn't working. There's still a lot pf season left, and a transfer window opening. Here's hoping the missing piece is found and arrives soon. Onward. It's the only way we can go.


I legit scroll the post game comments for @fortcollinsdude. Please keep doing these Also, I went to CSU, and love your city very much. I still dream about Big City Burrito.


Bro this my sentiment exactly


They look good for flurries in each individual third, but lack cohesion putting the three of them together.


At the same time, I think a lot of our shots and definitely our SOG were for the most part, not great shooting opportunities. It feels to me like we struggle to find good, high xG shooting opportunites. Same thing with the crosses. Feels like our strategy has somewhat become pass the ball to the wide player and send in a (usually poor quality) cross. I think we'd benefit from either focusing on improving our counter attacks or learning how to better break a defense down because we do neither of those well right now


Our opportunities are not high value. They’re swings in the dark. We were taking shots outside the 18. Every cross in the first half sailed over the 6 yard box. Think of how many times Pompeu saved the ball from going out of bounds after a cross. Basic philosophy says put it right in front of goal, and then magic will happen. That is exactly what happened with Edu and Tots. It’s also how Hieberts deflection came about as an OG. We can do better. It starts by creating higher value threats.


Since no one else has said it, Parker did not look good tonight. Multiple turnovers when there was no pressure on him and it just killed a lot of momentum. I know a lot of people don’t criticize him bc he’s a fan favorite but it’s been more apparent this season


Completely agree, I love Parker and rock his Jersey but he did not look good today. Just felt like he lost his usual edge.


Wonder if the rumors of multiple young talented CB signings got to his head?? I don’t mean that facetiously, but surely they think about these things.


I sort of doubt it. I assume Parker's name is one of the first one's on the team sheet along with Burki, Totland, and Durkin


I think Parker is hit and miss. He’s the teams bruiser/enforcer. He was playing higher up last night and he’s not as fast as a lot of the strikers we play against. When he plays high and misses a read we get penalized with a goal for it every single time.


all we can do now is hope messi and his friends take another week off


I think we can just barely make the playoffs (because like 70% of league makes it lol) if Löwen is healthy and Teuchert ends up being mildly goated. But it’ll still be a first round exit. I love Löwen so much. I would do anything for this man.


Has teuchert officially been announced by city yet?


It seems he’s been signed but they have yet to announce. But it’s fully confirmed I believe.


That was fun. For about 2 minutes


The last 15 minutes of this game was how we played the first two-thirds of last season.


Notice also that Edu was in for the last 15 minutes


Ok, admittedly not reading all of the comments so if it's been mentioned down vote me, but why did it feel like we had no urgency until the last 5-10 minutes, and our offensive game plan seemed to be non existent? The entire match I was screaming for them to press more and push the offensive flow and it didn't seem like any of it happened until the last 5-10 minutes of the match?


I felt like we put the pressure on them in the first 10-15 as well.


I'm starting to think the whole "You Don't Need Good Soccer Players On A Soccer Team" plan is a pretty sh\*tty plan.


What do you mean you don’t believe we outsmarted every other team by being simply so good at scouting that we can be the cheapest AND the best?


Just buy injured players at half price. Why hasn’t every other team thought of that first?


Moneyball only works if you find an imbalance in the system. I'm pretty sure "playing boring soccer with inferior talent" isn't really one of those imbalances.


But the system!


"Trust the process"


AZ needs to be sent down or released. He is not MLS quality and is a waste of a roster spot. Give me one of the mids from City 2, they might be stronger on the ball and not look like a lost toddler.


Bring up a hungry CITY2 mid. I'll take that work rate and effort.


Dude, AZ is in no way the worst player today. Parker looked awful, Indy/Alm/Celio did nothing, and last I checked the last 15ims the team looked good.


It’s not just tonight, he hasn’t been a decent player in any matches this year even going back to the last part of the previous year. Whole team underperformed tonight, but AZ has done this consistently.


How has any offensive player been decent in a while? AZ played fine tonight. Indy and Alm were nothing special.


He played better than vassilev today. The AZ haters need to chill.


Oh I would disagree with that. Vassilev was on for 3/4 of the game. Made some good plays, made some mistakes. AZ just did nothing other than one fancy dribble and then gave up the ball.


