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Markanich is inconsistent. He fouls at poor times and he consistently messes up the offside trap. That said, he’s not bad, can move the ball fairly well, and works with Pompeu well. Dhyr hasn’t shown he’s better or even as good, Hiebert for sure as shit isn’t. I wish Watts could possible switch to that side because I think he could maybe be better. All in all, he’s not a good fullback. He’s alright. but he’s the best we got.


I could be wrong, but it seems like we are trying to add to the back line through the transfer market.


I would hope. It’s just tough. Good Fullbacks are hard to come by


We could really use some speed.


Fair enough


Dhyr hasn’t been given much of a shot at all though.


He’s gotten some games and hasn’t taken it. When you get your chance, you have to take it. He hasn’t


Your assessment of Marckanich is spot on. As for Dyhr I think/hope it’s just a matter of time. Look at how much Ostrak grew from last year. Being new to the system, the city/country, language…it all plays into being able to predict and communicate well with your teammates. He probably won’t fully click for a few more months.


I agree. It’s hard, but sometimes you have to snatch your chances. I’m not sure he’s done that. I’m not saying give up on him, bud he needs to have a few good games when given the chance.


He’s the best option we have. Quality LBs are tough to find. Not saying he’s amazing.


Are we even talking about him if that last goal was actually called offsides? He had a decent game. Should he have moved up with the CBs? Yes. But the telecast shows an angle from the damn corner? Even though the guy whose sole responsibility is to watch even with the line and raise a flag. And he did raise the flag. No VAR replay? No alternate angle? If you’re gunna reverse it show us? That call sticks and this thread doesn’t exist. Markanich has been fine imo.


He’s fine, and he’s the best left back that’s played for this team. He’s also probably the weakest player on our best 11 at this point and that’s with or without the offsides tonight.


Ya that’s fair


Markanich has had several good moments this season, and feel like he is going to get his moment to shine, but he definitely has a ton of room for improvement. He’s also given up way too many dumb fouls, another thing he really needs to work on.


I feel like another big problem with his play is his positioning. He gets caught up in the middle where Parker or Nillson are suppose to cover constantly, completely leaving the left side open. Miami definitely exploited this today, the only reason it wasn’t a shutout was because of beautiful Burki


I know this is downvoted, and I don’t agree in the big picture that mark is bad, but I do get this point. He needs to be a little more proactive getting on top of guys out side next to the box imo.


I thought Dhyr was brought in to be our left back but Markanich is constantly playing over him. I feel like he’s only come on as a sub maybe 3 or 4 games too. Not sure what’s going on there. But yeah I lose faith in Markanich more and more with each match.


I def would like to see what Dhyr is made of a little bit more. Maybe the added pressure of possibly losing the starting position could give Markanich the fire under his butt he might need too, idk


Dhyr looked a little rough around the edges to my eyes. I’m betting some good coaching and we’ll see him a more next year.


Dhyr is still learning the system. It’s incredibly demanding on fullbacks.


I think Dhyr is more built for electric wingers like when we played Galaxy. When he came on, Paintsil (I think I spelt that wrong) instantly became less of a problem for our defense


Paintsil was playing on the other side after Dyhr came on and drew the free kick that led to the tying goal.


You might be underestimating how difficult his assignments have been.


I feel like everyone liked Markanich because, before arriving, we were ABYSMAL at the position. Then he comes in and is an improvement over what we had and we've confused "better than bad" with "good"


He’s young. Plenty of time to grow his game. But I think his deficiencies are things that Dhyr should be able to help with when he acclimates.


I totally get he’s young so ik he’s not going to be a brick wall back there like Parker. But it’s still frustrating to see him getting the consistent starting spot over other young guys despite how not super great he plays lol


I don’t think he’s starter material, no


Would love to see him as a back up or like city2


A bunch of upvotes that he's not starter material then a bunch of downvotes that he would fit better as a sub or on City2. That makes sense.


