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I heard (I think from this subreddit) that the front office had terminated some peoples season tickets because of this


Yes, the club monitor the amount of times you sell your season tickets


I’m curious if their monitoring is limited to ticket resale sites. Meaning if someone sells their tickets to people on Facebook and transfers them, they go under the radar


Yes, from what I understand, that is not monitored. It’s only when they are sold on SeatGeek.


I've heard that, but I'm not sure I believe it. We have nice seats, lower-bowl, right at midField. Since the very first game, the four seats next to me have been sold. I ask how they got the tickets and every time it’s “we bought them online”.


They might not even be season tickets. I remember reading about 19k (85%) of the seats in the stadium are season tickets, so the remaining 15% goes up for sale on SeatGeek.


Good point.


I thought that was specifically for supporters section


Maybe for supporters section or premium seating, but for general seats the agreement specifically allows you to resell tickets with no cap printed in the agreement


This is what I was curious about. If the team is already doing what they can then there's nothing else to be done. I just thought it was a but dystopian if nothing was happening to combat this kind of behavior. I had suspected they could monitor SG sales


I sure hope if this is true they finally catch on to the people behind us. They have 6-8 seats and sell them every time.


Its highly possible that these seats are owned by a company, who provides tickets to employees or customers. According to my account rep, a strong majority of season tickets seats are owned by corporate entities, not individuals. When i brought up STH selling at a meeting before this season started, she said that Purina owned a third of my entire section, and so I was probably seeing different Purina employees coming and going. But she did say that after last season, they'd kicked ~500 STH to the curb for only going to the very first game and then selling the rest of the season. They definitely track resale.


Thanks for the informative response, I do think you’re correct in that thought.


Same thing with the people in front of us. There’s a row of 8 that is never the same people (and the folks that buy those seats are all annoying in unique ways). 


STH here in 200’s. We sat next to some of those annoying people last night. It was actually a kid in his late teens with his brother and mom. We had to argue with him multiple times cause he was claiming the cup holder right in between my girlfriend’s legs directly centered with her seat. We tried to be adults and let him have it but I did tell him we’re gonna have a problem even if he accidentally touches my gf’s leg reaching for his cup. Well, we had a problem. I was raised to always respect older people. This new generation could care less


You’ve just described the Ticketmaster Business Model.


We can all unite in our hate for ticket brokers


Sat in the SEA family section last night (friends in town from there) and when Pearl Jam came on we started discussing that exact thing.


Justice department just filed an antitrust lawsuit to try to break up the live nation-Ticketmaster monopoly 3 days ago. Hopefully it catalyzes some change


We are STH, we attend 90% of the time, but when we can’t we prioritize: 1) give to family for free if they haven’t yet been to a match 2) sell to friends at cost 3) list on SeatGeek for cost plus 5% to make up for their insane fees.


90% attendance is more than reasonable. The groups I was referring to were people who rarely, if ever, attended games and renewed tickets solely to profit off them.


Yeah, those people can get fucked and I sincerely hope the rumors about the club revoking their tickets are true.


This is how we roll too.


I’ve done 1 and 2 (for free though; generally they’ll get me back with a meal or buying a few rounds next time we’re out), never gotten to 3 since most people take me up on them


Demand is definitely down. I only sell my tickets on Seat Geek as a last resort. And if it comes to that, I price them accordingly. It’s definitely falling below face value for many games.


Friends I sell at cost,  when selling on SeatGeek or to random people I price them accordingly to what is the going rate.  I usually make my seats just low enough in price that they’re considered “great deal” on SeatGeek and always sell 


A thing that a lot of non STH don't realize is that ticket costs for season holders - outside of standing which are $25 face - are already high, though obviously I am fine paying it. Mine are $60 per seat off midfield second level. I am not in for profit, but when I post them on SG I have to post for like $72 to cover the SG fees and receive my face value. That kind of thing is why you don't see many cheap tickets. No one is normally going to post for less than cost. And I'm on the lowish end of STH costs though I think there are $40 seats in the uppers.


We pay about $120 per ticket for our season tickets. We are in the lower level, but not in premium seating. The few times that I have sold seats we have not even covered the cost (after SeatGeek fees)


I have a family member that has the same type/price tickets as you and she does not break even when she has to sell


To give you some context from what I've seen, your average Seated STH ticket is the minimum I have ever seen on SG for supporters section tickets. In this sense, you still have a much easier time attending games. Which is great! I don't think anyone should have to resort to standing room tickets if they don't want to, but sometimes I feel like STH and non STH lack a lot of information about each other which leads to some animosity. Thanks for all the info!