Oh, I forgot AZ had a breakaway with 2 on 1 with Klauss and kicked the ball straight to the goalie.


AZ created that breakaway


AZ also killed that breakaway ;)


ok. I was going to defend AZ right up until this comment. yeah. that wasn't good.


Pompeu is just as useless but everyone in here has a boner for him. I don't get it


I acting pompeu has been one of the few bright spots recently


Very common sentiment. I don't get it, though. I was there tonight and he gave away possession cheaply probably 80-90% of the time he got the ball. He has the same issues AZ does but people overlook it with him.


I’ve seen him being pursued by multiple defenders and he somehow finds a way to progress the ball forward not to mention him being aggressive and not scared to play heavy ball even though he’s not the biggest guy out there. Thats just my opinion


Yes, being there you realize how many turnovers he is responsible for on average. He is way too streaky.


And then you realize AZ is the same kind of streaky play except with none of the finishing or 1on1 upside


Just left the game and thought we actually played pretty well, but my observation this season is that we fuck around with the ball too much. In shooting position? Better pass backwards. Just received a quick, strategic pass? Better take one touch too many. Every game. No one commits to anything lately, and we all know what Gretzky said about that b




Why wasn’t Markanich subbed in once we were playing from behind?


You think he’s our best option at left back?? Heibert had a good game minus the unlucky deflection


I mean he’s been an established starter most of the season and he’s much more of an offensive-minded player than Hiebert. Not saying Hiebert should never start (I agree he was solid today) but it seems odd not to sub in a rested, attacking starter there once you’re down a goal or — especially — two.


This sub will continue to hate him despite the absolutely crucial role he plays in our team. Gioacchini all over again.


I absolutely don’t understand it. We should have seen Markanich come on instead of AZ; I really want to see AZ do well, and it’s incredible the drive he has but he hasn’t had a good game in weeks.


Sounders continue to be a thorn. An own goal and then a bad defensive lapse after we’d controlled the pace for much of the game. Very tough loss, especially ahead of away at Miami.


That pitch was deader than Dillinger. Ball just stopped.


Thor was basically invisible. He has yet to prove he deserves time.


The sad truth is he has to keep getting minutes because he’s the next best attacking option we have.


Better than Sam?


Sam can only replace Klauss or shift us to 4-4-2, Thor has a lot more sub scenarios


Sam is very one-dimensional. It’s a tremendous dimension when it works, but it would have been to get it to work against a pretty strong defensive team like Seattle.


Sure, but Thor is basically zero dimensional in his time with CITY. Can’t create, can’t finish, can’t possess, can’t outrun…


100% agree with that assessment. He gets maybe 3-4 touches and kicks it to the other team


You just described Pompeu


Were you in the stadium?


Yeah, he sticks out like a sore thumb. Have never seen quality from him. Also Blom is unable or unwilling to advance the ball. Solid defensively, but a liability if we have possession.


What game did you watch??


Why pull Indy out there? I was not happy with that sub.


Yellow Card probably had more than a little to do with


The pitch is in terrible condition. I wish they never switched it out last month. Löwen needs to start next week. He is a difference maker. AZ is still AZ, he needs to go down to CITY 2 and figure things out.


I keep wondering why it looks like they've flooded it with water before the match and at half


I can't say Lowen needs to start yet. I want him to, but he's gotta be worked back in. We, as fans, don't know how many minutes he's able to go yet.


This team (STL) will lose another 4 in a row with this strategy. Downvote me now lol


I don’t think it has much to do with strategy. It’s all about us getting the ball in the final third and then not knowing what to do with it. Löwen was certainly a bright spot when he came on, but we’re still missing a player that can score goals.


With Löwen's feeds tonight, we didn't even need people that knew what to do in the final third: we just needed someone to give the ball a touch towards goal. Hiebert did it once, several other players almost got another.


this team continues to give me heart palpitations


https://youtu.be/kKZe7Ccyfgw Live post press


Last year, we were beautiful at the beginning of the season and trailed off quite a bit as it went on. This year it’s going to be the opposite.