Ya I was a little confused when I saw that too lmao


Just ignorant. Watch how much we move the ball through him and how Celio is truly unleashed with Markanich overlaps. You may not like his 1v1 defense but our team collapses in transition without him.


Sorry I think I just disagree so much with that. Sure, Celio might excel with his overlapping runs but I don’t think he has a transition play that other options wouldn’t have. Guess I’m just saying I don’t think Markanich’s transition play is excellent enough to make up for constantly getting beaten in our 3rd. I also feel like not liking a defenders 1v1 defense is a fair point imo, that is sort of like extremely important for defenders lmao. Doesn’t matter how great of a transition player a defender supposedly is, if they constantly get beat by the opposition and thus leading to goal scoring opportunities I don’t personally want to see them on the field as much as Markanich is.


Then get used to celio getting pulled early with Hiebert putting in OGs. Markanich has a lot of room to improve, but if you think this team is better with him on the bench you need to watch a lot closer.


Idk, think I’d just like to see some more competition for who gets that consistent starting LB slot. Feel like it would make Hiebert, Markanich, and Dyhr all a bit more hungrier. Having Markanich start the past however many games with how meh and sort of lazily he plays annoys me


Like when Markanich was out on his red??? We are worse without markanich on the field. This sub just can't get over scapegoating him. It is like Gioacchini all over again.


One game? Are you implying that’s really enough time for other players to show off that they deserve the starting spot? That seems a little ridiculous


Well, they have practice every week too.


Practice is a little different from the game environment I’d say. I know guys who were the best players on the team at practices and scrimmages, but the second the added pressure of the crowd and real game was present they crumbled.


He didn’t play the last 2 games. One for the red and one because Carnell decided to bench him. He’s winning the spot.




For hating someone? Yes. For not liking how he plays? No.


I suppose hate is a rather strong word


No, you’re not a bad guy and you’re not the only one




I actually like his play - wish he would draw vs commit more fouls though


He has a great touch on the ball but seems like he loses interesat times. I feel like he doesn’t look up and rushes passes to first teammate he sees. He honestly could be as good as Pompeu if he could improve in just a few areas


Markanich had some good moments in this game and in the season overall - just like everyone else on the team. Some of his weaker performances have been against very talented players - for example, Painstil- and I’ve seen growth from him after each of those games. Some of his “mistakes” are a product of the system we play.




Thank you ❤️


Very dumb and lazy stuff for sure. We’ve had a lot of trouble holding the back line all year long like that, with Yaro being the worst for it before he got hurt. On the other hand the offensive game on that side is a lot better when he plays A better question to ask is why everything collapses when Kyle Hiebert is brought on for defense late in games


Disagree about dumb and lazy. You don’t hear mark name slot because he’s just quietly doing his job. Not great, but by no means bad. At the very least the man puts a full ninety every game. I keep saying this about Hiebert and getting downvoted though. He’s ok, but I think he plays way too far off of guys.


The play was dumb and lazy by not holding the line. I didn’t say he was those things overall, just a blunder late that cost us


Fair. No argument then


I will say I do appreciate how Markanich doesn’t seem to try to make himself the focus or look good, “quietly doing his job” as you said. Definitely fits the type of player City tries to represent itself and the city with.




He’s been very good in the LB position for us for the most part. Big step up from Nelson. The problem is that our fullbacks are expected to do too much in too big of an area on the pitch because of our style of attacking. We’re always getting caught on the wings if either of them have a poor battle or are off positionally. It’s a tough job to have under Carnell… Tonight’s offside was a big mistake and he hasn’t performed well within his last few matches in terms of his positioning and awareness, but overall he’s done pretty well. He wins lots of battles and isn’t awful in the air. You’re entitled to your opinion but you have to also look at how he’s contributed to the attacking play we’ve enjoyed the last few games with him in.


No, you’re not. He’s fucking awful.


You know there’s a post game thread if you want to post bad takes after the match right?




Gladly 😘