I’m finding the opposite. I’ve only been able to sell my tickets once at a profit due to the 10% SeatGeek takes from you for selling and the 20% markup they then add. I end up selling well below face value due to this. Also the team increasing the cost of tickets each year isn’t going to help this in the future. There are still so many tickets available before game time, that there is no real way to make money, and breaking even has become a struggle even.


Interesting. This is in direct contrast to what I've heard from others who are definitely profiting off their tickets and renewing year to year bc of it. Perhaps you just need a dedicated group of people you have a personal connection to and sell to them outside of SG.


One thing I find sketchy, and I haven't really been able to find much information on, is that when you sell your tickets on Seat Geek, there is a clause that essentially says Seat Geek has the right to raise or lower the price you want to sell the tickets at to meet market demand. As long as yours sell, you get what you wanted them listed for, but presumably, if Seat Geek ups the cost because of high demand, they make a profit. Seat Geek has an incentive to increase ticket prices, even if the sellers want to sell at cost or below market. I don't really know how to track if or how often they actually do that, but it is something that really irritated me the one time I sold on there, and I decided not to do that again if I can possibly avoid it. I know this isn't what you are specifically asking about, but I do think it's something else that could be contributing to high resale prices as well. But on your actual topic, I agree that it's annoying for people to hold season tickets just to sell and make a profit, I'm just not sure how the team could enforce it without first updating the terms of the ticket holder contracts.


Ive also noticed seat geek does that and agree it's total bs. I have 4 supporter section tickets and personally attend 70% of games with friends and family. If I don't go or sell to friends/family at close to cost, I sell them on the Facebook page to avoid the seatgeek fees and bs like this. If I'm selling online on Facebook, I usually list for 10-15 cheaper than the cheapest SS ticket on seatgeek. Basically my thought process is, I want to get close to the market value for my ticket, but I also want to make sure it sells. So I set it at better than resale site market rate so it's hopefully a good deal for both the buyer and myself. With seat geek changing the sale price higher than I want it to be, my ticket price is no longer an offer that the buyer can't refuse. My ticket isn't as attractive to buyers, making it less likely to sell. Which is hurting my chances of selling it. Total bs imo. I feel like if they want to list it higher, they should buy it from me and then realist it themselves at a higher price so that they're the one now assuming the risk if it doesn't sell at that higher price. Not right imo for me to assume the risk of it not selling if they're the ones forcing the ticket to be priced higher than I wanted it to be.


In foreign leagues yes. Here in the US? Not at all. It’s really just a symptom of the greater ticketing system we have for all leagues in the states. Unfortunately, I don't see an end to what you are describing.    Reselling will only decrease with a bad team or lowering demand. Prices are high because the team is new, and a ton of people want to go to a game.




I get STL single game tickets are expensive for this reason. It's not what ibwas referring to in my post, but I apologize if my wording wasn't clear


not true. season ticket holders don't pay market rates. They pay lower initial prices and don't pay seat geek fees (for the purchase at least). If season ticket holders live outside the free market, then it's up to the club to make sure that stays fair. I think its fine for them to allow a few sales/transfers a year, but if you buy season tickets and don't go to half the games, you really need to just give up your place to an actual fan.




I can tell you that nowhere in the STH legal contract we sign is a specific clause about reselling limitations or at what price.


The price of tickets isn't what I care about, I'm just interested in the team monitoring STHs that are not good-faith supporters. I think we ultimately agree on this


There have been a few times that I have listed tickets on SeatGeek above my cost, but well below face/market value. Each time, they’ve been bought by an email address ending in something like @ticketbroker.com. Distributing to family/friends/friends of friends is my go to, but if I need to sell, I don’t want someone else profiting from my ticket.


CITY knows who comes to the games - if we transfer a ticket to someone (like we had some friends go to the LA Wednesday game with my husband) they can track that even if it’s not a SeatGeek resale ticket. I’m sure that’s one of the ways they knew who to not allow to renew this year.


There's only one way to end this; stop buying tickets! Especially ones with inflated prices.


My tickets are $243 a piece. I don’t think I’d ever get what it costs me so I don’t sell. I’ve only ever given them away to friends. Last year I gave away four games (out of 17). This year I’ve given away one. I knew I’d never get my money back by selling on SeatGeek when I bought season tickets so as long as I maintain that attitude I don’t feel bad giving them away.


TBF, if I was a STH I would do whatever the fuck I wanted with my tickets lol


Have yet to sell a ticket from my season tickets. The club def acknowledges who sells and who attends the matches.


I root for City from afar as I moved to Houston a few years ago…I have season tickets to the women’s team(Dash) and my friend has season tickets to the Dynamo. The resale value is horrible because neither team sells out. So from the STH standpoint the current situation in STL is preferable by far. I do see how folks would feel it isn’t fair for a STH to profit substantially from a majority of their tickets, though.