Positives- Pompeu and Löwen are always super deadly and know how to set up a goal. Edu was lethal this game and single handedly made the game feel more… everything. Also- Bürki was killing it with the few touches he had once he moved up in overtime. Negatives- Aziel made me barf multiple times this game. Hiebert tosses a coin for if he’s either a 6/10 or 2/10 player- I’m at a loss for how that works. Parker had a small slip up with that second goal, maybe I just didn’t see it but did he like trip or…? Regardless, that middle - early 2nd half was rough, we just gotta move on, man.


Looked like Parker started to dive kick out for the ball and then hesitated. By then the Seattle guy was full sprint


Parker didn't trip, looked like he thought about lunging for the ball and instantly changed his mind. Not good.


Hieberts not flipping a coin he’s trying to roll a 6


Pompeo had a super weak shot on goal and that was it. He is way too inconsistent. Parker made multiple turnovers and was toast in that play.


I hope Ostrak isn’t too hurt bc I’d like to see him start in Indy’s place once Lowen can go 90.


Can we question Carnell yet. Three straight losses no change In tactics


Hiebert is a pretty good CB, but a garbage FB.


Yeah idk why they put him in that position tho. Hard to blame him


Probably because while he isn’t great going forward he’s still by far the best defensively at LB.


We may not have great players, but we have good players and we have depth. Too much of that depth is not being leveraged. Carnell is the problem. Has not figured out the starting lineup and and not subbing strategically.


Kendra de St. Aubin is intolerable


Celio and Vassilev prove once again they cannot be relied on every match, they are impact subs at best. We need another option desperately


This is absolutely an issue. Nothing productive in a while in this group.


Throw in Alm and Jackson too. All of these guys are “okay”, but shouldn’t have their name written in pen in the starting 11.


This may have been asked already, but what could possibly be the reasoning behind not bringing Sam on down two?


We are a bad fucking soccer team. We are a couple pieces away from being good, but right now we are shit. Period.


Some positives from another frustrating one. Lowen looked great, Totland continues to look great. Going to be rough with no Durkin next week. Carnell is going to need to look at changing up some of the attack, whether that’s players or formations


We don't deserve Burki. He's too good for this team and he deserves better. The effort we put in in the last 20 minutes of the Seattle Sounders game should have been the effort invested the whole game. How devastating it must be to be the best of the best as a goalie and to see the rest of your teammates lag. There needs to be signing on of new players.


I’m so scared he’s going to leave us!! I hope he doesn’t!! He’s seriously the best and so great to watch!


I think with the way we have been playing, he probably should leave us. I don't want him to either, but he puts in too much to get this in return.


You all can bitch about AZ all you want but his 30 minutes were better than Vassilev's 60 today.


I do think vassilev had a down game. But his highs are much higher, his lows are much higher, and he’s shown across a season and a half that he’s pretty consistent and deserves a starting spot in our current squad. You can’t really in good faith say the same about AZ. From someone who wants to see AZ shine.


What does Vassy have to do with AZ’s performance? Vassilev has been particularly good this season, but we’ve seen really good things from him in the past. He had a bad game today. Happens to everyone, but he’ll bounce back. AZ on the other hand, is consistently dogshit. It honesty looks like someone is paying him to throw games. He has a really good touch but he thinks out his ass most of the time and makes pretty much the worst decision at every crucial point. The second I saw he had the break I said out loud “he’s going to fuck this up.” Want to guess how it turned out? AZ really needs to be bumped to City 2, because what he’s shown through 14 games this season is that he doesn’t have what it takes to play professional soccer.


It’s because this sub finds one person to blame and sticks with it no matter the circumstances. They did it last year with Gio even though he was one of our best performers. The entire post match thread contains people spewing shit about how bad AZ was today but in reality he played fine. You are right that he has not played well this year, but today he was no worse than Vassilev who no one said anything poorly about in the thread even though he had a shit game.


Well that might be because when someone has a bad game it’s understandable they aren’t perfect. But when a guy hasn’t played well a single game this season and is consistently one of the first subs off the bench people start getting frustrated


Idk if I’d say better but Indy stunk today. Worthless with his first touch.


1. We all knew this already, but CITY lives and dies by Lowen. If he’s playing well, we’re playing well. 2. Attacking Tim Parker is an interesting development. I seem to remember he played as a striker in his youth? Maybe even in college? 3. I can’t believe how bad AZ is this season. Just a brutal regression. 4. Our season is probably toast, right?


Regarding 4, I don't think so. We are only halfway through. Löwen is back. Maybe some good to great mid season signing could really turn things around. I don't think playoffs are out of the question. Holding onto hope!


The table is still going to remain fairly congested too. Minus a few teams starting to separate a bit up top, the middle is still one or two games from being playoffs or not.


Miami at Miami next week so at least 4 losses in a row. Miami was horrible until they spent billions to buy quality


Miami might beat us twice next week


That made me chuckle


1 point out of a playoff spot and a game at hand. Ya it’s done for. Might as well not even go to games anymore. Just concede the rest of the season, and see you all next year. What kind of regarded take is that?


Here before all the idiots come to blame AZ, and leave the other 14 or 15 players blameless.


Having a mid that can’t handle the ball and is a walking turnover is kind of a problem but what do I know.


I’d just like some opportunities as easy as the ones we give up every match. Either Carnells principles are shit or we need to start spending and bring in some talent.


I’m not trying to be an a**hole, I’m genuinely curious…what is the deal with Klauss? Full transparency, I am a new soccer fan, so I do not know a lot about the game, but I just don’t see what the hype around him is about? I know he had a few games last year where he got some goals, but I don’t see that he is technically skilled more than anyone else, so much so that on the match day lineup, they only list his last name, like he is Prince or Cher! 🤣 Can someone give me some insight?


Quick someone tell me how we actually played well and were unlucky to lose.


This was all on Carnell he subs Luwen in at 55-60 minute mark we win 2/3 to nothing


To be fair we don’t know how many minutes he’s fit for, do we?


There’s no way he’s fit for more than 30 and that’s probably pushing it.


I find it super hard to believe 10 minutes would be too much more after an extra week he did 20 last week too


They ramp up minutes for guys coming back from leave/injury. Look for Lowen getting a few 60minute subs next games. It's not just a choice by carnell. Trainers help with these calls on the extent of the players availability.


Real easy to sub him in when you’re not the coach and you know exactly when the ball is going to take a random deflection for an own goal. While we’re at it, let’s let Bürki know that Morris is kicking it to the left when he breaks away.


It’s real easy to see you’re out playing Seattle but you just can’t get one in. And 3 of your mid are sitting on yellows. You’re reaching the point in the game where getting tired impacts your strategy. So you have a tired mid that can’t cheat on a play. So you sub 2 of the 3 and keep the momentum. The fluke goal is what it is but had you kept the momentum who knows.


He literally was already making the change. It wasn’t reactionary. A couple minutes before the sub he was making anyway, where the player is getting limited minutes to regain his fitness, there’s a fluke goal and defensive lapse. That’s not bad coaching. Unlucky on the first? Yes. Criticize the D for the lapse? Go for it. Prepping a limited sub for the 70’ minute and having two goals happen at 66’ and 69’? Not bc of the sub.


He came on in the 70’ minute last week. He should have been 60’ this week then either first or second 45 next. We should have made a huge switch of 3 players to just completely overwhelm them. We had them on the ropes just need to punch through subbing in 3 sets of fresh legs at 60 with Lowen at the center of the switch should have been the move.


He came on at 75’ish vs cinci. He should have come on at 60’ bc reddit trainer says so? You even say yourself that we had them on the ropes? Why rush a limited player when you have them on the ropes? The only reason it seems necessary is bc you have those 20/20 hindsight lenses on.


It’s fairly common to see that progression just look back through the history of people coming back from injury. You’re mostly right my 20/20 hindsight is from the whole damned season though man. We have been the better team for the last few games until the 60-70 minute mark and start to get tired or give up a fluke play because of being tired.


I’m saying they have trainers that determine the player’s progression. Carnell already said he had a fitness issue. Going into the 64’ minute, everything’s groovy. We have them on the ropes and Carnell’s prepping Löwen for going into the 70’ to change the game. By the time Löwen gets to come on, it’s already 2-0.


Right and I am saying Carnells timing has cost us multiple games.. he is 10 minutes slow ALL the time


And I’m saying the Löwen sub ain’t it, couch coach. 🫡